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Administrative and municipal law

Demography as a priority and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning

Ishchenko Alexander Alekseevich

Postgraduate student, Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

82 Prospekt Vernadskogo str., building 1, Moscow, 119571, Russia

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Abstract: The current stage of development of the Russian Federation poses new challenges at the state level. Strategic planning is one of the foundations for the stable and full-fledged development of the state and society in various spheres of life. Demography and demographic indicators are important areas in strategic planning with strong development potential. It has been established that the Russian Federation faces many demographic problems due to various reasons. At the same time, the very concept of demography is multidimensional, related to key areas in the social sphere. In this context, demography is a priority and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. Solving demographic problems through the use of strategic planning tools will improve the quality of life of the population, increase the level of healthcare and other socially significant development indicators. The article uses both general scientific research methods such as system analysis, logic, deduction and induction, etc. And specifically legal ones, such as analogy of law and analysis of legislation. As a result of the work, the following conclusions were made: 1. Demography is an important national priority and can be considered as an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. 2. Demographic problems for the Russian Federation at this stage are generally recognized and acute. It is necessary to strengthen the quality of strategic planning in this area in conjunction with the implementation of strategies in other areas. 3. Demography is a complex component phenomenon that includes many components. 4. Issues of demography, development in this area and problem solving through the implementation of strategies should be addressed, including using data on the quality of life of the population. The latter should be understood as a fairly extensive set of factors representing the living conditions of individuals and society as a whole. 5. The current legal mechanism of strategic planning in the demographic sphere should be implemented taking into account the principles of administrative law.


Strategic planning, forecasting, development, demographics, Government policy, Public administration, social development, legal regulation, legislation, strategy

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Strategic planning issues are traditionally important for the public administration system and the sphere of administrative and legal regulation in general. It is important to take into account that strategic planning in the context of the development of recent years increasingly affects almost all spheres of life of society and the state. Effective implementation of strategic planning in the current socio-economic and political environment requires finding ways to improve the achievement of the set results.

Demographic indicators, in conjunction with strategic planning and forecasting, are associated with the possibilities of their application in the management system of the territorial development of the region, the development of business processes, for the work of the education and health system and in many other areas.

In general, strategic planning is an important development tool that has been actively developed in recent years. The formation of approaches to strategic planning at three levels (federal, regional and local) allows us to solve a wide variety of goals and objectives in the short, medium and long term.

The sphere of demographic development is no exception. Strategic planning in this area is of fundamental importance from the standpoint of regulatory theory and practice. This situation dictates the need for a comprehensive study of the relationship between demography and strategic planning, their regulation from an administrative and legal perspective. It seems that the development of effective demographic development tools will enable the introduction of a special strategic planning mechanism.

It is advisable to focus on issues of strategic planning and demography from the perspective of the provisions of current legislation and the established positions of scientists expressed in the framework of scientific research. It is necessary to determine the specifics of strategic planning, its place in the system of administrative and legal regulation in relation to demography and demographic indicators.

As previously noted, strategic planning is a relatively new institution with an intersectoral character. As M.N. Rudenko notes: "The term "strategic planning" appeared at the junction of the 1960s and 70s in order to distinguish between current planning at the production level and planning carried out at the highest level" [1, p. 4]. Further, strategic planning began to develop in other directions, at a more global level.

Strategic planning is a dynamic set of interrelated management processes that are continuously interconnected and logically follow from each other. The foundations of the regulatory regulation of the provisions on public administration are laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (art. 11, etc.). The basic normative legal act in the field of strategic planning is the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation".

N.P. Goncharova, A.A. Eremin, E.V. Tarasova indicate that demographic policy is implemented through a set of measures:

- economic;

- administrative and legal;

- educational and ideological [2, p. 20].

The system of by-laws specifies many provisions on strategic planning, which is due, among other things, to the provisions of Part 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation", which establishes that coordination of the development and implementation of strategic planning documents is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation on issues under their jurisdiction.

In Article 7 of the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation", the most important principles of strategic planning are specified, they should be briefly outlined:

- unity and integrity;

- separation of powers;

- continuity and continuity;

- the balance of the strategic planning system;

- effectiveness and efficiency of strategic planning;

- responsibility of strategic planning participants;

- transparency (openness) strategic planning;

- realistic;

- resource security;

- measurability of goals;

- compliance of indicators with goals;

- the program-target principle.

Based on these principles, the most important areas of strategic planning and development concepts are being implemented at the federal, regional and local levels. Noting the peculiarities of the principles of strategic planning, it is necessary to note their connection with the basic principles of administrative law.

