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Urban Studies

Development of Òaganrog city as a tourist center

Ismailova Natal'ya Valer'evna

Head of the Department of Territorial and Urban Planning, Regional Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning

344050, Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-On-Don, 112 Socialisticheskaya str.

Sadkovskaya Oksana Evgen'evna

PhD in Architecture

Deputy director, Regional Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning

344050, Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-On-Don, 112 Sotsialisticheskaya str.

Rundin Dmitrii Vasil'evich

Chief Specialist, Architect, Regional Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning

344050, Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-On-Don, 112 Sotsialisticheskaya str.










Abstract: The subject of the study is the planning and architectural organization of the city. The object of the study is the city of Taganrog, Rostov Region (Russia). The change in the main vector of socio-economic transformations of the city, as a large industrial pole of the region, at the same time having important cultural and historical significance, is due to the current socio-economic transformations in the country. Among the new strategic priorities and directions for the city are the preservation and development of the cultural space and the development of the tourist potential of the city, to the implementation of which there are a number of positive prerequisites. The changes taking place cause the need for spatial transformations of the urban fabric. The problems and features of the planning structure and infrastructure of the urban area were considered, as well as obstacles to urban planning transformation and the formation of the city as a tourist center (destination) were identified. To comprehensively solve the existing urban planning problems of the city of Taganrog and form it as a tourist center, a single architectural and urban planning approach is proposed (hereinafter, a single approach). The proposed approach is based on the principles of development: hospitality, compliance with needs, continuity, connectivity and «accessible sea». A single approach synchronizes urban planning mechanisms, within the framework of which a system of architectural and urban planning measures is made to implement a certain goal – the formation of a tourist destination. The system of measures is formed taking into account the justified principles of development, planning methods and techniques. As a practical application of a single approach, a set of architectural and urban planning measures and urban planning mechanisms for their implementation is proposed. Recommendations are given on updating the documents for regulating urban planning activities, taking into account the complex of architectural and urban planning measures: the master plan, local standards for urban planning design, land use and development rules, rules for the improvement of the territory of the municipality.


unified architectural and urban planning approach, infrastructure of the hospitality industry, historical settlement, integrated development of the territory, public space, coastal area, renovation, tourist center, Rostov region, regulatory urban planning documentation

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Prerequisites for the formation of Taganrog as a tourist center

Changes in the state, economic and social spheres actualize the need for urban planning changes to improve and adapt spatial urban structures to the changing conditions and needs of society.

Urban planning transformations are necessary for modern Taganrog, which has an important cultural and historical significance for the South of Russia. Over the past decades, the course of socio-economic and spatial development of the city as a regional tourist center has been outlined. The modern demand for historical memory, self-identification, and the revival of patriotism place historical settlements in a special position. Taganrog has a huge cultural and historical resource, comfortable climatic conditions and unique natural resources, which creates very favorable conditions for the development of tourism.

In the city of Taganrog there is another vector of development – scientific and industrial. In modern realities, the development of the domestic industrial complex is a strategically important task for the country and the region. Taganrog has all the prerequisites for the successful development of domestic production: location within a large agglomeration, logistics enterprises, production sites, educational and scientific institutions, human potential.

However, historically, there are territories in the structure of the city where these vectors of development intersect and create difficulties for mutual development. In the structure of the coastal territories adjacent to the historical center and other areas, there are former production areas, the placement of which requires rethinking.

In the current stage of urban development in Taganrog, associated with the strategic update of the course of the country's manufacturing industrial complex (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Consolidated Strategy for the development of the manufacturing industry of the Russian Federation until 2030 and for the period up to 2035" dated 06.06.2020 No. 1512-r // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2020. – No. 24. – Article 3843 with amendments and additions to the ed. from 07.11.2023), an important strategic priority for the development of the city remains its role as an industrial pole of the region's growth. Along with this, the justified strategic priorities and value orientations of the city's mission are defined as the preservation and development of cultural space and the development of the tourist potential of the city (Decision of the City Duma of Taganrog "On approval of the strategy of socio-economic development of the municipality "Taganrog City" for the period up to 2030" dated 12/26/2018 No. 527 // Taganrog truth. 26.12.2018. ¹ 164). In the field of municipal economic policy, tourism is one of the promising and priority directions of the city's development.

The following relevant prerequisites for the formation of the city of Taganrog as a tourist center were identified:

- the strategy of socio-economic development of the city is focused, among other things, on the development of tourism;

- the need for recreational resources in the region and the country (Taganrog is a seaside town);

- increased demand for domestic tourism due to international sanctions against Russia;

- public interest and request for historical memory (Taganrog is a historical settlement (*));

- the termination or reduction of the activities of many industrial enterprises in areas valuable for the development of the tourism industry and the general change in the industrial spectrum in the city, a new period of development of the industrial complex (new directions and sources of economic growth).

(* Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of historical settlements of special importance for the history and culture of the Russian Federation" dated 04.04.2023 No. 839 // Official Internet portal of Legal Information http://pravo.gov.ru /. 2023).

The development of the tourist destination in Taganrog is fixed not only in strategic and program documents, but also in the form of a certain set of measures in a number of state, regional and municipal regulatory legal acts, as well as in previously developed urban planning project proposals. Project proposals of the Taganrog Master Plan developed by DOM specialists.The Russian Federation, including the direction of development of the city as a tourist center (Master plan of the city of Taganrog. Foundation DOM. RF. 2022. 239 p. URL: https://urban.ranepa.ru/spetsialnaya-literatura/territorialnoe-planirovanie/master-plan-goroda-taganroga/).

As a result of reviewing the master plan and our own research, additions to the decisions made are proposed. The proposed additional measures should be introduced, as changes, in the regulatory urban planning documentation in order to ensure the conditions for the spatial development of the city as a tourist center:

- it is proposed to supplement the network of walking routes with new directions to the objects of tourist attraction in peripheral areas;

- additionally, it is proposed to create a single coastal recreational area;

- in addition to the proposals for the development of touristically attractive green public spaces, it is proposed to establish their relationship with the formation of a green framework;

- in addition to the proposals for data on sites for possible renovation and integrated development of the territory to create comfortable housing, public spaces and increase the number of tourist infrastructure facilities, it is proposed to establish interconnections of public spaces.

The proposed measures are aimed at increasing the comfort and attractiveness of the city, both for citizens and tourists, and in order to implement them, they should be reflected not only in the master plan and other conceptual and design documents, but also in the regulatory urban planning documentation: the master plan, local standards of urban planning, rules of land use and development and others .

The main purpose of the study was to develop a unified approach to the formation of the city of Taganrog as a tourist center and to prepare proposals for updating municipal documents regulating urban development activities. When determining the set of necessary measures, regulatory legal acts of different levels were analyzed, including previously developed project proposals (the Master Plan of the city of Taganrog).

Features and problems of building

The established features and limitations for the formation of the city of Taganrog as a tourist center (destination) are revealed:

- the status of a historical settlement;

- availability of cultural heritage sites and their protection zones (*);

- location of outdated production facilities in valuable urban areas;

- limited accessibility of the city's seashore;

- transport isolation of some areas;

- the disunity of green public spaces;

- insufficient pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure;

- insufficient hospitality infrastructure.

(* Resolution of the RO Administration "On approval of the boundaries of the zones of protection of cultural heritage objects of the historical part of Taganrog" dated 02/19/2008 No. 66 // Official portal of the RO Government, http://old.donland.ru /. 2023).

Let's consider in detail the identified features and limitations of the urban fabric development.

The status of a historical settlement. A number of restrictions for the urban-planning use of the territory within the boundaries of protection are imposed by the status of a historical settlement: on the allocation of plots for the construction and laying of engineering communications, on earthworks, construction and household works, protective and restrictive measures related to architectural and archaeological sites, regulation of external forms, facade finishes, roofs and fences of reconstructed and newly erected buildings and others . (Draft Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "On approval of the subject of protection, territory boundaries and requirements for urban planning regulations within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal significance Taganrog city of the Rostov region" (prepared by the Ministry of Culture of Russia 07.09.2021)).

The presence of cultural heritage sites and their protection zones. There are a large number of cultural and archaeological heritage sites on the territory of the city of Taganrog – 323 sites, most of which are located in the historical central part of the city. The protected zones of cultural heritage sites have a special limited regime of land use: restriction of construction, capital repairs of capital facilities, restriction of economic activity, preservation of environmental quality, etc. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulations on the zones of protection of cultural heritage objects (historical and Cultural monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and on invalidation of Certain Provisions of Regulatory legal Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" dated 12.09.2015 No. 972 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2015. – No. 38. – Article 5298 with amendments and additions to the ed. from 10/20/2021).

The location of outdated production facilities in valuable urban areas. By now, a number of public and industrial areas of the city are changing, or their functional use has already changed. This is often associated with the unsatisfactory state of the existing development in these territories and the inefficient use of urban land. The non-compactly located territories of manufacturing enterprises that have ceased their main activities are "functionally patchwork" zones combining sites with objects of modified production or warehouse function with sites and objects of non-industrial or public use, as well as abandoned industrial development areas, including in disrepair. Among such scattered former production sites are the territories of brick and tanneries, the industrial territory along Admiral Kruis Streets and the Forest Exchange. In some cases, the combination of moral and physical deterioration of residential and public buildings, reaching an emergency condition, means that it is impossible and not advisable to continue operating facilities and territories in the same quality. There are about a dozen such problem sites in the city, mainly built up with low-rise and medium-rise buildings of the pre-war and post-war period of the 1950s and 1960s.

