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Laughter in times of crisis: content analysis of jokes about COVID-19

Sedykh Ol'ga Gennadevna

PhD in Economics

Associate professor, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Baikal State University

664003, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lenin str., 11, office 2-111

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Avilova Veronika Anatol'evna

Student, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Baikal State University

664003, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lenin str., 11, office 2-111

Other publications by this author

Alsaeva Yuliya Gavriilovna

Student, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Baikal State University

664003, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lenin str., 11, office 2-111

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Abstract: This article presents the results of a content analysis of jokes about the COVID-19 pandemic published on various social platforms. The purpose of the study is to identify common sentiments and main themes among the masses in the context of this crisis. The research method was a content analysis of 400 jokes published on various social platforms and Internet sites. The analysis was carried out in two stages. Thus, at the first, anecdotes were studied that reflected a direct relationship to politics, government, and certain political figures, while at the second, anecdotes related to the inconveniences that appeared in everyday life, in connection with the introduction of restrictive measures, were examined. According to the results of the content analysis, jokes about coronavirus infection can be considered as an important tool for studying public opinion and identifying the main difficulties faced by people during the pandemic. Since such humorous statements often reflect the general mood of society and, in general, people’s attitude towards the current situation, they help cope with stress and anxiety in a difficult situation. Thus, during the pandemic, jokes were more often used in the context of criticism of government authorities and specific political figures, expressing an “against” position on the issue of vaccination. And also in order to ridicule restrictive measures, namely, jokes about wearing a mask, using a QR code, lockdown, remote mode during work or study, and penalties are highlighted. Note that the article also raises other topics, which include: fear and anxiety about possible infection with COVID-19, humor on the topic of self-isolation and remote work or study.


COVID-19 coronavirus infection, anecdotes, vaccination, lockdown, personal protective equipment, QR code, content analysis, humor, public opinion, sociological research

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The relevance of the research is determined by the special role of anecdotes in determining the perception of the object under study among the masses, both in crisis periods and in everyday life. They are popular and everyday jokes created in accordance with certain rules that reflect the state of everyday consciousness of society. Thus, it is the humorous discourse in the context of COVID-19 that arouses great interest from researchers, since the crisis situation forced everyone to rebuild, reconsider their plans and views on life, adapt to new changing conditions. However, despite the fact that the virus continues to cause general anxiety, people are beginning to get used to this situation, humor is transforming, and the subject of jokes is changing [1]. Jokes about the pandemic are becoming a tool for communication, stress relief, emotion management, and a collective mechanism of mental protection. This is evidenced by online surveys, analysis of "electronic" jokes (primarily memes) [2].

Analyzing the scientific publications of Russian authors, which consider the study of anecdotes by the method of content analysis [3], it can be noted that there are relatively few such works. However, there is currently an increase in the number of such studies. The following authors can be called researchers studying Russian-language humorous plots: E. A. Yeremeyeva [4], L. B. Zubanova [5], A. Y. Khromacheva [6], O. N. Kondratieva [7] and N. I. Bobyleva [8].

To date, scientific publications on coronavirus are found in large numbers and from many authors [9, 10]. This is not surprising, given that such a global phenomenon could not fail to attract the attention of scientists from all over the world [11-13]. A small number of scientific articles devoted to the content analysis of anecdotes about the coronavirus were found. The authors of these articles are: E. E. Zavyalova [14], I. A. Charykova [15] and M. V. Musiychuk [16].

In addition to content analysis of anecdotes about the coronavirus, the scientific community also conducts content analysis of various comments related to the pandemic. For example, A. A. Nenasheva examines comments on news reports about the pandemic [17]. Researchers A. A. Bushuev and A.M. Oleshkova published a scientific article on public attitudes towards vaccination against COVID-19, in which they also analyzed comments from users of the VKontakte social network to news reports [18]. D. G. Ilyinykh writes the following: "The pandemic as a new, stressful and destabilizing factor has forced people to master digital methods of obtaining information" [19].

