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Practical aspects of using chatbots for learning the Russian language in intercultural communication

Khe Yan'li

ORCID: 0009-0004-6792-4352

Postgraduate student, Department of Area Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Russia, Moscow, Mendeleevskaya str., 1

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Abstract: Ñhatbot based on artificial intelligence is a comprehensive research and educational tool for Russian language teachers and Chinese students studying Russian language and culture. This article is devoted to the issue of integrating a chatbot into the educational process as part of the study of the Russian language by Chinese students. The possibilities of using a chatbot in the aspect of RFL in face-to-face and remote formats are considered, and its advantages and disadvantages in acquiring specific practical skills, in particular, when studying Russian numbers, are identified. The purpose of this research is to study the possibilities of using a chatbot to identify the meaning of language units and the correctness of grammatical structures, as well as cultural characteristics in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The research method is to analyze the correctness and usefulness of the chatbot's (ChatGLM) responses to questions related to the Russian language and culture. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the consideration of practical aspects of using a chatbot for studying the Russian language and culture. The results of this study show that the chatbot is a useful tool and allows you to practice language, ask questions in Russian and Chinese and receive answers from the system. To a limited extent, the chatbot can correct errors, suggest correct phrases and help students improve their foreign language communication skills. Machine learning methods and technologies, such as the chatbot, can be used to improve foreign language skills in the context of cross-cultural communication if treated judiciously. The results can be used to create methodological developments in the field of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication, as well as in the process of learning relevant languages.


chatbot, language model, Learning Russian language, Chinese students, RFL, intercultural communication, practical aspects, Russian Chinese numbers, international education, language and communication

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In the modern world, intercultural communication has become an integral part of international education, as well as the subject of active research by Russian and foreign researchers both on a general and more detailed level. For example, Professor Ter-Minasova S. G. has deeply researched language and intercultural communication in education [12]. Safonova V. V. has developed a sociocultural approach within the framework of intercultural communication [10]. The goals of X. Russian Russian and Chinese intercultural communication difficulties faced by foreign students in the field of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication were pointed out with the co-authors [2]. Russian Russian and Chinese educational concepts [20];[21], comparison of semantic features of expressions of Russian and Chinese languages [16], a small contribution to the study of intercultural communication was also made by the author of this article in a number of previous works dealing with the problems of historical development[14], cultural shock [15], comparison of Russian and Chinese educational concepts [20];[21], comparison of semantic features of expressions of Russian and Chinese languages [16].

To carry out intercultural communication, it is necessary to know the language of speakers of another culture. As a professor, Pavlovskaya A.V. pointed out the place and role of foreign languages in Russian culture[9]. Language is a systematized set of means of expressing thoughts, a way of communication between people, and a system consisting of phonetic and graphical parts [2, p. 530]. Such a complex structure of the language leads to difficulties in mastering it.

Language barriers in education can become a major obstacle to the full-fledged interaction of students who speak different languages. The emergence of language barriers between people is associated with insufficient linguistic competence insufficient command of different levels of language: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, syntactic [3, p. 69]. Mistakes or ignorance in any of these areas can lead to misunderstandings in the communication process.

In addition to the problems directly related to learning a foreign language, people who want to participate in intercultural communication inevitably face significant differences in customs, traditions and other cultural realities. Knowledge of the most important cultural nuances allows the student to avoid misunderstandings or even conflict situations when communicating with foreigners. In addition, immersion in culture also contributes to a more confident command of a foreign language, since the meaning of some linguistic units (for example, expressions related to numbers) is inextricably linked to the peculiarities of the national worldview.

Currently, modern information technology tools can play an important role in solving the problem of intercultural communication. One of these tools is a chatbot, a language model based on artificial intelligence, which is able to effectively translate and generate texts in different languages. An important advantage of a chatbot is its ability to correctly interpret cultural features that are specific to native speakers of each language. This allows you to avoid possible misunderstandings that may arise due to a wrong perception of someone else's culture. Therefore, this technology is an excellent tool for learning language and culture, overcoming the language barrier and improving mutual understanding in the process of intercultural communication.

