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Historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation of fire education in the Baikal region in the 60s and 70s

Vasil'ev Mikhail Aleksandrovich

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Special Training of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

664074, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Lermontova, 110

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Abstract: The subject of the research of the scientific article is the peculiarities of the process of formation of the educational and pedagogical base in educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the 60-70 years of the XX century on the territory of the Irkutsk region. A brief analysis of the transformation of structural units of educational and pedagogical orientation is given, and a list of heads of educational cycles and departments is indicated at the stage of formation and development of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, as well as the Irkutsk branch of the Higher Engineering fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. The novelty of this scientific article lies in the fact that during the scientific research, historical and pedagogical sources, archival data describing in detail the history of the formation and development of the structure of the educational and methodological base in educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR were identified and summarized. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the study of educational, pedagogical, structural and organizational activities in educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is a very important component in the study of the formation and development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of the Baikal region in the XX century. The scientific article analyzes the features of the implementation of pedagogical activity at the stage of formation of educational institutions of the fire profile. Examples of professional development of educational and structural units of cycles and departments of these educational institutions are considered, indicating the academic disciplines taught. The list of heads of these structural divisions at the stage of formation and development of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School and the Irkutsk branch of the Higher Engineering fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is considered.


training cycle, fire safety, Ministry OF Internal Affairs OF the USSR, scientific potential, curriculum, educational process, educational department, special education, training of personnel, educational institution

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The subject of the study of the emergence and development of the system of professional fire education in the Irkutsk region, mostly concerns the period of 60-70 years. XX century. This time period is due to the formation of secondary and higher educational institutions of the fire Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the territory of the Irkutsk region. These educational institutions were the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, established in 1968, as well as the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, established in 1978 [1].

The relevance of the appearance of such educational institutions in the Irkutsk region was an indicator of the intensive development of the economic and industrial potential not only of the Baikal territory, but also of the entire Siberian and Far Eastern region. Such a development required the training of highly professional specialists in the field of fire safety, taking into account the specifics of these regions. The most illustrative example confirming the above is the results of recruitment by applicants of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1969.

- Group No. 1– Khabarovsk Territory;

- Group No. 2 – Kemerovo region;

- Group No. 3 – Primorsky Krai;

- Group No. 4 – Amur region;

- Group No. 5 – Altai Territory;

- Group No. 6 – Krasnoyarsk Territory;

- Group No. 7– OPO-2 of Krasnoyarsk;

- Group No. 8 – Chita region;

- Group No. 9 – Sakhalin region;

- Group No. 10 – Irkutsk region;

- Group No. 11 – Buryat ASSR;

- Group No. 12 – OPO-51 Omsk, Yakut ASSR, Tuvan ASSR, Kamchatka Territory. "OPO" refers to fire departments for the maintenance of defense industry facilities, for example (Krasnoyarsk - 45) [5].


The total number of candidates for admission to the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1969 was 319 applicants sent from the regions of Siberia and the Far East to study.


A similar territoriality in the direction of students was also observed on the example of the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

These facts indicated the demand for training specialists for the fire safety system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

It is noteworthy that the head of educational institutions created almost from scratch, such as the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1968 and the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1978, was Colonel of the internal service Alifanov Alexander Pavlovich [2]. The uniqueness of the activity of this leader lies in the fact that thanks to his energy and dedication in a short period, it was possible to create a powerful scientific and pedagogical potential.

The recruitment of teaching staff and the organization of the structure of teaching teams in educated educational institutions, according to the author of the scientific article, is one of the most difficult tasks at the stage of formation of an educational organization. This was especially true of the stage of formation of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, as a pioneer in the system of professional fire education in Eastern Siberia and the Far East [3].