The study of black humor in anecdotes about coronavirus reflects the work of the following authors: E. G. Kuzovnikova [20], D. V. Efimova [21], Y. M. Sergeeva and E. A. Uvarova [22].

Note the study by Preeti Tarkar "Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Education System" [23], which examines the negative impact of the effects of restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic on the elements of the educational system. Equally noteworthy is the study by Singh J., Singh J. "COVID-19 and its impact on society", which examines the impact of coronavirus on all aspects of human life in a global context: "The coronavirus pandemic has seriously affected people's lives in all territories. Every person in the world has directly or indirectly faced the severe consequences of this disease" [24].

Research methods and results

The aim of the study is to identify the general sentiments and main themes that prevail in the humorous discourse in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study collected and analyzed 400 anecdotes collected on various social platforms and websites. The study is of a pilot nature and includes two stages of analysis.

During the analysis, several main topics were identified, which are most often found in anecdotes about the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).

The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, anecdotes related to politics were studied. Categories of analysis: position in relation to vaccination, mention of states, mention of political figures, mention of politics in general (Table 1).

Table 1.

Jokes related to politics

Units of analysis

The number of jokes

Frequency of mention, %

Out of the total number in the category, %



Mentioning the positions "FOR" or "AGAINST" vaccination

Any position



The position "FOR" vaccination




The position "AGAINST" vaccination




Mention of States




















Great Britain












Mentioning the names of politicians




Vladimir Putin




S. S. Sobyanin




T. A. Golikova




D. S. Peskov




A. Y. Popova








General mention of the policy




Criticism of politics




Neutral mention




Support for polit solutions. the authorities




Mention of amendments to the Constitution




Mention of elections




Analyzing the data in Table 1, we can come to several conclusions. One of the conclusions is that 24.75% of anecdotes (99 anecdotes) mention a position on vaccination. Of the total number of anecdotes containing any position, 77.78% are opposed to vaccination, 22.22% are in favor of vaccination.

Examples of anecdotes containing a point of view against vaccination are:

"It's sad, but a fact. A person becomes a commodity. He must also have a QR code and compliance with vaccination standards ...".

* * *

"The most valuable thing for a person is their ears! If there were no ears, this whole coronavirus campaign with their vaccination and masks would have failed."

* * *

"Half of Russian residents supported mandatory vaccination of the other half of Russian residents."

* * *

"We decided to start vaccination with an untested vaccine from teachers. And correctly. They will know how to rig elections."

Examples of jokes that support the idea of vaccination are the following jokes:

"It's funny people who have been eating sausages all their lives, but refuse the vaccine because they don't know what it might contain."

* * *

"In the government's fight against coronavirus, most Russians are already on the side of coronavirus."

* * *

"In all the anti-Vaxxer rhetoric, I am most touched by the confidence of some characters that all the world leaders suddenly took and agreed on something."

32.75% of the jokes (131 jokes), out of the total number, contain references to States. Of these, 72.52% of the anecdotes mention Russia, 6.87% — the USA, 5.34% — China, 4.58% — Ukraine, 1.53% each — Great Britain and India, 7.63% — other states. The predominant mention of Russia may be explained by the fact that modern Russian-language anecdotes were taken for analysis. The mention of the United States may indicate a predisposition of citizens to compare the policy of our state with the American one.

The following humorous plots can be examples of such a comparison:

"In the United States, a trillion dollars were distributed during the quarantine. In Russia, a billion rubles of fines were collected during the quarantine."

* * *

"Barack Obama and Bill Clinton decided to get vaccinated against covid in order to convince Americans of the vaccine's safety. The Russian president ordered millions of Russians to be vaccinated in order to convince himself of the safety of the Russian vaccine."

The mention of China can be explained by the fact that the Coronavirus began its spread from this state:

"China has stated that the appearance of a new strain of coronavirus in Britain is a violation of copyright."