It is important to note that a chatbot does not replace live communication, but is a valuable tool for improving cross-cultural interaction. Indeed, on the one hand, studying the world of native speakers helps to understand the peculiarities of the use of certain units of language and speech, additional semantic loads, political, cultural, historical and similar connotations[12, p. 101]. But on the other hand, the chatbot promotes the development of tolerance and activity of students [21, p. 48], allows for a better understanding of other cultures and provides new opportunities for communication at the global level.

The use of chatbots in intercultural communication has been touched upon in the works of Russian scientists. For example, Garkusha N. S., Gorodova Y. S. investigated the pedagogical possibilities of chatbots for the development of cognitive activity of students in the framework of intercultural communication [4], Lavrinenko I. Yu. studied the theoretical aspects of using GPT chatbots in the process of teaching English in a non-linguistic university [6], Artamonova M. V. with co-authors considered the prospects of application chatbots as a tool in the work of a translator [1], Totskaya I. V., Nedospasova L. A. touched on the educational potential of chatbots in learning foreign languages in sociolinguistic, didactic and communicative aspects [13].

In our opinion, at the moment, the practical aspects of using chatbots (i.e., the possibility of using them to study specific linguistic and cultural issues) for teaching the Russian language and culture in the framework of intercultural communication are insufficiently covered. Therefore, in this article we want to fill this gap in scientific knowledge.

The subject is the integration of a chatbot into the educational process as part of the study of the Russian language by Chinese students. Russian Russian The purpose of this study was to explore the possibilities of using a chatbot to identify the meaning of language units and the correctness of grammatical structures, as well as cultural features related to the topic of Russian numbers, in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The scientific novelty of the research consists in considering the practical aspects of using a chatbot as a tool for learning the Russian language and culture.

Materials and methods

The research method was the analysis of chatbot responses to questions related to the Russian language and culture.

WhatGLM (see https://ÑhatGLM.cn/main/detail ) was chosen for the following reasons. The most popular chatbot at the moment seems to be ChatGPT, created by OpenAI. However, the free use of this language model gives the user the opportunity to ask only three questions per day, which is not enough for our research. At the same time, ChatGLM allows you to send any number of questions for free. Another advantage of this language model is that it was created by Chinese scientists, and its training was conducted on materials written in Chinese and English. This means that ChatGLM better takes into account the specifics of the Chinese language and therefore should provide explanations that are more understandable to Chinese students.

The use of a chatbot in the field of international education

The chatbot can be used in the field of international education to create interactive training programs that will help students study various subjects. They will be able to provide information, answer questions, and explain simple concepts. In particular, a chatbot can be useful for learning foreign languages, as it makes it possible to simulate language practice, ask questions in the language being studied and receive answers from the system. This language model can correct mistakes, suggest the right phrases and help the user improve their communication skills in a foreign language. For example, a chatbot can help students with language and cultural issues, grammatical difficulties, and the translation of words and phrases from Chinese into Russian and vice versa.

Next, we will look at 6 examples illustrating the possibilities of using a chatbot to master new vocabulary, check the correctness of grammatical structures and understand cultural characteristics when learning Russian as a foreign language.

(1) Language norms and tips for learning Russian numbers

Example 1. To the question "How to study Russian numbers and master them? Answer in Russian."

The text generated by ChatGLM showed that "LEARN THE NUMBERS: Start by learning the basic numbers from 1 to 10 (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten). Then continue from 11 to 100 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, etc.) and higher numbers.

UNDERSTAND THE SYMBOLS: Study the signs for the numbers 11 to 99 to combine the numbers together. For example, 18 (nineteen) consists of 1 and 8, and 25 (twenty-five) consists of 2 and 5.

PRACTICE COUNTING: Create different sentences and repeat them to enhance your counting skills. For example, "thirty-two" (32), "fifty-six" (56) or "seventy-three" (73).

