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Police activity

An approach to the implementation of measures to reduce incidents when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition

Arkhipov Sergei Nikolaevich

Master of Sports of Russia in shooting from combat hand-held small arms, Associate Professor, Department of Fire Training, Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

625049, Russia, Tyumen region, Tyumen, Amurskaya str., 75

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Abstract: In this study, the author analyzes the causes and factors contributing to the occurrence of situations of unprofessional actions of policemen in handling combat hand-held small arms related to an involuntary shot when receiving and preparing it for service or when handing over weapons at the end of service. The author examines in detail such issues as: -ensuring security when receiving and handing over weapons in the duty station; - the lack of a unified approach, in the order of actions performed with weapons when loading and discharging it in the duty station; - the use of a single algorithm of employee actions and schemes for it, as ways to reduce cases of injury when loading and discharging weapons. The subject of the study is the algorithm of actions of employees when handling weapons when receiving and handing them over in the duty station. The object of the author's research is the professional training of employees of the territorial bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation. Research methods: generalization, comparative analysis, included observation; system analysis and synthesis of practical experience of fire training and interdisciplinary literature review on the studied problem; sociological methods: expert assessments; mathematical and statistical data processing. The main conclusions of the study are: 1.The causes of accidents with firearms are due to non-compliance with safety measures when handling weapons; 2. The lack of an exact sequence of actions with weapons when loading weapons and discharging them manifests itself in the chaotic execution of these actions. 3. The lack of a single algorithm for loading and unloading weapons is the cause of accidents. 4. The use of the algorithm of the employee's actions when loading weapons before entering service and discharging them upon delivery and the scheme for it, placed in the duty stations in the place for loading and discharging weapons, will minimize the likelihood of an accidental shot. A special contribution of the author is the development of a single algorithm and a scheme for it, which are introduced into the educational process and professional activities of the ATS staff. The novelty of the research lies in the development of a single algorithm for the actions of employees with weapons when receiving and handing them over to the duty station.


professional training, personal safety, algorithm of actions, scheme, fire training, security measures, weapon, loading, discharging weapons, duty station

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It is rightly noted in the literature that "employees in their line of service, in order to perform tasks for the protection of public order and public safety, in duty stations throughout the country, receive and hand over weapons and ammunition on a daily basis. And the issue of reducing the likelihood of an accidental shot and, as a result, injury and mutilation remains very relevant, as evidenced by the statistics of incidents related to accidental shots during the receipt and delivery of weapons are registered annually" [1, p.159].

The causes of such emergencies with firearms are often non-compliance with safety measures [2, p.159] and a low level of professional training of employees.

In his speech at an expanded meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Putin said that the tasks set are being solved in modern conditions primarily by "increasing the level of your professionalism." (Extended meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (03/22/2023). President Of Russia: website. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru (date of application: April 27, 2023)).

Considering the issue of personal safety when receiving and handing over weapons, S.A. Gorelov, O.A. Kochenogov, V.A. Leonov, S.I. Konovalova, A.A. Zhailov, I.N. Fatkulin, G.V. Akimova, L.I. Gross, draw attention to the fact that "... security measures are a set of measures, knowledge, skills and skills that allow avoiding tragic consequences aimed at safe handling of weapons and guaranteeing the safety not only of the employee himself, but also of the citizens around him, and proper handling of him is the key to safety" [3, p. 49], which in the context of measures to reduce incidents in duty stations will be one of the criteria.

Svetlichny E.G., Panova O. S., Donchenko V. E. considering the issues of improving the personal safety skills of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when handling firearms in their work, they note that "... actions with weapons must be performed clearly and confidently, a police officer should not think about how to perform them of course, in his "arsenal" there should be worked-out and automated algorithms of actions in a particular situation of official activity" [4, p. 395].

