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Professional formation of college students at the stage of their pre-professional development

Egorenko Tatiana Anatolievna

PhD in Psychology

Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Pedagogical Psychology named after Professor V. A. Guruzhapov, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

29 Sretenka str., Moscow, 127051, Russia










Abstract: The subject of the study is the formation of components of professional formation (professional identity, motives of professional choice, ability to build time prospects) of college students at the stage of their pre-professional development. In the course of theoretical analysis it was determined that professional formation is a long, discrete segment of life, which is characterised by phases with alternating turning points at the milestone stages. The stage of pre-professional development includes two stages: the stage of preparation for professional choice and the stage of professional training. Among the most important indicators of successful process of professional development at the stage of pre-professional development are the formation of motivational sphere, awareness of professional choice, ability to plan and build time prospects. As a result of the study, it was revealed that in the group of students under study, the predominant identity is uncertain identity, indicating the unconsciousness of professional choice. Students build their professional future not considering their own interests and needs, but in order to avoid criticism and admonition of others. Students with a pronounced imposed identity easily relate to the events of the present and put hope in their future and the opportunities they define for themselves in it, but the prevailing motivation for planning their future in them is also external negative motivation. Students at the stage of "crisis of choice" evaluate the events that happened to them in the past as a positive experience, they perceive the events of the present objectively, thoughts and actions are aimed at building their professional future. The data obtained in the course of the study indicate the need to develop a system of psychological support of students' professional development, aimed at the formation of their active, subjective position in mastering the chosen profession.


professional development, pre-professional development, professional identity status, career motives, time perspectives, professional training, professional motivation, vocational development, college students, career plans

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Modern Russian reality is facing complex challenges and changes: globalization, digitalization, technological progress, socio-economic changes, etc. Along with the changes taking place in Russian society, the labor market is also changing, which leads to increased interest in the problem of professional training of a specialist who is ready to be competitive and meet all the challenges of our time.

Professional formation is a long, discrete period of life, which is characterized by a phase with alternating turning points at the milestone stages[1]. The process of professional formation at the stage of pre-professional development includes two stages. At the stage of preparation for professional choice, knowledge about work and types of professional activity is formed, and professional interests and inclinations are revealed by the future subject of work. The stage ends with the formation of readiness for professional choice. The stage of professional training of the stage of pre-professional development is characterized by the development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity; the active development of professionally important qualities that determine successful functioning in a professional environment; the formation of professional identity, which includes awareness of professional choice, the establishment of professional values and beliefs, as well as the development of motivation to achieve high results in the chosen profession [2].

The problem of professional training of a labor subject is widely represented in the research and works of scientists A.A. Derkach [3], I.V. Dubrovina [4], V.A. Tolochek [5], E.A. Klimov [6], E.F. Zeer [7], L.B. Schneider [8] and others.

The period of professional formation of a labor subject at the stage of professional training is undoubtedly accompanied by significant changes in the need-motivational sphere, in the hierarchical restructuring of which motives related to the assimilation of professional knowledge begin to occupy the highest level [9]. At the stage of professional training, conditions are created for the formation of professional consciousness necessary for the subsequent formation of a culture of professional work [10]. During this period, the student acquires some autonomy and self-sufficiency, expands social activity, which in the future will contribute to the formation of his professional position and professional growth [11].

Among the most important indicators of the successful process of professional formation, the formation of the motivational sphere within the framework of professional activity is highlighted [9;10]. At the stage of professional training, there is a transformation of those internal forces that determine the high effectiveness of educational and professional activities and contribute to the positive dynamics of the professional development of the subject of labor.

Today, secondary vocational education (SPE) plays an important role in training specialists for various sectors of the economy. Colleges, as the main institutions of secondary vocational education, carry out the task of building the country's human resources potential of practitioners and middle-level workers. Research shows [12;13,14;15] that students with different goals and motivations study at colleges. Some choose college in order to gain competencies and quickly start professional activities, others seek additional education after graduation, as well as those who use the college period as an intermediate stage before entering higher education. The degree of immersion of the student in the chosen professional activity already at the stage of obtaining secondary vocational education will also affect his professionalization process. The article presents the results of a study of the statuses of professional identity, the motives of professional choice and the ability to plan life prospects as components of the professional development of college students at the stage of professional training.

Organization and methods of research

The study was conducted on the basis of state-funded professional educational institutions (teacher training colleges) in Moscow and Tver. 152 students took part in the study, of which 109 people are enrolled in the 1st year - 35 people; the 3rd year – 41 people; the 4th year – 76 people.

