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Pedagogy and education

Health care is at the heart of preparing future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation

Vasyuk Andrei Grigorievich

PhD in Psychology

Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Lugansk State Pedagogical University

291000, Russia, Lugansk, Oboronnaya str., 2

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Abstract: The subject of this article is health care in the activities of social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation. The object is to prepare future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation. Considering the essence of social adaptation of military personnel, the author names the main stages of social adaptation of military personnel, dwells on those that should be formed at the university, believes that at each stage different mechanisms of its formation and development should work. The article reveals the conceptual essence of the risks of adaptation of military personnel. The author argues that the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants should be carried out in specially created conditions for the formation of subjective qualities, psychological relief, group and individual approaches. Health saving, the author emphasizes, health and a healthy lifestyle should become a priority in the education of these students, makes practical recommendations for improving health-saving technologies in education as a basis for preventing adaptation risks.   For the first time, the author shows the role of education in the activities of social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants. For the first time, the article addresses the problem and reviews the literature on the topic of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants. As a result of the analysis of the literature on the research topic, the author concludes that the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants should be aimed at strengthening their health, makes specific proposals to improve the training of social workers to overcome the risks of adaptation in military personnel, names adaptation technologies in the training system of social workers to this type of activity. A special contribution of the author is the actualization of the research topic, conceptual approaches to its study and the conclusion that the development of the health culture of students participating in hostilities is ensured by the practical implementation of the specific conceptual provisions proposed by him.


training of social workers, social adaptation, adaptation risks, post-traumatic stress disorder, health care, stress tolerance, participants in combat operations, pedagogical tools, social immunity, adaptive potential

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It is quite obvious that depending on how successful the social and psychological adaptation of military personnel will be, the risks in preserving their lives, social, psychological and mental health, civil, social and legislative norms of behavior will be reduced so much.

Foreign scientists, studying the essence of the psychological state of veterans of the Vietnam, Afghan, and Iraq wars, talk about the serious risks of developing post-traumatic stress disorder [Jones M., Sandin J., Goodwin L., Hull L., Fir N.T., Wessely S., et al. (2013) What explains post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) UK maintenance staff: deployment or something else? Psychological remedies-cine 43:1703-1712. doi: 10.1017/S0033291712002619 PMID: 23199850; Rona, R.J., Jones, M., Sundin, J., Goodwin, L., Hull, L., Wessely, S., et al. (2012) Prediction of persistent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in British servicemen who served in Iraq: a longitudinal study. Journal from Psychiatric Research 46:1191-1198. doi: 10.1016/J.jpsychires.2012.05.009 PMID:226 2674], analyze self-assessment of functional health and vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder after combat [Lee Hardman urgent self-assessment of functional health and vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder after combat risk actors for combat-related PTSD PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.01202], predict a deterioration in their health status if no adaptive actions are taken by the state, medicine, and social services [Opes, M., Roman, R.J., Hooper, R., Havefun, C (2006) The burden of psychological symptoms in UK Armed Forces. Occupational medicine 56: 322–328. PMID: 16720583].

We consider social adaptation, the nature of which is studied from the point of view of different areas of science: biology, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, etc. It follows from this that adaptation is a general scientific concept [Murovtseva O.V. Adaptation as a general scientific concept. Mogilev, 1986.]. However, they all agree on one thing: in fact, adaptation is a systemic mechanism of biological, physiological and psychological adaptation of a person through activation, formation, development of those subjective personality qualities that help him survive in new living conditions.

For military personnel, social adaptation is divided into three stages: preparatory, during service and after service in the army. A successful adaptation process is vital for those military personnel who participate or have participated in combat operations [Riviere LA, Kendall-Robbins A, McGurk D., Castro California, Gohe CW (2011) Returning home can do harm: risk factors for mental health disorder in American reservists after deployment to Iraq. Brit J Psychiat 198: 136–142. doi: 10.1192 / bjp.bp. 110. 084863  PMID: 21282784].

It should be noted that the university is able to most successfully solve two stages: the preparatory stage of adaptation for military service and after the discharge of military personnel into the reserve. Educational adaptation transforms and switches the psychological problems of retired military personnel to the formation of subjective professional activity, gradually smoothing out the risks.

