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The variety of models of terminological units of the hydraulic engineering industry and the sphere of state and municipal procurement

Galankina Inna Ivanovna

ORCID: 0000-0003-2702-0581

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and General Theoretical Subjects; Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127434, Russia

Perfilieva Natalia Vladimirovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-1018-809X

PhD in Philology

Associate-Professor of the General and Russian Linquistics Departament, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia

Perfiliev Aleksei Kirillovich

Postgraduate student, Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia










Abstract: The relevance of the study lies in clarifying the terminological status of newly formed units and describing the variety of ways to replenish terminological systems. The subject of the study is the models of terminological units of hydraulic engineering and procurement for state and municipal needs. The aim of the work is to represent the methods of derivation in the language of hydraulic engineering, as well as to identify and classify specific terminological combinations of these industries. The conducted research also made it possible to clarify the criteria for assigning terminological names to the following classes of words: term, quasi-term, pre-term. Practical significance implies the application of the results in the compilation of databases and materials for teaching professional communication in foreign languages. The perspective of the study is a contrastive analysis of these terminological systems in two or more languages in order to clarify the translation of terminological units.  The structural features of the terminological units are determined using contrastive analysis. The selection and comparison of terminological units were carried out on the basis of a solid sample of normative documents from the studied industries. The statistical analysis data demonstrated the frequency of formation of two-, three-, four-, etc. terminological names in hydraulic engineering and in the field of procurement. Practical significance implies the application of the results in the compilation of databases and materials for teaching professional communication in foreign languages. The conducted research allowed us to conclude that the accuracy of expressing the concepts of the new sphere of procurement for state and municipal needs is achieved through verbose models, the components of which are combined by an obligatory valence. The peculiarities of the hydraulic terminological system are the absence of five-, six- and seven-component models, which is largely compensated by the wealth of derivational means and is due to the "age" of this industry. The novelty of the work is determined by several factors: firstly, the terminological status of the quasi-term and pre-term is clarified, and secondly, the criterion of mandatory valence is justified to determine a verbose combination of words as a stable terminological name.


term, preterm, quasi-term, valency, terminology system, semantics, terminological phrases, models of terminological units, procurement sphere, hydraulic engineering field

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Language research for special purposes, which began in the first half of the twentieth century, does not lose its relevance and is conducted in two main directions: on the one hand, the theoretical heritage is systematized and, on the other hand, specific terminological systems and subject areas of various fields of activity are studied. Practical research makes it possible to clarify some controversial provisions of theoretical terminology. The language for special purposes has been worked out in a theoretical aspect by leading Russian scientists: O. S. Akhmanova [1], G. O. Vinokur [2], S. V. Grinev-Grinevich [3], V. P. Danilenko [4], V. M. Leychik [5], D. S. Lotte [6], A.V. Superanskaya [7], V. A. Tatarinov [8], and many other linguists, but the term itself is interpreted in different ways. Currently, more than sixty definitions of the term are known [9], which is due to the variety of branches of application of special terminology, which generates variability of terminological units: term, pretermin, terminoid, professionalism, etc. S. V. Grinev-Grinevich, analyzing the existing definitions of the term, offers a brief generalizing definition – a special lexeme. The word lexeme, in his opinion, is universal and replaces such generic concepts found in other definitions as: a word, a phrase, a nominative special lexical unit, a nominatively significant lexical unit [3, p. 719].

The generally recognized properties of the term are: consistency, belonging to a special industry, connection with the concept, definiteness, unambiguity, contextual independence, stability, nominativeness, stylistic neutrality [3, pp. 722-923]. It should be noted that certain characteristics, for example, contextual independence, nominativeness, stylistic neutrality are optional. Some researchers, in particular V. P. Danilenko, rightly believe that the term can be not only a noun and a nominative phrase, but also a verb [4]. Nevertheless, nominative units prevail in the corpus of terms. B. N. Golovin in his work "Language and Statistics" publishes the results of a statistical analysis of the frequency of use of various parts of speech in the language of science and fiction. According to him, the use of the verb in the scientific style of speech is 9 percent, which is two times less than in the language of fiction. The frequency of use of nouns and adjectives in these styles is approximately the same [10, p. 123]. Verbs in the terminological function, apparently, should be considered as units located on the periphery of terminological systems. Thus, the focus of this study is on nominative terminological units, as the most frequent in the language for special purposes.

