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International Law

Ensuring safety of maritime transport: current trends and conceptual generalizations of its international legal mechanism

Kupriyanovich Mariya Sergeevna

Postgraduate student, Department of International Law, Federal State Research University "Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation"

117218, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya str., 34
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Abstract: The article deals with topical issues of ensuring security of maritime transport and preventing relevant threats based on legal measures. The scientific literature in the field of maritime law and legal means (norms, methods) of ensuring safety in maritime transport is analyzed. The variability and complexity of the nature of maritime threats and various measures to respond to them require an understanding of the policies, regulations, national civil and criminal legislation of the participating States and international public law, and therefore actualize the issues of conceptualization of international legal regulation of maritime transport security in this study. The subject of the study is the provision of safety in maritime transport through the knowledge of current trends and the substantiation of the conceptual provisions of the international legal mechanism as such. Systematic, comparative legal and dialectical approaches have been applied to generalize the essence and features of international legal regulation of safety in maritime transport. The main research methods used are diverse variations of analysis and synthesis of its results, analogy and comparison, generalization and concretization, functional cognition and deduction, abstraction, historical and formal legal methods. The main scientific result of the study is that the problem of ensuring safety in maritime transport has been studied from a legal and organizational point of view. The paper examines the formation of the legal mechanism for ensuring international security in maritime transport, defines the concept of the legal mechanism for ensuring international security in maritime transport, reveals the characteristics of the main threats to international security in maritime transport, justifies the right to ensure security in maritime transport as an institute of international maritime law, presents the results of the analysis of the existing areas of security in maritime transport, put forward proposals to improve international legislation in the field of maritime transport safety. The scientific results obtained as a result of the research can be used in educational activities when teaching the basics of international law, as well as in scientific research procedures when learning about the functioning of modern international law and its individual institutions.


maritime security, legal regulation, international legal mechanism, justice, legal relations, threats and challenges, transformation of social relations, crisis trends, sea transport, logistics sector

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The aggravation of existing threats and the formation of new challenges puts the problems of legal provision of maritime security in significant positions in all corners of the Earth [24]. It is no coincidence that the global problem of maritime safety is a matter of serious concern to the world community [5]. It requires consolidated efforts by various States to combat illegal acts (the use of weapons, terrorism, piracy) that threaten the safety of people and property, seriously disrupt maritime traffic and undermine the faith of the peoples of the world in the safety of maritime navigation and the universal rule of international law [25].

Research in the field of knowledge of the modern mechanism of ensuring international maritime security has been conducted for a long time and has deep roots in the national school of jurisprudence. They extend to the methodological, theoretical and empirical levels of scientific research, focus both on the assessment of challenges and threats in this area, and on the characterization of existing international legal mechanisms.

Various threats to international maritime security are noted in the scientific literature, which include, first of all, maritime piracy and ship hijacking, the use of the sea for their own purposes by terrorists or private military companies (including those affiliated with individual States), smugglers, human traffickers, international criminal and extremist organizations, and sometimes even ordinary militaryby the maritime forces of States, if this is done contrary to existing international legal mechanisms.

We have recently observed an example of the implementation of a potential threat to maritime security in the case of the undermining of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, produced through the use of marine and underwater transport in order to realize the interests of a certain group of states.

The obvious diversity of legal institutions that make up the law of maritime security determines the complexity and nature of the international community's response to threats to such security. The law of maritime security has much in common with international humanitarian law (also called the law of armed conflict), for example, the problems of detention and the use of force at sea. Like issues related to the use of force and the geography of war in the law of armed conflict, the law of maritime security raises new issues of the exercise of law enforcement jurisdiction or the use of naval force in various areas of the oceans.

Modern threats come not only from international criminal organizations, non-State armed groups and rebel movements, but also acts of terrorism and military operations [3].

The variability and complexity of the nature of maritime threats and various measures to respond to them require an understanding of policies, regulations, national civil and criminal legislation of the participating States and international public law, and therefore actualize the issues of conceptualization of international legal regulation of maritime safety in this study.


Research methodology and a brief review of the literature


The methodology and methods of the author's research include appropriate methodological approaches used to generalize, study the essence and features of international legal regulation of safety in maritime transport, which include systemic (G.M. Aznagulova [2], Yu.A. Tikhomirov [17]), comparative legal (A.I. Kovler [10], T.Y. Khabrieva [22]) and dialectical (M.K. Mamardashvili [14], V.S. Stepin [16], I.T. Frolov [20], etc.) approaches.

The author uses diverse variations of analysis and synthesis of its results, analogy and comparison, generalization and concretization, functional cognition and deduction, abstraction, historical and formal legal methods as the main research methods.

