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Content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the era of media convergence

Chzhen' Chen'

Graduate student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6










Abstract: The scientific article is devoted to the study of content strategies used in Chinese reality shows during the period of media convergence. In the era of rapid media development and the merging of various platforms, the evolution of content approaches in Chinese reality programs is analyzed. The study focuses on the impact of this evolution on viewers and the role of reality TV in China's cultural and media landscape.The article is devoted to a detailed study of the content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the context of the modern era of media convergence. The authors analyze the impact of technological innovations and changes in the media environment on the development and presentation of reality formats, as well as the reaction of the Chinese audience to these changes. The article examines the various strategies used by producers to adapt to the new demands of the digital era and effectively interact with viewers.The article is based on the analysis of the study of content strategies that are actively used today in modern Chinese reality shows, during the period of rapid development of media convergence. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive methodological approach was applied, including an analysis of the content of reality programs, a review of relevant literature on the topic and interviews with participants and viewers. The study showed the evolution of content strategies in Chinese reality shows, reflecting the decisive influence of media convergence on the production and perception of content. The current key trends and changes in the representation of reality, as well as interaction with the audience, are analyzed. The results of the study can be used to improve strategies for creating and promoting content in modern conditions of media convergence, as well as in the field of cultural studies and media research. The work contributes to understanding the dynamics of changes in the content of Chinese reality shows in the context of media convergence, identifying unique aspects of this process in Chinese culture and society. The study confirms the importance of adapting content strategies under the influence of media convergence and puts forward proposals for the development of more effective content approaches in the modern Chinese media environment.


Chinese reality shows, content strategies, media convergence, content evolution, audience engagement, media environment, cultural landscape, research methodology, platform convergence, trends in reality programs

This article is automatically translated. You can find original text of the article here.

In an era of rapid media convergence, Chinese reality shows have become the subject of in-depth analysis in the context of their content strategies. This approach is necessary to understand how these programs have evolved in response to changes in the media environment.

One of the key aspects of the study is the analysis of the evolution of content strategies. China's reality shows, while extremely popular, have undergone changes in their content, reflecting transformations in the representation of reality. They move from standard contests and games to more complex scenarios, emphasizing audience engagement [1, p. 29].

Given the convergence of media, reality TV shows in China are also actively interacting with various media platforms. Merging platforms allows them to create more comprehensive and interactive content, which in turn enhances interaction with the audience. This trend is important in the context of the modern media ecosystem and the desire of Chinese reality shows to maintain the interest of viewers on various online platforms.

In addition, the results of the study highlight the impact of content strategies on China's cultural landscape. Reality shows are becoming not only a source of entertainment, but also an important element in the formation of general cultural values. Their content strategies influence the worldview and preferences of the audience, forming modern cultural trends.

A study of the content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the era of media convergence reveals not only the evolution of the programs themselves, but also their important impact on the media and cultural spheres. This allows us to better understand how content strategies adapt to the modern media environment, as well as how they shape and influence the cultural preferences of viewers in modern China [2, p. 99].

The specifics of the Chinese audience have a significant impact on the trends in the legislative regulation of Chinese reality shows. Chinese culture, with its own unique values and norms, places special demands on the content that is provided to viewers. In this context, legislative regulation is an important tool for maintaining content compliance with moral and cultural norms.

One of the key aspects of legislative control is content control, which aims to maintain a positive image of China and preserve public morals. Reality shows are carefully screened to avoid content that may cause public concern or violate cultural values.

The trends of legislative regulation in China also reflect the desire for more active interaction with the audience. Recent legislative changes provide for public participation in the evaluation and review process of reality TV shows. This provides viewers with the opportunity to influence the content of programs and express their opinions on moral and ethical aspects [3, p. 102].

It is worth noting that the regulation of Chinese reality shows is also aimed at ensuring information security and protecting the rights and interests of program participants. This includes measures to prevent data manipulation and ensure fair conditions for participation.

Thus, the specifics of the Chinese audience form the specifics of the legislative regulation of Chinese reality shows. Taking into account the unique cultural and moral contexts, the laws are aimed not only at maintaining content standards, but also at actively interacting with the public, taking into account the opinion of viewers and protecting the interests of all participants in the process of creating and consuming content.