Studying the issues of the legality of the use of weapons and comparing the level of professionalism of employees, Yu.F. Podlipnyak, Gedugoshev R. R. in their works note that "... the unlawful use of weapons and injury occurs as a result:

- non-compliance with the requirements of safety measures;

- inept and careless handling of weapons;

- lack of solid skills in handling weapons and, first of all, when discharging them;

- insufficient knowledge of the material part of the weapon" [5, p.380];

According to the author and researchers in the field of fire training of employees, it is necessary to conduct an extensive and detailed analysis of specific cases of inept (negligent) handling of weapons in law enforcement practice in order to solve the problem of unprofessional actions in the performance of official duties when handling weapons and excluding cases of accidental firing when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition in the duty stations of internal affairs bodies [6, p.5]. This will allow us to more accurately identify the causes and factors contributing to the occurrence of such situations. Such an analysis may include a study of the level of formation of professional skills of employees in the safe handling of weapons, as well as an analysis of incidents related to negligent handling of weapons. It is important to identify weaknesses and take measures to develop instructions aimed at creating safe conditions for loading and unloading weapons in the CWC, since loading and unloading weapons should be carried out in the weapon cleaning room [7, p.443].

Having studied and analyzed statistical data and reviews, we see that despite the measures taken to control the process of receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition, it is not possible to significantly reduce the risk of inept handling of weapons when loading and unloading weapons in the CWC and the facts of accidental firing when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition take place.

According to information provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the reporting period from 2020 to the first half of 2021, when performing tasks to protect public order, firearms were used by employees of internal affairs agencies 1,685 times. (Review of the practice of using physical force, special means and firearms by employees of internal affairs bodies when performing tasks to protect public order: inf. letter of the DGSK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 14, 2021 No. 21/8/20548. 26 c).

Of this number, weapons were used illegally 34 times. As stated in previous publications, "out of the total number of cases involving the misuse of weapons and injury in 73%, this occurred as a result of inept (negligent) handling of weapons when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition in the duty stations of the territorial internal affairs bodies. And 2022 was no exception to this example, 4 (+33.3%) cases were recorded in the duty stations of the territorial internal affairs bodies, and 3 cases in the same period of 2021 that caused injuries and injuries to employees" [8, p. 132].

Based on the analysis of the materials of official inspections, it can be concluded that the reasons that may entail risks associated with the unregulated use of weapons in duty stations are:

- the lack of a single algorithm and sequence in the actions of employees when loading and unloading weapons;

- non-compliance with the requirements of safety measures;

- fatigue and stress, and as a result, making mistakes when handling weapons.

In order to identify specific causes and circumstances that lead to risks associated with the misuse of weapons when receiving and handing over weapons and which cause accidents and lead to injuries and injuries to employees, from 2021-2023, S.N. Arkhipov conducted a research project at the Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. a pedagogical experiment. On the basis of which it is possible to develop rules that improve the system of training and control over the process of receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition, which will significantly reduce the risk of inept handling of weapons.

The object of the pedagogical experiment was the actions of employees when receiving and handing over weapons from the storage room, and the subject was the rules that improve the training and control system.

The goal is to develop a unified algorithm and scheme for receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition in the duty station.

The experiment was attended by students who are trained in basic educational vocational training programs, ordinary, junior, middle and senior commanders who were first recruited to the internal affairs bodies, as a "Policeman" employee, advanced training students as an indicator group (GI) of typical actions of employees in duty stations of territorial bodies. The first EG was 77 people, the second EG was 73 people, experimental groups (EG) of the same composition and duration of training, the indicator group (GI) 154 people.

Fig. 1. Comparative schedule of the task of loading weapons and preparing them for duty in the experimental groups (EG1, EG2).

During the experiment, all EG students were asked to complete two tasks:

- in the first task, the students demonstrated actions in the duty station when receiving weapons and preparing them for duty;

- in the second task, the actions were performed when handing over weapons after the end of service.

When performing the first and second tasks, EG1 was guided by the knowledge, skills and abilities that they received in the process of professional training when studying the topics of the section "Fire training", and EG2 additionally used the developed scheme to the algorithm of actions of the employee when receiving weapons and preparing them for service and when handing over weapons after the end of service, which is placed at the place of loading and unloading weapons in the duty station (Fig.4).

Fig. 2. A comparative schedule for completing the task of performing an action when handing over weapons after the end of service in experimental groups (EG1, EG2).

The obtained results of the pedagogical experiment indicate the absence of any sequence in actions with weapons in EG1, which manifested themselves in the inconsistent execution of actions (Fig. 1), and we see a diametrically opposite picture in EG2, which used the developed scheme to the algorithm, where the exact sequence of actions performed is traced.

