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National identity in the context of historical trauma in the stories of Vasily Shukshin

Lyan' Khaibo

PhD in Philology

Postgraduate student, Department of World Literature, Minsk State Linguistic University

Republic of Belarus, 220034, Minsk, St. Zakharova, 21










Abstract: In the era of globalization and cultural interaction, the themes of national identity and historical trauma gain prominence in literature. Vasily Shukshin, an esteemed Russian writer and filmmaker, adeptly addresses these themes through his portrayal of the Russian countryside and the lives of ordinary people. His works provide a deep understanding of cultural interactions and the effects of globalization on individuals and society. Shukshin explores complex issues of human existence, such as the search for meaning, the struggle to preserve tradition, and resistance to cultural assimilation. His storytelling offers valuable insights into contemporary global challenges, making his work highly relevant for literary studies.This article presents a literary analysis of Vasily Shukshin's short stories, with a focus on how themes of national identity and historical trauma influence the narrative and character development. The research is innovative in its approach, intertwining these themes to assess their impact on character formation and plot progression. It highlights Shukshin's significant contributions to Russian literature and his role in elucidating Russian national identity and historical memory.The study finds that national identity in Shukshin's works is deeply intertwined with the culture and traditions of the Russian village, while historical trauma reflects the repercussions of significant events on individuals' lives and consciousness. The interaction of these themes forms unique life stories of the characters, allowing for a deeper understanding of the Russian psyche and its connection to the past. This analysis underscores the importance of Shukshin's works in the context of Russian literature and their contribution to the understanding of Russian national identity and historical memory.


Vasily Shukshin, national identity, historical trauma, Russian village, literary analysis, Russian literature, cultural heritage, Self-determination, Collective memory, Personal drama

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1. Introduction

In the modern world, where globalization and cultural interaction are playing an increasingly important role, issues of national identity are becoming especially relevant. The preservation of cultural heritage, self-determination and the search for national unity in conditions of diversity and variability have become key challenges of modern society. Historical traumas such as wars, colonialism, repression and social cataclysms have left a deep mark on the collective memory of peoples, shaping their self-awareness and perception of their own identity.[9]

In this context, literature becomes a powerful means of exploring and expressing national identity and historical memory.[8] Through artistic images and plots, writers touch upon the deep issues of human existence, historical experience and cultural diversity. Vasily Shukshin's work is a vivid example of how literature can serve as a mirror of the national soul, reflecting the experiences, aspirations and hopes of an ordinary person in the context of historical events and social changes.[2]

The analysis of the theme of national identity and historical trauma in Shukshin's works allows not only to understand his work more deeply, but also to comprehend the broader cultural and historical processes taking place in Russian and world literature of the XX century. This research aims to contribute to understanding how literature reflects and shapes national identity in the face of historical challenges and societal changes.

2. The content and methodology of the study

The object of this research is the stories of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, an outstanding Russian writer of the XX century. His work is a unique combination of deep psychology, folk wisdom and sincere emotionality, reflecting the life of the Russian village and the fate of ordinary people.

The central topic of the study is the analysis of national identity and historical trauma in Shukshin's stories. Special attention is paid to how these topics affect the self-identification of the characters and their inner world, as well as the description of life in the Russian countryside.

Research methodology: The main method is literary analysis, which includes a detailed study of the texts of stories, storylines and character characteristics. A contextual approach is used to analyze the works in the light of historical events and cultural traditions of Russia.

Innovative aspects of the research:

The integration of the analysis of the themes of national identity and historical trauma provides an integrated approach to the study of Shukshin's works, allowing a deeper understanding of their interrelationship and influence on the formation of images of characters and storylines.

Russian Russian village in-depth research on the psychology of characters and social connections opens up new perspectives for understanding Russian culture and traditions, as well as contributes to a more subtle understanding of literary images.

The emphasis on the importance of Shukshin's work in the context of Russian literature and his contribution to the understanding of national identity and historical memory of Russia contributes to the expansion of understanding of the cultural heritage of the country and contributes to academic discourse.

3. National identity in the stories of Vasily Shukshin

In Russian literature, the concept of national identity encompasses cultural, historical, linguistic and other aspects that unite people into a nation.[3] In the works of Vasily Shukshin, this concept finds expression through the images of ordinary Russian people living in harmony with nature and traditions. The theme of national identity is especially vividly manifested in the story "Kalina Krasnaya".