For a general understanding of the system of pedagogical activity of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, it is worth specifying the list of academic disciplines taught at this educational institution for three years of training of cadets. Teaching at the school carried out five study cycles:

 - Cycle of socio-political and socio-economic sciences (Political Economy);

 - Cycle of fire prevention disciplines (Electrical engineering, Special chemistry, Fire prevention, Water supply, Thermophysics);

- Cycle of fire-technical disciplines (Mathematics, Drawing, Technical mechanics, Fire-technical weapons);

- Cycle of fire and tactical disciplines (Organization of service and training, Fire drill);

- A cycle of military disciplines and physical education (Fire training, Military tactics, Statutes of the Armed forces of the USSR, Drill, Topography, Physical education).

On average, each cycle consisted of 10 teaching staff members. According to the positions, the structure of the educational cycle included: the head of the cycle, the deputy head of the cycle, teachers and laboratory assistants. The heads of the training cycles for the period 1969-70, at the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR were:

- Cycle of socio-political and socio-economic sciences, head L.I. Shcheklanov;

- Cycle of fire prevention disciplines, head Captain N.A. Ilyenkov;

- Cycle of fire-technical disciplines, Chief Major B.V. Onosov;

- Cycle of military disciplines and physical education, head Captain V.A. Karpov;

- Cycle of fire and tactical disciplines, chief engineer-Captain B.F. Bayda [6].


Teaching activities were conducted by a total team of 36 employees. At the same time, a combination of theoretical knowledge was actively used, with the elaboration of these theoretical provisions in practice. Since throughout the entire three-year period of study at the college, cadets on a permanent basis joined the training fire department for duty. At the same time, they took an active part in the elimination of fires and emergencies on the territory of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region, risking their lives on an equal footing with the employees of the fire protection of practical bodies.

A similar structure in the organization of educational and pedagogical activities of the school operated in the period from 1968 to 1993, until the inclusion of the fire school in the Irkutsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in the form of the Faculty of fire safety. Later, when the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was formed in 1978, the educational, pedagogical and logistical base of the Irkutsk Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR became the organizational basis for the formation of the newly created higher educational institution [4]. In the organization of educational and pedagogical activities at the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire and Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the principle of consistency was applied in the process of phased recruitment of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Even before the stage of the first entrance exams in August 1978, educational departments were established on the basis of the Irkutsk Faculty:

- Department of Social Sciences, Head of the Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences B.A. Prigornev;

- Department of Preventive Disciplines, Head of the Department, Colonel of Internal Service Y.S. Kiselyov;

 - Department of Operational and Tactical Disciplines, Head of the Department, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service G.I. Osipov.

 - Department of General Scientific Disciplines, Head of the Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Major of Internal Service L.V. Shchapovsky.

- Department of General Engineering Disciplines, Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Major of Internal Service V.N. Konshin [7].

Structurally, the departments included: head of the department, deputy head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, lecturer, head of the cabinet, laboratory assistant. The number of staff of the department varied from 5 to 15 employees. These quantitative indicators in the recruitment of departments were fully formed during 1978-79. The teaching was conducted in 32 subjects. At the same time, the involvement of teachers from civilian secondary and higher educational institutions in Irkutsk was actively used for teaching.

The educational and pedagogical activities of the Irkutsk branch were carried out in the period from 1978 to 1993, until the moment of incorporation into the Irkutsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in the form of the Faculty of Fire Safety.

In general, a systematic approach to the recruitment of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the competent organization of the educational process was directly reflected in the quality of training of young graduates who continued to serve in the practical fire protection bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and later in the Russian Federation.

1. Arkhiv Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii. Fond 401, 1970.
2. Arkhiv Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii. Fond 400, 1969.
3. Chernykh V.V. Metodologicheskie aspekty issledovaniya Istorii pozharnogo dela Priangar'ya. – Irkutsk 1997. Vestnik Irkutskoi vysshei shkoly MVD Rossii ¹1 S. 55-58.
4. Chernov A.V. Istoriya podgotovki kadrov pozharnoi okhrany Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Vestnik Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii, yubileinyi vypusk (1993-2008):-Irkutsk: Izd-vo VSI MVD Rossii, 2008. S. 22-30.
5. Derevskov M.A. Pamyatnoe i plamennoe: k 30-letiyu Irkutskogo pozharno-tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha i k 5-letiyu Irkutskoi vysshei shkoly. – Irkutsk 1998. Vestnik Irkutskoi vysshei shkoly MVD Rossii ¹1(4) S. 5-8.
6. Chernykh V.V. Istoriya pozharnogo dela Irkutskoi oblasti (1800-1990-e gg.)-Irkutsk: Izd-vo VSI MVD Rossii, 1998. – S. 109-134.
7. Arkhiv Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii. Fond 351, 1979.

