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Taxes and Taxation

The need and prerequisites for conducting an unaccountable form of VAT calculation

Palamarchuk Oleg Olegovich

Leading Expert Specialist, Federal Tax Service

23 Neglinnaya str., Moscow, 127321, Russia
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Abstract: The article discusses the prerequisites for the creation of a new concept of VAT calculation based on the transfer of the function of calculating VAT to tax authorities through invoices, with the simultaneous cancellation of tax reporting on this tax. This concept implies that sellers issue invoices in electronic form through an electronic document management operator, who will transfer them to the tax authorities for their calculation of tax and billing to the taxpayer for payment. This approach will eliminate the need for businesses to comply with frequently changing tax laws and reduce the risks of tax evasion. The topic of the article is relevant because the current concept of the procedure for calculating and declaring taxes was introduced in the last century and is aimed at self-calculation of taxes by the taxpayer with subsequent preparation and filing of tax returns. However, modern conditions raise the issue of effective tax calculation in a new way and allows shifting these functions to fiscal authorities. The purpose of the study is to determine the readiness of the current situation for the introduction of a new concept of VAT calculation, the subject is the current VAT calculation mechanism. This work has practical significance, which consists in the potential introduction of a new concept of tax calculation. Before considering the issue outlined in this article, it is necessary to understand the conceptual apparatus, however, the study of tax terms does not relate to the topic of this work, which is why it will not be given. Therefore, for the purposes of this article, the calculation and procedure for calculating taxes means a set of actions of a taxpayer (or a tax authority in the case of transfer of such a function to it) to determine the amount of tax due to the budget.


tax, VAT, automation, calculation of tax, declaration, business, effectiveness, Background, invoice, tax return

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Currently, taxpayers of VAT and other taxes are required to keep tax records, which distracts them from their main function – running a business aimed at maximizing profits and capitalization. However, due to current legislation, businesses need to maintain a staff of accountants who form such reports; lawyers who provide methodological support for the correctness of reporting; programmers who technically provide the company with specialized software. Scientific circles also drew attention to the negative impact of the difficulty of calculating taxes in relation to doing business, for example, Koroleva L. Yu. in her work "On the impact of VAT on the macroeconomic parameters of the Russian economy" and Matvienko O.N. in her scientific article "The impact of value added tax administration on the development of the Russian economy".


Arguments against the practical application of the proposed concept

The issue of the need for unaccountable calculation of taxes is further aggravated by the inability to cancel the obligation of business to maintain accounting records and submit accounting reports. This accounting largely corresponds to tax accounting, corporate income tax, which is not considered in this article. Therefore, by canceling the reporting on value added tax, the business will not receive proper simplification, since the obligation to maintain tax records for corporate income tax in a simplified taxation system, as well as accounting, will remain. However, the automation of value added tax, which implies the transition to electronic document management, will be an initial step towards automating tax accounting for other taxes, and will also simplify accounting in terms of reflecting income and expenses. However, these issues are beyond the scope of this work.

At the same time, tax legislation is rapidly being supplemented with new norms establishing rules, procedures, mechanisms, which complicates the procedure for calculating taxes and their administration, raises many methodological issues on which the right decision is not always made. Consequently, automation of tax accounting and reporting also saves businesses from following large arrays of legislative norms.

However, companies conduct financial, managerial and other analysis for their own purposes, which is an argument against changing the current concept, since the business will continue to keep records, but for its own purposes.

In addition, VAT is one of the main sources of income to the federal budget and the consolidated budget as a whole, which increases the risk of introducing a new concept of unaccountable VAT calculation: in the case of incorrect VAT calculation by the tax authority, which may occur for a number of reasons listed below, the budget may lose significant revenues. This fact is confirmed by Table 1, which shows that VAT has a large share in state revenues [21].


Figure 1. The amount of VAT revenues in the federal and consolidated budgets of Russia by year.

