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Police activity

Development of tactical skills in handling automatic firearms among cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Vasil'ev Mikhail Aleksandrovich

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Special Training of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

664074, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Lermontova, 110

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Kleimenov Semen Yur'evich

Teacher, Department of Fire Training, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

664074, Russia, Irkutsk, Lermonotova str., 110










Abstract: The object of the research of the article is the tactical basics of handling automatic firearms during fire training. The subject of the research is the tactical basics of possession of automatic firearms during the training of fire arms handling. The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective methods for conducting fire training classes aimed at developing handling skills of the students. Research aim is to determine the most effective and accessible methods in the process of handling automatic firearms. The practical significance of the conducted research consists in identifying the most effective methods for fire training training, necessary for practical application. At the same time, attention is paid to strict compliance with safety measures when handling both training and combat weapons during training. The methodology of the conducted research is determined by its purpose and objectives. It is based on a systematic approach to the study of methods of training police officers in the practical use of firearms. The novelty of the scientific article lies in the development of author's methods in the study and testing of tactical actions of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the handling of automatic firearms during fire training. When practicing tactical skills, actions with automatic firearms were carried out both idling and during live firing. The training exercises were practically tested during the training of cadets and trainees at the stage of the practical part of fire training. The development of tactical actions allowed the trainees to form confident practical skills in handling automatic firearms, which in turn affected the increase in the level of general discipline and the readiness of employees to act in practice.


fire training, automatic firearms, submachine gun, machine, methods of preparation, training exercise, educational place, professional training, firing line, idling

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Fire training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a continuous process that includes constant work on improving the preparedness of students. One of the elements of developing tactical skills in handling automatic firearms is to study the basics of interaction between a shooter and a weapon as part of conducting fire training classes [1].


The correct link to the article: Vasiliev M.A., Kleimenov S.Yu. — Tactical bases of fire training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Policing. – 0. – No. 0. DOI: "inactive" URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=69078 .

In this training design, automatic weapons are understood to be firearms capable of firing automatically, i.e. with two or more shots.

A submachine gun is an individual automatic firearm designed for a pistol cartridge. It combines the portability of a pistol with continuous machine gun fire.

A submachine gun is an individual automatic weapon designed to defeat enemy manpower.

As part of the performance of official duties by employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, these types of firearms are used by special purpose units of the Department of Internal Affairs, patrol and guard service, convoy service, traffic police. But in general, every police officer should have both theoretical and practical skills in handling these types of firearms, and these tactical foundations should be laid in the employee at the stage of his training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [2].

Training in the tactical basics of interaction with PP-91 "CEDAR" and AKS-74u for cadets and trainees in the framework of fire training classes should be carried out after a theoretical study of the purpose and tactical and technical characteristics of these types of firearms.

Training in the tactical basics of interaction with these types of firearms includes the step-by-step implementation of the following idle training exercises [3].

At the same time, it is important to take into account that the development of these training exercises will be carried out idly from combat weapons at the firing line, and at a training place specially designated by the firing leader, in a shooting range, in compliance with security measures (careful inspection of combat weapons).

Exercise number 1.

This exercise is performed with PP-91 "CEDAR", AKS-74u and is introductory for students and is aimed at getting used to these types of firearms, taking into account their tactical and technical characteristics and features in operation.

PP-91 "CEDAR" – this weapon is checked for non-charging with the implementation of the butt folding element.

Figure 1.

(The weapon is pointed in a safe direction, the bolt is retracted to the rear extreme position, while a visual inspection of the chamber is carried out)


The magazine is disconnected, the butt is reclined from the folded position, the weapon is removed from the safety, the bolt is retracted to the rear extreme position. Visual inspection to check the absence of a cartridge in the chamber. When performing these actions, the barrel is held in a safe direction.

AKS-74u – this weapon is checked for non-charging with the implementation of the butt folding element.

Figure 2.



Figure 3.

(Method of checking weapons No. 1 (Fig.2), No. 2 (Fig.3). The weapon is pointed in a safe direction, the bolt is retracted to the rear extreme position, while a visual inspection of the chamber is carried out)

The magazine is disconnected, the butt is reclined from the folded position, the weapon is removed from the safety, the bolt is retracted to the rear extreme position. Visual inspection to check the absence of a cartridge in the chamber. When performing these actions, the barrel is held in a safe direction.

Exercise number 2.

This exercise is aimed at developing tactical skills when handling PP-91 "CEDAR", AKS-74u in the form of forming the correct grip and stance.

It is important to note that when developing tactical bases for interaction with the above types of automatic firearms, it is necessary to take into account its tactical and technical characteristics.

The formation of the rack takes place on the principle of uniform distribution of body weight and retention of weapons based on the rule of three points of stability (two supporting legs and a weapon placed on the line of sight as a balanced counterweight). The weapon is held on the basis of three points of contact between the shooter and the weapon, these are: 1. butt shoulder, 2. right hand (left hand) pistol grip, 3. left hand (right hand) magazine or forearm

          It is important to note that the formation of the correct skill for developing a stance and aiming is carried out by systematically repeating these actions by the shooter both at a training place determined by the shooting director and at the firing line in the process of performing preparatory actions before combat shooting [4]. Only working out these actions idly is able to give a positive result in combat shooting during the execution of exercises of the shooting course.