Educational adaptation is an adaptation to the system of education, educational work and enlightenment, which forms a value-oriented system in the development of personality. However, human adaptation depends on the complex effects of natural, genetic and geographical factors. However, the latter does not play a decisive role in the socialization of an individual. Adaptive change is a conscious change that a person undergoes as a result of change. Changes constantly accompany a person's life, so it is important for every person to be ready to consciously reconsider their life position during critical periods, turning points and new situations. This is a real prerequisite for preparing for full-fledged active adaptation [Romanova, I.V., Romanova, N. P., Sharova, T.V. Social adaptation as a phenomenological category. Bulletin of the Trans-Baikal State University. 2011. No.6(73). pp.122-135.].

Regardless of the stage of successful adaptation, a person must have such common features of subjectivity as communication, resilience, responsibility, mobility, and organization. Their lack of formation leads to risks of adaptation of military personnel at any stage.

The risks of adaptation are loss of health, psychological trauma leading to deviant, delinquent (antisocial, criminal) or addictive (alcohol, narcotic and other forms of addiction) behavior, accompanied by manifestations of unmotivated aggression, cruelty, and sometimes infantilism, helplessness [Razov, P.V., Evenko, S.L. Risks of social adaptation of military personnel retired to the reserve, to the conditions of civil life in Russia and strategies for overcoming them : a monograph. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12737/1078930. ISBN:978-5-16-016044-3; Leard Mann. (2020). lowercase self-assessment of functional health and vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder after a fight Risk factors for combat-related PTSD PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371].

As P.V. Razov believes: "Since the publication of W. Beck's famous work on the risk society, the riskological concept has maintained its rating of a highly demanded and popular scientific theory [Beck U. Risk Society: On the way to another modernity / Translated from German by V. Sedelnik, N. Fedorova, M.: Progress-Tradition, 2000.]. Researchers of various scientific branches of knowledge (sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, psychology, etc.) turn to it with various thematic subjects. It is sometimes difficult to understand the methodological space, since it is replete with definitions, approaches, concepts" [Razov P.V. Strategies for self-management of risks of social adaptation of reserve servicemen in the context of modification of their adaptive culture // Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences. 2015. No. 5. pp. 156-160.].

Scientists A.P. Algin, V.I. Zubkov, Yu.A. Zubok, S.A. Kravchenko, A.V. Mozgovaya, S.M. Myagkov, K.A. Feofanov, O.N. Yanitsky and others note that in modern research by Russian scientists, the most studied are the socio-cultural and psychological directions of the mechanisms of formation of subjectivity in order to avoid risks. Let's add that the social direction is no less important, since the psychological and cultural self-determination of a person largely depends on social status, confidence in the future (employment, family, housing, etc.).

Many of the servicemen were injured, psychologically traumatized, and therefore they often face the question of the opportunity to get a new profession or improve their professional level. Universities should be ready for this.

In a letter from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation "On measures to support students who accept (accepted) participation in a special military operation" draws attention to the fact that universities are obliged to ensure that the rights of this category of citizens are respected during their studies at the university. To this end, an educational institution should provide such students with preferential places in a dormitory, a social scholarship and a reduction or complete exemption from tuition fees at the expense of the university (Letter from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2023 "On measures to support students who accept (accepted) participation in a special military operation" No. MN-7/1726). During the period of study, the university must provide war invalids with all the benefits assigned by the state.

By participating in combat, some of them have hardened their character, willpower, learned how to achieve their goals, others have become kinder, more sensitive, and learned to take care of themselves and others. However, there is something that unites them all. They were between life and death for a long time, that is, they were in the most stressful conditions. Many of them have post-traumatic syndrome [Syedin S.I., Abdurakhmanov R.A. Psychological consequences of exposure to a combat situation: a brief history of studying the psychological consequences of participation in hostilities // Army and Society. 1999. No. 2.]. These students require special attention based on a psychological and pedagogical approach, the task of the university's teaching staff is to adapt them to peaceful life.