Source. Compiled by the author on the basis of data from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation


Justification of the need for the practical application of an unaccountable form of VAT calculation

Despite the presence of theses that impede the practical application of the proposed concept, they are offset by the potential possibility of introducing an unaccountable form of calculation for other taxes, as well as the partial abolition of accounting. In addition, careful consideration of every detail in the calculation of the tax will minimize the mentioned risks associated with the receipt of income to the budget for this tax.

The need for digital transformation is reflected in a variety of scientific papers, including dissertations. For example, in the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences "Improvement of the VAT tax administration system in the Russian Federation", V. A. Stroiteleva proposed the concept of introducing digital VAT administration. And although the concept proposed in the work relates to a slightly different topic, it confirms the need to revise the current VAT calculation mechanism.

The need to digitalize tax administration in general, that is, not only administration, but also declaration, is being paid attention not only by public authorities, but also by many scientists. So, Doctor of Economics S. G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, Candidate of Economics N. S. Milogolov and Candidate of Economics A. Y. Bergerov in a scientific article in 2022 "Digitalization of tax administration in Russia: opportunities and risks" [3] saw technological progress and introduced tax monitoring as the first prerequisites for the introduction of automated tax calculation the stage of digitalization of tax administration. Scientists have also drawn attention to the complexity of tax legislation to such an extent that a large number of value judgments are required for every detail of taxation: what is taxed and what is not, what falls under the benefit and what is not: "... the design of the tax system should be simplified so that the algorithmization of tax calculation becomes possible, in other words, so that the procedure for calculating taxes becomes possible without the use of numerous types of value judgments and various interpretations of tax legislation.

Today, the Tax Code of Russia does not represent a closed legal system, the provisions of which are interpreted unambiguously and without reference to other sources of law. It should also be pointed out that judicial authorities often make decisions that radically change judicial arbitration practice due to a change in the view of resolving a legal contradiction. This, in particular, can be observed in the analysis of judicial practice in cases related to the determination of the actual recipient of income, the specifics of calculating "excess" interest, etc. Taking into account the fact that procedural legislation requires judges to be guided not only by the norms of law, but also by a number of socio-evaluative and value criteria when evaluating evidence, simplifying tax legislation in such conditions is an extremely difficult task."

In general, the prerequisites for the transition to a new VAT calculation mechanism are the following attributes:

· the technical possibility to introduce a new automated tax calculation procedure. So, currently taxpayers keep tax records in specialized software such as 1C. An enterprise" that provides largely automated accounting. However, due to the difficult methodology of the value added tax, it is not possible to introduce fully automated accounting. In this regard, in the case of amendments to the tax legislation regarding the calculation of personal income, simplifying it, it will be possible to introduce an exclusively automated calculation. Currently, it is possible to introduce only partial automation [1];

· the desire of the state for such automation. At this stage, this manifests itself in other taxes [12], but in the future it may extend to VAT. Thus, in 2019, the obligation to submit declarations on transport and land taxes was abolished for legal entities [12]. And since 2023, the obligation for organizations to submit declarations on objects, the tax base for which is determined as cadastral value, has been abolished. However, this does not cancel the obligation to submit advance reports on such taxes (for this it is necessary to independently request information on the cadastral value of their objects from the Unified State Register of Real Estate and calculate the advance payment) [12]. Thus, the state is taking action on the abolition of tax reporting, but currently the results are insignificant.

· the business strives to minimize costs and to maximize the release from any unnecessary actions. One of these actions is the process of calculating taxes (both VAT and other taxes), accounting. And although the business carries out accounting, it is designed for internal needs, and exemption from official rules on which to keep records, maintain software and employees will lead to a reduction in responsibilities.

· the functions of the tax, first of all, include replenishment of the state budget, and secondly, stimulating the economy through benefits and reduced tax rates. Taxes are imposed to perform these functions, not to complicate processes. However, the current procedure for calculating VAT is a complex process with many features and ambiguities.