LEARN TO READ AND WRITE NUMBERS: Learn how to write Russian numbers and read them in the text. For example, writing the number 72 (72) or 89 (89).

PRACTICE WITH EXERCISES: Perform various counting exercises to ensure your competence. These can be exercises for counting up to 100, exercises for the sum of two digits, or exercises for adding and subtracting of numbers.

LISTEN AND SPEAK: Learn Russian numbers in pronunciation and standard phrases. Listen to the recordings and repeat the latest ones to master the correct pronunciation.

USE IN EVERYDAY LIFE: Incorporate Russian numbers into your daily life by using them in conversations, writing down, or performing calculations. This will help you get used to them and improve your overall language proficiency.

CONSISTENT PRACTICE: Maintain regular practice for weeks and months until you become competent in Russian numerals.

ASK FOR HELP: If you encounter difficulties, ask for help from your teachers, friends or family members who speak Russian.

PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE: Developing competence in Russian numerals requires patience and perseverance. Develop your skills slowly and become professional.

By following the steps described above, you will be able to better understand Russian numbers and learn how to use them. Remember that learning a new skill takes time and patience, but if you persevere, you will eventually succeed. I wish you good luck in your studies!" (HATGLM, 2023).

Example 1 shows the chatbot's ability to recognize context and perform complex tasks. The language model can understand which question the student is asking and adjust its answer depending on the situation. In the chatbot's response, students are taught various rules and methods for learning numbers in Russian, which contributes to more informed and effective communication.

Of course, the chatbot's response is satisfactory. In addition to Russian words, English words are also used in it. This is due to the fact that the ChatGLM was developed by Tsinghua University in China and is intended mainly for Chinese-English dialogue, so the answer in Russian requires further adjustment.

Although the chatbot did not comply with the request formulated in the question of what to answer in Russian, however, in the existing education system in China, almost all students are taught English at school before entering the university[17, pp. 308-309]. Therefore, the author believes that the use of English words in the chatbot's response is an insignificant disadvantage and, moreover, can sometimes help in teaching the Russian language and culture by creating additional semantic associations.

In addition, this example shows that a chatbot can use phrases with emotional overtones in the response, such as wishing good luck. This will increase the motivation of students when learning a language, since communication is not limited only to the transmission of information, but also includes understanding and interaction on an emotional level.

(2) Russian numbers and grammar

Example 2. To the question "The Chinese love the numbers 6 and 8, are there any grammatical errors in this phrase? Answer in Russian."

The text generated by ChatGLM showed that "Yes, there is a grammatical error in this phrase. It should be translated into Russian as follows: "The Chinese love six and eight."

In the first section, the verb "love" should be used, and not "love", because it is in the prepositional case (to align with the "number")" (KhatGLM, 2023).

Using this example, we wanted to illustrate the chatbot's ability to correct mistakes, suggest the right phrases and help students improve their skills when learning Russian. We see that the language model has chosen the correct ending of the verb, which corresponds to its face and number, but has given the wrong explanation. Obviously, the case is a property of the noun, not the verb. 

Therefore, this chatbot is able to correct actual grammatical errors at the request of the student, however, for explanations about the origin of the error, it is better for the student to turn to a more reliable source of information.

(3) The culture of numbers in Russia and China

After Chinese students learn Russian numbers, the most important thing is to learn how to put them into practice. To do this, they need to find out how the value of different numbers differs in Russia and China. Students will be able to catch the cultural overtones of Russian numbers through comparison. Correlation with the native language will increase the interest of students and allow them to acquire a deeper knowledge of Russian numerals.

Example 3. To the question "How does the symbolism of numbers differ in China and Russia? Why do Chinese people like the numbers 6 and 8?  Do Russians like the number 7?"

The text generated by ChatGLM showed that "The symbolism of numbers in China and Russia has some differences that are related to the cultural traditions and history of each nation.