Modern military operations are characterized by constant novelty, and conditions far from equilibrium are characterized by dynamics that require continuous adaptation [Zoltan, Jobbagy. On adaptation in military operations: improvement and upward prospects // (October 2014). Academic and applied research in the field of military and public administration13(3): 389-396 DOI:10.32565/aarms.2014.3.1]. The development of personal qualities that help a person to reveal their own psychological, biological and physical reserves is exactly the task facing students preparing to participate in combat operations.

To relieve internal tension, to believe in oneself, to find oneself in a new professional field, to learn how to interact with any contingent of people is the task facing students who have combat experience and, as a result, have received post-traumatic syndrome. 

Scientists are constantly working on this problem. However, these are mostly practical advice of a psychotherapeutic nature [To defeat PTSD by the method of prolonged exposure. The client's workbook. — Olasov-Rotbaum B., Foa E., Hembri E., Rauch S., 2020. 978-5-907203-50-1; Therapy of complex post-traumatic stress disorder. Ariel Schwartz's Practical Guide, 2020. ISBN: 978-5-907203-45-7; Reshetnikov, Mikhail Mikhailovich. Mental Trauma = Psychic Trauma : monograph. St. Petersburg : Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2006. ISBN 5-88787-038-9, etc.]. Recently, textbooks for universities on overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder have appeared [Kadyrov, R.V. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) : textbook and workshop for universities 2nd ed., reprint. and add. Moscow : Yurait Publishing House, 2023. 644 p. (Higher education). — ISBN 978-5-534-12558-0.]. Scientific and methodological literature on the training of social workers for activities to prevent risks of adaptation to peaceful life is clearly insufficient.

On the battlefield, much depends on the preparedness of fighters and commanders. As Steve Boylan and Kenneth Turner point out, "Corps and division commanders must create a team climate that is inclusive and promotes adaptive thinking. There must be strong bonds between leaders based on mutual trust and a shared sense of purpose that ensure the free flow of ideas, including from multinational allies and partners. Especially in the modern digital age, senior commanders in large-scale combat operations must move around the battlefield, be leaders of the presence and engage soldiers in dialogue. Hierarchy on the battlefield and teamwork allow corps and division commanders to gain and maintain a situational understanding of the situation. They can effectively reduce risks and ensure the adaptability of organizations by accurately allocating resources for combat operations [Steve, Boylan and Kenneth, Turner. Developing Organizational Adaptability to a Challenging Environment. The Journal of Leadership Education. 2017. 16(2). 184.]. The training of social workers is aimed at the formation of competencies, subjective personal qualities that contribute to the successful adaptation of fighters in the conditions of military operations.

As you can see, there are different mechanisms in each period of adaptation. For those who are just preparing to serve - the development of subjective qualities that are a support in adapting to a difficult life situation, for those who serve - the inclusion of all personal qualities that contribute to successful adaptation and survival, for those who have already served and decided to get a peaceful profession - support, support, stress relief and post-traumatic syndrome.

Information processing, flexibility of response of the central nervous system, and dysfunction of the central nervous system reflect the depth of compensatory damage in post-traumatic stress disorder. One of the most accessible successful adaptation mechanisms at the university is the health saving program.

Maintaining and strengthening health is the main goal that should accompany the training of students preparing for military service and those who have retired from the reserve with post-traumatic syndrome. Based on this, the basis of the system of training social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation among participants in hostilities should primarily include a health-saving (wellness) program [Iskhakova, A.T., Iskhakova, G.T. Health-saving technologies as a means of adapting students to the learning process. The world of science, culture, and education. 2020. No.6(85). pp.157-159.].

The profession of a social worker has several facets: it has a humanistic orientation, therefore it is close to the defenders of the Motherland; it is traumatic in itself, therefore, social workers by the nature of their activity must know the methods of adaptation; students who have received concussions or injuries during military operations, together with the restoration of health, must adapt to civilian life, learning conditions, a new daily routine, loads of a completely different nature. In order to adapt students, it is necessary to use the entire arsenal of pedagogical tools for the formation of stress resistance in the training of social workers [Vasyuk A. G.Pedagogical tools for the formation of stress resistance in the training of social workers. human. science. SOCIUM. 2023. No.4. pp.33-51.].

