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Features of the succession of generations in the scientific community (regional aspect)

Akhmetova El'mira Irekovna

ORCID: 0009-0009-0374-4017

Researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

450591, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, village of Chesnokovka, Parkovaya str., 2, sq. 5









Abstract: One of the determining factors influencing the realization of a successful career of a scientist is interaction with the older generation of scientists, the presence and effective functioning of a scientific school. However, the ongoing socio-economic processes in society have significantly influenced the models of career growth and the understanding of success in the scientific field. In order to assess the socio-economic status of scientists working in UFITC RAS institutes and their adaptation strategies, a sociological study was conducted in the online format in the form of questionnaires on the Google Forms platform. A total of 170 researchers among all UFIC RAS Institutes were surveyed. This article presents the results of this work concerning the continuity of generations in the scientific community. It is concluded that in recent years there have been significant changes in the system of generational succession. Preservation and transfer of scientific experience and knowledge from the older generation to the young is an integral part of the development of the scientific sphere. Young scientists need to have an opportunity to communicate with experienced colleagues, learn from them and receive valuable guidance. In turn, the older generation of scientists should be ready to support and inspire young researchers. Only through close interaction and cooperation between generations of scientists can the successful development of the scientific field be ensured. It is important to create conditions that allow young scientists to enter into a dialog with experienced scientists and receive the necessary support and feedback. Moreover, the older generation of scientists should be ready to change and accept new ideas and approaches offered by young researchers. Thus, despite changes in the system of generational succession, cooperation and interaction between generations of scientists remain key factors for the successful development of the scientific field.


continuity of generations, scientific community, young scientists, scientific activity, older generation of scientists, region, science, competence, support, mentoring

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One of the fundamental aspects of the development of science, ensuring the continuity and progress of knowledge, is the transfer of experience and competencies between generations in the scientific community. In a general sense, continuity in science implies that senior scientists transfer their knowledge, experience and traditions to the younger generation. While transformational processes in society affect the transformation of consciousness and behavior of the population [1], especially the young, communication between generations of scientists is becoming a fundamental factor for a successful career. Scientific schools play the most significant role in this process, ensuring continuity in science and the transfer of not only knowledge, but also ideas, principles and logic of career building. Nevertheless, modern processes in society, such as globalization, scientific and technical discoveries and the development of technologies taking place in the world today, have significantly influenced career growth models and the understanding of success in the scientific field. Today, the emphasis is on the practical significance and implementation of research results, as well as on finding funding for research projects. This approach may not always be clear to the older generation of scientists, who are used to more basic science. Such a difference in approaches can lead to misunderstanding and lack of the necessary support that the younger generation expects from their senior colleagues. It is important that both sides are aware of these differences and strive for mutual understanding and cooperation. The younger generation of scientists can bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the scientific environment, while the older generation can share their rich experience and knowledge. Special attention is required to create conditions for the effective exchange of experience and knowledge between generations, to ensure the effective development of the scientific field.

Scientific elaboration of the problem

Generational continuity is a key factor for preserving and improving the quality of scientific research, as it ensures the transfer of valuable experience and knowledge from one generation to another.

Over the years, researchers from different fields of knowledge have been studying the succession of generations, the process of forming scientific schools and directions, the transfer of experience, the training of young scientists and its aspects.

In the field of sociology of science, R. Merton made an important contribution to the study of the succession of generations in science. His writings emphasize the role of scientific heritage and the transfer of knowledge from one generation of scientists to another. Thus, developing his concept of the "ethos of science" [2], he introduced the concept of "scientific ethos" - a set of norms and rules that regulates the mechanisms of functioning of science as a social institution. At the same time, the formulated basic imperatives of the scientific ethos, expressed in the instructions and supported by an example of behavior, form the basis of professional behavior, professional ethics[3]. R. Merton drew attention to the fact that successful scientists, who enjoy high recognition, play an important role in the formation of scientific traditions and standards. This recognition and authority allows them to influence the development of science, forming structures and expectations in the scientific community. In turn, new generations of scientists can strive to follow these established standards, which contributes to continuity in scientific activities.

German sociologist K. Mannheim, developing the principles of "generational cognition", analyzed the influence of socio-cultural factors on the processes of worldview and identity of phenomena [4].

In modern Russian sociological science, numerous empirical studies have been conducted on the succession of generations in science, young scientists and researchers in general. These works made it possible to study the image and self-determination of scientists. Thus, according to research results in the early 2000s, it was revealed that mostly scientists associate themselves with poverty, but successful and respected scientists' identification is changing, and they begin to perceive themselves as representatives of the "middle class". Thus, studies have confirmed the presence of social differentiation among researchers. In addition, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was proved that special support for young scientists and the creation of a motivation system for their involvement were necessary. It was revealed that a number of factors have a negative impact on the system of attracting young scientists. The collapse of scientific schools and low starting salaries, especially in academic institutions, have a negative impact on attracting young scientists. In addition, poor material and technical equipment and insufficient opportunities for academic mobility also deter young scientists from choosing a scientific career. The result of these studies was the reform of the scientific sphere aimed at improving conditions for young scientists[5].