The functional and genre-format specifics of Chinese reality shows represent a unique aspect of Chinese media culture, reflecting the peculiarities of the country and its audience. These programs perform a variety of functions, and their format and genre design are carefully adapted to the preferences of the Chinese public [4, p. 37].

One of the key functions of Chinese reality shows is to create entertainment content that can attract the attention of a wide audience. Genre-format specifics include a variety of genres, ranging from music and dance shows to family and educational programs. This wide range of formats provides variety and allows you to adapt to the different preferences of the audience.

However, in addition to entertainment, Chinese reality shows also perform important socio-cultural functions. They become a platform for expressing talent, supporting public and cultural initiatives, as well as for discussing topical social topics. This functional versatility makes reality TV an important tool for the formation of cultural values and identity [5, p. 82].

The formats of Chinese reality shows are often subject to innovation and evolution in accordance with changes in society and technology. One of the notable trends is the introduction of interactivity and social media into program formats. This enhances interaction with the audience, making broadcasts more participant-oriented.

Thus, the functional and genre-format specifics of Chinese reality shows reflect the dynamic nature of the country's culture and media industry. Programs of this genre perform not only entertainment functions, but also play an important role in shaping general cultural values, supporting talented individuals and ensuring public dialogue.

The formation of reality TV in China was due to a complex of political, economic and cultural prerequisites that affected the dynamics of the development of this media format in the country.

During the period of economic reform and opening up, starting in the late 1970s, China faced changes in the political landscape. The emergence of reality TV partly corresponded to the desire of cinema and television for greater creative freedom and a variety of formats after the period of the cultural revolution. The abolition of censorship of topics and ideas also contributed to the emergence of new, more open formats, including reality shows [6, p. 94].

The economic boom in China has led to the growth of the middle class and changes in the lifestyle of citizens. In conditions of economic prosperity, there was a need for new formats of entertainment programs, which contributed to the emergence of reality shows. Commercial TV companies saw these programs as an effective way to attract advertisers and expand the audience.

The change of cultural values in China has also influenced the formation of reality TV. The audience showed interest in programs that not only entertained, but also reflected the changing socio-cultural realities of the country. Reality shows became a platform for expressing individuality, talent and socio-cultural views, which fit into new cultural trends.

The synergy of these factors has contributed to the sustainable development of reality TV in China. They have become an integral part of the country's media and entertainment industry, reflecting not only everyday life, but also the socio-cultural changes taking place in China against the background of political and economic transformations.

Genre-format and functional features of Chinese reality shows on universal TV channels are an important aspect of China's modern media culture. These programs, broadcast on universal TV channels, represent a variety of formats, reflecting the specifics of the cultural preferences and needs of the audience [7, p. 51].

Chinese reality shows designed for universal TV channels cover various genres. For example, music competitions, dance battles, cooking shows and documentary formats create a rich mosaic landscape. This diversity of directions reflects the desire to attract different audiences and provide them with a wide range of content.

The functional aspects of Chinese reality shows also deserve attention. These programs perform a number of functions, ranging from entertainment and a variety of formats to supporting talent and involving viewers in interactive processes. Universal TV channels use reality formats as an effective means of attracting the attention of the audience and forming loyalty to the channel [8, p. 62].

An important aspect of the functionality of Chinese reality shows on universal TV channels is their interaction with the audience. Through voting, social media and other interactive elements, these programs ensure the active participation of viewers. This creates a sense of engagement and belonging, increasing the popularity of reality formats.

Over time, the formats of Chinese reality shows on universal TV channels continue to evolve. New technologies, including virtual and augmented reality, are being actively introduced to improve the visual experience. These trends reflect the desire for constant updating and adaptation to the expectations of a modern audience [9, p. 112].

Thus, Chinese reality shows on universal TV channels represent a unique combination of genre-format and functional features. They are not only diverse and involve the audience, but are also an important tool for shaping the content strategy of universal TV channels in the modern media environment.

The problem of the effectiveness of Chinese reality shows in the context of digital diversity is an urgent issue in the modern media environment of China. With the development of digital technologies and the growth of online platforms, a new dynamic in content consumption has emerged, which poses a challenge to traditional formats, including reality shows.