Health is a state that helps to achieve one's material, moral and spiritual needs, all kinds of well–being, and success in life through the discovery of those physical, mental and other viable reserves of the body that every person has. Health is a value category guaranteed to every citizen by the state. So, the basic law is The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Chapter 2. Human and Civil rights and Freedoms, Article 41) states:

1. In the Russian Federation, federal programs for the protection and promotion of public health are funded, measures are being taken to develop state, municipal, and private health systems, and activities that promote human health, the development of physical culture and sports, and environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being are encouraged.

From the point of view of preparing social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants, in the theory of strengthening social health, personality is considered as a social characteristic of a person, the positive characteristics of personality involvement in social relations, satisfaction with them, their role and place in them are studied [Golikov, V.D. Social portrait of veterans // Management and marketing in various fields of activity: anniversary collection. Ufa: publishing house. UGATU Complex, 2006. pp. 36-44.].

Compensation for various degrees of post-traumatic syndrome has a different strategy for adapting the body to information loads associated with the costs of physiological activity during psychoemotional stress.

An analysis of the scientific literature shows that one of the most important indicators of overcoming various social risks by participants in hostilities is their successful social adaptation. Returning to a previously familiar society, a combatant may experience psychological discomfort for the first time, since specific social relations are formed in the social sphere of society, depending on the conditions, type of activity, age and nature of interaction. They play a key role in the formation and development of personal social health, which is understood as a set of special abilities and personality qualities that ensure successful social adaptation in society [Zhukov Y.M. Values as determinants of decision-making. Socio-psychological approach to the problem // Psychological problems of social regulation of behavior. Ed. E.V. Shorokhova, M.I.Bobneva. M., 2016 - pp.254-278.; Meta-analysis of risk factors for combat-related PTSD among military personnel and veterans / Chen Xue, Yang Ge, Bihan Tang, Yuan Liu. (March 2015) PLoS ONE 10(3): 0120270 DOI:10.1371/ journal.pone. 0120270].

Successful social adaptation of a person in society presupposes, firstly, the ability and willingness to adapt to the constantly changing social conditions of the environment in which the subject is located, secondly, the ability to control his behavior in this social environment in accordance with accepted attitudes and norms, thirdly, communicative ability, that is, the ability to interact with others his people. Social health is considered a characteristic of a person who possesses socially significant meanings and values that underlie his daily socially responsible behavior.

I. S. Larionova et al. it is emphasized that health as a value consists of two main components [Larionova T.K., Daukaev R.A., Zemlyanova M.A., Zaitseva N.V., Allayarova G.R., Zelenkovskaya E.E., Fazlyeva A.S., Larionova A.N., Tikhonova I.V. The use of biological monitoring to assess harm to health in pollution conditions environment by metals. Public health and habitat – ZNiSO. 2023;31(6):44-53.]:

1. A set of opportunities that can be realized in the presence of full health.

2. The subject's attitude to his health, expressed in preferences, value orientations, motivation in behavior in relation to health.

Health is a unique good, which is a valuable meaning in the life of an individual and, therefore, ensures the life of mankind as the highest value. Social health is an indicator of the quality of life, the presence of a socio-cultural educational environment is the formation of a consciously responsible internal position of a person in relation to health. Health as a social value is the importance of the degree of realization of significant life opportunities for an individual and a social group. A high or sufficient level of social adaptability gives sociality a valuable characteristic of health, since it expresses the importance of certain social connections, the place and role of a person in solving social problems.

Education is able to include wellness programs in the training system so that this becomes possible, therefore, one of the features of teaching such students is the organization of health-saving conditions. It is impossible not to agree with N.N. Malyarchuk [Malyarchuk N.N. Factors and culture of health of teachers. Public education. 2013. No.6. pp.129-140.], who is convinced that the basis for health promotion is the culture of health as a system of semantic attitudes, values, knowledge, emotional and arbitrary experiences of a person and his willingness to carry out recreational activities in an educational institution. The development of the health culture of students participating in hostilities is ensured by the practical implementation of the following conceptual provisions:

- the humanistic value orientation of the profession of a social worker is based primarily on the preservation and promotion of health;

- the position of a social worker as a subject of recreational activities leads to the need to build an educational process without compromising the health of the students' personality;

- the main condition for effective recreational activities of students participating in combat operations is the achievement of psychosomatic well-being and valeocompetence, etc .