Subtleties in the calculation of VAT, complicating the practical application of the proposed concept

For a more detailed study of the need to simplify the procedure for calculating VAT, its main features should be considered, as a result of which confirmation of the complexity of the mechanism of its administration will be obtained. One of the features is its payment not from the amount of income, as for corporate income tax, personal income tax, but in addition to this income. The tax itself is calculated not from income, but from sales, that is, it is not income that is taxed, but sale.

The procedure for calculating this tax causes significant difficulties caused by a large number of norms, the wording of each of which may not correspond to each other, which complicates the understanding of the calculation procedure as a whole (each norm affecting the tax is closely interrelated with another norm, but the lack of uniform formulations makes it difficult to understand). For example, the last paragraph of paragraph 4 of Article 170 of the Code provides for the possibility of

Another feature is the voluminous text without the content of specifics. For example, subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 148 of the Tax Code states that the place of sale in Russia is the provision of "design, pre-design and other similar services." However, such a wording exists only in the code, and in the classifier of the type of work there is the wording "design and survey work", which does not allow us to unambiguously determine whether the works specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 148 relate to design and survey work.

The proof of this fact is the presence of many letters issued by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, explanations issued by the legal reference systems Consultant-Plus, Garant and others. Taxpayers en masse apply to the tax authorities with explanations. In addition, the current legislation contains many subtleties that make it difficult to apply it in unaccountable VAT. For example, paragraph 2 of Article 146 and paragraphs 1-3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code provide for transactions that are not taxable (legally they are divided into transactions that are not subject to taxation and transactions that are not subject to taxation, but in fact they have one essence – they are not taxed), but some of them are exempt from tax the other is voluntary (paragraph 3 of Article 949 of the Code), which makes it impossible for the tax authority to calculate the tax independently, since this right is exercised by the taxpayer at its discretion. Another feature is the taxation of services provided in electronic form, the list of which, although specified in the Tax Code, is written in such a form that it is unclear which operations fit such a list and which do not [5]. Another difficulty on the way to transferring the tax calculation function to the tax authority is separate accounting. It is conducted in the case when a taxpayer carries out transactions that are taxable and not taxable. It is not possible for the tax authority to independently determine which of each of its transactions belongs to one type or another. As a result, the tax authority cannot determine which amounts of "incoming" VAT are deductible and which are not. Moreover, tax deductions are a taxpayer's right, not an obligation, which also prevents the tax authority from calculating the tax since it cannot independently accept the amounts of "incoming" VAT for deduction.

The solution to these problems is possible by replacing the right to tax benefits and deductions with an obligation: all transactions (objects) named in paragraph 2 of Article 146 and paragraphs 1-3 of Article 149 of the Code will be exempt from taxation without fail, and all amounts of "incoming" VAT that can be deducted, the tax authority will automatically He'll take it to them. Also, the issue of applying VAT tax rates is no less difficult, which leads taxpayers into difficulty [2].

Thus, in Russia, the procedure for calculating VAT has many features and ambiguities, which makes it difficult to quickly understand this tax and forces us to study large amounts of legislation, including the order of their interrelated work. One of the features is its payment not from the amount of income, as for corporate income tax, personal income tax, but in addition to this income. The tax itself is calculated not from income, but from sales, that is, it is not income that is taxed, but sale. The tax has a large number of other unresolved issues. In addition, despite the steady growth of VAT revenues to the budget and the high degree of automation of VAT tax control, the problems considered indicate the expediency of further improving the procedure for calculating VAT.


Foreign practice of applying unaccountable forms of VAT calculation

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that most of the countries of the world, including those under consideration, are striving to implement a similar development strategy and currently have a tax calculation model similar to Russia. Thus, in the vast majority of countries of the world that apply VAT, the filing of a tax return is established. Therefore, the current Russian experience is conceptually similar to the foreign one.