* * *

"I think it is necessary to hold a closing ceremony for the pandemic. And a huge inflatable virus appears, it waves its tentacles goodbye and drops a tear. Lev Leshchenko sincerely sings: "Here everything is reset again, a quarantine fairy tale, goodbye, goodbye, our affectionate virus, go back to your stupid China." The audience is sobbing and waving gauze bandages. The virus is hiding in the sky...".

Of the 42 anecdotes containing the names of Russian political figures, it can be noted that most of the humorous stories are related to the mention of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin (19 anecdotes, or 45.24% of the anecdotes containing the names of political figures). In addition to the President, the names of the mayor of Moscow, S. S., can be found in jokes. Sobyanin (9 anecdotes), Deputy Prime Minister T. A. Golikova (5 anecdotes), Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation D. S. Peskov (2 anecdotes), Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Yu. A. Popova (2 anecdotes). Isolated mentions of any other political figure contain 5 humorous plots.

Analyzing the category of "General mention of politics", it can be concluded that, one way or another, 21% of humorous stories mention politics (84 jokes). Of these, the predominant number of jokes criticizing state policy can be distinguished (60.71% of the jokes mentioning politics). In addition, the anecdotes contain: a neutral mention (11 anecdotes), support for the decisions of the political authorities (2 anecdotes). A small number of anecdotes also include references to elections or amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Anecdotes on the topic of elections:

"The unvaccinated are suspended from work, not allowed in restaurants and courts... But we bet that they will still be able to come to the polls in the fall!"

* * *

"The elections have passed, the statistics from covid can be adjusted upwards."

The phenomenon of criticism of political authorities in humorous stories is not a new phenomenon. Anecdotes, especially those that criticize political power, are one of the ways to express public opinion and any dissatisfaction. In various cultures and societies, jokes are often used for satire and humorous criticism of political figures and the system of government. Quite often, jokes are the best way to express dissatisfaction or distrust of political leaders. Thus, it can be concluded that such humorous stories containing criticism of the government are nothing more than a manifestation of freedom of speech and expression, as well as a way to emphasize the importance of open discussion and control over the actions of politicians.

Thus, according to the first stage, the following conclusions can be formulated:

1.                 The study revealed a small number of scientific articles devoted to the study of anecdotes about the coronavirus pandemic by content analysis.

2.                 Of all the anecdotes, 24.75% contain an expression of the position "for" or "against" vaccination. At the same time, the position "against" vaccination prevails and accounts for 77.78% of all jokes in this category. The remaining 22.22% of the jokes broadcast a positive attitude towards vaccination.

3. The percentage of jokes mentioning politics is 21%. Most of them relate to a negative attitude towards politics. The proportion of anecdotes with a "neutral attitude to politics" and "support for the decisions of political authorities" remains small.

At the second stage, anecdotes were studied that highlight the inconveniences associated with the introduction of restrictions. Categories of analysis: the use of obscene words, mentioning inconveniences in connection with the pandemic, etc. (Table 2).

Analyzing the data in Table 2, we can come to several conclusions. Thus, the mention of any inconveniences related to the pandemic is contained in 38.5% of jokes (154 jokes), of which a large proportion are humorous statements about the mask mode 18.25% of jokes (73 jokes).

Table 2.

Anecdotes that highlight the inconveniences of a pandemic

Units of analysis

The number of jokes

Frequency of mention, %

Out of the total number in the category, %



The presence of obscene words



Mentioning the inconveniences of the pandemic

Total inconveniences



Uncomfortable masks




Inconvenient work/studying remotely












Manifestation of symptoms





Improper use of PPE



The position "Coronavirus is made up"



Preference to be treated with alcohol



Mentioning QR codes



Examples of anecdotes about the inconvenience of the mask mode:

"Fellow citizens, let's finally stop being hypocritical and admit that we don't like masks not because they make it difficult to breathe or sweat, but because they pull money, documents, keys, phones, handkerchiefs and everything else out of our pockets with their elastic bands. that they will be able to catch on."