Limited accessibility of the city's seashore. For the territories of the city located near the coast of the Taganrog Bay, one of the problems affecting the development of the tourist potential of the city is the lack of an integrated and accessible coastal zone for residents and visitors of the city. The connectivity of the residential and public spaces of the city with the coastal recreational space in some areas is hindered by the extensive fenced industrial territories of both operating and inactive enterprises. Of these, the largest operating ones are: a seaport in the historical center of the city, a metallurgical plant in the area of Chekhov Embankment (east coast) and an aircraft factory with an airfield (south coast). Part of the coast, including beaches, which does not have a well-maintained exit from the city to the sea, is polluted by industrial waste (dumps) with degradation of the original ecosystems. Due to the active destructive impact of the sea on the coast of the Taganrog Bay – the processes of abrasion: erosion, landslides and flooding of the shores – special attention should be paid to engineering, including measures for shore protection, organization of surface runoff, protection from flooding and flooding, etc. [1].

The transport isolation of some areas. Some western and northern suburbs of the city are experiencing transport shortages and isolation. The needs of the population in daily movements in different areas are provided by the existing urban transport infrastructure – the street and road network and all types of public transport available in the city (tram, trolleybus, minibus, bus and rail transport). The best transport provision in the central historical part of the city.

The disunity of green public spaces. One of the inherited negative features of the urban formation of Taganrog public spaces is the lack of their interconnectedness and disunity. The key public spaces of the city, characterized by an abundance of landscaping, and located in the historical part are not interconnected with the public spaces of more remote areas from the center. Most of the tourist-attractive public spaces are closely connected with the existing landscaping of the city, the largest local concentration of which are parks, squares, tracts and specially protected natural areas (urban groves): Gorky Park, Primorsky Park, Dubki grove, old cemetery. Landscaping of public spatial connections and communication corridors plays an important role for the comfort and attractiveness of the urban environment – linear street landscaping (along Chekhov, Petrovskaya Streets, Italiansky and Anton lanes Glushko, Komsomolsky and Smirnovsky). Together, it makes up a significant part of the green framework of the city. The lack of a single green framework in need of a holistic structural formation is a negative factor for the tourist potential of the city.

Insufficient pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. A negative factor for the development of the tourist potential of the city is the lack of tourist connectivity between the most visited central historical part of the city, where the main attractions and points of attraction are concentrated, with remote and marginal areas, where there are also tourist attractions (grove, parks, embankment, etc.). This factor manifests itself in the lack, and in some areas in the absence of comfortable and safe bicycle and pedestrian communications, the routes of which would pass through interconnected, landscaped and landscaped connections – linear public spaces. Currently, there are only 4 developed but disparate walking routes in the historical center of Taganrog, as well as bike rental points. The disadvantages of tourist walking routes in terms of their number, landscaping and coverage of attractions are accompanied by the lack of a modern tourist bicycle infrastructure, such as a connected network of bike paths, bike parks and a navigation system.

Insufficient hospitality infrastructure. The lack of public facilities with an attractive functional purpose for tourists, located along existing and promising pedestrian and bicycle routes, has been revealed. Such attractive objects, both for tourists and for residents of the city, can be catering facilities, trade, cultural and entertainment facilities, as well as specialized tourist and sightseeing facilities. The disadvantage of the city's hospitality infrastructure is also a shortage (according to unofficial data obtained from a survey of representatives of the tourism industry of Taganrog and the Rostov region. – Author's note) and the uneven location of objects in the districts of the city: objects of collective accommodation (hotels, guest houses), catering and others. The distribution of hotels in the city is not uniform, while the facilities form several territorial groups with maximum concentration in the historical part of the city and along the east coast, which are the most well-maintained areas of increased tourist attraction (historical and recreational). Areas with a shortage of collective accommodation facilities are noted in the northern and western parts of the city. Also, the disadvantage of existing collective accommodation facilities is the low level of services provided and categories of facilities (according to unofficial data. – Author's note). In the central district of Taganrog, most hotels and guest houses located in the buildings of the historical center or built into it do not have a high level of comfort. Modern collective accommodation facilities with a higher category and level of services are mainly located in coastal areas in the eastern part of the city and in the western district. Only three facilities in the city have a 4-star category. There are no facilities belonging to large hotel chains in Taganrog.