Threats to maritime security, trends in its provision and problems of legal regulation in the field of safe navigation are issues that have been conceptualized in science and tested on practical examples (V.N. Gutsulyak [6], A.L. Kolodkin [11], I.V. Kholikov [23; 26]). Sufficient research attention was paid to the training of forces and means, as well as personnel of transport security agencies to perform tasks in marine conditions (A.N. Vylegzhanin [4], A.I. Zemlin [8], A.M. Skrynnik [15]). General theoretical aspects, economic constructs, regulatory prescriptions and law enforcement practice in the field of maritime transport safety have also been effectively summarized in the legal literature [1; 7; 9; 12; 13; 18; 19; 27; 28]. However, today there is no single or generally accepted definition of the concept of "maritime security", the definition of "maritime security law", as well as terminological certainty in understanding the definition of "maritime safety".

The author sees that in order to ensure safety in maritime transport from a legal and organizational point of view, it is necessary to reveal the formation of an international legal mechanism for ensuring safety in maritime transport, define the concept of an international legal mechanism for ensuring safety in maritime transport, summarize the characteristics of the main threats to safety in maritime transport, justify the right to ensure safety in maritime transport as an institution international maritime law, to present the results of an analysis of the established areas of maritime transport safety on the example of a particular region, to put forward proposals for improving international legislation in the field of maritime transport safety. The above provisions are the subject of this study.


The main part


The world ocean is primarily a resource and a function of spatial expansion, and its main use is as a means of transit and communication, therefore freedom of navigation is a fundamental maritime interest. In addition, the interconnected nature of the oceans and the important position of the doctrine of precedent in international law mean that international maritime law in one area as a law affects progress everywhere. Unlike a replenished but diminishing resource such as seafood and fish, the value of a spatial resource does not decrease as more and more real users use it and exploit it along appropriate sea routes.

Maritime transportation is the most in-demand mode of transport, which requires appropriate provision for the performance of transport clusters of their functions, including the creation and proper widespread use of international legal documents that regulate the activities of maritime transport and safety on it. Maritime transport is important not only in the international segment of the transportation and delivery component of the global economy and politics. Maritime transport also plays a key role in the domestic arena, as it ensures the modern development of the economy, the creation and availability of an appropriate number of jobs, as well as the successful and expeditious movement of a huge number of goods and passengers.

Ensuring safety in maritime transport and the organization of work on such provision is based on the dialectical interaction of international and national legislation, the implementation and mutual penetration of their norms into each other. Such provision is also connected not only with the existence of legal norms, but also with their conscientious implementation by all participants in international relations. Although examples of selective enforcement, including the norms of the law of the sea, have recently been observed everywhere.

The formation of a modern international legal mechanism for regulating relations in the field of maritime transport safety based on the application of the periodization criterion (and related criteria: temporary, organizational, regulatory) can be conditionally divided into three interrelated stages: initial; post-war and modern periods.

The characteristics of the key threats to international security in maritime transport include their illegality, anthropogenic nature, and technogenicity. They come from entities that can be divided by source into State (terrorism, military threats) and non-State (piracy, terrorism, transnational crime, illegal trade, environmental pollution), as well as historical (stocks and remnants of weapons and ammunition on the seabed, national conflicts in maritime territories). In order to increase the effectiveness of preventive measures to prevent crimes committed on ships, it is necessary to take into account not only the norms of national law, but also international maritime and criminal law, as well as trends in political and foreign economic activity of States. Recent military and political events are exacerbating the confrontation of "key" international players and have a tendency to intensify the struggle for influence in certain regions of the world.

It cannot be said that today the definition of the concept of "international maritime security" would be successfully conceptualized in international legal science. This term is interpreted as a state of stable order of the oceans, ensured by the supremacy of international maritime law. It should be noted that threats to international maritime security include, first of all, maritime piracy and ship hijacking, the use of the sea for their own purposes by terrorists, smugglers, human traffickers, international criminal and extremist organizations, and sometimes even ordinary naval forces of States. Threats also include intentional and illegal damage to the marine environment, intentional or illegal dumping of pollutants, illegal and unregulated fishing, and others.

The rules, regimes and norms applicable to maritime safety activities and when using transport moving along it are the subject of maritime safety law. Maritime security law is a comprehensive institution of law that combines mainly elements of international maritime law, international criminal law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law. Maritime security law also includes aspects of national and international migration, trade and customs law.

Such a variety of legal institutions that make up the law of maritime security determine how to respond to various threats. Maritime security law has much in common with international humanitarian law (also called the law of armed conflict), for example, the problems of detention and the use of force.

The legal mechanism for ensuring international security in maritime transport is understood as a set of established (ratified) legal norms, the procedure (algorithm) defined by these norms for their implementation in objective reality, as well as the practice of their application, especially in bringing to justice for violations of maintaining the security of maritime transport facilities.