To understand the need to introduce automated tax calculation and the level of lag or superiority of Russia over other countries, consider the experience of other states. The choice in favor of considering these countries was made because of their greatest development in the field of automation of this tax. At the same time, there is no such tax in the United States, instead there is a sales tax, so it will not be possible to consider the experience of this country. At the same time, automated tax calculation has been implemented or partially implemented in some European countries since 2023 [13].

Based on the draft law submitted in October 2020 and approved in November, Hungarian taxpayers were able to use the VAT declaration system proposed by the tax authority starting in July 2021

Hungary is going to cancel tax returns and introduce additional details into the invoice, which will allow tax to be calculated on it. The stated purpose of the draft VAT declaration, which is not mandatory for taxpayers, is to reduce the administrative burden, although in practice this may differ [13].

In Italy, in 2021, the tax authorities independently calculate the tax and provide taxpayers with the opportunity to edit the data - pre-filled declarations, it is available only to regular taxpayers who make quarterly VAT payments [16].

At the same time, in Great Britain, the software used by enterprises independently keeps records in accordance with the rules, generates a tax return, and contacts His Majesty's Office of Tax and Customs Duties (HMRC in English) digitally through the Application Programming Interface (API) platform in order to send a tax return.

In the UK, accounting programs are connected to a special program on the website that calculates the tax and generates a declaration, which is sent to the UK tax service [15].

Taxation in Belarus is regulated by the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus [18]. Let's look at the VAT Code. Taxpayers of this tax are the same persons as taxpayers according to Russian tax legislation, but in addition to taxpayers are individuals who import goods (Article 112 of the Code), while in Russia a taxpayer of the simplified taxation system can be a VAT taxpayer, in Belarus a taxpayer can only be a taxpayer who is on a common the tax regime. In terms of determining the place of sale of goods, works, and services, the rules in Belarusian legislation are similar to Russian ones. Also, Belarusian legislation, similar to Russian legislation, establishes a list of transactions that are not recognized as an object of taxation and are not subject to taxation.

It should be noted that in Belarus paper invoices have been abolished and exclusively electronic ones have been introduced [19], there is no refund (refund of tax to the taxpayer from the budget in case the amount of tax deductions exceeds the amount payable), except in a number of cases concerning diplomatic representatives. The tax rates in Belarus are similar to those in Russia, in addition to which a rate of 25% is provided for the sale of telecommunication services. The tax declaration in Belarus is also electronic, public authorities are not taking measures to switch to a non-declaration form of tax calculation.

Taxation in Kazakhstan is regulated by the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Taxes and other Mandatory Payments to the Budget (Tax Code" [20]. The tax legislation of Kazakhstan differs to a greater extent from the Russian one compared to the Belarusian one. Thus, articles 82-85 of the Code provide for the registration of value-added tax taxpayers. This rule existed in Russia, but has now been abolished. The basic VAT rate in Kazakhstan is set at 12%, and instead of an invoice, a VAT control account is established [21], which is a bank account from which the taxpayer cannot withdraw funds, but to which he transfers them for the purpose of paying tax, as well as paying tax to the seller (the buyer pays for the goods with the current account, and the tax is from the VAT control account). The disadvantage of such a mechanism is the need to make a double payment (from two accounts), but, at the same time, the obligation to pay a separate tax is canceled.

Thus, according to the author, it is advisable for Russia to adopt the foreign experience of canceling the VAT declaration, as this is a trend among advanced countries in terms of digitalization. Following the best practices of other countries will make the country competitive. At the same time, the implementation of a VAT control account in the era of digitalization will not bring benefits.