Scientific research in recent years shows that most of the works are devoted to traditional methods of health promotion, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle of students, and only a few researchers (R. I. Aizman, N.P. Abaskalova, N.M. Amosov, I. I. Brekhman, E. N. Weiner, V. I. Kazarenkov, E. M. Kazin, N. E. Kasatkina, V. V. Kolbanov, A. 3. Rakhimov, E. L. Rudneva, I. A. Sviridova, L. G. Tatarnikova, L. F. Tikhomirova, etc.) talk about the need to create special conditions for a health-saving educational process, namely: the use of methods of self-regulation and adaptation to student learning conditions, diagnosis of their level health, valeological training of teachers, methods of health-saving activities, etc.

This approach does not contradict the general attitude of training future specialists at the university. A.Y. Osipov, I.A. Tolstopyatov, A.V. Lukin and B.C. Spirin note that in the current difficult socio-economic conditions, physical training and health of a young specialist will become the most important factor in the success of his future professional and social activities, since, unfortunately, physical The state of health of most modern Russian students, even those who did not participate in the fighting, is far from optimal. The authors consider the possibility of preserving the health of undergraduates and graduates by introducing effective assessment systems of physical culture and sports activities of students in the educational process [Preservation of physical health of undergraduates / A.Yu.Osipov, I.A.Tolstopyatov, A.V.Lukin, B.C.Spirin // Russian Journal of Education and Psychology.2016. ¹3(2)59.].

In an educational institution, it is necessary to create conditions for maintaining health aimed at the formation and development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, skills and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle as a form of social activity of an individual (Letter from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2023 "On measures to support students who accept (accepted) participation in a special military operation" No. MN-7/1726).

Social immunity is designed to ensure the safe functioning and development of society, it is considered as [Rayevsky R.T. Health, healthy and wellness lifestyle of students [Text] / R.T. Rayevsky, S.M. Kanishevsky; Under the general editorship of R.T. Rayevsky. – O.: Science and Technology, 2008. – 556 p.]:

- the adaptive potential and ability of the individual and society to recognize and resist the social risks associated with the intrusion of alien values, cultural patterns and norms into society that destroy the integrity of this society;

- a protective mechanism that, firstly, allows society to regulate the level of risk due to immunity and resistance to destructive elements alien to it, and secondly, contributes to maintaining stability and high adaptability of the internal environment.

The fullness of the educational process with social, socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-political and legal regulators will help to improve the level of overcoming social risks as a set of measures aimed at streamlining the processes of maintaining a balance of favorable social conditions.

To prepare social workers for military service does not mean to teach them to read the enemy's mind or look into the future. This means learning to regulate your emotions and states within reasonable limits. Both in combat and in civilian life, there are things that do not depend on a person. A soldier cannot control the enemy's movements or always predict his next attack. However, he can adapt as much as possible, perceiving any situation, including the subjective qualities of the personality that work for his benefit. These include physical fitness, organization, discipline, and strategic thinking. Adaptation is not about controlling everything, the main thing is to cope with stress in time and be able to make the right decision.

Thus, the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among participants in hostilities should be based on creating conditions for strengthening their social, mental and physical health.

The system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation is an important mechanism for maintaining, strengthening and developing the social health of students who take part or participated in hostilities.

The analysis of scientific literature allows us to make practical recommendations on improving health-saving technologies in the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combat participants:

1. Development of a program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among participants in hostilities.

2.                 The inclusion in the curriculum of the university in the field of training "Social work" of disciplines or topics-modules that contribute to the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of health-saving behavior.

3.                 The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process not only for students, but also for university staff (contests, competitions, trainings, coaching, training, etc.).

4. Development of health-saving infrastructure in the republic (creation of a regulatory framework for improving health-saving measures, creation of non-commercial sports facilities, playgrounds, clubs, swimming pools, gyms, running and cycling tracks, etc.) for participants in hostilities.

5. Development and improvement of the quality of research and innovation activities in the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among participants in hostilities.

