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Philology: scientific researches

The name of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova (based on the works of 1950-1960)

Kulicheva Evgeniya Vyacheslavovna

PhD in Philology

State University of Enlightenment

141014, Russia, Moscow region, Mytishchi, Vera Voloshina str., 24

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Abstract: The object is the prose of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova. The subject is the words representing the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS". The aim is to identify the role of the names of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova (based on the material of the prose of 1950-1960). Methods: linguistic observation, description, interpretation, statistical calculation, elements of component analysis. It is established that the lexical and semantic field of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" consists of lexical and semantic groups (LSG): LSG "Secondary educational institutions", LSG "Secondary specialized educational institutions", LSG "Higher educational institutions". The first LSG is the most frequent, which indicates its special importance in the mental and linguistic complex of the linguistic personality of F. A. Vigdorova, broadcasting the pedagogical views of the writer, in particular, about the key role of school in the formation of a child's personality. However, no less important are the second and third LSGs, expressing the pragmatic, moral, ideological, and social attitudes of F. A. Vigdorova. The relevance of the article is due to the interest of scientists in considering the concept of "EDUCATION"; referring to the role of the names of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of the writer in forming ideas about the peculiarities of a certain fragment of the linguistic picture of the world by F. A. Vigdorova; researching the language of works F. A. Vigdorova from the point of view of the anthropocentric approach, its lack of study, makes the novelty of the work. The results of allow us to expand our understanding of the specifics of F. A. Vigdorova's worldview, the features of her conceptual sphere, and identify the leading features of the writer's idiosyncrasy in prose of the 1950s and 1960s.


Concept, Lexeme, Polysemant, Education, School, College, University, Pedagogical discourse, The linguistic of the world, idiostyle

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The purpose of the study is to identify the role of nominations designating educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova (based on the works of 1950-1960), for which it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: to establish the frequency of use of explicators of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS"; to consider their lexicographic characteristics; to analyze the field structure of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS".

The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to describe the means of verbalization of the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" in the literary texts of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova.

The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" is considered from an anthropocentric point of view in the prose of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova; the means of its verbalization form the basis of the mental and linguistic complex of the writer's linguistic personality, being a source of ideas about the peculiarities of reflecting the linguistic picture of the world in the author's texts.

The following research methods were used in the work: linguistic observation, description, interpretation, statistical calculation, elements of component analysis.

The theoretical basis of the research was the works of O. V. Tolochko 1999 [15], N. A. Kuznetsova 2011 [11], E. A. Bazhenova, V. I. Shankman 2013 [1], S. V. Voloshina 2021 [7], V. V. Ledeneva 2021 [12], S. V. Minibaeva, E. V. Timofeeva 2021 [13], S. V. Koltakova, N. A. Nerovnoy 2022 [10], O. G. Orlova 2023 [14], E. V. Uchaykina 2023 [16].

The research materials can be used in university courses of stylistics, linguoculturology, history and theory of the language of fiction, which is the practical significance of the work.

The lexical and semantic field (LSP) of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" consists of lexical and semantic groups (LSG): LSG "Secondary educational institutions" (school - 369 uses, gymnasium – 2); LSG "Secondary specialized educational institutions" (college – 25, technical school – 16, work faculty – 5); LSG "Higher educational institutions" (university – 6, academy – 42, institute – 22, university – 17).

The first LSG is the most frequent, which indicates a pragmatically motivated selection of lexical units by F. A. Vigdorova, who in the texts translates the idea that it is at school that the foundations for the formation of a child's personality are laid. However, no less important in the mental and linguistic complex (MLK) of the writer's linguistic personality was the idea of the need to receive secondary specialized, higher education for the moral, spiritual, and professional development of a person.

LSG "Secondary educational institutions"

LSG "Secondary educational institutions" in the literary texts of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova is represented by the lexemes school, gymnasium.