One of the main problems is the saturation of the market with content. The digital space provides a huge variety of entertainment options, which leads to competition for the attention of viewers. Chinese reality shows are faced with the need to stand out from the multitude of content offerings and hold the attention of viewers.

Another aspect of the problem is related to the effectiveness of content monetization. In the context of digital diversity, traditional sources of income, such as advertising, may be less effective due to the dilution of the audience across various online platforms. Chinese reality shows are forced to look for new monetization models, such as cooperation with online platforms, the sale of licenses for formats and other innovative approaches [10, p. 80].

It is also necessary to take into account the changing preferences of viewers in the context of digital development. Online platforms provide the opportunity for individual content selection, which implies a greater degree of personalization. Chinese reality shows require more active interaction with the audience, taking into account their preferences and creating content that can compete with personalized entertainment formats.

To solve these problems, Chinese reality shows need to actively adapt to the digital environment. This includes the use of technology, the creation of unique and high-quality content, as well as the development of innovative strategies for interacting with the audience. Productive solutions may include collaboration with platforms to improve distribution, the introduction of interactive elements, and rethinking monetization models [11, p. 65].

Thus, the problem of the effectiveness of Chinese reality shows in the context of digital diversity requires not only an understanding of new challenges, but also flexibility in adapting to the rapidly changing demands of the audience and the digital content market.

In the digital age, the preferences of the Chinese audience are becoming an important factor determining the trends in the development of the media and entertainment industry in the country. With the rapid development of technology and widespread access to digital platforms, the Chinese public expresses their preferences in various fields, influencing content formats, consumption platforms and interaction methods.

One of the key aspects of Chinese audience preferences is active participation in digital platforms and social networks. The possibility of long-term interaction and exchange of opinions in real time forms preferences in favor of content that can provoke discussions and engage the audience. Reality shows with interactive elements and the ability to vote respond to this request from the audience, giving viewers the opportunity to influence the course of events [12, p. 43].

In addition, there is an increase in interest in personalized content. The Chinese audience, with wide access to a variety of online platforms, expects content that suits their individual interests and needs. This affects content producers and TV companies, which strive to provide more personalized and diverse programs [13, p. 141].

Preference for high-quality content is also an important factor. With the increasing competition in the digital entertainment market, the Chinese audience is becoming more demanding of the quality of content. This influences the creation of national and global projects capable of offering an outstanding script, high production cost and impressive visual effects.

At the same time, interest in technological innovations is increasing. Broadcasts in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and other technological innovations attract the attention of the Chinese audience, creating new opportunities for a variety of content and interactivity.

In general, the preferences of the Chinese audience in the digital age are shaping the landscape of media consumption, emphasizing the importance of engagement, personalization, high quality and the use of innovative technologies in content. Tracking these trends is key to the successful creation and distribution of content in China's modern media space [14, p. 83].

In conclusion, the article on the content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the era of media convergence can draw several key conclusions.

First, Chinese reality shows have become an integral part of the media environment, successfully adapting to changes in the technological and media environment. The evolution of formats and content strategies demonstrates the flexibility of manufacturers and their ability to adapt to the requirements of a modern audience.

Secondly, the content strategies of these programs are closely related to the concept of media convergence. The use of different platforms and the integration of technologies are becoming key elements of successful strategies. Reality shows are not only broadcast on television channels, but also actively interact with online platforms and social networks, creating comprehensive content for the audience [15, p. 49].

 The third conclusion concerns the importance of audience engagement. Chinese reality shows are actively introducing interactive elements, allowing viewers to influence the development of the program. This not only enhances interaction with the public, but also ensures a high degree of audience participation and loyalty.

The impact of content strategies on China's cultural landscape is also an important aspect. Reality shows, acting not only as an entertainment format, but also as a means of forming general cultural values, influence cultural preferences and perception of reality in society [16, p. 136].

Finally, the necessity of continuous innovative development is deduced. The rapid change in technology and audience tastes requires reality TV producers to constantly search for new formats, themes and ideas in order to remain relevant and attractive [17, p. 78].

Thus, the analysis of the content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the context of media convergence makes it possible to understand and evaluate the successful approaches and challenges faced by these programs in the modern Chinese media environment.