In addition to the term, other units also belong to the JCC. A pretermin is a special lexeme for naming a new, recently formed concept, as a rule, does not fully meet the basic requirements for the term, primarily the requirement of brevity, but is temporarily used as a term or fixed as a quasi–term [3]. A term element can become an integral part of a one–word term - a regularly reproduced special morpheme (or a fragment of a morpheme) with a stable value. A special word in a terminological phrase is qualified as a component [11, p. 2190]

As the analysis of scientific literature has shown, the formal signs defining a lexical unit as a term, terminoid or pre-term are interpreted differently depending on many factors: from the approach to research, from its subject and object, etc. In particular, the criterion of brevity / length of the term is not universal, since the length of the terminological unit varies depending on the sphere of functioning. For example, for units of the management terminology system, as N. V. Serbinovskaya states, the requirement of accuracy becomes more important than the criterion of brevity, and the number of terms and phrases in this area is significant [12]. Thus, at present, the questions about the criteria for distinguishing the types of terminological units and the allocation of preterminal phrases as units of the CLC do not lose their relevance and require clarification.

The relevance of terminological research and the applied aspect largely determines. The term can be considered as a central component of the language for special purposes [13], therefore, the study of the properties of terminological units of a certain industry is a necessary stage of work on the compilation of thesauri and databases, as well as the preparation of professionally oriented textbooks [13, 14, 15].

The purpose of this study is to describe the terminological units of two diverse directions: hydraulic engineering, which has an old terminological system, and the sphere of state and municipal procurement, with a newly formed terminological system. For the first time, a contrastive analysis of the terminological systems of these areas is carried out, which allows us to identify common and specific features of terms, pretermines and quasi-terms, which determines the novelty of the study. The novelty of the research also lies in the description of the specifics of productive models of the pre-term terminology of the public and municipal procurement system.

In connection with the above, the task is to compare nominative terminological names related to various industries: technical – the term system of hydraulic engineering construction – and economic the term system of public procurement.

The method of continuous sampling of units from professional texts and the method of linguistic analysis of the selected units made it possible to identify individual properties of the terminological system of the procurement sphere for state and municipal needs and hydraulic engineering construction. The total sample of the studied material amounted to 200 terminological units in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs and 250 hydraulic engineering terms. The following normative documents were used as sources of lexical material:

1. Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013 (as amended on 12/25/2023) "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for State and Municipal Needs" (with amendments and additions, intro. effective 01.01.2024)

2. GOST R 70214-2022 Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions. Moscow. The Russian Institute of Standardization. 2022

3. SNiP 33-01-2003 Hydraulic structures. The main provisions. Moscow. The standard is Inform 2020.

The use of statistical analysis made it possible to identify the most frequent models of terms and pre-terms of these fields of activity.

The study applied a functional approach that allows us to consider language in accordance with human activity and takes into account the dialectical nature of terms. The thesis about the diffuseness and blurring of the boundaries of terminological systems and – at the same time – their ordering [16] is consistent with the idea of A. A. Kibrik about the dual aspiration of language to a discrete, segmented structure // discrete, segmented structure and, on the other hand, to non-secrecy // non-discretion, which, according to the linguist, is due to the peculiarities of the cognition process as a whole [17].


The results of the study.

1. Units of the terminological system of State and municipal procurement

Let's consider the main models of education in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs. This term system is of interest for research as it is newly formed and characterized by heterogeneity of composition: along with borrowings, on the one hand, there is a significant number of terminologized words of the general literary language. There are a large number of both one-word terms and terminological phrases in this area, whose status requires clarification. Lexical heterogeneity is primarily associated with the polycentricity of the system, covering the terminopoly of related fields: economics, law, trade, banking, agriculture and food industry.