6.                 Preparation of the teaching staff for the effective application of health-saving technologies in the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants.

Thus, in modern conditions of development of society, it has become necessary to prepare future social workers for military service, for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation of fighters, as well as to train in order to adapt to the peaceful life of military personnel discharged into the reserve.

1. Jones M., Sandin J., Goodwin L., Hull L., Fir N.T., Wessely S., et al. (2013). What explains post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) UK maintenance staff: deployment or something else? Psychological remedies-cine, 43, 1703-1712. doi:10.1017/S0033291712002619
2. Rona, R.J., Jones, M., Sundin, J., Goodwin, L., Hull, L., Wessely, S., et al. (2012) Prediction of persistent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in British servicemen who served in Iraq: a longitudinal study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 1191-1198. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2012.05.009
3. Lee, Hardman urgent self-assessment of functional health and vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder after combat risk actors for combat-related PTSD PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.01202
4. Opes, M., Roman, R.J., Hooper, R., & Havefun, C. (2006). The burden of psychological symptoms in UK Armed Forces. Occupational medicine, 56, 322-328.
5. Murovtseva, O.V. (1986). Adaptation as a general scientific concept. Mogilev.
6. Riviere, L.A., Kendall-Robbins, A., McGurk, D., Castro California, & Gohe CW (2011). Returning home can do harm: risk factors for mental health disorder in American reservists after deployment to Iraq. Brit J Psychiat, 198, 136-142. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.084863
7. Romanova, I.V., Romanova, N. P., & Sharova, T.V. (2011). Social adaptation as a phenomenological category. Bulletin of the Trans-Baikal State University, 6(73), 122-135.
8. Razov, P.V., & Evenko, S.L. (2020). Risks of social adaptation of military personnel discharged to the conditions of civilian life in Russia and strategies for overcoming them: monograph. SIC INFRA-M. doi:https://doi.org/10.12737/1078930
9. Leard, Mann. (2020). Lowercase self-assessment of functional health and vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder after a fight Risk factors for combat-related PTSD PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371
10. Beck, U. (2000). Risk Society: On the way to another modern. Translated from German by V. Sedelnik, N. Fedorova, Moscow: Progress-Tradition.
11. Razov, P.V. (2015). Strategies for managing the risks of social adaptation of reserve servicemen in the context of modifying their adaptive culture. Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences, 5, 156-160.
12. Syedin, S.I., & Abdurakhmanov, R.A. (1999). Psychological consequences of exposure to a combat situation: a brief history of studying the psychological consequences of participation in hostilities. Army and society, 2.
13. Zoltan, Jobbagy. (October 2014). On adaptation in military operations: improvement and upward prospects. Academic and applied research in the field of military and public administration, 13(3): 389-396 doi:10.32565/aarms.2014.3.1
14. Olasov-Rotbaum, B., Foa, E., Hembri, E., & Rauch, S. (2020). To defeat PTSD by the method of prolonged exposure. The client's workbook.
15. Ariel, Schwartz. (2020). Therapy of complex post-traumatic stress disorder. A practical guide.
16. Reshetnikov, Mikhail Mikhailovich. (2006). Mental Trauma = Psychic Trauma: monograph. St. Petersburg: East European Institute of Psychoanalysis.
17. Kadyrov, R.V. (2023). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): textbook and workshop for universities. 2nd ed., reprint. and add. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House. (Higher education).
18. Steve, Boylan and Kenneth, Turner. (2017). Developing Organizational Adaptability to a Challenging Environment. The Journal of Leadership Education, 16(2), 184.
19. Iskhakova, A.T., & Iskhakova, G.T. (2020). Health-saving technologies as a means of adapting students to the learning process. The world of science, culture, and education, 6(85), 157-159.
20. Vasyuk, A. G. (2023). Pedagogical tools for the formation of stress tolerance in the training of social workers. Human. Science. Socium, 4, 33-51.
21. Golikov, V.D. (2006). Social portrait of veterans. Management and marketing in various fields of activity: anniversary collection (pp. 36-44). Ufa: publishing house. UGATU Complex.
22. Zhukov, Yu.M. (2016). Values as determinants of decision-making. Socio-psychological approach to the problem. Psychological problems of social regulation of behavior (pp. 254-278). Ed. E.V. Shorokhova, M.I. Bobneva. Moscow.
23. Chen, Xue, Yang, Ge, Bihan, Tang, Yuan, Liu. (March 2015). Meta-analysis of risk factors for combat-related PTSD among military personnel and veterans. PLoS ONE, 10(3), 0120270 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120270
24. Larionova, T.K., Daukaev, R.A., Zemlyanova, M.A., Zaitseva, N.V., Allayarova, G.R., Zelenkovskaya, E.E., Fazlyeva, A.S., Larionova, A.N., & Tikhonova, I.V. (2023). The use of biological monitoring to assess harm to health in conditions of environmental pollution by metals. Public health and habitat – ZNiSO, 31(6), 44-53.
25. Malyarchuk, N.N. Factors and culture of teachers' health. Public education, 6, 129-140.
26. A.Yu., Osipov, I.A., Tolstopyatov, A.V., Lukin, & B.C., Spirin (2016). Preservation of physical health of senior students. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology, 3(2), 59.
27. Rayevsky, R.T., & Kanishevsky, S.M. Health, healthy and wellness lifestyle of students. (2008). Under the general editorship of R.T. Rayevsky. O.: Science and Technology.