Like issues related to the use of force and the geography of war in the law of armed conflict, the law of maritime security raises new issues of the exercise of law enforcement jurisdiction or the use of naval force in various areas of the oceans. Modern threats come not only from international criminal organizations, non-State armed groups and rebel movements, but also acts of terrorism, as well as military actions by individual countries, their unions or associations of countries.

The maritime security system includes a system of independent transport security, formed within the transport cluster, law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, as well as individual structures and services performing specific functions. The naval forces, coast Guard, marine police, coastal and maritime forces are joined by ground and air elements of the combined armed forces, other departments and agencies, including oceanographic and fisheries services, the intelligence community and international partners. The variability and complexity of the nature of maritime threats and the various responses to them require an understanding of the policies, regulations, national civil and criminal legislation of the participating States and public international law. Maritime security law includes legal powers to counter traditional and conventional threats, as well as irregular or asymmetric threats directed against the territorial integrity or political independence of flag States, ports, coastal States and landlocked States.




The nature of maritime threats and the complex of organizational and legal measures taken by the international community to counteract them require comprehensive research and scientific understanding of international legal regulation of maritime transport safety.

An effective way, means and ideology in the fight against criminal encroachments against maritime transport and its support nodes is the development, adoption and comprehensive application of international legal norms, which together form the international legal framework for ensuring maritime security. These norms are a process, a means and the result of long-term efforts of the consolidated functioning of civilized humanity, having patterns of their development and socio-historical conditionality.

The organization of maritime transport safety requires consolidated efforts of the international community, primarily in the observance, implementation and development of the norms of international law governing this sphere of social interaction. The world's oceans, seas and shipping lanes can only be used effectively and legally together, while maintaining a balance of interests and values protected by international law. Maritime transport safety is an essential part of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, since a huge amount of necessary goods are delivered only by sea.

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The subject of the study. In the peer-reviewed article "Ensuring safety in maritime transport: current trends and conceptual generalizations of its international legal mechanism", the subject of the study is the norms of law governing public relations in the field of international maritime security. Research methodology. When writing the article, such methods of scientific cognition as: logical, historical, theoretical and predictive, formal legal, system-structural and legal modeling were used. The methodological apparatus consists of the following dialectical techniques and methods of scientific cognition: analysis, abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, typology, classification, systematization and generalization. The work used a combination of empirical and theoretical information. The use of modern methods made it possible to study established approaches, views on the subject of research, to develop an author's position and to argue it. The relevance of research. The relevance of the research topic stated by the author is beyond doubt. The difficult geopolitical situation poses the challenge for the world community to find new solutions in the field of international security, including in the field of cross-border maritime transport. The author rightly notes that "... maritime transportation is the most in-demand mode of transport, which requires appropriate provision for the performance of transport clusters of their functions, including the creation and proper widespread use of international legal documents that regulate the activities of maritime transport and safety on it ... the law of maritime security raises new issues of the exercise of law enforcement jurisdiction or the use of militarysea power in various areas of the world ocean." These circumstances indicate the relevance of doctrinal developments on this topic in order to improve legislation and practice of its application. Scientific novelty. Without questioning the importance of previous scientific research, which served as the theoretical basis for this work, nevertheless, it can be noted that this article for the first time formulated noteworthy provisions, for example: "The legal mechanism for ensuring international security in maritime transport is understood as a set of established (ratified) legal norms, the procedure (algorithm) defined by these norms for their implementation in objective reality, as well as the practice of their application, especially in bringing to justice for violations of maintaining the security of maritime transport facilities." Based on the results of writing the article, the author has made a number of theoretical conclusions and suggestions, which indicates not only the importance of this study for legal science, but also determines its practical significance. Style, structure, content. The article is written in a scientific style, using special legal terminology. The material is presented consistently, competently and clearly. The article is structured. The introduction fully meets the requirements for this part of the scientific article. In conclusion, general conclusions are formulated on the main results achieved by the author during the research. The topic is disclosed, the content of the article corresponds to its title. There are no comments. Bibliography. The author uses a sufficient number of doctrinal sources, provides links to publications of recent years. References to sources are designed in accordance with the requirements of the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. A scientific discussion is presented on all aspects of the stated topic, and appeals to opponents are correct. All borrowings are decorated with links to the author and the source of the publication. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "Ensuring safety in maritime transport: current trends and conceptual generalizations of its international legal mechanism" is recommended for publication. The article corresponds to the subject and editorial policy of the journal "International Law". The article is written on an urgent topic, has practical significance and is characterized by scientific novelty. This article may be of interest to a wide readership, primarily specialists in the field of international law, international humanitarian law and maritime law, and will also be useful for teachers and students of law schools and faculties.