In China, there is an ancient symbolism of numbers, which originates in Chinese classical literature and folk traditions. The Chinese believe that different numbers have positive or negative associations with luck, prosperity, happiness and a peaceful existence. For example, the number 8 is considered lucky because in the Roman numeral it looks like the word "everything" (?), which means well-being and success. And the number 4 is considered unlucky, because in the Roman numeral it looks like the word "death" (?), which means separation and losses.

The Chinese love the numbers 6 and 8 for several reasons that are related to their cultural traditions and the meaning of the numbers in their language and folk beliefs.

The meaning of the number 6 in Chinese: The word "six" (?,li?) in Chinese consists of a hard sound "li" (?), which has a lot of strength and vitality. The Chinese believe that this number brings good luck and prosperity.

The meaning of the number 8 in Chinese: The word "eight" (?,b?) also has a strong sound "ba" (?), which is associated with balance, stability and prosperity. The Chinese believe that this number brings happiness and good luck.

Chinese Lunar Zodiac Sign Tradition: The Chinese zodiac sign calendar is based on a 12-year cycle, and six and eight are two important marks of this cycle. Six zodiac signs are associated with animals, and eight with elements. These figures are considered successful and strong.

In Chinese astrology, these six animals and eight elements are associated with various qualities and achievements in life. The Chinese believe that the appearance of any animal or element in their lives can have an impact on their behavior, character and success. For example, the characteristics of the character and behavior of a person who was born under the sign of the tiger may be similar to a strong and confident character, and a person born under the sign of the earth may be skillful and reliable.

So, the six zodiac signs associated with animals are a group of two signs, each of which symbolizes certain qualities and achievements. The eight elements of the zodiac, associated with the elements of nature, also symbolize various aspects of life and behavior.

Folk beliefs and superstitions: The Chinese often associate six and eight with the patronage of spirits and gods. Many people believe that numbers can attract happiness, luck and protection.

As a result of these traditions and beliefs, the Chinese try to decorate their lives with sixes and eights to attract good luck, happiness and stability. They wear jewelry with the numbers 6 and 8, build houses and rooms in so-called "six and eight blocks" (for example, 608, 806, etc.), and use these numbers in their daily lives.

In Russia, there is also the symbolism of numbers, which is largely based on the Christian tradition and is associated with the concepts of good and evil. For example, the number 7 is considered lucky in the Christian tradition because it is associated with the families of Saints (seven good deeds and seven sins). And the number 13 is considered unlucky because it is associated with the 13 messengers of Christ and the Virgin Mary, whom the apostle Judas Iscariot betrayed.

In both cultures, there is also the symbolism of flowers and other natural elements that correspond to different numbers and are given special meanings.

There is no definite historical or religious explanation for Russians' preference for the number 7. Probably, a positive attitude towards the number 7 is associated with the semantic associations that it causes. In many cultures and religions, the number 7 is associated with perfection, spiritual growth, or luck. It is difficult to say that all Russian people love the number 7, because preferences can be subjective and individual.

Russians, on the contrary, love the number 7, which is associated with the idea of luck and happiness. The number 7 is considered lucky in Russian culture because it is a combination of the numbers 3 and 4, which are also considered lucky. The number 3 symbolizes triumph (thimph), and 4 — stability.Therefore, Russians believe that the number 7 combines luck and stability, which makes him happy.

It should also be noted that these skills and values related to numbers vary between cultures and may vary in different regions. Despite this, the basic principles that underlie these preferences are related to the idea of luck, well-being and stability.

In general, the symbolism of numbers in China and Russia differs in that in China it is more unique and associated with ancient cultural traditions, while in Russia it is more similar to Christian motifs and is associated with good and evil" (KhatGLM, 2023).

Example 3 shows that using artificial intelligence-based tools such as a chatbot is one of the ways to learn a language and culture. A chatbot trained on a variety of texts from different cultures can identify and record certain speech patterns, customs and behaviors associated with a particular culture. This allows the algorithm to anticipate possible differences in communication and helps students adapt to them in advance. In addition, the chatbot can offer students recommendations for adapting to cultural nuances based on the experiences of millions of other people.