In the works of polysemants, the school appears in the main conventional meanings with actual differential semes:

– ‘lower and secondary educational institution’: Lena went to school with them <...> [5];

– ‘school building’: <...> the school building was renovated in the summer <...> [6];

– ‘name of the school’:

a) ‘by number’: When Lyosha was still studying at his 14th school, he did not like the neighboring 42nd [4];

b) ‘by the name of the district': <...> well, any Leningrad school will envy your mathematics [2];

c)'according to the level system': <...> it was proposed to "immediately stop working on the decisions of the XVII Party Congress and issues of Marxist-Leninist theory in elementary school..." [2]; You are the most literate among us, <...> you have a nine-year-old! [4]; It is necessary to finish the decade <...> [6]. The words nine-year-old, ten-year-old are stylistically marked, recorded in dictionaries with the mark razg.;

d) ‘with an indication of the place’: We then worked at a rural school; He <...> began teaching at a local school;

e) ‘indicating the profile of the school': Before the war, she taught embroidery at a school for mentally retarded children <...>; <...> is it possible to use it in a regular school (meaning ‘comprehensive school’) the pedagogical legacy of A. S. Makarenko? [6]; I study at night school;

(e) ‘Indicating gender’: The other day, for example, he, longing, photographed a gathering at a girls' school on the topic of "Unstressed vowels" and "About the mode of the day"; He wanted to write about it, he even knew how to do it: he would go to a men's school, shoot boys at such a dead gathering <...> [3].

The scrupulous description of the school testifies to its importance in the MLK of the linguistic personality of F. A. Vigdorova, since she herself was a teacher. The writer watched with close attention what was happening at school, knew all the features of its structure (external and internal regulations). She aspired to the active transformation of the school not only as a state educational institution, but above all as a second home for children.

Thus, the word school is used by F. A. Vigdorova in her works and in a figurative sense: "the education system, a set of institutions for learning" [3 LSV; 17], expressing the writer's intention: to show the importance of the experience, pedagogical findings of A. S. Makarenko for the entire Soviet education system: <...> I saw a large, full-page, an article about the work of Anton Semenovich, about his experience, thoughts, findings, that these thoughts persistently knock on the door of our school [6]. The syntagmatic partner of the word school in this sentence is the stable phrase knocking on the door in the sense of "advancing, approaching, making itself felt" [17]. Using it in the text reinforces the writer's idea of the need to reform schools as an educational institution, to apply a new approach to working with children in organizing their educational and educational activities.

The school lexeme is used in the works of F. A. Vigdorova both with a positive connotation (School was Sasha's real life <...> [4]; school is compared with a life filled with joy, warmth of dear people – friends, beloved teacher) and with a negative one (She still feels bad at school <...> [3]), with the predominance of the first.

The least frequent in the texts of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova is the lexeme gymnasium (2 uses), which is used in the meaning of "secondary educational institution" [17], expressing the writer's intention: to show the outgoing pre-revolutionary era, the special, sometimes privileged, position of the gymnasium (male, female), as well as its role in the Soviet education system as the historical predecessor of the "modern comprehensive secondary school" [15, p. 178]: To tell the truth, one of the aunts actually graduated from high school with a silver medal <...> [4].

LSG "Secondary educational institutions" includes the lexeme school, which is part of the core of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS", and the word gymnasium, located on the periphery of the field structure of the concept. The tokens express the writer's reverent attitude to school, the importance for her of the pedagogical views of the great teacher A. S. Makarenko, and demonstrate the special importance of the gymnasium in the pre-revolutionary period.

LSG "Secondary specialized educational institutions"

The LSG "Secondary specialized educational institutions" includes words that form the near-nuclear zone of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" (college, technical school), as well as a lexeme located on the periphery of the field structure of the concept (rabfak).

The word college is used in the prose of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova in the meaning of "an educational institution, a school usually of some special purpose" [8]:

– ‘pedagogical college’: I didn't get along at school, I didn't get along at pedagogical school <...> [5]. The lexeme of the pedagogical school is stylistically marked, colloquial;

– ‘military school’: Dear Galina Konstantinovna, <...> a comrade sent me your letter from the military school <...> [5];

– ‘theater school': A great friend, so funny, witty, <...> I was going to theater school <...>[3];

– ‘vocational school’: Before the end of classes, a boy who had recently transferred to a craft <...> looked into the school [5]. In the Small Academic Dictionary edited by A. P. Evgenieva, a stable combination of a vocational school in the meaning of "an educational institution that trained a cadre of skilled workers in the 1940-1950 years" is given as an example in the zaromb zone of the dictionary entry [8]. The use of this construction in the literary text is connected with the intention of the writer: to show the importance, the need in that historical period to create educational institutions for personnel training, thereby broadcasting the socialist attitudes of the state.