In "Kalina Krasnaya", Shukshin explores the process of searching for national identity through the hero Egov, who strives for inner purification and self-knowledge after his release from prison. Egov symbolizes a person who has lost touch with his national roots and is looking for a path to spiritual rebirth through a return to the traditions and values of the Russian village. The image of viburnum krasnaya becomes a symbol of the beauty of native nature and deep national values. Shukshin shows how, through interaction with the village environment, its inhabitants and traditions, he gradually acquires the meaning of life and a sense of belonging to the nation.[11]

The Russian village in Shukshin's work is a symbol of sustainable national values, lifestyle and cultural heritage. The village environment, its customs, language and interpersonal relationships play a key role in the formation of national identity.[7; 6] Shukshin emphasizes the connection between man and nature, the importance of traditions and family foundations. In his works, the village becomes a place where the past and the present, personal and collective, intertwine, creating a unique image of Russian national identity.

Thus, through the analysis of the story "Kalina Krasnaya" and other works by Vasily Shukshin, it becomes obvious that the theme of national identity plays an important role in his work. Shukshin explores this theme through images of the Russian countryside and ordinary people striving for harmony with nature and traditions. Thus, his stories not only reveal the deep aspects of Russian culture and identity, but also emphasize the importance of preserving national values and cultural heritage.

4. Historical trauma in Shukshin's work

Historical trauma is a key theme in Vasily Shukshin's work, reflected in stories about war, collectivization and repression. These events have left a deep mark on the consciousness of the people and the personal lives of individuals.

In the story "Cut", Shukshin examines the topic of military trauma through the character of a prisoner of war who returned home. The hero is faced with misunderstanding and alienation from society, which symbolizes the depth of the psychological wound inflicted by the war. Shukshin shows how historical trauma affects not only the collective consciousness, but also the individual life of a person, leaving unresolved conflicts and questions about the meaning of existence.[12; 1]

In Kalina Krasnaya, historical trauma manifests itself through the image of Egov, who was released from prison. His attempts to find his place in the world and come to terms with the past reflect the impact of repression on his personal destiny. Through Egov's inner experiences, Shukshin explores how historical events shape the personal drama and determine the actions of the hero.[11]

The historical trauma in Shukshin's work is closely related to the personal drama of the characters.[10] The writer reveals how the characters face the dilemma of choosing between personal aspirations and public expectations. This conflict reflects a broader confrontation between individual identity and the collective memory of a traumatic past.

Thus?Historical trauma is an integral part of the personal drama in Shukshin's work. Through the images of characters facing the consequences of wars, repression and collectivization, the writer shows how historical events affect the individual consciousness and destinies of people. The analysis of these works allows us to better understand the relationship between historical trauma and personality formation in the context of Russian literature and culture.

5. The interaction of national identity and historical trauma

In Shukshin's stories, the themes of national identity and historical trauma are closely intertwined, reflecting the complex processes of self-determination of characters in the context of historical events. These themes interact with each other, forming a unique literary landscape that explores the deepest aspects of the Russian soul and culture.

The example of the story "Kalina Krasnaya" shows how the character of Egov, faced with the historical trauma of his past and social cataclysms, strives for inner transformation. His path to self-knowledge and purification goes through a return to national roots and values, which are symbolized by the Russian countryside. This process not only reflects the personal history of the hero, but also touches on broader themes of national identity and cultural memory.

The perception of historical events in Shukshin's work is characterized by a dialectic of pain and overcoming. Characters often find themselves in the midst of historical upheavals, which becomes a source of deep emotions and trauma. However, it is precisely these trials that stimulate them to find their own path and strengthen the national spirit. Thus, the characters turn to the past of their people not only as a source of pain, but also as a foundation for building their identity in the present.

Historical memory in Shukshin's works acts as a key element of national identity.[4] Through the stories of older generations, fragments of memories and personal experiences of the characters, a mosaic of historical experience is formed, which forms their views, values and self-awareness. This memory helps the characters to find strength and self-confidence, keeping in touch with national culture and traditions even in the face of modern challenges and changes.[5]

Thus, in Shukshin's stories, national identity and historical trauma are interconnected and mutually influence each other, creating a complex fabric of human destinies and cultural traditions. The study of these topics allows not only to better understand Shukshin's literary heritage, but also to comprehend the broader processes of national identity formation in Russian culture.

6. Conclusion

The study of the themes of national identity and historical trauma in the stories of Vasily Shukshin revealed the following key aspects:

Russian Russian national identity in Shukshin's work is closely connected with the culture and traditions of the Russian village, as well as with the moral values of the Russian people. Shukshin's characters seek their identity through interaction with nature, folk customs and personal experiences.