As a result of the conducted research, initial data on the level of skill formation were obtained from trainees of advanced training (see Table 1), who acted as an indicator group (GI).

Table 1

The order of the action performed by the employee

Actions of employees of the indicator group


Equipped the stores

I checked the weapon for unloaded, made a control descent.

He equipped the magazine and put it in a pocket for a spare magazine, equipped the second magazine and attached it to the pistol


I checked the weapon for unloaded, made a control descent.

I equipped the stores.

I put one magazine in a pocket for a spare magazine, and attached the second magazine to the pistol.

I checked the weapon for unloaded, made a control descent.


I put one magazine in a pocket for a spare magazine, and attached the second magazine to the pistol.

I attached a pistol strap.

I attached a pistol strap.


I attached a pistol strap.



The number of people who performed actions in different sequences

81 people

36 people

37 people

The obtained initial data allowed us to establish that the employees who acted as GI and EG1 trainees have similarities in the absence of a unified approach and sequence of typical actions when performing tasks. It should be noted that in the absence of an exact sequence, the probability of an accidental shot is high, since each subsequent action performed in violation of security measures or in violation of the sequence only multiplies errors and approximates the probability of an accidental shot.

Thus, it can be argued that the lack of a unified approach, in the order of actions performed by EG1 listeners and GI listeners, increases the likelihood of risks associated with the unintentional use of weapons.

All the identified causes collectively contribute to the emergence of risks, and increase the likelihood of an event related to the unintentional use of weapons in duty stations upon receipt and delivery.

Based on the results of the analysis of incidents related to inept (negligent) handling of weapons, the data obtained from the pedagogical experiment, as a set of additional measures to improve the level of professional training of employees and reduce cases of injury, the author has developed a unified algorithm for employee actions.

The algorithm is designed in such a way that each subsequent action reduces the probability of an accidental shot.

The algorithm of an employee's actions when loading a service firearm before joining the service

1. Inspect two stores, compare the numbers on the store case, if any, with the number on the frame and make sure that they are in good working order (no cracks, dents on the case).

2. Check the availability of all received ammunition (by quantity), their identity of the series, manufacturer, year of manufacture.

3. Check if there is a cartridge in the chamber.

In order to make sure that there is no cartridge in the chamber, it is necessary:

- take a pistol in your hand, point the weapon at the bullet trap, make sure there is no magazine at the base of the handle;

- turn off the fuse (lower the flag down), move the shutter to the rear position with your left hand, put it on the shutter delay [9, p. 125];

- visually inspect the chamber and make sure that there is no cartridge [10, p. 89];

- remove the shutter from the shutter delay and turn on the fuse (raise the flag up), while the trigger will be removed from the combat platoon (Makarov pistol (PM), PMM).

(pull the trigger (in pistols, in the design features of which this is provided) to remove the trigger from the combat platoon after checking the weapon (Yarygin pistol) or deactivate the firing pin (Lebedev pistol (PLC), Glock pistol).

- inspect the pistol assembled, check the correspondence of the number on the frame and the bolt, make sure there is no rust, cracks, nicks on the sighting devices.

4. Fasten the carbine of the pistol strap to the front, and put the pistol in the holster.

5. Equip magazines with cartridges and load weapons:

- equip one magazine with cartridges and put it in a pocket for a spare magazine holster;

- equip the second magazine with cartridges and place it in the base of the pistol grip.

6. Hand over the empty pad to the attendant through the window for issuing weapons, while calling the number of the cabinet (safe) of the weapon storage place.

In order to quickly remember the procedure for loading or unloading weapons, which is prescribed in the algorithm, it can be represented in the form of an algorithm diagram (Fig.3). The scheme of the algorithm is a graphical representation of the algorithm, each point of which is displayed on the diagram by a geometric figure—block supplemented with elements of a verbal record of the corresponding action, to display the sequence of completing the task of loading and unloading weapons, which will be located at the place of loading or unloading weapons in the duty units of the internal affairs bodies (Fig.4)" [1, p. 163].

Fig. 3. The structure of the graphical scheme of the unified algorithm

In this scheme: two – the number of loaded magazines laid out on the table available for a certain type of weapon;

sixteen – the number of cartridges in the block from discharged magazines (example: Makarov pistol – 16 rounds);

checking the weapon for non–loading - inspection of magazines and the chamber for the absence of cartridges;

surrender of weapons – the transfer of weapons by an employee to the operational duty officer of the Department of Internal Affairs, institutions, divisions [11, p. 27].