Conclusions and further directions of research

Thus, in Russia there are a number of prerequisites for the introduction of automated calculation of VAT by tax authorities and the cancellation of the tax declaration for this tax. In addition, a number of European countries are gradually switching to such a concept of tax administration and declaration. Such a reform will not eliminate the need for taxpayers to independently calculate taxes, but will create the prerequisites for such an innovation, as well as minimize the risks of tax evasion. There are many prerequisites for the implementation of the proposed concept, which include digital development, the availability of electronic document management operators and many other possibilities. At the same time, this work is limited to solving the problem only within the framework of VAT, that is, without affecting accounting both in general and in terms of calculating VAT, which is an integral part of accounting for the economic activities of each organization. However, this work touches on one narrow issue, the solution of which provides a potential opportunity to cancel tax reporting on other taxes. The proposed concept will also create the ground for the consistent transfer of the obligation to calculate other taxes to tax authorities with the simultaneous cancellation of tax returns and other forms of reporting on such taxes, strengthen tax control, minimize the risks of tax evasion, free taxpayers from calculation, and tax authorities from traditional inspections.

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2. Vasiliev, S. V. (2021). On the adoption of the NDSV rate in relation to assistance to the population. Tax policy and practice, 11, 45-47. Retrieved from
3. Nuzhdin, R.V., Maslova, I.N., Gorkovenko, E.V., & Derevenskikh, M.N. (2022). Accounting tax policy on value added tax of processing organizations of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). Taxes and taxation, 6, 50-75. doi:10.7256/2454-065X.2022.6.38161 Retrieved from
4. Gaidar Institute of Economic Policy: Digitalization of tax administration in Russia: opportunities and risks. (2022). S. G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, N. S. Milogolov, Bergerov A. Y. Economic policy, 2, 8-33. Retrieved from
5. Eremkin, M.A. (2021). Tax control over the calculation and payment of VAT when foreign organizations provide services in electronic form on the territory of the Russian Federation: a legal aspect. Taxes and taxation, 2, 70-84. doi:10.7256/2454-065X.2021.2.35245 Retrieved from
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15. WTS Global: Hungary: eVAT – What does the new draft eVAT declaration mean for taxpayers? [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from ~publication-an article?language=ru
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21. Main Analytics: Why do I need an additional report? Retrieved from