A significant part of the special lexicon of the sphere under consideration is represented by commonly used words formed in a non-prefix way: admission, as well as in a prefix–suffix way: purchase, customer, contractor, etc. Terminologizing, these lexemes come into strict accordance with the concept and acquire the appropriate definition, for example: purchase is a set of actions carried out by the Bank in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation Of the Russian Federation ... aimed at meeting the needs of the Bank in goods, works, services (hereinafter referred to as products) by concluding contracts and additional agreements to such contracts based on the results of procurement procedures. One of the ways to form terminological units in this industry is also to use the plural form to express the terminological meaning: trades, services, needs, jobs, etc.

In the field of procurement, some phrases of the general literary language are terminologized: provision of services, submission of an application; provision of documentation; holding a competition, delivery of goods, etc.

The distribution of a noun by an adjective in certain cases translates this phrase into the category of terminological units: signature – electronic signature, qualified electronic signature, unqualified electronic signature; assistance – humanitarian assistance, platform – electronic platform.

Among the units selected for analysis, the number of foreign-language borrowings operating in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs is small and, as a rule, borrowing occurs using semantic calculus: electronic signature, trading platform, information card. We emphasize that many words of foreign language origin, such as: bank, document, competition, monitoring, were mastered in Russian much earlier than this field of activity and, accordingly– the terminological system took shape.

In the field of procurement for state and municipal needs, extended names consisting of two, three or more words are common.

Let's take a closer look at the extended unresolved terminological units or pre-terms of the procurement sphere to meet state and municipal needs. As a result of the analysis, the following models of pretermines were identified, depending on the number of lexical components associated with mandatory valence. See diagrams 1-6.

Scheme 1. Two-component names-pretermines




Scheme 2. Three-component names-pretermines



Scheme 3. Four-component names-pretermines



Scheme 4. Five-component names-pretermines


Scheme 5. Six-component names-pretermines



Scheme 6. Seven-component names-pretermines



The most frequent terminological combinations are two-, three- and four-component models. Six- and seven-component models of terms are not common in this field. The small number of such terminological names is explained by the properties of short–term human memory, which is able to operate with a chain of seven +/- two words [19]. Thus, terminological combinations of more than seven words are at the limit of human speech capabilities and therefore their number is extremely small.

These extended models should be considered as terminological units, namely preterminals, since they correspond to a number of conditions:

1) serve to denote the concepts of the sphere of ensuring state or municipal needs;

2) terminological phrases are organized by a mandatory valence, that is, in this function they represent unified terminological complexes;

3) there are no other terminological units for naming the relevant concepts;

4) the maximum length of terminological units in the field of procurement for state or municipal needs is limited to seven mandatory components; with optional components, the number of words in the terminological name may be more. For example, in the five-component model, optional distributors are used, the valence of which is optional: obligations of the supplier (contractor) to create (modernize), master the production of goods.

The examples given indicate that in this field, terminological phrases are a frequent way of naming concepts.

Thus, the sphere of procurement for state or municipal needs is characterized by preterminal names, which are chains of names. They differ from the terms by the lack of brevity, but other features of the terms are peculiar to them: accuracy, regularity, relevance to a certain area, stylistic neutrality. The criterion that makes it possible to distinguish preterminal phrases as independent units is the presence of an obligatory connection or valence that unites "terminological centipedes" into integral structures.


2. Units of the term system of hydraulic engineering construction

 The peculiarities of the units of the hydraulic engineering system are explained by a number of linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Hydraulic engineering is closely related to other branches of human activity: hydrology, geology, hydraulics, shipping, agriculture, energy, ecology, etc., therefore, the terminological system of this field is characterized by saturation with terms of related sciences [16] and diffuse terminological fields [17].

The term system of hydraulic engineering is one of the old term systems in the Russian language; it traces the transitions from protothermin to term, the processes of terminologization and de- and reterminologization, the dynamics of the formation of concepts. The language of the hydraulic engineering industry is characterized by blurred borders with the general literary language. For example, the terms canal, swamp, fountain and some others have several different definitions, depending on the terminology to which they belong. There are several articles corresponding to them in explanatory dictionaries.

Statistical analysis of the sample showed that the terms of hydraulic engineering fully meet the criterion of brevity: 80% of the selected units consist of a single word.