Exercise number 3.

This exercise is aimed at developing tactical aiming skills using previously studied elements of standing and holding weapons.

The exercise to develop the correct aiming is carried out at the training site idling without working off the trigger. The safety is on. During the aiming process, the shooter fixes the weapon and sighting devices at the aiming point for 4-5 seconds. After that, the weapon is switched to standby mode in the direction of the training target. Such actions are performed by the shooter during 5-10 minutes idling. Moreover, at the discretion of the shooter, his position can change by going on his knee, or lying down, depending on the educational task that he faces.

Exercise number 4.

This training exercise is aimed at developing the skill of disconnecting and attaching the magazine from the AKS-74u and PP-91 "CEDAR". To successfully perform these actions, it is necessary to hold the weapon firmly in the leading hand, while the second hand performs actions to remove the magazine from the weapon, fixing the magazine in the hip area and returning actions attach the store to the weapon. When performing this training exercise, the shooter holds the weapon in a safe direction. At the same time, it is important to take into account the features of the technical device of these types of automatic weapons, since various mechanisms are used to extract magazines from weapons, affecting which the magazines are disconnected. When working with the AKS-74u, the magazine latch is affected. When the PP-91 "CEDAR" is in operation, the button-type magazine latch is affected.

The performance of these training exercises in the process of conducting fire training classes with cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an important component in preparatory actions before combat shooting, and is aimed at developing professional skills in handling automatic firearms [4,5]. It is recommended to perform idling from the second year of study.

1. Vasiliev, M.A. (2019). Pedagogical support of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the process of fire training training. Police activity, 2, 68-75.
2. Vasiliev, M.A. (2017). Preparation of police officers for actions on the use of firearms in conditions of limited visibility. Topical issues of tactics for the protection of public order and public safety. Collection of scientific articles Materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference. (pp. 189-191). Irkutsk.
3. Gavrilov, A.V., & Solonitskaya, E.V. (2005). Training in combat pistol shooting using a zero-point shooting simulator: An educational and methodological guide: RUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (pp. 108). Rostov-on-Don.
4. Kudryashov, Yu. (1977). Modeling of the shooter's actions when executing a shot. Multicolored targets: A collection of articles and essays on shooting sports, bench shooting and archery: Physical culture and sport (pp. 71-75).
5. Litvin, D., Kuznetsov, V. I. & Akhmetov, R. S. (2016). Formation of professional competencies of police officers in the field of the use of physical force, special means and firearms in the process of vocational training (initial training): structure, content, stages: studies. – method. manual: KU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. (pp. 96). Krasnodar.
6. Morozov, A.V. (1993). Training in instinctive shooting under conditions of physical exertion and psychological impact: A textbook: RIPC Branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (pp. 78). Tomsk.

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The work "Development of tactical skills in handling automatic firearms among cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at providing teachers with educational and training exercises, which are recommended to be used in the process of conducting fire training classes with cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This is an important component in the preparatory actions before combat shooting, aimed at developing professional skills in handling automatic firearms. The research methodology is based on the methodology of fire training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The relevance of the study is due to the need to organize the development of tactical skills in handling automatic firearms among cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The scientific novelty of the research is not defined in the work. The author obtained the following results: - a set of exercises is presented, which are recommended to be used in the process of teaching the tactical basics of interaction with PP-91 "CEDAR" and AKS-74u for cadets and trainees as part of fire training classes. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, despite the fact that the author has not highlighted the main semantic parts. The introduction defines the relevance of the problem raised. The author notes that the fire training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a continuous process, which is a constant work on improving the preparedness of students. An important element of developing tactical skills in handling automatic firearms is the study of the basics of interaction between a shooter and a weapon within the framework of fire training classes. Therefore, it becomes important to identify and describe the methodology for the formation of appropriate skills and competencies. The main section includes a description of the educational structure. The author clarified the content of such concepts as "automatic weapons", "submachine gun", "automatic machine gun", etc. In the main section, it was noted that these types of firearms are used by special purpose units of the Department of Internal Affairs, patrol and guard service, convoy service, traffic police. Each employee of the Department of Internal Affairs must master the theoretical and practical skills of handling it. Therefore, it is important to lay the tactical foundations at the stage of training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as part of conducting fire training classes. The next section is devoted to the description of the methods of fire training. It is important to observe the following steps in the process of conducting classes: - theoretical study of the purpose and tactical and technical characteristics of these types of firearms; - step-by-step implementation of a set of training exercises idling, - training exercises are carried out idling from combat weapons, both at the firing line and at a specially designated shooting range training site, in a shooting range, in compliance with security measures. The article ends with a brief description of the research results and the formulation of general conclusions. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 6 domestic sources, there are no publications for the last three years. The list contains mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, the bibliography contains educational and methodological manuals. The sources are designed, in general, incorrectly and heterogeneously. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - to conduct a more complete analysis of methodological literature, including modern ones; - to describe in detail the organization, content and features of classes; - to highlight the scientific novelty, the author's contribution to the solution of the highlighted problem, to determine the prospects and directions of further research; - to issue a bibliographic list in accordance with the requirements. Conclusions. The problems of the article are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who are engaged in developing tactical skills in handling automatic firearms among cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.