It is necessary to agree with the position expressed by A.O. Turganbayev:

- strategic planning is a part of public administration;

- strategic planning is a part of administrative law;

- the administrative and legal conceptualization of the sphere of strategic planning in public administration is significantly limited in possibilities, since planning on a subject basis is immediately split into several separate ones;

- administrative and legal conceptualization of strategic planning is possible across several instrumental horizons;

- the importance of strategies for the legal development of the state lies in the streamlining of public administration and its administrative and legal support [3, pp. 15-19].

These priorities and directions of strategic planning are fully applicable to demographic indicators. Currently, the sphere of demography is undergoing many negative processes, which has been repeatedly emphasized in the scientific literature.

According to N.V. Boyko and T.N. Chertova, the main problems in terms of demographic indicators are as follows:

- significant impact of economic and non-economic factors on demography;

- the accelerating growth of the demographic burden on the working-age population of Russia;

- problems of reproduction processes in the country (in the absence of long-term and comprehensive, independent measures);

- provided that monetary instruments are used to influence the demographic situation in the country, insufficient attention is paid to the social, economic and legal conditions for promoting reproductive processes and increasing life expectancy in the country [4, p. 66].

Indeed, the problems of demography are not isolated from other problems, phenomena and processes taking place in society and the state. Thus, the actual problems closely related to demography are:

- issues of accessibility and quality of education;

- housing affordability and quality of housing and communal services;

- issues of medicine, its quality, accessibility and possibilities;

- labor issues, job availability, wage level, unemployment rate;

- the level of social assistance, opportunities to provide assistance to people with limited mobility, elderly citizens and other categories who temporarily or permanently need assistance, both material and social;

- uneven development of the regions, which affects the socio-economic, cultural spheres, etc. in general.

It is obvious that demography and demographic indicators have a direct connection with many basic components, elements and postulates. Overcoming demographic problems should be solved in the very broad context of the strategic development of the Russian Federation and its regions and municipalities. It is unacceptable to consider demographic issues in isolation from other priorities of state development.

At the same time, strategic planning in demography should cover both relatively short and extensive periods of action. Having set tasks for the near future, it is necessary to set tasks for a longer period. Long-term tasks can be adjusted based on the ongoing changes, the peculiarities of the development of society and the state, and obtaining intermediate results in the demographic policy of the state.

To date, the national project "Demography" is in operation, it includes federal projects:

- Financial support for families at the birth of children.

- Promotion of women's employment.

- The older generation.

- Strengthening public health.

- "Sport is the norm of life" [5].

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" is also in force. It seems that such programs are necessary, as well as there is an objective need to monitor the quality of implementation, identify specific statistical indicators, and comparative studies against this background. However, the creation of longer-term strategic demographic development programs is also a very relevant direction.

A.M. Elin, N.P. Pashin note the presence of the following problems in the field of demographic development:

- urbanization and career guidance;

- falling birth rate;

- total poverty;

- the continuing level of population aging and natural decline, high mortality rate;

- decrease in migration growth [6, pp. 22-26].

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", the priority tasks include the implementation of development in key areas: economy, infrastructure, technology, science, social sphere. One can see the close relationship between the social and economic spheres. Changing the demographic situation and eliminating demographic problems is possible only in the process of comprehensively solving the most pressing, long-standing problems facing the Russian Federation. In addition to the above, it is very important to strengthen the institution of marriage, the development of family values, etc.

In the context of recent events and the difficult political situation in Russia and the world, it is important to reduce the overall level of social tension in society. The solution of demographic issues in strategic planning should closely intersect with an increase in the quality of life of the population. It is necessary to create effective administrative and legal mechanisms of influence, taking into account the complexity of the category "quality of life of the population" itself. As a rule, this is a set of certain indicators.

M.B. League, I.A. Shchetkina express the following position: "The quality of life of a society is a set of conditions, prerequisites created by society for its further development and ensuring the vital activity of people" [7, p. 62].

L.S. Lebedeva notes: "the concept of "quality of life" unites a wide range of subjective and objective social indicators in such areas as material living conditions, education, health, work, political rights, social ties, environmental conditions, economic and physical security, life satisfaction" [8, p. 79].

The measurement of the quality of life of the population is based on various factors. Among other things, scientists note the need to use the following indicators implemented in specific methods in the study of the quality of life of the population, among them:

- statistical;

- sociological;

- economic and mathematical [9, pp. 258-260].

It is on the basis of these methods that the issues of the quality of life of the population are being investigated. It seems that such an approach is quite appropriate and allows for the implementation of a comprehensive study on various aspects of the life of the population. It is the complex application of these methods that becomes the basis for appropriate conclusions, assessment and forecasting. Such indicators should be taken into account when applying strategic planning in demography.