In addition to the considered features and problems of the city itself, the shortcomings of the current urban planning documentation have been identified, which do not contribute to the spatial development of the urban fabric and its tourist component. Municipal documents of territorial planning, urban planning and socio-economic development are not synchronized enough. This is an important problem in the environment of urban planning documentation, as noted in the strategies for the development of the construction industry at the federal and regional levels (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the development of the construction industry and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 with a forecast up to 2035" dated 31.10.2022 No. 3268-r // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2022. – No. 45. – Article 7815; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the development of the construction industry and housing and communal services of the Rostov region for the period up to 2030 with a forecast up to 2035" dated 03/02/2023 No. 119 // Official portal of legal information of the Rostov region https://pravo.donland.ru 03.03.2023, No. 6114202303030013). The shortcomings of the consistency of documents regulating urban planning activities in the city are manifested in their low focus on the formation of a tourist-attractive urban space by mechanisms of territorial planning, rationing and regulation of the parameters of development and landscaping.

Overcoming the limitations for the formation of the city of Taganrog as a tourist destination is impossible without the use of modern architectural and planning solutions. It is proposed to form an architectural and urban planning approach that will create urban conditions providing for a number of planning measures aimed at overcoming existing restrictions and taking into account the peculiarities of the city.

A unified architectural and urban planning approach to the development of the city as a tourist center

To solve the complex of urban planning tasks, it is proposed to use a unified architectural and urban planning approach (hereinafter referred to as the unified approach), developed in the course of research work, analysis of scientific research in various related fields and previously developed design solutions, as well as taking into account practical work experience. The basis of a unified approach is an agreed set of guidelines that form the basis of methods (techniques) for implementing the required changes. Each method, in turn, defines a set of formative or transformative measures necessary for a particular territory. A special role in this case belongs to measures to change and synchronize documents regulating urban development activities (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Principles and methods of a unified architectural and urban planning approach (on the example of Taganrog).

Any modern transformations in urban space are carried out in accordance with current Russian legislation on the basis of a set of documents regulating urban planning activities – urban planning mechanisms: standards of urban planning, the general plan of the city, rules of land use and development, rules for landscaping the city, requirements for the architectural and urban appearance of capital construction facilities and others. The definition of a set of measures that make changes to the documents regulating urban planning activities will allow for the coordinated adjustment of these architectural and urban planning mechanisms based on a unified approach. This is a method of complex and multilevel solution of urban planning tasks in accordance with the set unified socio-economic goal, the achievement of which can be successfully achieved by establishing relationships in a set of documents regulating urban planning activities in a given territory, that is, by setting up an urban planning mechanism. The greatest consistency of interrelations gives a wider coverage of the regulation of building and landscaping parameters: from the zoning of the territories of the settlement and the regulation of the parameters of the construction of capital facilities to the details of street landscaping and facade decoration, that is, the entire set of elements that make up the fabric of the city.

Presumably, a unified approach when applied to different territories and settlements will be transformed in each case, depending on a set of guidelines, and therefore methods and measures in accordance with the main goal of the transformations (Fig. 1), but the desire for consistency of urban planning documentation at all levels focused on the implementation of a single goal will remain unchanged.

The application of an integrated architectural and urban planning approach, as a system of general principles and architectural and urban planning measures, developed to achieve a single goal - the formation of the city of Taganrog as a tourist center, will make it possible to comprehensively and interrelated solutions to various urban planning tasks and problems of urban space, taking into account local characteristics.

The basic principles of a unified approach to the development of Taganrog

At its core, a unified approach used to increase the tourist potential of Taganrog and ensure an improvement in the quality of life of the urban population is based on four basic principles: 1) hospitality and meeting needs, 2) continuity, 3) connectivity, 4) "accessible sea".

The starting points in formulating the principles of a unified approach were the problems, shortcomings and features of the city, determined by conducting an architectural and urban planning analysis (within the framework of research), as well as the principles of territorial development of the Standard for Integrated Territorial Development (HOUSE of the Russian Federation, Strelka Design Bureau, 2021) [2, p. 23].

1) The principle of hospitality and meeting the needs implies that the territory is provided with a complex of facilities and systems of social and tourist infrastructures that provide comfortable accommodation, food, entertainment, movement, information support and security for tourists, guests and residents of the territory. The principle is the basis for the following methods (techniques) of a unified approach: functional diversity, integrated formation of hospitality infrastructure, branding (including a key resource).

Functional diversity will ensure a comfortable neighborhood of buildings, structures and premises with various types of functional use: residential buildings, cultural and entertainment facilities, educational and health facilities, business facilities, which contributes to the development of trade and services. The placement of facilities in close proximity provides pedestrian accessibility of various service facilities for consumers (citizens and visitors of the city), while reducing the time of movement around the city and reducing the load on the transport infrastructure. At the same time, the planning organization of urban space should be comfortable and meet the needs of citizens. This will be facilitated by the introduction of various types of residential buildings that meet modern quality standards and the needs of the population [2, p. 24].