Historical trauma is manifested in Shukshin's works through the reflection of the impact of major events such as war, collectivization and repression on people's lives and consciousness. These injuries leave a deep mark on the souls of the characters and shape their inner world.

The interaction of national identity and historical trauma demonstrates the complex interweaving of personal and collective experiences that form the unique life stories of the characters.

Russian Russian literature and Culture This study highlights the importance of studying these topics for understanding Russian literature and culture, as they allow for a deeper understanding of the inner world of the Russian person, his values and attitude to the past. Thus, the themes of national identity and historical trauma are key to understanding the historical experience and cultural heritage of Russia, opening up new horizons for research in the field of literary and cultural studies.

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Peer Review

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The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

V.M. Shukshin's prose is realistic, frank, sensual, and emotional. The analysis of the author's texts is usually given through these signs, which is quite true. The reviewed work deals with the issue of national identity in the context of historical trauma in the stories of Vasily M. Shukshin. I think that such an angle is quite interesting, new, and non-trivial. As the author notes at the beginning of the work, "the work of Vasily Shukshin is an example of how literature can serve as a mirror of the national soul, reflecting the experiences, aspirations and hopes of an ordinary person in the context of historical events and social changes", "analysis of the theme of national identity and historical trauma in Shukshin's works allows not only a deeper understanding of his work, but also to comprehend the broader cultural and historical processes taking place in Russian and world literature of the XX century. This research aims to contribute to understanding how literature reflects and shapes national identity in the face of historical challenges and societal changes." The article has a complete look, it is independent, the content level is informative. The judgments in the course of the study are objective: for example, "in the modern world, where globalization and cultural interaction are playing an increasingly important role, issues of national identity are becoming especially relevant. The preservation of cultural heritage, self-determination and the search for national unity in conditions of diversity and variability have become key challenges of modern society. Historical traumas such as wars, colonialism, repression and social cataclysms have left a deep mark on the collective memory of peoples, forming their self-awareness and perception of their own identity," or "the Russian village in Shukshin's work is a symbol of sustainable national values, lifestyle and cultural heritage. The village environment, its customs, language and interpersonal relationships play a key role in the formation of national identity. Shukshin emphasizes the connection between man and nature, the importance of traditions and family foundations. In his works, the village becomes a place where the past and the present, personal and collective intertwine, creating a unique image of Russian national identity," etc. The option of considering the topic chosen for analysis is actually accurate. The main method, which is manifested by the researcher, is "literary analysis, including a detailed study of the texts of stories, storylines and character characteristics. A contextual approach is used to analyze the works in the light of historical events and cultural traditions of Russia." I believe that the problem of "historical trauma" is revealed in the work stepwise, consistently, systematically; there are no actual flaws in the text; the style of the composition tends to the scientific type, but in some places the language "I would like to correct", it is somewhat simple, "open", "literal". In general, the language nominations were deducted: "the perception of historical events in Shukshin's work is characterized by a dialectic of pain and overcoming. Characters often find themselves in the midst of historical upheavals, which becomes a source of deep emotions and trauma. However, it is precisely these trials that stimulate them to find their own path and strengthen the national spirit. So, the characters turn to the past of their people not only as a source of pain, but also as a foundation for building their identity in the present," or "through the stories of older generations, fragments of memories and personal experiences of the characters, a mosaic of historical experience is formed that forms their views, values and self-awareness. This memory helps the characters to find strength and self-confidence, keeping in touch with national culture and traditions even in the face of modern challenges and changes." The material can be used to study the work of V.M. Shukshin. The relevance of the problem in the text is manifested quite voluminously, in this regard, I want to indicate that the vector of studying the so-called "historical memory" in V.M. Shukshin's prose is full-fledged, it needs some further adjustment. The conclusions are consistent with the main part, it is noted that "historical trauma manifests itself in Shukshin's works through the reflection of the influence of major events such as war, collectivization and repression on people's lives and consciousness. These injuries leave a deep mark on the souls of the characters and shape their inner world. The interaction of national identity and historical trauma demonstrates the complex interweaving of personal and collective experiences that form the unique life stories of the heroes." In part, the author directs readers/researchers to new so-called "analytical discoveries". The formal requirements of the publication have been taken into account, however, the list of sources needs to be unified! The purpose of the study has been achieved, the question that was chosen as the main one has been considered. The article "National identity in the context of historical trauma in the stories of Vasily Shukshin" can be recommended for publication in the journal "Litera".