Regarding the content of the answer, the following can be said. It is obvious that the Chinese prefer the numbers 6 and 8, which is associated with traditional Chinese culture, important components of which are the ideas of the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac and 8 natural phenomena. Of course, in traditional Chinese culture there are folklore and superstitious elements linking ancient deities with the numbers 6 and 8. From the point of view of the modern slang language, the Chinese prefer numbers with the numbers 6 and 8 in everyday life because the pronunciation of these numbers has the meaning of luck and wealth. Russian Russian, on the other hand, uses 7 partly for religious reasons, and partly because 7 is the sum of the numbers 3 and 4, which of which has an independent meaning in Russian culture.

Of course, in order to know for sure whether the answers given by the chatbot correspond to cultural reality, it is best to ask a Russian teacher to confirm this. Artificial intelligence helps students acquire knowledge, but the student must always verify the accuracy of the information received.

(4) Culture of numbers and Chinese-Russian translation

Example 4. The answer to the question ",,(Translation: What are the differences in understanding digital culture between China and Russia? What should I pay attention to? For example, how do I give a gift)?"

The text generated by ChatGLM showed that "The differences in the understanding of digital culture between China and Russia are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Number meanings: In Chinese, some numbers have a certain meaning, for example, "8", meaning "fa", which means wealth and prosperity; while in Russian, the number "7" is considered lucky and is similar to the Chinese "8". similar. However, in both cultures there is a habit of avoiding certain numbers. For example, the number "4" in Chinese is considered unlucky because it is homophonous to the word "death", in Russian the number "13" is also considered unlucky.

Giving customs: China and Russia have different gift giving habits. In China, people usually give gifts with even numbers to express blessing and good luck, whereas in Russia, gifts with odd numbers are considered more appropriate because they embody uniqueness and uniqueness. In addition, when presenting gifts, pay attention to the packaging: exquisite and beautiful packaging often reflects respect and attention to the interlocutor.

The meaning of gifts: When choosing gifts, China and Russia have different meanings. For example, in China, red is considered an auspicious color, symbolizing joy and good luck, and in Russia, blue is considered a happy color, embodying purity and loyalty. Therefore, when giving gifts, it is important to understand each other's preferences and cultural habits.

To draw attention to these differences in cultural exchange between China and Russia, the following measures can be taken:

Understand the cultural background of the other side: Before communicating, try to understand the cultural habits and customs of the other side in order to better respect the other side.

Consult with friends or experts familiar with Chinese and Russian culture. When giving gifts or choosing rooms, you can consult with friends or experts familiar with the cultures of the two countries to make sure that your behavior meets the expectations of the other side.

Follow etiquette: During a relationship, observe the etiquette and habits of the other party. For example, when giving gifts, pay attention to the packaging and color and avoid using unlucky numbers.

Stay open and respectful. During cultural exchange, be open-minded, respect each other's customs and beliefs, and avoid inadvertently violating each other's cultural taboos.

Learn to compromise: In some cases, you can try to compromise and combine the customs of both sides to demonstrate respect for the cultures of both sides.

With these methods, you will be able to better pay attention to the quantitative differences and cultural meanings in Chinese-Russian cultural exchanges and ensure that your actions are understood and respected by the other side. I wish you all the best in the cultural exchange between China and Russia!" (HATGLM, 2023).

Language as a barrier to intercultural communication manifests itself in translation problems [5, p.73]. As Example 4 shows, a chatbot allows you to partially overcome this barrier, since one of its important advantages is the ability to automatically translate. Students can write their messages in their native language, and artificial intelligence automatically translates them into the language of the interlocutor. Thus, the chatbot helps students to master the Russian language in the learning process to a large extent. Probably in the near future, this will allow students from different countries and cultures to communicate effectively with each other, without thinking about language problems, and focus on other important things — exchanging ideas, studying, cultural exchange, etc.

Thus, thanks to the use of chatbots in intercultural communication, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of misunderstandings and conflicts, eliminate the language barrier and turn it into an advantage. The chatbot helps students understand each other better, perceive information accurately and effectively, and eliminate misunderstandings related to differences in cultures and languages.