The complex formation of the hospitality infrastructure implies providing the territory with objects of the hospitality industry, increasing the tourist attractiveness of the destination. The existing infrastructure of Taganrog, consisting of several groups of objects of various types, needs to be replenished in terms of the number of objects, the expansion of the typical variety of objects and the greater validity and uniformity of their localization throughout the city. The infrastructure of the hospitality industry providing accommodation, catering, wellness and leisure services should include the widest range of typical groups of objects forming them, such as:

- collective accommodation facilities without a wellness function (hotels, apart-hotels, hostels);

- collective accommodation facilities including wellness and therapeutic functions (resort hotels, therapeutic facilities with the possibility of accommodation (boarding houses, sanatoriums), etc.);

- food facilities (restaurants, cafes, etc.);

- entertainment and leisure facilities (theaters, museums, cinema and concert halls, galleries, sports facilities, attractions, etc.);

- facilities of medical and preventive infrastructure (health facilities, SPA complex, etc.);

- objects of activity of tour bureaus, travel agencies and travel agencies;

- objects of trade in souvenirs and handicrafts;

- transport organizations that serve tourists.

The branding of the city (architectural and urban branding [3]) includes a complex of architectural and urban planning activities aimed at creating a unique and distinctive urban space for external perception, and the identity of the place, reflecting the inner representation of citizens (mental image) about the city and their belonging to the urban community. The internal structure of the city brand contains two main elements: urban identity as a socio-psychological phenomenon of the inner perception of the city by residents, directly and indirectly determining the image of the city and, as a result, the brand of the city, and the image of the city as a set of stable ideas about the city, which is the perception of the city from the outside, in which urban identity is reflected as fully as possible. The identity of a city can be based on the existing advantages and advantages of urban space or purposefully artificially grown by forming the necessary positive associations. The image of the city is formed in such architectural and urban planning directions that create the brand of the city as urban space and urban infrastructure [4]. Of particular importance for the branding of a city is an "image-forming" resource or a key resource as a set of factors, conditions or objects in a particular territory, which is an important aspect for its further development and realization of tourist potential. A key role in shaping the image of the city of Taganrog and its development as a tourist center belongs to the rich cultural and historical heritage and natural and recreational potential in the form of a large water area. A key resource as a technique in the branding structure, combines events focused on the formation and development of the city's image. Some events of the "key resource" reception are multidirectional and correlate with other principles, methods and techniques of a unified approach, and at the same time promote branding: the formation of urban spaces that create accents on tourist landmark sites considered as an "image-forming" resource [5], the creation of a specialized municipal program for the preservation, protection and restoration of objects cultural heritage and attractions (a promotional event based on the method of preserving the uniqueness of the principle of continuity), restoration of tourist landmark sites, tourist visits within the historical center, events based on the principle of "accessible sea". The activities of the branding method, including those already implemented for Taganrog, include the development of a city design code (Taganrog city Design Code. Foundation DOM. RF. 2022. 432 p. URL: https://urban.ranepa.ru/spetsialnaya-literatura/komfortnaya-sreda-blagoustroystvo-dizayn-gorodskikh-prostranstv/dizayn-kod-goroda-taganroga / (accessed 05/03/2023)).

2) The principle of continuity – involves the adoption, preservation and adaptation to modern social and economic needs of a historically valuable planning structure and urban development, and is one of the factors of sustainable development of the city. Methods (techniques) based on the principle of continuity: preservation of uniqueness, density and human scale, flexibility and adaptability.

Preservation of uniqueness is the development of an effective approach to the restoration and preservation of historically valuable buildings on the territory of the city and especially the historical center (historical settlement), with the development of a strategy and program at the municipal level to identify and subsequently implement a set of restoration and repair measures to preserve cultural heritage sites, attractions and historical background buildings. The preserved historically valuable buildings and individual historical monuments, combined with local (geographical and climatic) conditions, are that tourist–attractive complex – a key resource - the basis for contributing to the formation of a tourist center [6]. An integral element of the method is the regulatory and legal regulation of urban development activities in the city at the state and municipal levels, including those regulated by documents of territorial planning and urban zoning. Due to the formation of a set of measures aimed at restoring, preserving and maintaining the aesthetic and functional parameters of historical and cultural spaces and objects, Taganrog will significantly increase its opportunities to fully realize its tourist and cultural and educational potential [7].

