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Theoretical and Applied Economics

Adam Smith on uncertainty and security. Part 1.

Bekryashev Andrey

PhD in Economics

Associate professor, Department of Economic Theory and Financial Law, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

644092, Russia, Omsk region, Omsk, Komarova Ave., 7
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Abstract: The subject of the article is the study of Adam Smith's conceptual ideas about uncertainty and security and their relationship. Methods of conceptual analysis are used in two versions. The presentist approach aims to interpret Smith's ideas about uncertainty in terms of modern concepts (fundamental and epistemological uncertainty and their forms). The antiquarian approach aims to explain the features of Smith's concepts in the context of the theological, philosophical ideas and methodological ideas he shared. The analysis is used in presentist and antiquarian variants. The first part of the article shows that Smith uses several concepts of uncertainty. One of them corresponds to the modern idea of epistemic uncertainty. Smith also develops an original concept of ambiguity, which, in the author's opinion, can be most constructively understood from the standpoint of a generalized version of Niels Bohr's principle of complementarity. However, in Smith's system this type of uncertainty is of fundamental importance and is associated with the feeling of sympathy. The third part of the article examines the influence of theological ideas on Smith's ideas about uncertainty. The peculiarities of scientists' interpretation of the uncertainty of the future are explored. The second part also examines selected conceptual relationships between uncertainty and security. In Smith's theoretical system, the reduction of uncertainty plays a special role in ensuring the long-term survival of society (ensuring security - in the presentist interpretation). Smith associates it with following the rules of the virtue of justice, which have the greatest certainty and, functioning like the rules of grammar, perform the function of creating order.


fundamental uncertainty, epistemological uncertainty, security, complementarity principle, classical economic theory, ambiguity, sympathy, system knowledge, contextual knowledge, ergodic

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His proposed approach creates the basis for generalizing the idea of complementarity beyond the particular problem of the appropriateness of applying the norms of abstract virtue and, thus, reflects an understanding of the depth and complexity of Smith's theoretical thinking.

It is also important to note that in Smith's theoretical system, reducing this uncertainty plays a special role in ensuring the survival of society. Smith directly links the long-term survival of society with the pursuit of the virtue of justice. [2, pp. 101-103] The rules of this virtue are the most definite and are compared by Smith with the rules of grammar [2, pp. 176-177] in their function of forming order.

The understanding of Smith's conceptual ideas about uncertainty can hardly be complete without taking into account the religious context of the great scientist's scientific activity. Its influence is supposed to be considered in the second part of the article.

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The reviewed article is devoted to the study of Adam Smith's methodological ideas and creative legacy on uncertainty, which the classic considered in relation to security. The research methodology is based on the study of primary sources, generalization of materials from scientific publications on the issues under consideration. The authors rightly attribute the relevance of the work to the fact that uncertainty today is increasingly beginning to be considered as a factor influencing the parameters of the economic system that are critical to security and, above all, the economic security of its various subsystems, and the study of Adam Smith's conceptual ideas about uncertainty and its relationship to security is relevant both from a cognitive point of view to deepen the understanding of his contribution to the development of economic thought, and to find practical ways to ensure economic security. The scientific novelty of the reviewed research consists in a systematic presentation of A. Smith's views on the uncertainty and safety of the functioning of socio-economic systems, analysis and interpretation of the views of the classic, taking into account historical events over the past two and a half hundred years. Structurally, the article highlights the following sections: "Relevance", "Literature", "Classical Economists, Adam Smith and uncertainty", "Uncertainty: a contextual approach", "Uncertainty: a conceptual approach", which includes the following four subsections: "Literature on types and forms of uncertainty", "Smith: concepts of uncertainty. The Presentist approach", "Uncertainty and the principle of complementarity", "Knud Haakonssen's Concept of systemic and contextual knowledge, complementarity and uncertainty", as well as "Bibliography". The publication reflects Adam Smith's main ideas about uncertainty and security, set out in his works "Research on the causes of the wealth of nations", "Theory of moral Feelings", "History of Astronomy", as well as summarizes the works of scientists devoted to the study of Smith's social, ethical ideas, his contribution to the development of scientific knowledge. The bibliographic list includes 39 sources – scientific publications of foreign and domestic authors on the topic under consideration, published during the period from 1962 to 2009. The text contains targeted references to bibliographic sources, which confirms the existence of an appeal to opponents. Of the shortcomings that need to be eliminated, the following should be noted: the article does not end with conclusions or a conclusion – without this, it has an incomplete appearance. Despite the fact that it presents only the first part of the study, the results of it should still be summarized, since when they are placed in the second part of the planned publication, the reader will see only the final half of it, and the conclusions drawn from the work as a whole will be incomprehensible to him. The reviewed material corresponds to the direction of the journal "Theoretical and Applied Economics", reflects the results of the work carried out by the authors, contains elements of scientific novelty and practical significance, may arouse interest among readers, and is recommended for publication taking into account the comments made.