(5) Chinese and Russian numerical slang

An important aspect of intercultural communication is the student's ability to grasp the subtleties of language — slang expressions [22] (88, 520, 666, 888, 1234...), wordplay and cultural nuances. Let's see how well the chatbot copes with this task.

Example 5. To the question "Slang expressions in Russian and Chinese numbers, for example 88, 666, 888, 5201234...) and other numbers?"

The text generated by ChatGLM showed that "In Russian and Chinese there are some slang expressions related to numbers. Here are some examples:

In Russian:

88 (figure eight) - in Internet slang, it is used to mean congratulations, goodbyes or good luck wishes. It is based on the fact that the number 8 is associated with wealth and luck.

666 (six sixes) - in Internet slang, it is often used to denote malice, sinisterness or diabolical associations. This is due to the association of the number 666 with the Biblical number of the beast.

1234 (one two three four) - in jargon, it can be used to denote the simplicity or lightness of something. It is often used in phrases like “do something in one go”, “step-by-step instructions" and the like.

In Chinese:

88 ( b?b?) - also used for congratulations and good luck wishes. It is associated with wealth and well-being.

666 ( li?li?li?) is used in Internet slang as praise or an expression of admiration. In Chinese, it sounds consonant with “” (li?li?li?), which means something "smooth” or “amazing”.

520 ( w?'?rl?ng) - associated with "I love you”. In the Chinese pronunciation system, 520 (w? ?r l?ng) sounds similar to the phrase “” (w? ?i n?), which means “I love you”.

These are just a few examples of slang expressions related to numbers. There may be other associations in each language that depend on context and cultural nuances" (HATGLM, 2023).

The chatbot correctly explained the meaning for only three of the six slangisms (666 in Russian culture, 666 and 520 in Chinese culture). It follows from the answer of the language model that the number 666 cannot be used in Russia with the same meaning as in China. This is true.

However, the situation is worse with other slangisms. In fact, 88 and 1234 have no established meaning in Russian slang at all. At the same time, 1314 is used in Chinese slang to mean “for life”, usually along with 520 (I love you).

88 is used in Chinese, but means "bye bye" or "goodbye." This is due to the fact that b?b? is similar in sound to b?ib?i (), which is a tracing paper of the English bye-bye. The number 888 is used in Chinese culture to wish good luck. It seems that the chatbot has confused the meaning of these two slangisms.

We see that in some cases a chatbot can communicate knowledge of nuances that are critically important in intercultural communication (for example, the almost opposite symbolic meaning of the number 666 in Russia and China). At the same time, the language model is often capable of producing unreliable information. Therefore, it must be clarified before using it in practice.

(6) Another question about numbers

Example 6. To the question "How can Chinese students avoid numerical language and cultural barriers in the framework of intercultural communication?"

The text generated by ChatGLM showed that "Chinese students can avoid digital language and cultural barriers within the framework of intercultural communication as follows:

Learning foreign languages: By being competent in foreign languages, students can better understand and communicate with representatives of other cultures. Learning languages will help them master digital language norms and standards that may be different from their native language.

Cultural Studios: Students can attend cultural studios and seminars where they study various aspects of the cultures of other countries. This will help them better understand and adapt to the customs and traditions of other cultures.

Internet Research: Chinese students can use the Internet to explore digital language and cultural barriers in other countries. Online research will help them gain an understanding of different cultures and their mores in order to communicate more effectively with representatives of these cultures.

Intercultural exchanges: Students can participate in intercultural exchanges such as internships abroad, exchange programs or short visits. This will allow them to get to know the cultures of other countries in practice and avoid digital and cultural barriers to communication.

Intercultural Communication Skills: Chinese students can develop intercultural communication skills such as making social contacts, the ability to understand and accept different points of view and opinions, as well as respect for cultural differences. These skills will help them communicate effectively with people from other cultures and avoid digital and cultural barriers.