One of the urgent research tasks remains the analysis of the role of science in the system of established economic relations between subjects. In his works, A.M. Ablazhey notes that the existing traditional norms and rules of scientific activity, the structure of motivation for scientific activity remain dominant, however, low pay is a demotivating factor for young people [6, 7, 8, 9].

O.S. Ivanchenko, in his research on young scientists, notes that in the professional development of young scientists, a number of problems stand out that form the systemic nature of the crisis in the field of professionalization of young scientists in Russia, which ultimately lead to an increase in migration sentiments and/or withdrawal from the profession of a scientist [10].

Considering the role of a scientific supervisor in the formation of a young scientist, R.A. Dolzhenko emphasizes his special importance, since in most cases it is he who directs the scientific activity of young researchers. It is also recorded that cooperation with the head and independent research activities are the most significant factors of successful activity [11].

Problem statement and research methods

The purpose of this study was to analyze the features of generational succession in the regional scientific community. The object of the study is the scientific community as a social institution, the subject of the study is its regional characteristics. To achieve the purpose of this study, general scientific methods (logical, systematic and descriptive) and sociological analysis were used. The data obtained during the study made it possible to analyze the features of generational succession in the regional scientific community.

Problem statement and research methods

The empirical basis of the work was made up of materials from a sociological study conducted by the author as part of the ISEI UFIC RAS team on the topic "Adaptation strategies of UFIC RAS scientists". The total sample size is 170 people. The sample totaled 25% of the general population, the age of the respondents was 19-75 years. The object of the study was scientists from all institutes of the UFIC RAS, who occupy an active scientific position. The questionnaire contained questions that allowed us to explore demographic characteristics, the financial situation of scientists, continuity in science, motivation and professional choice, the social capital of science, satisfaction with various aspects of life, etc. The object of research: researchers of the institutes of the UFIC RAS. The survey was conducted in September – October 2023 in an online format in the form of a questionnaire on the Google Forms platform.

The results of the study

When analyzing the survey results, for clarity and ease of interpretation, the age indicators were grouped into 2 large groups: up to 35 years old (young scientists) and respondents 36-75 years old (the older generation of scientists).

So, to the question "Do you think the older generation is fulfilling the task of forming a new generation of scientists?" it was revealed that more than half of the respondents among the older generation of scientists believe that they are fulfilling this task. The data among respondents under 35 years of age is more modest, but a fairly large proportion of those who found it difficult to answer. If we look at the whole, half of all respondents believe that this task is being completed (Figure 1).

Fig.1. Do you think the older generation is fulfilling the task of forming a new generation of scientists? / %

Indeed, the problem of forming a new generation of scientists is quite relevant. The emergence of new approaches in modern reality and management requires a change in the approach to scientific activity. Instead of an authoritarian system, there is a project-oriented approach, a focus on specific results in accordance with the stages of work, etc. It is necessary to take into account the expectations of young scientists themselves and create conditions for scientific activity in such a way as to maximize and reproduce intellectual potential [12].

To the question "Are there any advantages for the younger generation "going into science" compared to the older generation? If so, what are these advantages?", in their answers, the younger generation of scientists and the older ones, in most of their answers, are in solidarity, there are practically no significant differences of opinion. At the same time, more than half of the respondents in both age groups chose the answer option that young scientists are better oriented in the array of information and possess digital technologies. However, respondents under the age of 35 identify themselves as scientists who are able to work more intensively and strenuously, whereas for the older generation of scientists, the young are presented as free from the "baggage of the past", outdated methodology and able to respond more quickly to problems and trends (Figure 2).

Fig.2. Are there any advantages for the younger generation "going into science" compared to the older generation? If so, what are these advantages? / %

*Multiple question

Among those who chose the "other" answer option, it is possible to identify individual statements that are of particular interest, characterizing their opinion. The answers were divided into two groups:

1) The statement that the older generation is superior in abilities: "unfortunately, my students available today will not surpass me in many respects"; "the young (with some exceptions) are inferior to the elders in many of the above",

2) Statements that the state pays more attention to young scientists: "financial support from the state (departmental housing, certificates, internships at the expense of the state, free conferences)"; "more support from the state"; "it is easier for young scientists to receive grants".

Thus, the older generation of scientists considers the young ones to be not competent enough, but supported by the state.

Table 1

Have you encountered the following situations? /%

up to and including 35 years of age

36-75 years old

The use of scientific materials in their publications without your consent



The obligation to indicate in publications as the author of the supervisor, the head




Unfair scientific management



Using the results of your work in your articles with attribution

priority in publication, experiment, etc.