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Review of the article "Historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation of fire education in the Baikal region in the 60s and 70s. The subject of the study is the historical and pedagogical aspects of fire education in the Baikal region in the 1960s and 1970s. The research methodology is based on the principles of science, objectivity and historicism. In the work, the author applied historical-genetic, historical-chronological, historical-problematic. The author also applied specific historical and systemic approaches. Relevance. The author writes that the relevance of the appearance of secondary and higher educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the Irkutsk region was an indicator of the intensive development of economic and industrial potential not only of the territory of the Baikal region, but also of the entire Siberian and Far Eastern region. Such a development required the training of highly professional specialists in the field of fire safety, taking into account the specifics of these regions. Currently, the next stage of the country's industrial development has been outlined in Russia, which sets the task of ensuring fire safety of industrial facilities and training fire safety specialists. The training of fire safety specialists remains one of the most important problems in the system of professional training of fire specialists, due to the peculiarities of the professional activity of a firefighter, such as risk, efficiency, internal mobilization, technical training, etc. In this regard, it is important to study the formation of educational institutions that train specialists in this field in the 1960s and 1970s and study the experience of that period. Scientific novelty is determined by the formulation of problems and tasks. The novelty is also determined by the fact that the article attempts a comprehensive, systematic study of the historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation of fire education in the Baikal region in the 60s and 70s. XX century. Style, structure, content. The style of the article is scientific with descriptive elements, which makes the article understandable not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of readers. The structure of the work as a whole is aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the study. At the beginning of the article, the author reveals the relevance of the research, the purpose and objectives. The author notes that in the Irkutsk region, fire safety specialists began to be trained by the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, established in 1968, and a decade later the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (formed on the basis of this school). The author shows the relevance of these educational institutions by the example of applicants from the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1969. Analyzes which regions of Siberia the applicants were from and finds out that they were from almost all places (Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Kamchatka Territories, Kemerovo, Amur, Irkutsk, Chita, Sakhalin regions, Buryat and Tuva ASSR, Omsk). The paper notes the complexity of staffing educational institutions with teaching staff, especially at the stage of their education, and also shows the specifics of teaching, an active combination of theoretical knowledge, with the development of these theoretical provisions in practice. The author notes that throughout all three years of training, the cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School combined their studies with going on duty and "participating in the elimination of fires and emergencies on the territory of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region, risking their lives on an equal basis with the employees of the fire protection of practical bodies." During the formation of the Faculty of Fire Engineering and Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1978, "the organizational basis for the formation of the newly created higher educational institution was the educational, pedagogical and logistical base of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR," which indicates the high level of teachers of this institution. Later, in the organization of educational and pedagogical activities at the Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire and Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the principle of consistency was applied in the process of phased recruitment of scientific and pedagogical personnel. The article presents a list of departments and their composition, as well as an analysis of their work. In the conclusion of the article, the author provides reasonable conclusions on the topic and writes that "a systematic approach to the recruitment of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the competent organization of the educational process was directly reflected in the quality of training of young graduates who continued to serve in the practical fire protection bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and later the Russian Federation." The bibliography of the work consists of 7 sources (these are works devoted to the preparation of the history of these educational institutions and the training of fire safety specialists, documents on the research topic from materials from the Archive of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). The bibliography is designed correctly. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of information collected during the work on the topic. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The work is written on an actual topic, it may be interesting to specialists.