There is no doubt that the study of the quality of the population is carried out from various aspects. E.F. Zelyak, M.S. Bogdanova, K.A. Putintseva the following factors form the basis of the quality of life of the population:

- demographic indicators, marital and family relations;

- economic indicators, including the level of income and other indicators in terms of the security of life of the population of a material nature;

- housing factors and conditions;

- indicators of providing the population with necessary services, including from the state (health, culture, education and other socially significant areas);

- information indicators;

- the quality of labor indicators, as well as other socially significant conditions in the field of employment;

- natural and climatic conditions and the state of the environment [10, p. 43].

Thus, it can be concluded that the quality of life is reflected in specific indicators, which are measured, among other things, through various statistical studies in this direction. In the state policy in relation to the quality of life of the population, there is a tendency to track real indicators of the quality of life of the population through various studies. So, today, such a state body as the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) is engaged in research in this area.

Thus, according to official data, the standard of living of the population is being studied in the following areas:

- Income, expenses and savings of the population.

- Social security and social assistance.

- Distribution of income of the population.

- The cost of living.

- The level of poverty.

- Income, expenses and living conditions of households

- Microdata of sample surveys of household budgets.                  

- Consumer expectations of the population [11].

Accordingly, the quality of life of the population should be understood as a fairly extensive set of factors representing the living conditions of individuals and society as a whole. It includes such indicators as the standard of living and its integral components of various kinds.

In fact, the quality of life is an objective and subjective characteristic of a person's living conditions, based on his immediate needs and an assessment of the vital signs obtained.

Thus, currently there is an approach according to which the quality of life of the population is considered from the perspective of a combination of various indicators and aspects of the life of the population. There is no uniform position in the literature on which criteria should be used as the basis for assessing the quality of life of the population. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that various aspects of the quality of life of the population are considered in continuous unity, without separation from each other, which is quite important. Strategic planning in demography should comprehensively assess the existing parameters in relation to the quality of life of the population, and not exist in isolation from them.

It is advisable to note the opinion of L.L. Rybakovsky, N.I. Kozhevnikova: "The strategy of demographic development, which determines the general vector of population dynamics, and often its geographical priorities, for a historically long period cannot depend on the short-term interests of the country" [12, p. 4].

Demography, taking into account its specific characteristics and connection with other processes, allows using positive dynamics in this area to establish the effectiveness of the entire strategic planning system. It is necessary to agree with the position of V.M. Kachalkin: "The state demographic policy in modern Russia is a socially demanded and priority activity of the government, however, the entire complex of means and mechanisms of public administration necessary to decisively prevent depopulation in the country has not yet been involved" [13, p. 8].

At the same time, the demographic tasks implemented in strategic development are not indefinite and are subject to change in the process of changing the current situation in the field of demography. It is of conceptual importance not only to form the legal foundations of strategic planning in demography, but also to create effective administrative and legal mechanisms for the implementation of strategic planning measures.

It is required to implement strategic planning documents at all levels, involving a system of state and non-state bodies in this process. The participation of the private sector in the implementation of strategic planning tasks in demography is a promising area, which is currently considered very poorly.

The prospect of extensive involvement in the strategic planning of demographic development of various elements of the socio-economic system of the state is due to the participation of many subjects in the country's economy and related processes. It is also important to strengthen measures of responsibility for non-compliance with strategic planning standards in the field of demography. In other words, it is necessary not only to adopt at the legislative level the basis for the implementation of strategic planning, but also to expand the possibilities of the administrative and legal mechanism for the implementation of strategies in demographic development.

Strategic planning in the field of demography is a factor of development. The company forms a positive assessment of the activities of public authorities in the successful implementation of strategic plans, while performing a number of functions:

- educational;

- regulatory;

- normative and value-based;

- communicative;

- predictive.

Such a situation forms a positive attitude towards the government, assessment of the effectiveness of its activities and other fundamentally important areas of interaction between society and the state (represented by its authorized bodies). It seems that the principles of demographic policy in conjunction with strategic planning should include:

- purposefulness;

- complexity;

- progressive, proactive in nature, with an assessment of promising development tools and proposals for their application;

 - territorial differentiation, taking into account the peculiarities of regional development and the prevailing historical features of the development of the peoples living in the region, etc.;

- long-term (development priority for the next 25-30 years);

- sufficient degree of financing.