To diagnose the professional development of college students, the following methods were used: "Motives for choosing a profession" by R.V. Ovcharova [16], "Study of professional identity statuses" (A.A. Azbel, A.G. Gretsov) [16], "Time Perspective Questionnaire" by F. Zimbardo (adaptation by A. Syrtsova, E.T. Sokolova, O.V. Mitina) [17].

The results of the study

A. A. Azbel characterized the stages of the formation of professional identity, and gave them the name of statuses. The first stage is called the "uncertain status of professional identity", characterized by a lack of understanding, clarity in the choice of profession, lack of thoughts about the future and the construction of their professional plans. The second stage is the "imposed status of professional identity", a professional choice has been made, but it was chosen under the influence of external circumstances, someone else's opinion or imitation. The third stage is the "status of the moratorium on professional identity", this is a crisis, a turning point in which life experience begins to be analyzed, the inner world is learned and various options for professional development are considered. And finally, the fourth stage is the achievement of the status of a "formed professional identity", characterized by an understanding of oneself, one's interests and inclinations, strengths, awareness of professional plans and independent choice of profession [18].

An analysis of the results using the methodology for identifying professional identity statuses among students of pedagogical colleges showed that, regardless of the course of study (year 1-4), "indeterminate professional identity" is predominant. Only a small proportion of college students enrolled in 3rd and 4th years have moved on to the next stage of professional identity "imposed professional identity", the average values are 17.71 in the 3rd year; 18.88 in the 4th year. The average values of the status "moratorium of professional identity" are 17.35 in the 3rd year; 17.95 in the 4th year (Table 1). The status of "formed professional identity" has the lowest values in all training courses.


Table 1 – Distribution of the average values of the results of the methodology for studying professional identity statuses (A.A. Azbel, A.G. Gretsov) in a sample of 1st - 4th year college students


The status of professional identity

1st year

3rd year

4th year












The moratorium









Table 2 – Results of statistical analysis of differences (U-Mann-Whitney criterion) of professional identity statuses of 1st- 4th year college students


The status of professional identity

Course 1-3

Course 1-4

3-4 course





















The moratorium















As a result of statistical analysis of the differences (U-Mann-Whitney criterion) between groups of 1st and 3rd year students, statistically significant differences were revealed in terms of the scales "Imposed" (U=468; ?=0.007) and "Moratorium" (U=403.5; ?=0.001) for students of 3The differences between the 2nd and 4th courses were also revealed according to these scales: "Imposed" (U=468; ?=0.007) and "Moratorium" (U=403.5; ?=0.001) (Table 2). It should be noted that in the process of studying at an average vocational educational institution, only a slight Some students raise their professional identity status, which may indicate that students are not ready to determine their professional prospects and indicates that most students return to the situation of professional choice at the time of graduation from college.

Let's consider the features of motivation of professional choice among college students of 1st – 4th years (Table 3).


Table 3 – Distribution of average values and standard deviations of the results of the methodology "Motives for choosing a profession (R.V. Ovcharova) in a sample of college students of 1st - 4th years


Motives for choosing a profession

1st year

3rd year

4th year




Internal individually significant motives




Internal socially significant motives




External positive motives




External negative motives





The leading motives for professional choice among students of pedagogical colleges, regardless of the course of study, are external negative motives, which indicates that the choice of a professional institution was made under the influence of external circumstances, which the subjects interpret as unfavorable for themselves. Such results suggest that a conscious willingness to make a professional choice at the time of graduation was not formed in more college students, therefore, the choice of profession, the educational institution in which they study today, was made under the influence of the "need for choice", without taking into account their interests and preferences. It can be assumed that in the future, at the time of graduation, these students will return to the situation of choosing a profession.

An important aspect of professional development is the ability of a person to plan time prospects. Table 4 shows the results of F.Zimbardo's "Time Perspective Questionnaire" methodology (adaptation by A. Syrtsova, E.T. Sokolova, O.V. Mitina)


Table 4 – Distribution of average values and standard deviations of the results of the "Time Perspective Questionnaire" methodology (F.Zimbardo) in a sample of 1st - 4th year college students


Time perspective

1st year

3rd year

4th year




The Past Is Negative




The real Hedonistic








The Past Is Positive




The Real Fatalistic





The most pronounced time perspective in all college student courses is the "Positive Past." This may indicate immaturity, infantilism, unwillingness to take responsibility for oneself, one's actions and decisions in the present. It is noteworthy that the orientation towards the future, the prospects for building and implementing their own plans are more pronounced among students at the initial stage of college studies.

Correlation analysis was applied to study the professional development of college students, the results are presented in Table 5.