The word college and its word–formation derivatives – compound words – in the prose of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova are used in the meaning of "secondary vocational educational institution" [17]: I will go to a technical school <...> or work <...> [6] - indicating the professional orientation (medical college, electrical college, agricultural college, zootechnical, pedagogical college, financial college).

The lexeme rabfak is used in texts in the meaning of "working faculty (a general educational institution in 1919-1940 in the USSR for training young people who did not have secondary education in higher educational institutions)" [9]. It is not frequent in F. A. Vigdorova's prose, but it is significant in her MLK, broadcasting the writer's thought about the importance of work classes, the presence of which makes it possible for all people without exception to get an education if they want to: <...> And then – a meeting with Anton Semenovich, a colony – and here I am preparing for work! [2]

The lexemes college, technical school, labor faculty reflect the era, the needs of the state, which needed various specialists (military, workers, teachers, artists, etc.). The words demonstrate the intention of the writer: to show the need to increase not only secondary, but also secondary specialized educational institutions to increase the level of literacy in the country.

LSG "Higher Educational institutions"

The LSG "Higher Educational institutions" includes words united by generic relations (university – hyperonym; university, institute, academy – hyponyms). They express an important fragment of the linguistic picture of the world associated with higher education for F. A. Vigdorova:

1) university ("higher education institution", [Ushakov, URL]): Did you graduate from university? <…> [2];

2) Academy ("the name of some higher educational institutions"; 2 LSV; [17]): I will then graduate from the academy, I will have, I will have higher education [4].

The word academy is most frequently used in the prose of the writer of 1950-1960, which indicates its importance in her MLK. It is known that F. A. Vigdorova's brother was a military pilot, about whose combat experience and military life she knew a lot, including from his letters from the front. It seems that this is why there are 39 references to the military academy on the pages of literary texts, in particular, the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy (ergonym). This name is used in the text both in full and in abbreviated notation, which demonstrates its popularity among other military educational institutions of that time, being one of the main centers for training military specialists: <...> in 1934, Andrei went to Moscow, to the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy [4]; He studied at the Air Force Academy <...>; You will go to the Air Academy in the fall, to the command faculty <...>; And I have already graduated from the Zhukovsky Academy <...> [3].

The texts also use the ergonym Timiryazev Academy in an abbreviated and complete form: And they settled in Mitya's former house, not far from Timiryazev Academy; It's good that the academy is not far from Timiryazevka, from Sasha, Mitya, girls <...> [3]. The word Timiryazevka is stylistically marked, colloquial. It indicates the ease, lightness of Lyosha's inner monologue, expresses his sense of joy that he will study near the home of his relatives, from his sister's academy.

The lexeme academy is also used by the writer to name a children's circle in which the main character Sasha taught the children to provide first aid: She instructed all the dads and moms in the house to do something: Sasha was supposed to lead the military medical academy <...> [3]. The writer's intention was to show the importance, the need to teach children the initial skills of providing medical care, which was especially important in the war and post-war period;

3) Institute ("the name of some higher educational institutions and research institutions", 1 LSV, [8]): One of them, apparently, has just graduated from the institute <...> [3].