Thus, demographic indicators and many factors of the quality of life of the population are interrelated phenomena. The low quality of life of the population leads to the development of negative legal phenomena, which causes, among other things, many harmful processes. It seems that demography and strategic planning should be developed in the context of general issues of public administration and development.

Based on the conducted research, it is necessary to summarize the results:

1. Demography is a priority area and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning.

2. Demographic problems for the Russian Federation at this stage are generally recognized and acute. It is necessary to strengthen the quality of strategic planning in this area in conjunction with the implementation of strategies in other areas.

3. Demography is a complex component phenomenon that includes many components. The problems of protecting the health of parents and children, unemployment, the standard of living of the population, housing provision, the availability of educational infrastructure, the development of social infrastructure, the level of culture, etc. are inextricably linked with the solution of the demographic problem.

4. Issues of demography, development in this area and problem solving through the implementation of strategies should be addressed, including using data on the quality of life of the population. The latter should be understood as a fairly extensive set of factors representing the living conditions of individuals and society as a whole. It includes such indicators as the standard of living and its integral components of various kinds. The quality of life is an objective and subjective characteristic of a person's living conditions, based on his immediate needs and an assessment of the vital signs obtained.

5. The current legal mechanism of strategic planning in the demographic sphere should be implemented taking into account the principles of administrative law.

1. Rudenko, M.N., Oborina, E.D., & Pishinnikov, D.N. (2014). Strategic planning: studies. stipend. Perm: Perm. state National University. research. Univ.
2. Goncharova, N.P., Eremin, A.A., & Tarasova, E.V. (2020). Demographic policy in modern Russia: features of implementation and methods of performance assessment: monograph. Moscow; Berlin: DirectMedia.
3. Turganbaev, A.O. (2020). Strategic planning in public administration: administrative and legal research: dissertation of the candidate of legal sciences. Moscow.
4. Boyko, N.V., & Chertova, T.N. (2015). On the prospects for the implementation of the Concept of demographic policy of Russia for the period up to 2025. Bulletin of the S. Y. Witte Moscow University, 2.
5. Passport of the national project "Demography" (approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects, Protocol No. 16 dated 12/24/2018). SPS ConsultantPlus.
6. Elin, A.M., & Pashin, N.P. (2019). Problems of demography and ways to solve them in modern Russia. Bulletin of Science and Education, 17(71), 19-28.
7. League, M.B., & Shchetkina, I.A. (2012). Modern sociological concepts of quality of life. Bulletin of the Trans-Baikal State University, 6(85), 55-63.
8. Lebedeva, L.S. (2018). "Quality of life": key approaches and the structure of the concept. Monitoring public opinion: economic and social changes, 4, 68-80.
9. Busoedov, I.A., & Grebenyuk, T.A. (2016). Indicators of quality of life. Young scientist, 26(130), 258-260.
10. Zelyak, E.F., Bogdanova, M.S., & Putintseva, K.A. (2018). Theoretical aspects of the concept of quality of life of the population. Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal, 7(113), 38-44.
11. Official website of Rosstat. Retrieved from http://old.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/level
12. Rybakovsky, L.L., & Kozhevnikova, N.I. (2021). The strategy of demographic development of Russia, its main vector and its determinants. Demographic development of Russia: problems and solutions: collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation on April 26, pp. 4-7.
13. Kachalkin, V.M. (2017). State demographic policy in modern Russia: the state and priorities of improvement: abstract of the dissertation of the candidate of political Sciences. Moscow.