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The development of the digital economy expands the possibilities of improving tax administration through the introduction of digital tools. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is one of the leading tax agencies in the world for digital transformation. VAT was the first tax for which the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation managed to achieve a high degree of automation of tax control. Nevertheless, today there are prerequisites and limitations for further digitalization of VAT tax administration in Russia. The presented article is devoted to the study of the prerequisites and possibilities of digitalization of VAT tax administration and the transition to automatic VAT calculation by taxpayers. The title of the article does not fully correspond to the content. The author should take a closer look at the category of "tax administration" and determine the subject of the study. Which components of VAT tax administration are more automated, which are less so? According to the text of the article, the author focuses on the automation of VAT declaration, but declaration is not identical to tax administration. It is necessary to clarify the conceptual framework of the study. The purpose of the study has not been formulated in the article. The article highlights sections with subheadings, which is necessary for articles in the journal "Taxes and Taxation". At the same time, the sections formed do not correspond to the classical approaches for scientific articles, since the author allocates subheadings to each paragraph of the six devoted to the specifics of determining the VAT tax base, for example, "Tax benefits" or "Separate accounting". Also, the features of the digital transformation of VAT administration in 5 countries with the names of sections by country names are highlighted in separate subsections. We advise the author to pay attention to the classical approach to the structure of an IMRAD scientific article or to articles published in previous issues of the journal. In the introductory part of the study, the author makes an attempt to justify the choice of the appropriate research direction. There are no standard elements for the "Introduction" of scientific articles. The author needs to supplement the text of the article with such mandatory elements as the relevance of the purpose, objectives of the study and its practical significance. There is no literature review as such. The main part of the article is devoted to the description of the research results. The author summarizes information about the prospects, opportunities and existing barriers for the development of tax administration and automatic VAT declaration in Russia. The author should determine the subject of the study, on the basis of which to determine the expediency of such a detailed description of the features of VAT that limit electronic declaration, as well as the expediency of describing the periods of transition of European countries to electronic accounts and VAT reporting. In the final section of the article, the author formulates conclusions based on the results of the study. The author summarizes that "in Russia there are a number of prerequisites for the introduction of automated calculation of VAT by tax authorities and the cancellation of the tax declaration for this tax. ... Such a reform will not eliminate the need for taxpayers to independently calculate taxes, but will create the prerequisites for such an innovation, as well as minimize the risks of tax evasion." This conclusion requires concretization and more precise formulation. The study uses well-known general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, logical method, etc. Special economic methods were not used. The relevance of the chosen topic is beyond doubt, nevertheless, it has not been formulated by the author. To substantiate the relevance and significance, the author should prove. Why exactly today, when VAT receipts to the budget are growing, the tax control of the NDSM is highly automated, it is worth taking further steps to improve and develop digital VAT administration. The practical significance of the research is not explicitly stated in the article. The article should be supplemented with a justification of the practical significance of the conducted research. The author has not formulated the points of scientific novelty of the study. The presence of scientific novelty is not obvious. The author should pay attention to the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained. The style of the article is scientific, however, the language of the article requires improvement and elimination of numerous shortcomings, for example, "However, due to the current business, it is required to maintain a staff of accountants" (current what?, second sentence), "scientific circles also paid attention" (1 paragraph). The article contains incorrect statements. For example, "Therefore, automation of tax accounting and reporting also saves businesses from following large arrays of legislative norms." Automation does not cancel the mandatory fulfillment of legal requirements. And further, "However, companies conduct financial, managerial and other analysis for their own purposes, which completely does not comply with the mandatory accounting and reporting established by the state. This is proved by the development of corporate finance and financial analysis." The development of corporate finance and financial analysis cannot prove that financial accounting does not comply with mandatory requirements. The author provides only 1 table according to the text, the expediency of which is not obvious for research. Calculations and statistical data are not available. The bibliography is represented by 20 sources, mainly Internet resources and websites. There are only 6 scientific articles. The requirements for the design of the list of references are not met. The advantages of the article include the relevance of the chosen research area. The disadvantages of the article include the following. First, the need to highlight sections of the article with subheadings, as well as the need to clarify the title. Secondly, the absence of explicitly formulated elements of scientific novelty, as well as the need to specify the practical significance. Thirdly, the need to supplement the article with formalized elements in accordance with the requirements. Fourth, the need to clarify the subject of the study is administration or declaration. Fifth, the narrowness of the range of analyzed scientific articles on the research topic, despite the interest in the topic in recent years and the availability of appropriate defended dissertations on the topic. Sixth, the lack of calculations, statistical data (possibly illustrating the "scale of the disaster" and the significance of the study. Seventh, there are shortcomings in the preparation of the text of the article. Conclusion. The presented article is devoted to the study of the prerequisites and possibilities of digitalization of VAT tax administration and the transition to automatic VAT calculation by taxpayers. The article reflects the results of the author's research and may arouse the interest of the readership. The article can be accepted for publication in the journal "Taxes and Taxation" only after the elimination of the comments indicated in the text of this review.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. Based on the title, the article should be devoted to the necessity and prerequisites for conducting an unaccountable form of VAT calculation. What is the essential difference between necessity and prerequisites? The author is recommended to either leave one of the characteristics or give an answer to this question in the text of the article. In general, the content corresponds to the stated topic. The research methodology is based on qualitative referencing of sources on the chosen research topic, analysis of numerical data on the amount of VAT in the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. As part of the revision of the article, it would also be interesting to find out quantitative estimates of the effect of implementing the author's recommendations. The relevance of the study of issues related to the improvement of taxation is beyond doubt, since the volume of budget revenues of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation depends on it. At the same time, there is an extremely huge demand from the scientific community, public authorities of the Russian Federation, and public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for high-quality scientific research in this area. Scientific novelty is partially present in the scientific article submitted for review. In particular, the author's highlighted attributes of the need to switch to a new VAT calculation mechanism are of interest. It would also be interesting to highlight specific effects (e.g. financial, social, environmental, economic, and others). Style, structure, content. There are no expressions of journalistic or conversational styles in the article submitted for review. From this position, the article is written in scientific language. The author is recommended to structure the text (highlight, for example, the following structural components: "Relevance of the study", "Methodology and research conditions", "Research results", "Justification of research results", "Conclusions and further directions of research"). Familiarization with the content showed that the author submitted an unfinished scientific work for review. After the formation of the above-mentioned structure, the prerequisites for its completion will be formed: first of all, it is necessary to justify the author's recommendations, link them to existing problems, and evaluate the effects of implementation. This will have a wide level of demand from the potential readership. Bibliography. The bibliographic list is presented by 21 sources. It is valuable that the author relies on the latest scientific publications published in 2023, which forms the prerequisites for taking into account the latest trends in scientific thought. The author provided references to foreign practical experience in sufficient detail, which, firstly, would be interesting to evaluate in the content of the work (including in terms of the possibility of implementation in Russian practice), and, secondly, it would also be interesting to study scientific publications published abroad. When finalizing the article, it is recommended to eliminate this remark. Appeal to opponents. It should be noted that this article is positively distinguished by the presence of an appeal to the authors of other studies in terms of substantiating the relevance of the study of the stated issues. It would also be interesting to compare the scientific results obtained with those obtained by other authors. This would significantly increase the scientific novelty of the research in the case of demonstrating a specific practical increase in scientific knowledge. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account all the above, the article submitted for review requires revision, after which the question of the expediency of its publication may be considered. If the content is thoroughly refined and supplemented with specific and well-founded practical recommendations, the article will be in demand from a wide range of potential readership. It would also be advantageous to designate it in the text of the article, indicating specific fragments of the results obtained and possible consumers in practical use.