* * *

"I'm sorry, but since you're not wearing a mask, we can't sell you the goods.

"But I don't have a mask on me!"

- You can buy it from us!

"But how can I buy a mask from you if you don't sell goods to customers without a mask?!"

* * *

"Many people are now complaining that disposable masks are very expensive. Well, then take one — just for one epidemic. Didn't you know? The mask is needed to save you from a fine, not from a virus."

The inconveniences associated with lockdown and the manifestation of symptoms of morbidity in everyday life are mentioned equally in 7.75% of anecdotes (31 anecdotes). You can also find mentions of inconveniences in connection with distance work or study 3.5% (14 jokes) and issuing fines.:

"Today we have three people at work. Everyone is on vacation. Those who are not on vacation are not allowed to work — quarantine measures."

* * *

"I hate quarantine because I work at home, in front of my children, and then, when the regime is canceled, I will come home and say that I am tired, and they will tell me: "Well, yes, of course, I am tired, we have seen how you work.""

During the analysis, jokes were also highlighted, in which 4% (16 jokes) used obscene expressions to describe the current situation. Analyzing the "Other" category, it should be clarified that in some jokes, both the position of treating the virus with alcohol is ridiculed — 5.5% of jokes (22 jokes), and the use of QR codes 5% of jokes (20 jokes), and improper use of personal protective equipment also becomes the subject of humorous statements - 4.25% of jokes (17 jokes). There is also a position that "the coronavirus is made up," but this statement accounts for a smaller proportion — 0.75% of jokes (3 jokes).

During the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, many people faced various kinds of inconveniences.

1.      One of them was the mandatory mask mode. However, despite the fact that this measure was aimed at protecting the population from the spread of the virus, some people still felt uncomfortable from constantly wearing masks.

2. Another inconvenience was the lockdown, the policy of restricting the movement of people and social contacts. This measure caused both economic difficulties related to the closure of enterprises, loss of jobs, and mental difficulties due to the restriction of social interactions.

3. The symptoms of the disease and the fear of possible infection also caused stress and anxiety in people while waiting for the results of tests for coronavirus infection.

4.      Equally important was the situation with the remote mode of work and study, which brought a sufficient share of discomfort into people's daily lives.

5.      The issuance of fines can be singled out separately, since it met with a negative reaction from people who considered this measure unnecessarily strict and unfair.

6.      It should be noted that improper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) has also caused inconvenience and discontent among people, as it potentially increases the risk of possible infection among the population.

7.      The alcohol treatment method has become the subject of ridicule because of its absurdity and inefficiency, however, perhaps this was a consequence of the development of the mentality of Russian citizens.

8.      In addition, another inconvenience mentioned in the anecdotes was the use of QR codes in everyday life. This caused discomfort, since this code was required both at the place of work and study, and in public places (cafes, restaurants, theaters, shopping malls, etc.).

9.      It is worth mentioning that some people completely denied the existence of coronavirus infection and considered it an invention of the authorities. This also caused discontent among people who adhere to scientifically confirmed facts and verified information.

10. It should be noted that in order to express their dissatisfaction with the above-mentioned inconveniences, people often used obscene words in humorous statements. This was dictated by both emotional instability and general negative sentiments among the population.


Thus, jokes allow people not only to relax and relieve stress during a crisis, but also to express their opinion about the events taking place, ridiculing a particular condition or process. The analysis of anecdotes helped to identify the general mood of the population, their thoughts on the introduction of various government measures into public practice. However, in most cases it turned out to be: criticism of the authorities, ridicule of politicians and statesmen, as well as ridicule of restrictive measures (mask regime, lockdown, QR codes).