Communication Model Training: Students can receive lessons in communication to learn how to communicate more effectively. This will help them better understand and communicate with representatives of other cultures, avoiding digital and cultural barriers.

Forums and Clubs: Chinese students can participate in forums and clubs where discussions and events on intercultural understanding are held. This will allow them to get to know different points of view and exchange ideas with representatives of other cultures.

Chinese students can use these strategies to avoid digital and cultural barriers as part of intercultural communication. Willingness to recognize and respect cultural differences (HATGLM, 2023).

Example 6 shows that the chatbot gave too general an answer to the question posed. However, the author believes that this answer still contains a rational grain. The importance of many of the strategies mentioned by the chatbot has been emphasized earlier in research by various scientists. Thus, the correlation of intercultural communication and foreign language teaching was considered in the works of S.G. Terminasova [12], S. S. Khodzhaeva [18] and other Russian researchers. Miloserdova E. M., Samorodova T. V. wrote an article entitled "the Russian club" as a method of linguistic and cultural adaptation of foreign students in a linguistic environment [8]. Lipatova M.E. and Bogatyreva A.A. analyzed the role of Internet research in intercultural dialogue[7]. Ten Yu. P. pointed out that intercultural exchanges contribute to minimizing barriers in intercultural communications [11].

Chernysheva A. I., Leonova E.V. expressed the opinion that "knowledge of the language is not a sufficient condition for avoiding intercultural conflicts. Only with an adequate and positive attitude to the realities of the language being studied, accepting someone else's culture as equal to their own, foreign language learners will be able to effectively carry out intercultural communication, which subsequently leads to the formation of intercultural competence" [19, p.324]. Thus, these authors emphasized the importance of intercultural communication skills.

Thus, the strategies suggested by the chatbot to overcome numerical language and cultural barriers are really important. At the same time, there are too few specific tips in them, specific specifically to the topic of Russian numbers.

It is possible that the chatbot gave too general an answer to the last question, because the question itself is ambiguous or not formulated clearly enough.

So, the analysis of the chatbot's responses allows us to draw the following conclusions.

1. In any case, numbers are part of the language, and the language and culture contained in numbers is a topic that Chinese and Russian teachers and students often encounter in the process of intercultural communication in the field of international education. Therefore, it is necessary to study language and cultural barriers as a topic of the Russian language and culture, in particular, the topic of numbers.

2. ChatGLM chatbot can correct mistakes, suggest the right phrases and help students improve their skills when learning Russian. Thanks to the use of large amounts of data, this language model can give students a variety of tips on mastering certain topics, as well as clarify the differences between native and studied cultures.

Russian Russian chatbot ChatGLM has a number of disadvantages, such as the transmission of false information when explaining grammar rules and identifying the meaning of individual language units; incorrect spelling or incorrect translation of Russian words; the use of English words in Russian sentences; the presence of unnecessary information unrelated to the question.


All of the above suggests that a chatbot, a language model based on artificial intelligence, can provide answers to common questions, correct grammatical errors, help in other types of language practice and communicate new knowledge about the peculiarities of the culture being studied. This model is just a working tool, and its value in complex types of intellectual activity, for example, in writing scientific articles, remains questionable. In some cases, the chatbot does not have a sufficient set of data or processes them incorrectly, and in this case it can give incorrect answers, just as a car navigator is able to point the wrong way to the driver under certain conditions. For proper operation, artificial intelligence requires large amounts of data and reliable methods of processing them, then it will become like an improved corpus of language and will be able to provide high-quality information that will benefit humanity.

For Chinese students learning Russian, a chatbot can be useful in mastering basic language knowledge and cultural concepts. When students do not understand the nuances of semantics, they can use a language model to figure out these issues. However, students should not mindlessly rely on a chatbot. Rather, they should learn to use it as one of the important modern tools for learning the Russian language and culture, while at the same time being reasonably careful and mindful of the possibility of obtaining false information.