Density and human scale – concentration of the location of buildings and objects, taking into account comfortable pedestrian accessibility. A planning technique that allows you to create conditions for increasing the functional diversity and concentration of objects of various purposes on the territory, while observing the human-scale parameters of the created spaces and objects. The density (compactness) of the development reflects the efficiency of urban land use, and allows you to optimize urban infrastructure systems and the cost of their operation. The reception helps to increase the attendance of trade and services facilities, the development of the urban economy in this area, reduce the time and need for long-distance travel around the city, reduce the load on transport infrastructure, reduce harmful emissions and improve the environmental friendliness of the urban environment. It also increases the comfort of perception and the intensity of use of public spaces, improves the quality of life and strengthens the health of the population, increases social interaction and levels of control and security, creates a favorable psychological atmosphere for recreation and communication [2, p. 26].

Flexibility and adaptability are aimed at increasing the adaptability of urban areas, as well as existing and new urban infrastructure facilities to changes in socio-economic conditions and the needs of citizens and visitors to the city. For urban areas, adaptability is characterized by the flexibility of the possibilities for changes in functional and planning structures while ensuring high quality of the urban environment [2, p. 34]. Flexibility increases when using the structure of modular territorial planning cells and a wide range of permitted uses for land plots. For existing, and especially for valuable cultural and historical objects, using the technique of flexibility and adaptability, it is important to assess the possibilities of changing their functional purpose and layout, dictated by changes in the socio-economic sphere and functional planning structure. During new construction and reconstruction of facilities, it is advisable to use flexible design and planning solutions. The seasonal adaptability of objects of social and business zones and recreation areas makes it possible to use objects, territories, or parts of them for different or similar types of functions for a longer period of the year than one season or year-round. This technique contributes to the development of the tourist attractiveness of the city, mitigates seasonal fluctuations in the tourist flow by creating recreational and tourist facilities for year-round operation.

3) The principle of connectivity for territories, urban structures and systems determines the provision of their spatial continuity, convenience, comfort of their use and mutual accessibility through internal communications [2, p.28]. It is implemented by creating communication corridors between the nodal elements corresponding to the type and characteristics of the structure being formed (landscaped streets and boulevards – a green frame, bike paths – a network of bicycle routes, etc.). The conditions ensuring the implementation of the principle are the density and connectivity of the street and road network, the variability of the trajectory of the paths of movement, as well as comfort and variability of methods transportation: on foot, by various types of public or private transport. The positive effects of increasing the level of connectivity include: reducing the time spent on movement and increasing comfort, increasing the availability of services and goods for consumers and the accessibility of visiting facilities for tourists.

Planning techniques that contribute to the implementation of the principle of connectivity are: a single green frame, a single network of walking routes, a single network of bicycle routes, safe and comfortable movement. It also correlates with measures to expand the accessibility of coastal territories, a method of renovation of urban areas along the coast of the water area based on the principle of "accessible sea".

A single green framework is the formation of a connected network of landscaped spaces that permeate the entire planning structure of the city by organizing additional green corridors and updating existing landscaping elements.

A unified network of pedestrian routes is to ensure complete comfortable pedestrian connectivity of all districts and public spaces of the city by forming a single system of interconnected landscaped pedestrian spaces. With the organization of a unified network of bicycle routes, accessibility and mutual connectivity of various districts of the city will increase. The implementation of this technique is associated with significant changes in the space of the road network: the allocation of bike paths in the carriageway of city street profiles and the organization of bicycle parking.

Safe and comfortable movement is ensured by the creation of traffic lanes for alternative modes of transport (for example, bike paths), safe intersections and navigation systems, which expands the choice of a more convenient way of moving [2, p. 30].

4) The principle of "accessible sea" is to establish the relationship of the urbanized space of the city with the space of the adjacent water area of the Taganrog Bay through a well–maintained, continuous throughout, recreational zone of the coast. The use of the potential of the natural and recreational resource of the bay area - the key resource of the city – is one of the most important for the development of tourism in the city. Positive effects in this case: an increase in coastal recreational areas and their accessibility throughout the urban part of the coast, an increase in the demand for services (recreational, catering, shopping, entertainment and other related), an improvement in the environmental friendliness of the urban environment. It will also serve to enhance the characteristic local identity – the local flavor and visual aesthetics of urban space. The result will be an improvement in the quality of life of the urban population, the formation of a positive image of the city and an increase in its recreational, tourist and economic attractiveness.

The principle of "accessible sea" is the basis of the following methods of architectural and urban planning approach: "green coast" (including coastal protection), renovation of urban areas along the coast of the water area (including visual and ecological renovation of urban space), the breeze of the water area.

The "Green Coast", as an architectural and ecological renovation of the urban part of the coast of the Taganrog Bay, consists in the formation of a system of recreational spaces through the creation of eco-corridors (communication spaces), eco-oases (nodal elements) and buffer spaces (dividing and barrier spaces) [8]. A necessary element of this method for Taganrog is coastal protection and protection of the coastal zone from destructive processes of destruction and erosion: abrasion (wave destruction), landslide processes, flooding of coastal territories [1].