Forcing you to do research on a topic that is far from your scientific interests



Assigning you the work that the senior scientist is obliged to do himself

(teaching, development, etc.)



Plagiarism of scientific developments by the younger generation of scientists



Using the results of scientific activity in commercial projects without payment

Your work as a performer



Plagiarism of scientific developments by the older generation of scientists



"Barter": using your intellectual labor in exchange for advancement in science






None of the above



*Multiple question

At the same time, researchers in both age groups often face negative situations of unfair use of their labor. At the same time, in 50% of cases, respondents have never encountered such phenomena. More often, scientists have to deal with such situations when scientific materials are used in their publications without approval; the obligation to indicate in publications as the author of the supervisor, the head of the organization / department; unfair scientific management; the use of labor results in articles with assignment of priority in the publication, experiment. It is noteworthy that these situations are typical for both age groups (Table 2).

Table 2

What do you think the support of the older generation of scientists and researchers should be expressed in? /%

up to and including 35 years of age

36-75 years old

Training, mentoring in the field of professional knowledge



Consulting at the stage of preparation of articles



Assistance in the organization and execution of scientific projects



Assistance in preparing applications for grants, awards, contests, etc.



Assistance in establishing scientific relations



Assistance in conducting experiments and necessary calculations for




Assistance in organizing the defense of a PhD thesis



Assistance in writing a PhD thesis



Help with getting a job






*Multiple question

To the question "What do you think the support of the older generation of scientists and researchers should be expressed in?" (Table 2), the distributions in both age groups look homogeneous. Training, mentoring in the field of professional knowledge, consulting at the stage of preparing articles, assistance in organizing and executing scientific projects are the most significant support from the older generation of scientists and researchers. However, the older generation still identifies preparation and assistance in writing a dissertation and assistance in applying for a job as a type of support, while for young scientists these types of support are the least significant.


A survey of researchers at the UFIC RAS showed that the older generation of scientists believes that they can cope with the functions of transferring knowledge, skills and experience to young scientists, while the opinion of young scientists is very ambiguous. At the same time, the advantages of young scientists over older colleagues were determined by the ability to better navigate the array of information, mastery of digital technologies; the ability to work more intensively and strenuously; freedom from the "baggage of the past", irrelevant methodology. At the same time, a number of respondents consider young people to be insufficiently competent, but supported by the state. It should also be noted that half of the respondents face negative situations of unfair use of their labor, to one degree or another. Training, mentoring in the field of professional knowledge, consulting at the stage of preparing articles, assistance in organizing and executing scientific projects are the most significant support from the older generation of researchers.

Thus, the succession of generations in the modern scientific community is a complex system that includes the transfer of experience and knowledge from the older generation of scientists to the younger, as well as the formation of scientific schools and research areas. In recent years, significant changes have been taking place in the system of generational succession, which reflect the transformational processes taking place in society, technology and scientific paradigms. One of the most important changes is the openness to new technologies and research methods. Young scientists who have grown up in the era of modern technology have more developed digital competencies and a willingness to use new technologies in their work. This may lead to a revision of traditional research methods and the emergence of new approaches to solving scientific problems. Another important change is the globalization of knowledge. Modern scientists are increasingly interacting with colleagues from other countries, exchanging knowledge and experience. This circumstance contributes to the development of international cooperation in science and to increase its effectiveness. The succession of generations in the modern scientific community is a complex and dynamic system that reflects the transformational processes taking place in society, technology and scientific paradigms.

1. Zaslavskaya, T. I., & Yadov, V. A. (2008). Social transformations in Russia in the era of global change. Sociological Journal, 4, 008-022.
2. Merton, R. (2006). Social theory and social structure. Moscow. AST: AST MOSCOW: Guardian.
3. Mirskaya, E. Z. (2005). RK Merton and the ethos of classical science. Philosophy of science and technology, 11(1), 11-28.
4. Mannheim, K. (2000). Essays in the sociology of knowledge: The problem of generations-competition-economic ambition (pp. 1-164). Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
5. Kugel, S. A., & Ascheulova, N. A. (1999). Motivation and directions of professional mobility of scientists in the conditions of transition to market relations, 192-194. Moscow. IIET RAN.
6. Ablazhey, A. M., & Golovko, N. V. (2012). Academic science in modern society: personnel reproduction, adaptation processes and neoliberal values.
7. Ablazhey, A. M. (2010). Generations in science: experience of empirical analysis. Sociology of science and technology, 1(2), 47-56.
8. Ablazhey, A. M. (2019). The state and prospects for the development of academic postgraduate studies: the point of view of scientific supervisors (based on research materials of the mid-2000s). Professional Education in the Modern World, 9(3), 2967-2975.
9. Ablazei, A. M. (2021). Ethics of science: classical norms and contemporary deformations. Ideas and Ideals, 13(3-1), 103-115.
10. Ivanchenko, O. S. (2020). Young scientists in Russia and the problems of their professionalization in research discourse. Humanitarian of the South of Russia, 9(6), 99-110.
11. Dolzhenko, R. A., Karpilyansky, V. A., Hadi, R. A., & Didenko, A. S. (2019). Motivation of young scientists to research activities in Russian regional universities. Education and Science, 21(9), 122-153.
12. Akhmetova, E. I. (2020). Young scientists of the region: opportunities and prospects. Social competence, 5(1), 74-85.