Table 5 – Results of the correlation analysis of indicators of professional development in the aggregate sample of college students





The moratorium







The Past Is Negative





The real Hedonistic










The Past Is Positive





The Real Fatalistic





Internal individually significant motives





Internal socially significant motives





External negative motives






Students with a pronounced indeterminate identity have not formed a readiness for professional choice, they are carefree in living the present ("Present Fatalistic" p=-0.189; ?=0.020) and are oriented towards the future ("Future" p=0.432; ?=0.001). In building a professional future, they are driven rather by criticism and edification of others about the need to think about the future ("External negative motives" (p=0.254; ?=0.002), they do not take into account their own interests and needs in building their future ("Internal individually significant motives" (p=-0.337; ?=0.001).

Students with a pronounced imposed identity do not evaluate their past negatively or pessimistically ("Negative Past" p=-0.176; ?=0.030), easily relate to the events of the present ("Present Fatalistic" p=-0.253; ?=0.002) and pin their hope on their future and the opportunities that they define for themselves in it ("Future" p=0.416; ?=0.001). The prevailing motivation for building a professional future for them is external negative motivation (p=0.444; ?=0.001), which builds an image of the future under the influence of criticism or condemnation of internal individually significant and socially significant motives" (p=-0.477; ?=0.001), "Internal socially significant motives" (p=-0.259; ?=0.001), are not included in building a professional future.

Students who are at the stage of the "Moratorium, crisis of choice" evaluate events that happen to them in the past as positive experiences and opportunities for development ("Past positive" p= 0.324; ?= 0.001), they perceive the present objectively ("Present Fatalistic" p=-0.282; ?=0.001), thoughts and actions are aimed at building their professional future ("Future" p=0.391; ?=0.001). The leading motivation in building an image of the future is criticism and edification of others about the need to make a professional choice, to think about their future life ("External negative motives" p=0.402; ?=0.001) personal needs, interests, inclinations and opportunities for development are not taken into account by students when building professional plans ("Internal individually significant motives" p=-0.505; ?=0.001), ("Internal socially significant motives" (p=-0.182; ?=0.025).



The obtained research results indicate problem areas in the professional development of college students, there is a tendency to a state of uncertainty, a feeling of uncertainty about the correctness of the previously accepted professional choice. To resolve the current situation, it is necessary to develop a system of psychological support for students' professional development aimed at forming their active, subjective position, developing goal-setting skills, forming a positive image of time, their present and future, awareness in building a strategy for personal and professional development and self-improvement.

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The object of research in the presented work is the professional self-determination of college students, the subject is actually the accompanying diagnostic psychological and pedagogical work. The relevance of the research is undoubtedly due to the fact that we live in an era when there is too frequent change in the technological appearance of the world, which means that professions and fields of activity that seemed promising until relatively recently are losing relevance. Thus, there is a real scientific need to rethink the process of professional self-determination and the formation of a new generation. From a methodological point of view, the article is exclusively practical in nature, the main research method is a diagnostic experiment, which is a sufficient level for such a research format. The text is made in accordance with the norms of scientific style, the list of references meets the substantive requirements and reflects the object of research stated in the work. The theoretical part of the study is more of a compilation than an analytical nature, as will be discussed below. The practical part of the study was performed at a good level, the application of mathematical methods for processing diagnostic data deserves attention, ensuring the validity of the results. There are the following comments on the work. From a structural point of view, the experimental block is called "results and their discussion", which does not fully correspond to generally accepted canons, this name usually contains information about the significance of the study against a general publication background and about its novelty. There is no such information in the text as a whole. The theoretical part is called the introduction, which is not quite correct, since the introduction usually presents the problem statement. It is not customary (except in cases of obvious necessity) to cite in the conclusion, since this part inherently implies a completely author's text. In the theoretical part, almost every paragraph is accompanied by a reference, which naturally implies the question of having one's own theoretical judgments. From a substantive point of view, there are questions about the formulation of relevance. There is no real psychological and pedagogical motivation for the phenomenon under study. The author confines himself to super-general phrases about global trends, in fact, such a formulation is suitable for any humanitarian article at all. In the theoretical part, only a list of authors is presented, while in the scientific work it is expected to review their research with at least a minimal description of their contributions, vectors, etc.. There are no explicit definitions in the text, any structural components of the phenomenon under study, etc. The theoretical information is extremely generalized and is more similar to the text of a textbook. These remarks somewhat impoverish the article from the point of view of scientific and analytical assessment, but do not negate the understanding that the work as a whole meets the basic requirements for practical research and can be published in a peer-reviewed journal in the psychological and pedagogical field.