The renovation of urban areas along the coast of the water area is applicable to the territories of inactive industrial enterprises, to low-value and degraded buildings [9]. This can give the city new well-maintained residential and public spaces, and contribute to the formation of unfragmented access from public and residential areas to the coastal recreational area, to the territories of the embankments and the shore of the Taganrog Bay (beaches). The visual and ecological renovation of the building involves the formation of new compositional and specific connections between urban space and the water area, through the creation and disclosure of new visual corridors and panoramas "city - sea" in the urban fabric during the renovation of urban areas. The implementation of these events will serve to enhance visual and aesthetic comfort by emphasizing the specifics of the local marine flavor in the city space.

The use of the "breeze of the water area" consists in the organization of space and coastal development in the "land –sea" system, taking into account the influence of temperature and wind characteristics of the area on the aeration of urban space. The formation of corridors in buildings that allow the sea breeze to pass through will positively affect the environmental friendliness and microclimatic characteristics of urban space.

The coastal areas of the city, as one of the zones and centers of tourist attraction, have the most significant natural and recreational potential for the city. That is why the renovation and improvement of the coastal zone is an important architectural and planning task, the solution of which will serve to increase the efficiency of using the natural component of a key resource, develop tourism potential and increase the tourist attractiveness of the territory.

The main methods and techniques of reconstruction and renovation, based on the principles of a unified approach and allowing to improve the planning organization of the city space, should be differentiated for different morphological types of residential and public buildings.

To implement the proposed methods and techniques of a unified approach in the city, coordinated urban planning mechanisms are needed, which is achievable by using synchronization measures in a set of documents regulating urban planning activities, making the necessary changes in conjunction with architectural and planning measures that change urban space.

The use of urban planning mechanisms

A number of measures aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of the city and the quality of life of citizens are defined by state, regional and municipal normative legal acts and program documents, as well as previously developed project proposals in the field of urban planning (Master Plan of the city of Taganrog) (the most significant analyzed normative legal acts are: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/24/2021 No. 2439 "The State program of the Russian Federation "Tourism development"; decision of the City Duma of Taganrog dated 12/26/2018 No. 527 "Strategy of socio-economic development of the municipality "Taganrog City" for the period up to 2030"; decree of the Government of the Rostov region dated 09/07/2021 No. 761 "Action plan ("roadmap") "Integrated development of the city Taganrog as a tourist center for the period 2021-2023"; as well as a number of municipal programs and projects). Based on the principles of a unified architectural and urban planning approach and taking into account previously defined measures, an additional set of measures in this direction is proposed.

Using the example of the method "renovation of urban areas along the coast of the water area", based on the principle of "accessible sea" (Fig. 2), techniques for improving the planning structure and fabric of the city are shown, the implementation mechanisms of which are shown below. Renovation measures are offered for the territories of manufacturing enterprises that have ceased their activities, in many cases with buildings that have fallen into disrepair. The objectives of these events are the formation of blocks of high–quality modern residential buildings of various storeys with comfortable landscaped courtyards and public spaces, as well as new corridors of pedestrian and transport links "city – sea".

Fig. 2. Methods (techniques) for improving the urban structure and fabric based on the principle of "accessible sea".

Urban planning legislation for such sites with degrading buildings provides a way for their possible transformation using the mechanism of integrated development of territories (hereinafter referred to as the KRT) (Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated 12/29/2004 No. 190-FZ (ed. from 08/04/2023) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2005. – No. 1. – Article 16.). For the successful implementation of the renovation of the territory within the framework of the method, complex synchronizing measures related to making changes to the documents regulating urban development activities are proposed: the general plan of the city, local standards of urban planning, rules of land use and development, rules for landscaping the city territory.

An example of the implementation of a unified approach based on a set of proposed measures for the method of renovation of urban areas along the coast of the water area, based on the principle of "accessible sea" (Table 1).


In recent decades, many cities in modern Russia have been experiencing a change in the main vector of development in the socio-economic sphere, which entails transformations in the field of spatial development. Urban planning changes are supported and, to a certain extent, stimulated by changes in the Russian legislative and legal system of urban development.

The change in the main vector of urban development, using the example of Taganrog, shows the need to adapt the space of an industrial city to the changing social and economic needs. The new direction, the development of the tourist potential of the city, requires the following transformations: the formation of a single framework of public spaces and a single green framework, the development of tourist infrastructure, the renovation of former production sites and sites with low-value buildings. Together with the key resources of the city: natural and recreational potential and rich cultural and historical heritage, the proposed series of transformations can increase the attractiveness of the city for tourists.