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Peer Review

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The subject area of the reviewed article is quite original and interesting: the author turns to the analysis of content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the era of media convergence. As noted at the beginning of the work, "in an era of rapid development of media convergence, Chinese reality shows have become the object of in-depth analysis in the context of their content strategies. This approach is necessary to understand how these programs have evolved in response to changes in the media environment," "Chinese reality shows designed for universal TV channels cover various genres. For example, music competitions, dance battles, cooking shows and documentary formats create a rich mosaic landscape. This diversity of directions reflects the desire to attract different audiences and provide them with a wide range of content." I think that the choice of the topic is analytically justified, the author's position is quite specific and objective. Judgments in the course of the text are legitimate, the evaluative qualification does not decrease during the entire composition. For example, "Chinese reality shows on universal TV channels represent a unique combination of genre-format and functional features. They are not only diverse and involve the audience, but are also an important tool for shaping the content strategy of universal TV channels in the modern media environment," or "the specifics of the Chinese audience have a significant impact on the trends of legislative regulation of Chinese reality shows. Chinese culture, with its own unique values and norms, places special demands on the content that is provided to viewers. In this context, legislative regulation is an important tool for maintaining content compliance with moral and cultural norms," or "the functional and genre-format specifics of Chinese reality shows reflect the dynamic nature of the country's culture and media industry. Programs of this genre perform not only entertainment functions, but also play an important role in shaping general cultural values, supporting talented individuals and ensuring public dialogue. The formation of reality TV in China was due to a complex of political, economic and cultural prerequisites that affected the dynamics of the development of this media format in the country," etc. In my opinion, the work is a definite impulse that should further expand the range of study of this issue, since the topic is productive, it should be analyzed pointwise in general in connection with the transformation of the world's media. The style of this work correlates with the scientific type itself: for example, "the economic boom in China has led to the growth of the middle class and changes in the lifestyle of citizens. In conditions of economic prosperity, there was a need for new formats of entertainment programs, which contributed to the emergence of reality shows. Commercial TV companies saw these programs as an effective way to attract advertisers and expand the audience," or "the synergy of these factors contributed to the sustainable development of reality TV in China. They have become an integral part of the country's media and entertainment industry, reflecting not only everyday life, but also the socio-cultural changes taking place in China against the background of political and economic transformations," or "an important aspect of the functionality of Chinese reality shows on universal TV channels is their interaction with the audience. Through voting, social media and other interactive elements, these programs ensure the active participation of viewers. This creates a sense of engagement and belonging, increasing the popularity of reality formats," etc. The main goal, in my opinion, is systematically achieved during the unfolding of the text, the author is not distracted by additional information – he solves problems point-by-point. It is noteworthy that in addition to the actual description of the content of Chinese reality shows, a problematic section of this form is also noted. In particular, "one of the main problems is the saturation of the market with content. The digital space provides a huge variety of entertainment options, which leads to competition for the attention of viewers. Chinese reality shows are faced with the need to stand out from the multitude of content offerings and hold the attention of viewers," or "another aspect of the problem is related to the effectiveness of content monetization. In the context of digital diversity, traditional sources of income, such as advertising, may be less effective due to the dilution of the audience across various online platforms. Chinese reality shows are forced to look for new monetization models, such as cooperation with online platforms, the sale of licenses for formats and other innovative approaches," etc. Therefore, the work is both theoretical and practical research, and this is valuable for the scientific segment. The material can be used in the study of media theory, history, media development, etc. Finally, the author summarizes a number of conclusions, summarizes what has been said, and focuses on studying the problem further: "An important aspect is also the impact of content strategies on the cultural landscape of China. Reality shows, acting not only as an entertainment format, but also as a means of forming general cultural values, influence cultural preferences and perception of reality in society...", "analysis of the content strategies of Chinese reality shows in the context of media convergence allows us to understand and evaluate successful approaches and challenges faced by these programs in the modern media environment of China." Thus, the main task set at the beginning of the work has been solved; the general requirements of the publication have been taken into account; the material is informative, the author's point of view is expressed quite reasonably. No serious factual violations have been identified, and the text does not need serious editing and correction. I recommend the peer-reviewed article "Content strategies of Chinese Reality shows in the era of media Convergence" for publication in the scientific journal Litera.