Third Peer Review

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The reviewed work is devoted to the study of conducting an unaccountable form of calculating value added tax. The research methodology is based on the study and generalization of modern scientific publications on the topic under consideration, analysis of data on the receipt of income from value added tax to the federal and consolidated budgets, visualization of the results obtained. The authors attribute the relevance of the work to the fact that taxpayers of VAT and other taxes are required to keep tax records, which distracts them from their main function – doing business, and is also accompanied by costs associated with maintaining a staff of employees engaged in reporting, methodological support for calculations and technical support for the functioning of specialized software. The scientific novelty of the reviewed study, according to the reviewer, consists in summarizing information about the introduction of automated calculation of VAT by tax authorities and the cancellation of the tax declaration for this tax. The following sections are highlighted in the text of the article: Introduction, Arguments against the practical application of the proposed concept, Justification of the need for the practical application of an unaccountable form of VAT calculation, Subtleties in VAT calculation that complicate the practical application of the proposed concept, Foreign practice of using an unaccountable form of VAT calculation, Conclusions and further research directions, Bibliography. The article provides an overview of scientific works; considers the concept of introducing digital VAT administration; prerequisites for the introduction of automated tax calculation, in particular technological progress, introduced tax monitoring as the first stage of digitalization of tax administration; judicial practice in tax cases. According to the authors, the prerequisites for the transition to a new VAT calculation mechanism are as follows: the technical possibility to introduce a new automated tax calculation procedure; the desire of the state for such automation; the desire of business to minimize costs and maximize exemption from any unnecessary actions; the need to replenish the state budget and stimulate the economy through benefits, reduced tax rates. It is noted that in Russia, the procedure for calculating VAT has many features and ambiguities, which makes it difficult to quickly understand this tax and forces to study large amounts of legislation. The publication also summarizes the experience of countries where automation and digitalization of tax relations have developed: Hungary, Italy, Great Britain, Belarus, Kazakhstan. The bibliographic list includes 21 sources – scientific publications and Internet resources on the topic under consideration, which are referenced in the text, which confirms the existence of an appeal to opponents. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that there is a typo in the name of one of the sections: "NLS" (instead of VAT). The reviewed material corresponds to the direction of the journal "Taxes and Taxation", reflects the results of the work carried out by the authors, may arouse the interest of readers, and therefore it is recommended for publication.