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The author presented his article "Practical aspects of using chatbots to teach Russian in the framework of intercultural communication" to the journal "Man and Culture", in which a study of the potential of artificial intelligence in teaching foreign languages and intercultural communication skills was conducted. The author proceeds in studying this issue from the fact that language barriers in education can become the main obstacle to the full-fledged interaction of students speaking different languages. In addition to the problems directly related to the development of a foreign language, people involved in intercultural communication inevitably face significant differences in customs, traditions and other cultural realities. Knowledge of the most important cultural nuances allows students to avoid misunderstandings or even conflict situations when communicating with foreigners. In turn, immersion in culture also contributes to a more confident command of a foreign language, since the meaning of some linguistic units is inextricably linked with the peculiarities of the national worldview. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that in the modern world, intercultural communication has become an integral part of international education, as well as the subject of active research by Russian and foreign researchers both at a general and more detailed level. Russian Russian The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of using a chatbot to identify the meaning of language units and the correctness of grammatical structures, as well as cultural features related to the topic of Russian numbers, in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The subject is the integration of a chatbot into the educational process as part of the study of the Russian language by Chinese students. The methodological basis was formed by an integrated approach, including general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as methodological and socio-cultural analysis. The author chose the chatbot ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, as a tool. The advantage of this language model is that it was created by Chinese scientists, and its training was conducted on materials written in Chinese and English. This means that ChatGLM better takes into account the specifics of the Chinese language and therefore should provide explanations that are more understandable to Chinese students. Having carried out a detailed analysis of the scientific validity of the problem, the author notes the presence of a large number of works that reveal issues of both intercultural communication and the use of artificial intelligence for pedagogical purposes, which made it possible to create a solid theoretical basis for studying this problem. However, the author notes the lack of coverage of the practical aspects of using chatbots in the educational process and the possibility of using them to study specific linguistic and cultural issues. The development of this aspect constituted the scientific novelty of the study. The author notes the important role of modern information technology tools in solving the problem of intercultural communication. One of these tools is a chatbot, a language model based on artificial intelligence, which is able to effectively translate and generate texts in different languages. The author sees the advantage of the chatbot in its ability to correctly interpret cultural features that are specific to native speakers of each language, which avoids possible misunderstandings that may arise due to incorrect perception of someone else's culture. Russian Russian is a foreign language. In the article, the author analyzes six examples illustrating the possibilities of using a chatbot to master new vocabulary, check the correctness of grammatical structures and understand cultural characteristics when learning Russian as a foreign language, namely: language norms and tips for learning Russian numbers, the ability of a chatbot to correct mistakes when constructing phrases in Russian, cultural overtones Russian Russian numbers through comparison with the Chinese language, differences in the understanding of digital culture between China and Russia, Chinese and Russian numerical slang, strategies for avoiding digital and cultural barriers in the framework of intercultural communication. The author highly appreciates the possibility of using artificial intelligence for pedagogical and methodological purposes, but warns against excessive reliance on this tool, since a chatbot cannot replace live communication with a native speaker and currently contains insufficient data to form the only correct solutions. In conclusion, the author presents a conclusion on the conducted research, which contains all the key provisions of the presented material. It seems that the author in his material touched upon relevant and interesting issues for modern socio-humanitarian knowledge, choosing a topic for analysis, consideration of which in scientific research discourse will entail certain changes in the established approaches and directions of analysis of the problem addressed in the presented article. The results obtained allow us to assert that the study of the methodological potential of modern technologies for overcoming intercultural and linguistic barriers is of undoubted theoretical and practical cultural interest and can serve as a source of further research. The material presented in the work has a clear, logically structured structure that contributes to a more complete assimilation of the material. An adequate choice of methodological base also contributes to this. The bibliographic list of the research consists of 23 sources, which seems sufficient for generalization and analysis of scientific discourse. The author fulfilled his goal, obtained certain scientific results that made it possible to summarize the material, showed deep knowledge of the studied issues. It should be noted that the article may be of interest to readers and deserves to be published in a reputable scientific publication.