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20. Kuzovnikova E. G. (2021). Black humor in the discourse of the coronavirus pandemic as an international phenomenon of our time / Linguistic and cultural aspects of globalization processes: sociocultural context and dynamics of speech practices: Abstracts of the II International Conference. M.: Moscow State Linguistic University, 70–71.
21. Efimova D. V. (2021). A surge in the creation and distribution of photos and videos of a humorous nature associated with self-isolation and its consequences against the backdrop of mass neuroticism in the context of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus covid-19. Collections of conferences of the Scientific Research Center Sociosphere, 10, 219–228.
22. Sergeeva Yu. M., Uvarova E. A. (2021). Humor as a tool of social interaction in the era of global disasters (based on Internet memes on the topic of covid-19). Current issues of modern philology and journalism, 4(43), 132–141.
23. Tarkar P. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on education system. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9), 3812–3814.
24. Singh J. (2020). COVID-19 and its impact on society. Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 171.

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The subject of the research in the presented article is laughter in a crisis by conducting a content analysis of anecdotes about COVID-19. As the methodology of the subject area of the study, this article used as the main method the content analysis of anecdotes collected on various social platforms and websites related to a number of processes during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since anecdotes have a special role in determining the perception of laughter as an object of study among the general public, both during crisis periods and during everyday life. They are popular and everyday jokes created in accordance with certain rules that reflect the state of everyday consciousness of society. Thus, it is the humorous discourse in the context of COVID-19 that arouses great interest from researchers, since the crisis situation forced everyone to rebuild, reconsider their plans and views on life, adapt to new changing conditions. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the general sentiments and main themes that prevail in the humorous discourse in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study collected and analyzed 400 anecdotes collected on various social platforms and websites. The article is presented in the language of scientific style with a very competent use in the text of the study of the presentation of various positions to the studied topical problem and the application of scientific terminology and definitions. The structure is designed taking into account the basic requirements for writing scientific articles. The structure of this study includes an introduction, methods and results of the study, the main part (description of the study itself), conclusions and bibliography. The content of the article reflects its structure. Especially effective in the content of the study is the description of the study in two stages. At the first stage, anecdotes related to politics were studied (categories of analysis: position on vaccination, mention of states, mention of political figures, mention of politics in general). At the second stage, anecdotes were studied that emphasize the inconveniences associated with the introduction of various restrictions (categories of analysis: the use of obscene words, mentioning inconveniences in connection with the pandemic, etc.). Also of particular value is the presentation of the texts of the jokes themselves, which has a positive significance for the perception of the article itself. The bibliography contains 24 sources, including domestic and foreign periodicals and non-periodicals. It should be noted the novelty of most of the sources used, which indicates the updating of information on the studied scientific topics. The article describes the various positions and points of view of various scientists characterizing the features of the study of anecdotes by the method of content analysis and various problems related to the coronavirus, and also contains an appeal to various scientific works and sources devoted to this topic, which is included in the circle of scientific interests of researchers dealing with this issue. The conclusion of the presented study contains brief conclusions concerning the subject area of the study. In particular, it is noted that jokes allow people not only to relax and relieve stress during a crisis, but also to express their opinion about the events taking place, ridiculing a particular condition or process. The analysis of anecdotes helped to identify the general mood of the population, their thoughts on the introduction of various government measures into public practice. However, in most cases it turned out to be: criticism of the authorities, ridicule of politicians and statesmen, as well as ridicule of restrictive measures (mask regime, lockdown, QR codes). The materials of this study are intended for a wide range of readership, they may be of interest and used by scientists for scientific purposes, teaching staff in the educational process, government and municipal officials, politicians and analysts in the preparation of reviews, reference materials and explanatory notes on the stated topic. As disadvantages of this study, it should be noted that the most interesting results of the conducted content analysis could be visualized using drawings (graphs, diagrams). The source in the bibliography number 14 is an appeal to an Internet resource, however, the date of reference is not indicated when making it, although this is required by GOST bibliographic descriptions. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the design of the bibliography in accordance with the requirements of the current GOST of bibliographic descriptions. These shortcomings do not reduce the high importance of the study itself, but rather relate to the design of the text of the presented work. It is recommended to publish the article.