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The subject of the research in the presented article is the peculiarities of the succession of generations in the scientific community, taking into account regional peculiarities. General scientific methods (logical, systematic and descriptive), as well as the method of sociological analysis, were used as the methodology of the subject area of research in this article. To collect empirical data, the questionnaire method was used (an author's questionnaire was developed, the survey was conducted in an online format on the Google Forms platform). The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since one of the fundamental aspects of the development of science, ensuring the continuity and progress of knowledge, is the transfer of experience and competencies between generations in the scientific community. In a general sense, continuity in science implies that senior scientists transfer their knowledge, experience and traditions to the younger generation. While transformational processes in society affect the transformation of consciousness and behavior of the population, especially the young, communication between generations of scientists is becoming a fundamental factor for a successful career. Scientific schools play the most significant role in this process, ensuring continuity in science and the transfer of not only knowledge, but also ideas, principles and logic of career building. Nevertheless, modern processes in society, such as globalization, scientific and technical discoveries and the development of technologies taking place in the world today, have significantly influenced career growth models and the understanding of success in the scientific field. Today, the emphasis is on the practical significance and implementation of research results, as well as on finding funding for research projects. This approach may not always be clear to the older generation of scientists, who are used to more basic science. Such a difference in approaches can lead to misunderstanding and lack of the necessary support that the younger generation expects from their senior colleagues. The scientific novelty of the research consists in conducting a sociological study using the author's methodology on the topic "Adaptation strategies of scientists of the UFIC RAS", the purpose of which was. analysis of the peculiarities of the succession of generations in the regional scientific community, the total sample size is 170 people. The sample totaled 25% of the general population, the age of the respondents was 19-75 years. The article is presented in the language of scientific style with the competent use in the text of the study of the presentation of various positions on the studied problem and the application of scientific terminology and definitions. The structure is designed taking into account the basic requirements for writing scientific articles. The structure of this study includes such elements as an introduction, scientific elaboration of the problem, problem statement and research methods, research results, conclusion and bibliography. The content of the article reflects its structure. The problem of the formation of a new generation of scientists should be particularly valuable in the content of the study. The emergence of new approaches in modern reality and management requires a change in the approach to scientific activity. Instead of an authoritarian system, a project-oriented approach is proposed, focusing on specific results in accordance with the stages of work, etc. It is also necessary to take into account the expectations of young scientists themselves and create conditions for scientific activity in such a way as to maximize and reproduce the intellectual potential. The bibliography contains 12 sources, including domestic periodicals and non-periodicals. The article describes various positions and points of view of well-known scientists characterizing approaches and various aspects of the succession of generations in the scientific community, and also contains an appeal to various scientific works and sources devoted to this topic, which is included in the circle of scientific interests of researchers dealing with this issue. The presented study contains brief conclusions concerning the subject area of the study. In particular, it is noted that the succession of generations in the modern scientific community is a complex system that includes the transfer of experience and knowledge from the older generation of scientists to the younger, as well as the formation of scientific schools and research areas. In recent years, significant changes have been taking place in the system of generational succession, which reflect the transformational processes taking place in society, technology and scientific paradigms. One of the most important changes is the openness to new technologies and research methods. Young scientists who have grown up in the era of modern technology have more developed digital competencies and a willingness to use new technologies in their work. This may lead to a revision of traditional research methods and the emergence of new approaches to solving scientific problems. Another important change is the globalization of knowledge. Modern scientists are increasingly interacting with colleagues from other countries, exchanging knowledge and experience. This circumstance contributes to the development of international cooperation in science and to increase its effectiveness. The materials of this study are intended for a wide range of readership, they can be interesting and used by scientists for scientific purposes, teaching staff in the educational process, management and administration of research and educational organizations, heads of research projects and creative teams, analysts. As disadvantages of this study, it should be noted that the same heading "Problem statement and research methods" appears twice in the text of the article, but with different content. When presenting the scientific elaboration of the problem, it would also be possible to use foreign sources, and not only domestic periodicals and non-periodicals. These shortcomings do not reduce the high scientific and practical significance of the study itself, but are of a recommendatory nature. It is recommended to publish the article.