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A REVIEW of an article on the topic "Demography as a priority and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning". The subject of the study. The article proposed for review is devoted to topical issues of demography in the framework of strategic planning. The author examines the problems associated with the use of aspects of demography as an indicator of strategic planning, the functions and tasks necessary in this regard, and the issues of implementing this aspect in legislation. The specific subject of the study was, first of all, the provisions of legislation, the opinions of scientists, and the materials of empirical data. Research methodology. The purpose of the study is not stated directly in the article. At the same time, it can be clearly understood from the title and content of the work. The goal can be designated as the consideration and resolution of certain problematic aspects of the issue of demography as a priority and integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. Based on the set goals and objectives, the author has chosen the methodological basis of the study. In particular, the author uses a set of general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, and others. In particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to summarize and share the conclusions of various scientific approaches to the proposed topic, as well as to draw specific conclusions from empirical data. The most important role was played by special legal methods. In particular, the author actively applied the formal legal method, which made it possible to analyze and interpret the norms of current legislation (first of all, the norms of the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation). For example, the following conclusion of the author: "Strategic planning is a dynamic set of interrelated management processes that are continuously interconnected and logically follow from each other. The foundations of the regulatory regulation of the provisions on public administration are laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (art. 11, etc.). The basic normative legal act in the field of strategic planning is the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation". The possibilities of an empirical research method related to the study of empirical data materials should be positively assessed. So, we note the following arguments of the author: "the quality of life is reflected in specific indicators, which are measured, among other things, through various statistical studies in this direction. In the state policy in relation to the quality of life of the population, there is a tendency to track real indicators of the quality of life of the population through various studies. So, today, such a state body as the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) is engaged in research in this area. Thus, according to official data, the standard of living of the population is being studied in the following areas: - Income, expenses and savings of the population. - Social security and social assistance. - Distribution of income of the population. - The cost of living. - The level of poverty. - Household income, expenses and living conditions - Microdata from sample surveys of household budgets. - Consumer expectations of the population." Thus, the methodology chosen by the author is fully adequate to the purpose of the study, allows you to study all aspects of the topic in its entirety. Relevance. The relevance of the stated issues is beyond doubt. There are both theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of the proposed topic. From the point of view of theory, the topic of demography in the framework of strategic planning is complex and ambiguous and requires additional resolution. It is difficult to argue with the author that "Strategic planning issues are traditionally important for the system of public administration and the sphere of administrative and legal regulation in general. It is important to take into account that strategic planning in the context of the development of recent years increasingly affects almost all spheres of life of society and the state. Effective implementation of strategic planning in the current socio-economic and political environment requires finding ways to improve the achievement of the set results. Demographic indicators, in conjunction with strategic planning and forecasting, are associated with the possibilities of their application in the management system of the territorial development of the region, the development of business processes, for the work of the education and health system and in many other areas. In general, strategic planning is an important development tool that has been actively developed in recent years. The formation of approaches to strategic planning at three levels (federal, regional and local) allows us to solve a wide variety of goals and objectives in the short, medium and long term." Thus, scientific research in the proposed field should only be welcomed. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the proposed article is beyond doubt. Firstly, it is expressed in the author's specific conclusions. Among them, for example, is the following conclusion: 1. Demography is a priority area and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. 2. Demographic problems for the Russian Federation at this stage are generally recognized and acute. It is necessary to strengthen the quality of strategic planning in this area in conjunction with the implementation of strategies in other areas. 3. Demography is a complex component phenomenon that includes many components. The problems of protecting the health of parents and children, unemployment, the standard of living of the population, housing provision, the availability of educational infrastructure, the development of social infrastructure, the level of culture, etc. are inextricably linked with the solution of the demographic problem. 4. Issues of demography, development in this area and problem solving through the implementation of strategies should be addressed, including using data on the quality of life of the population. The latter should be understood as a fairly extensive set of factors representing the living conditions of individuals and society as a whole. It includes such indicators as the standard of living and its integral components of various kinds. The quality of life is an objective and subjective characteristic of a person's living conditions, based on his immediate needs and an assessment of the vital signs obtained. 5. The current legal mechanism of strategic planning in the demographic sphere should be implemented taking into account the principles of administrative law." These and other theoretical conclusions can be used in further scientific research. Secondly, the author suggests ideas for improving the current legislation. Thus, the materials of the article may be of particular interest to the scientific community in terms of contributing to the development of science. Style, structure, content. The subject of the article corresponds to the specialization of the journal "Administrative and Municipal Law", as it is devoted to legal problems related to the regulation of the issue of strategic planning. The content of the article fully corresponds to the title, as the author has considered the stated problems, and has generally achieved the purpose of the study. The quality of the presentation of the study and its results should be recognized as fully positive. The subject, objectives, methodology and main results of the study follow directly from the text of the article. The design of the work generally meets the requirements for this kind of work. No significant violations of these requirements were found. Bibliography. The quality of the literature used should be highly appreciated. The author actively uses the literature presented by authors from Russia (Rudenko M.N., Oborina E.D., Pishinnikov D.N., Zelyak E.F., Bogdanova M.S., Putintseva K.A. and others). Many of the cited scientists are recognized scientists in the field of strategic planning.
Thus, the works of the above authors correspond to the research topic, have a sign of sufficiency, and contribute to the disclosure of various aspects of the topic. Appeal to opponents. The author conducted a serious analysis of the current state of the problem under study. All quotations of scientists are accompanied by author's comments. That is, the author shows different points of view on the problem and tries to argue for a more correct one in his opinion. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The conclusions are fully logical, as they are obtained using a generally accepted methodology. The article may be of interest to the readership in terms of the systematic positions of the author in relation to the regulation of aspects of strategic planning in Russia. Based on the above, summing up all the positive and negative sides of the article, "I recommend publishing"