Fig. 4. The scheme and algorithm of actions of employees when receiving weapons, placed in a place for loading and unloading weapons in the duty stations of the internal affairs bodies

The recommended scheme for the algorithm of actions is designed in such a way that, when performing actions when loading a weapon before entering service and discharging it upon delivery, the sequence of actions performed is preserved until the fourth action, which reduces the likelihood of taking a step that can lead to an accidental shot.

For example: after serving, when discharging a weapon, an employee must check it for non-charging, and fulfill one of the points of safety measures in handling weapons:

- take the weapon and check if it's loaded. But by completing this point as the first step in the algorithm of actions (without disconnecting the magazine and making sure that all the cartridges for the weapon are available), the employee increases the likelihood of an accidental shot exposing himself and others to danger.

But if, under the same conditions, this action is performed by the third in the proposed sequence, after inspecting the magazines and checking the presence of all ammunition in the block (see Figure 4), then the shot can be avoided, even if the employee further admits any inaccuracy in handling the weapon (for example: pulls the trigger in a Makarov pistol). This example clearly demonstrates the relevance of using the sequence in question in the scheme to comply with the algorithm of employee actions.

At the same time, it is proposed to place the scheme and algorithm in a place for loading and unloading weapons in the duty stations of the internal affairs bodies (Fig.4) [12, p. 37], which will compensate for gaps in knowledge and practical skills, and will save the employee from mistakes when using weapons in daily activities in duty stations, thereby reducing minimize the chance of an accidental shot.


The conducted pedagogical experiment showed that the cause of incidents related to negligent (inept) handling of weapons is not only a gross violation of security measures, but also the lack of an accurate sequence of actions with weapons, expressed in the chaotic execution of actions when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition in the duty stations of the internal affairs bodies, which causes serious incidents related to with careless (inept) handling of weapons.

The introduction of schemes and a single algorithm of actions into the educational process and professional activities of police officers in the classroom in the system of professional service and physical training will contribute to:

- improving the level of professional training of employees [13, p. 105];

- development of employees' skills in safe handling of weapons, and increasing the psychological readiness of employees in the performance of official duties with weapons.

The use of the same scheme and a single algorithm of actions placed in the duty stations of the bodies and organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the place for loading and unloading weapons before entering service and discharging weapons upon delivery (Fig.4) will minimize the likelihood of an accidental shot, since the algorithm scheme will resemble:

- to the employee about the procedure for his actions when loading and unloading firearms upon receipt or delivery of them;

- the responsible person (from the senior staff, the commander of the unit, etc.) who monitors and controls the actions of police officers who load and discharge firearms upon receipt or delivery in the duty stations of the territorial internal affairs bodies [14, p.52], thanks to this visual information, he will be able to respond more quickly to actions that violate a secure algorithm.