The lexeme institute is used in prose indicating the specialization, the profile of students' education:

– legal (1 usage): <...> despite her youth, the girl graduated from the law institute <...> [3]. The word has a negative connotation. The use of the lexeme youth and the phrase law institute in contrast in one context demonstrates the intention of the writer: to show the inexperience, unprofessionalism of a young lawyer;

– medical (9 uses): I was preparing for exams at the medical institute <...> [3];

pedagogical (2 uses): He spent a long time in the city, catching graduates of pedagogical institutes<...>[2];

– literary (1 usage): Maybe you'll go to a literary institute? <…> [2];

– aviation (1 use): Razumov at the Aviation Institute <...> [5];

– exploration (1 use): He studies at the Geological Exploration Institute <...> [6];

4) university ("higher educational and scientific institution with various humanities and natural sciences departments", 1 LSV, [8]): The university was like a school: at school – lessons, at university – lectures [4]. The writer translates the idea "about the unity of the educational process in the Russian consciousness" [16, p. 110].

The lexeme university in the prose of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova is also used as an artionym, which indicates the popularity of M. Gorky's work to a wide range of people: And I remember one night, by candlelight, obscuring its fire so as not to disturb the neighbors, I read "My Universities" <...> [2]. The writer's intention was to show the formation of Semyon Karabanov's personality, for whom a kind book and the personal example of A. S. Makarenko become the best teachers, a genuine university of life.

The words LSG "Higher educational institutions" academy, institute, university form the near-nuclear zone of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS", the university lexeme is located on the periphery of the field structure of the concept. They are used with a positive-evaluative connotation (predominates) and with a negative one, demonstrating a wide range of opportunities for a Soviet person to receive higher education, which is the basis, the support in life.


The organic introduction of F. A. Vigdorova into the prose texts of 1950-1960 of the names of educational institutions (secondary, special, higher) testifies to the writer's love for pedagogical activity, careful study of the elements of the entire educational system. The lexemes explicating the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" convey the pedagogical, ideological, axiological views of F. A. Vigdorova as a Soviet teacher, a representative of the advanced people of the era, express her idea of the importance of learning, its high role in Human development.

1. Bazhenova, E. A., & Shenkman, V. I. (2013). The nominative field of the school conctpt. Bulletin of the Perm University, 4(24), 91-97.
2. Vigdorova, F. A. The road to life. Retrieved from https://litmir.club/br/?b=29505
3. Vigdorova, F. A. Favorite street». Retrieved from https://litmir.club/bd/?b=250197
4. Vigdorova, F. A. Family happiness. Retrieved from https://litmir.club/bd/?b=55152
5. Vigdorova, F. A. Chernihiv. Retrieved from https://litmir.club/bd/?b=29504
6. Vigdorova, F. A. This is my home. Retrieved from https://litmir.club/bd/?b=29507
7. Voloshina, S. V. (2021). The concept of «EDUCATION» in the speech genre of autobiography. Communication research, 4, 734-750.
8. Evgenieva, A. P. Small academic dictionary. Moscow: Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957–1984. Retrieved from https://lexicography.online/explanatory/mas
9. Evgenieva, A. P. Small academic dictionary. Moscow: Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957–1984. Retrieved from https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/mas
10. Koltakova, S. V., & Nerovnaya, N. A. (2022). The macrostructure of the concept of «SCHOOL» in the linguistic consciousness of primary and secondary school students. Comparative studies, 83-87. Voronezh.
11. Kuznetsova, N. A. (2011). The structure of the concept of School in the works of L. N. Tolstoy. Proceedings of Tula State University. Humanities, 2, 487-491.
12. Ledeneva, V. V. (2021). Colors of predicate vocabulary in the description (V. M. Peskov «Firebird»). Problems of conceptualization of reality and modeling of the linguistic picture of the world: collection of scientific papers. Vol. 10, 282-287. Moscow; Severodvinsk; Kirov: MCITO Publishing House.
13. Minibaeva, S. V., & Timofeeva, E. V. (2021). Textual representation of the concept of «SCHOOL» in Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. Kazan science, 2, 51-53.
14. Orlova, O. G. (2023). The linguistic and cultural concept of «EDUCATION» and its value component. Education quality management: theory and practice of effective administration, 2, 58-69.
15. Tolochko, O. V. (1999). The image as a component of the concept of «School». Linguistic personality: problems of linguoculturology and functional semantics, 178-181. Volgograd, Change.
16. Uchaykina, E. V. (2023). Lexical and phraseological representation of the concept of «UNIVERSITY» in the texts of memoirs. Dis. for the degree of Candidate of Philological sciences. Mytishchi, FGBOU HE «State University of Enlightenment».
17. Ushakov, D. N. Explanatory dictionary. Retrieved from https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ushakov