In the composition of the term system under consideration, old terms originating from prototherms are found: water, river, lake, sea, pond, snow, ice, sludge. In some cases, words borrowed from European languages are found: fairway (German), gateway (English), fountain (Italian), pool (French), meander (Greek), terrace (Latin), etc., as well as international term elements of Greek and Latin origin: hydro, aqua , eco, bio, etc.

Word formation is an important source of replenishment of the corpus of hydraulic engineering construction terms. Here are the most frequent models of the formation of hydraulic engineering terms:

§     Verbal derivation models.

In the formation of hydraulic engineering terms, verbal derivation is active using a number of word-forming components:

? the basics of prefixed verbs and the null suffix: drain, spill. pressure, rolling, inflow;

? the basics of non-prepositional/prefixed verbs and the suffix -ani j-e/ -eni j-e/ -ti j–e - merge, blur. Individual nouns are members of word-formation chains in which meaning is transformed from an object or feature to a process:

water ? flood / flood ? flood

fish ? stocking / stocking ? stocking

dry ? drain / drain ? dehumidification

meander ? meander ? meander

In some cases, the intermediate verb may be missing: rain ? ... ? sprinkling.

·                    Nominal derivation models

There are few derivatives formed from nouns in the prefixal-suffixal way: oseredok, side; loam; suffixal way: crack ? fractured ? fractured.

·                    Word structure models

The terminological units of the hydraulic engineering industry are characterized by a word structure with suffixation and interfixation. The main component is the verbal basis. Note that in the sample, derivatives for this model account for 15%.

Complex derivatives occupy a special place, since the compression of a terminological unit is ensured due to word-formation means: ship lift, water-permeable, water-permeable.

The most productive word structure with zero suffixation is: ice drift, ice break, ice cutter, shugohod, fish passage, aqueduct. The words given as examples are formed by the composition of a noun and a non-prefixed verb. However, among the terms of hydraulic engineering there is a significant group of complex words formed from prefixed verbs: water outlet, watershed, log outlet, timber, which, according to the authors of Academic Grammar, is generally not typical for Russian word formation [20, p. 251]. In complex words with the suffix -nickname and -seek, the supporting component can be both a non-prepositional verb base (reservoir) and a prefixed one (fish lift, water intake).

The addition of the bases of nouns is less typical for this terminological system: reinforced concrete. There are separate examples of the abbreviation of HPP, GTS; composite names of the cooling pond.

An example of a grammatical way of word formation is the use of a real noun in the plural: water – water, where water is the totality of all the water resources of the land. Let's compare: water is an inorganic substance, the molecule of which contains hydrogen and oxygen atoms. In the plural form, the uncountable noun water is lexicalized, and the water lexeme is used as a term.

Some words of the general literary language, in the presence of a definition and precise correlation with a certain concept, acquire the status of terms in the language of hydraulic engineering, for example: reliability.

Terminological phrases are mainly represented by the following models:

· two-, less often three?component combinations with coordination connection: aquifer, groundwater, sprinkler plant, arch dam, water management, coastal protection structures, surface water bodies, culverts, hydraulic structures, etc. - 16% of the sample

· two?component combinations with control communication: water depletion, water consumption, velocity plot, catchment basin - more than 1.5% of the sample

· three?component combinations with coordination and management: groundwater outlets, reservoir mirror area, capillary irrigation device - 1.5% of the sample

· the least frequent four-component combinations are safe operation of hydraulic structures; protection from harmful effects of water  ? less than 1% of the sample.

Note that in all the examples given there are no optional lexical components. Statistical data show a significant predominance of one-word hydraulic engineering terms. It can be concluded that the terminological units of hydraulic engineering correspond to the criterion of brevity.

Two- and three-component combinations have a stable composition: their distribution is not allowed. Given their stability and small extent, they should be considered terms.

Four-component models are rarely used, they can be qualified as quasi-terms, that is, units that have definitions and meet the requirements of accuracy and stability, but do not meet the requirement of brevity. Unlike pretermines, they do not allow lexical transformations.