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2. Kosikovsky, A. R., Litvin, D. V., & Kupavtsev T. S. (2021). The practice of using firearms by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: an educational and methodological manual. Moscow: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
3. Gorelov, S.A. (2019). Problems of compliance with personal security measures by employees of internal affairs bodies when they perform operational and official tasks, including as part of the outfit: method. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
4. Svetlichny, E. G., Panova, O. S., & Donchenko, V. E. (2020). Improving the personal safety skills of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when handling firearms. Scientific notes of the PF Lesgaft University, 4(182), 393-396.
5. Gedugoshev, R.R. (2018). Fire training as an integral part of professional service training of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Eurasian Legal Journal, 9, 379-380.
6. Podlipnyak, Y.F. (2009). Fire training: A course of lectures. Moscow: Central Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
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8. Arkhipov, S.N. (2022). Reducing the risks of an accidental shot in the weapon storage room when it is received and handed over. Bulletin of the Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2(19), 131-136.
9. Rumyantsev, N.V. (2009). Fire training: textbook. Under the general editorship of. Moscow: TSOKR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
10. Arkhipov, S.N. (2015). Modern small arms, armed with law enforcement officers: textbook-practice. Tyumen: Tyum. Institute of advanced training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
11. Arkhipov, S.N. (2021). Fire training of employees of internal affairs bodies: studies. stipend. Tyumen: Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
12. Arkhipov, S.N. (2022). Ensuring security when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition by employees of security and convoy police units. Security and convoy service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1, 34-38.
13. Afanaskin, P. V. (2022). Ensuring security measures when receiving and handing over service weapons by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Modern Science, 3-1, 104-108.
14. Gorelov, S.A. (2019). Problems of compliance with personal security measures by employees of internal affairs bodies when they perform operational and official tasks, including as part of the outfit: method. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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The paper "An approach to the implementation of measures to reduce incidents in duty stations when receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at developing a unified algorithm and scheme for receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition in the duty station. The actions of employees when receiving and handing over weapons from the storage room were chosen as the object of the pedagogical experiment, and the subject was the rules that improve the training and control system. In general, the author conducted a pedagogical experiment, determined its effectiveness; the set goal and objectives were achieved. The research methodology is based on the work of Russian scientists. The study presents the results of theoretical analysis and formative research. The author has developed and implemented a pedagogical experiment aimed at developing a single algorithm and scheme for receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition in the duty station. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that police officers often unlawfully use weapons and get injured at the same time. This happens as a result of: non-compliance with the requirements of safety measures; inept and careless handling of weapons; lack of solid skills in handling weapons and, first of all, when discharging them; insufficient knowledge of the material part of the weapon." It is important to provide appropriate training for employees, which should begin at an educational institution. The scientific novelty of the research. The author conducted a pedagogical experiment that revealed the main problems of negligent handling of weapons by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The work has been tested in the educational process in the classes of service and physical training schemes and a single algorithm of actions, which is recommended to be implemented in the professional activities of police officers. This will contribute to: - improving the level of professional preparedness of employees; - developing skills in safe handling of weapons among employees; - increasing the psychological readiness of employees in the performance of official duties with weapons. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, despite the fact that the author has not highlighted the main semantic parts. The introduction defines the relevance and substantiates the highlighted research problem. The author noted that it is important to reduce the likelihood of an accidental shot and, as a result, injury and injury in the process of receiving and handing over weapons and ammunition. It is important to train specialists in safety measures and improve their level of professional training. The next section is devoted to the description of the main approaches that are presented in the scientific literature. Special attention was paid to the results obtained by: G.V. Akimova, R. R. Gedugoshev, S.A. Gorelov, L.I. Gross, V. E. Donchenko, A.A. Zhailov, S.I. Konovalova, O.A. Kochenogov, V.A. Leonov, O. S. Panova, Yu.F. Podlipnyak, E.G. Svetlichny, I.N. Fatkulin, et al. The analysis carried out to clarify the concept of "security measures", to consider the issues of improving the personal safety skills of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when handling firearms, to specify the issues of the legality of the use of weapons and comparing the level of professionalism of employees. The author drew the following conclusions: - it is important to more accurately identify the causes and factors contributing to the occurrence of situations; - it is necessary to study the level of formation of professional skills of employees in the safe handling of weapons, analyze incidents related to negligent handling of weapons; - it is important to identify weaknesses and take measures to develop instructions aimed at creating safe conditions when loading and unloading weapons in the CWC. The next section is devoted to describing the results of a study of specific causes and circumstances that lead to risks associated with the misuse of weapons when receiving and handing over weapons and which cause accidents and lead to injuries and injuries to employees. The work was carried out at the Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 2021-2023. 154 employees participated in the study. The results obtained allowed us to analyze the following results: - a comparative analysis of the task of loading weapons and preparing them for duty in the duty station was carried out; - a comparative analysis of the task of performing an action when handing over weapons after the end of service was carried out; - the level of formation of skills among advanced training students was revealed. The staff studied the algorithm of an employee's actions when loading a service firearm before joining the service. The article ends with a description of the research results and the formulation of detailed conclusions. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 14 domestic sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, the bibliography contains; educational, teaching and methodical manuals; textbooks, a course of lectures. The sources are designed correctly and uniformly. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - describe in more detail the results of the study and the formative part, highlighting the main stages, the activities carried out; - correct the text of the article for descriptions and syntactic inaccuracies. Conclusions. The problems of the article are characterized by undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of the safety of the professional activities of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and improving their professionalism. The article can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.