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The assessment and analysis of various types of discourse in linguistics is frequent. However, access to pedagogical discourse is much less common. Consequently, the reviewed work has a pronounced openly practical character. I would like to note that the purpose of the reviewed article is to identify the role of nominations designating educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova. The scientific novelty of the work, as the author notes, lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to describe the means of verbalization of the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" in the literary texts of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova. The tasks set by the researcher objectively give reason to assume that the work is thought out, concretized: "it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: to establish the frequency of use of explicators of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS"; to consider their lexicographic characteristics; to analyze the field structure of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS". The work has a fully completed appearance; the structure correlates with scientific research. The subject area corresponds to one of the sections of the journal, I believe that the material can be used in university practice, as well as in the further study of "pedagogical discourse". The theoretical basis of the research, which is important, are the works of O. V. Tolochko 1999, N. A. Kuznetsova 2011, E. A. Bazhenova, V. I. Shankman 2013, S. V. Voloshina 2021, V. V. Ledeneva 2021, S. V. Minibaeva, E. V. Timofeeva 2021, S. V. Koltakova, N. A. Nerovnoy 2022, O. G. Orlova 2023, E. V. Uchaykina 2023. I believe that the collected data are objective, the statistical component is available: "the lexico-semantic field (LSP) of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" consists of lexico-semantic groups (LSG): LSG "Secondary educational institutions" (school – 369 uses, gymnasium – 2); LSG "Secondary specialized educational institutions" (college - 25, technical school – 16, work faculty – 5); LSG "Higher educational institutions" (university – 6, academy – 42, institute – 22, university – 17). The first LSG is the most frequent, which indicates a pragmatically motivated selection of lexical units by F. A. Vigdorova, who in the texts translates the idea that it is at school that the foundations for the formation of a child's personality are laid. However, no less important in the mental and linguistic complex (MLK) of the writer's linguistic personality was the idea of the need to receive secondary specialized, higher education for the moral, spiritual, and professional development of a person." In addition to the linguistic assessment itself, the author also gives a so-called general analysis of the field under study: for example, "a scrupulous description of the school testifies to its importance in the MLK of the linguistic personality of F. A. Vigdorova, since she herself was a teacher. The writer watched with close attention what was happening at school, knew all the features of its structure (external and internal regulations). She aspired to the active transformation of the school not only as a state educational institution, but above all as a second home for children." There are enough examples that define the outline of the work: "The school lexeme is used in the works of F. A. Vigdorova as with a positive connotation (School was Sasha's real life <...> [4]; school is compared with a life filled with joy, warmth of dear people – friends, beloved teacher), and with a negative one (She still feels bad at school <...> [3]), with the predominance of the first. The least frequent in the texts of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova is the lexeme gymnasium (2 uses), which is used in the meaning of "secondary educational institution" [17], expressing the writer's intention: to show the outgoing pre-revolutionary era, the special, sometimes privileged, position of the gymnasium (male, female), as well as its role in the Soviet education system as the historical predecessor of the "modern comprehensive secondary school" [15, p. 178]: To tell the truth, one of the aunts actually graduated from high school with a silver medal <…> [4]». The citation is given in the unification format; editing of this level is unnecessary. The goal of the work has been achieved as a whole, the set range of tasks has been solved. The final block contains the idea that "the organic introduction of F. A. Vigdorova into the prose texts of 1950-1960 of the names of educational institutions (secondary, special, higher) testifies to the writer's love for pedagogical activity, careful study of the elements of the entire educational system. The lexemes explicating the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" convey the pedagogical, ideological, axiological views of F. A. Vigdorova as a Soviet teacher, a representative of the advanced people of the era, express her idea of the importance of learning, its high role in Human development." There are no contradictions in this part, the overall result has been summed up. I recommend the article "Names of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova (based on the works of 1950-1960)" for publication in the journal "Philology: scientific research".