An essential qualitative characteristic of the tourist potential and its development is the tourist attractiveness of the city, expressed in such indicators of the tourist flow as: the duration of the visitor's stay in the city and the seasonal dynamics of the number of visits. The vast majority of visitors (about 90%) did not stay in Taganrog for more than one day, while there is a pronounced seasonal fluctuation – the number of tourist visits in the warm season exceeds 2-4 times the cold season (Master plan of the city of Taganrog. Foundation DOM. RF. 2022).

The development of the tourist attractiveness of the city is not only the creation of comfortable conditions for visitors, but also the smoothing of seasonal fluctuations in the tourist flow. Solving this problem can bring positive socio-economic effects to the city.

In order to realize the tourist and recreational potential of the city of Taganrog, changes to the current urban planning documentation have been proposed. The main problem of the current documentation is its disunity, the presence of a number of provisions that contradict each other and do not take into account the possibilities of developing the city as a tourist center. An important stage in the formation of a tourist center is to overcome disagreements within the current documentation itself.

As a result of the conducted research, a unified architectural and urban planning approach is proposed as a way to synchronize documents regulating urban planning activities - setting up a regulatory mechanism. For this purpose, a set of synchronizing measures has been defined in the form of proposals for amendments to regulatory documents. With this setup, any targeted architectural and planning activities receive a synchronized mechanism for their implementation for a specific purpose. Using the example of the city of Taganrog, the principles and methods of a unified approach are proposed to solve the tasks of complex transformation and further formation of the city as a tourist center, taking into account the needs of not only tourists, but also citizens in improving the quality and comfort of housing and living environment.

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The article discusses the current problems of improving the tourist infrastructure of Taganrog, which today, being a historical settlement, claims to be, in the author's opinion, the regional tourist center of southern Russia. There are few scientific publications devoted to this problem of Taganrog. According to the citizens, in the last two years, the special attention of the city authorities has been felt to the improvement of the street and road network, parks, the results of efforts are already clearly visible, and this is also a factor in attracting tourists. The methods used in the work are: case-study (case studies), the method of expert assessments, the method of mapping and graph analysis, methods of collecting initial data. The author initially identified the features and limitations in the development of the city: -the status of a historical settlement; - the presence of windows (323 objects) and their protection zones; - limited accessibility of the seashore; - pollution by industrial waste; transport isolation of some areas of the city; - lack of a green frame; - insufficient pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure; undeveloped tourist infrastructure. The subject of the study was the ways of forming and implementing a unified architectural and urban planning approach (complex and multi-level) to the development of the existing tourist infrastructure of Taganrog. In addition, a set of proposals has been developed for inclusion in the urban planning documentation of Taganrog, namely: the creation of a pedestrian-urban framework in the peripheral areas of the city; the creation of a single recreational coastal zone (now torn apart by large industrial territories with operating and inactive enterprises); the formation of a green framework in conjunction with a cave-walking urban framework; spatial synthesis of open public spaces in a residential building. In the course of the study, there is an appeal to the regulatory and legislative sphere of urban planning at different administrative levels. The next and last step in the study is the introduction of the author's developed specific proposals into the urban regulatory documentation, which, in turn, has, as revealed by the author, some inconsistency and insufficient focus on improving tourist urban spaces, which corresponds to reality. We can agree with the principles of a unified approach to the development of Taganrog, put forward by the author: hospitality and meeting needs; continuity, connectivity; "accessible sea". The principles are explained in detail and convincingly in the text. In the study, the author examines the problems of improving the Taganrog tourist complex and their solution in relation to the problems of the city as a whole, the needs of tourists in relation to the needs of residents, which seems competent and corresponds to the concept of "soft" tourism. The scientific novelty of the work carried out lies, first of all, in the adaptation of the well-known in one version or another set of principles for the development of the destination for the conditions of Taganrog. For the first time, a table with the principles and methods of a unified architectural and urban planning approach for Taganrog has been developed. Fig. 1. Thus, the publication demonstrates the author's practice-oriented approach to research activities: to link the scientific and methodological justification of Taganrog's tourism potential, project proposals for its implementation and urban planning documentation as a mechanism for implementation. The research is applied in nature, which is practically relevant for Taganrog. Remarks The proposal for the renovation of the industrial zone does not seem so unconditional, since the residential environment is not designed primarily to develop tourist potential. I would like to develop a tourist function in this large area so that the point/linear formation of tourist locations is not the only one. The style of presentation does not cause any complaints. A technical remark can be made, the author refers to a certain research without its bibliographic description in the list of references. It seems that this article will be of interest to local residents, as well as urban planners in the southern regions of Russia.