The conducted research confirmed the thesis about the relationship between the length of the terminological unit and the sphere of its functioning. According to the sample data, the length of terminological units of hydraulic engineering is small and amounts to 3 words for a term and 4 words for a quasi?term. In the field of procurement for state and municipal needs, a preterm can be formed from 6 or more components. 

Being a new terminology system, the sphere of procurement for state and municipal needs is in the process of formation, but despite the abundance of pre-terms and terminological combinations, it is successfully functioning. The terminological units of the terminological system of the procurement sphere for state and municipal needs have identified the main properties of terms: correlation with the concept, definition, unambiguity, accuracy, clarity, tendency to nominativeness. The brevity requirement does not apply to most units, as many of them are pre-terms. The results of the study allow us to define pretermin as a new non-established designation, as a rule, which is a combination of several words associated with mandatory valence, but with the possible addition of optional components. Verbose extended models meet the requirement of accuracy.

Based on statistical data in the terminological system of the hydraulic engineering industry, the most frequent units ? one?word terms - and the least frequent four-component phrases -quasi-terms, which have a structure uncharacteristic for terminological units of the industry, but meet the requirements of stability and definition, are identified.

Thus, a comparative analysis of the two terminological systems based on new material proves that the language of the economic sphere is replete with pre-terms and descriptive phrases in which accuracy is achieved due to the length of units. On the contrary, the language of technical disciplines strives for maximum compression of the term – the synthesis of accuracy and brevity. The pre-terminals of the procurement sector have less stability and greater variability than the quasi-terminals of the hydraulic engineering industry.

The study showed that the general standardization of terms in various industries is unlikely, it can probably be about the standardization of terminological units of individual fields of activity.

The perspective of the research is seen in conducting a contrastive analysis of the presented terminological systems in different languages.

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The reviewed article "The variety of models of terminological units of the hydraulic engineering industry and the sphere of state and municipal procurement" undoubtedly examines the actual problem of scientific and technical terminology based on the material of the Russian language. Taking into account the development of science and technology, undoubtedly, the field of linguistics, such as lexicology and lexicography, is experiencing a new birth due to the increasing need to create industry dictionaries and codify terminology. The purpose of this study is to describe the terminological units of two diverse directions: hydraulic engineering, which has an old terminological system, and the sphere of state and municipal procurement, with a newly formed terminological system. The research material was blocks of terms selected by random sampling in official documents. The article is structured, consists of an introduction, the main part, a description of the research results and presentation of conclusions. In the course of the study, the author proposed an original classification of the material under study, and also identified semantic groups of metaphors. The evidence base of the study is solid. The methodology of the research was both general scientific methods and specific linguistic ones - the method of continuous sampling of units from professional texts and the method of linguistic analysis of selected units, as well as the author resorts to statistical methods, illustrating the postulated schemes and conclusions. The total sample of the studied material amounted to 200 terminological units in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs and 250 hydraulic engineering terms. The introduction of the article does not contain traditional references to the works of its predecessors, the author does not provide factual material on the degree of development of the topic in domestic and world science, which would indirectly serve as evidence of relevance, as well as the basis for highlighting scientific gaps. On the other hand, the author presents interesting material from a scientific point of view, the article contains novelty, but there are no references to authoritative works. The article presents a research methodology, the choice of which is quite adequate to the goals and objectives of the work. The study was carried out in line with modern linguistic approaches. Such works using various methodologies are relevant and, taking into account the actual material, allow us to replicate the principle of research proposed by the author on other linguistic material. The postulated by the author is illustrated by practical language material. It should be noted that the bibliography contains 19 items that are modern sources. Unfortunately, the article does not contain references to fundamental works such as monographs, PhD and doctoral dissertations. The article will undoubtedly be useful to a wide range of people, philologists, linguists, students, undergraduates and postgraduates of specialized universities. In general, it should be noted that the article is written in scientific language, well structured, typos, spelling and syntactic errors, inaccuracies were not found. The overall impression after reading the peer-reviewed article "The variety of models of terminological units of the hydraulic engineering industry and the sphere of state and municipal procurement" is positive, the work can be recommended for publication in a scientific journal from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.