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The work "Health care at the heart of the training of future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The author considered the problem of preparing future social workers for military service and activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation of fighters, as well as training in order to adapt to the peaceful life of military personnel discharged into the reserve. The research methodology is based on the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists who consider the specifics of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation. The relevance of research. The problem raised by the author is relevant. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors: - proposed practical recommendations for improving health-saving technologies in the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among participants in hostilities, - carried out a theoretical analysis of the problem raised and concretized the defining concepts; Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is not clearly traced. The author has not highlighted the main semantic parts. The introductory part is not presented in the work, the object, subject, purpose and tasks, as well as methods are not highlighted. The main section contains a theoretical description. The author describes the approaches of foreign scientists who study the essence of the psychological state of veterans of the Vietnam, Afghan, and Iraq wars, as well as their serious risks of developing post-traumatic stress disorder. The paper defines the phenomena of "social adaptation", "adaptation", "educational adaptation", and also describes the content of the main stages of social adaptation of military personnel. Special attention is paid to the description of the general features of subjectivity, as well as the risks of adaptation (loss of health, psychological trauma, etc.). The analysis made it possible to note the lack of theoretical and practical approaches to working with post-traumatic syndrome of military personnel and accompanying each stage of adaptation of military personnel. At the same time, the analysis of scientific literature shows that one of the most important indicators of overcoming various social risks by participants in hostilities is their successful social adaptation. One of the most important sections of the article is the section that considers health as a value, the development of a health culture and its formation in military personnel, as well as the features of maintaining social immunity. The next section is devoted to the description of practical recommendations for improving health-saving technologies in the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants, which were developed based on the analysis of scientific literature. The conducted research made it possible to note that in modern conditions of society's development, it became necessary to prepare future social workers for military service, for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation of fighters, as well as to train in order to adapt to the peaceful life of military personnel discharged into the reserve. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 27 domestic and foreign sources, a small part of which has been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, there are also monographs, methodological and training manuals and online sources. The sources are mostly incorrectly and heterogeneously designed. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - requires clarification and continuation of the phrase: "It is quite obvious that from how successful the social and psychological adaptation of military personnel will be, the risks in preserving their lives, social, psychological and mental health, civil, public and legislative norms of behavior will be so reduced"; - it is necessary to structure the article, highlight the introductory, main and final parts; - determine the relevance, highlight the problem; designate the object, subject, purpose, objectives, methodology and methods of research; - in accordance with the requirements, issue links to sources; - issue a bibliographic list in accordance with the requirements; - to present and describe in more detail the results obtained, as well as the proposed recommendations. Conclusions. The problems of the article are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of training social workers, in particular, in a situation of overcoming the risks of social adaptation. The article may be recommended for publication, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations. This makes it possible to submit to the editorial board a research article that is characterized by scientific novelty and significance.