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The concept of "gardening": lexicographic representation of its notional component

Sidorova Elizaveta Nikolaevna

ORCID: 0000-0002-1550-1145

Educator, Department of Foreign and Russian Languages, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

127422, Russia, Moscow, ul. Timiryazevskaya, 49
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Popova Larisa Georgievna

ORCID: 0000-0001-9400-2469

Doctor of Philology

Professor of the Department of Germanistics and Linguodidactics, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow City Pedagogical University

105064, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Maly Kazenny Lane, 5b









Abstract: In this article, special attention is paid to the analysis of the lexicographic representation of the concept of "gardening", which is the subject of research, while the object of research is to study the verbalization of the concept of "gardening". The concept of "gardening" is considered as one of a number of concepts that make up a more complex concept of "Englishness". The purpose of the article is to determine the core and periphery of the concept of "gardening", as well as a thorough analysis of its lexical representation in various lexicographic sources. In this study, the authors relied on explanatory dictionaries and a dictionary of synonyms of the English language, namely its British version. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the representations of the linguistic and cultural components of the concept "gardening" were analyzed on the material of explanatory dictionaries and synonyms in order to clarify the lexico-semantic explication of its notional component. Having studied the obtained meanings of synonyms and the nuclear lexeme of the concept "gardening" on the basis of dictionaries, it can be concluded that the notional component of the concept can be represented in the following forms: plant study; preparation and use of soil for growing plants in the garden; landscape design of a garden or park; arrangement of gardens or parks; decorative gardening; planting plants; floriculture.


concept, Englishness, lexicography, synonyms, gardening, conceptualization, linguistics, English language, world view, representation

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Currently, the idea of the interconnectedness of the language and the thinking of the people, which is expressed by the linguistic conceptualization of non-linguistic reality, is becoming increasingly popular. According to A. D. Shmelev, the concept connects the meaning of a linguistic utterance and the corresponding element of the surrounding world. There is a concept behind each unit of language; in most cases, one concept finds its representation through a number of linguistic units [12].

The analysis of the lexicographic representation of the concept of "gardening" (gardening) is the subject of research, whereas the object of research is to study the verbalization of the concept of "gardening".

The authors consider it appropriate to consider the concept of "Englishness" as a linguistic and cultural hyperconcept [9], due to the fact that in research within the framework of linguistics and cultural studies there is a different interpretation of the understanding of "Englishness" [2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 15]. As a result, it is proposed to introduce smaller concepts into the linguistic and cultural hyperconcept "Englishness", which can be represented in the form of the following scheme:


Fig.1 The composition of the hyperconcept "Englishness"

The hyperconcept "Englishness" consists of such small linguistic and cultural concepts as "English humour", "pets", "privacy", "home", "restraint", "gardening", "politeness".

Since the concepts of "politeness", "restraint", "home", "privacy" have been studied in some detail in linguistics [2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 15], within the framework of this article, we consider it advisable to analyze the representation of the less studied concept of "gardening" in English.

We consider it advisable to analyze the representations of the linguistic and cultural components of the concept of "gardening" based on the material of explanatory dictionaries and dictionaries of synonyms in order to clarify the lexical and semantic explication of the conceptual component [4]. Explanatory, ideographic dictionaries of the English language and a dictionary of synonyms were used as lexicographic sources [14; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20], since it is necessary to define those lexemes by which the conceptual component of the above concept can be explicated in literary texts.

An appeal to the ideographic dictionaries of the English language [19] allowed us to find out that the nuclear lexeme of the linguistic and cultural concept of "gardening" is the lexeme "gardening" [19].

According to the English-Russian dictionary by V. K. Muller [8], the lexeme "gardening" is translated as "gardening", while in the ideographic dictionary of the English language by P. Roger "gardening" is considered within the concepts of "agriculture" (agriculture) and "beauty" (beauty), that is:

Agriculture (Agriculture) is an entity. agriculture, cultivation, farming; tillage, agronomy, gardening, viticulture; floriculture; landscape gardening.Farmer, gardener, gardener, florist; agronomist; yeoman, farmer, lumberjack, forester; farm manager, winemaker, vintner; Triptolemus (hero of the Greek myth, priest of the goddess of agriculture). Field, meadow, garden (garden); botanical garden, winter garden, ornamental garden, flower garden, vegetable garden, plot for commercial production of vegetables or fruits, hop; plant nursery; greenhouse, greenhouse; bed, curb, sowing area; lawn (grassplot†, grassplat†); park (playground for recreation); parterre, shrub, plantation, alley, arboretum, pinery, pine plantation, orchard [19].

Beauty is essential. It's beautiful. [The science of beauty perception] aesthetics. [- beauty of people] comeliness, form, elegance, grace, beauty without embellishment, natural beauty; symmetry; pleasantness; gloss; good impression, good appearance; flowering, brilliance, radiance, splendor, luxury; sublimity, refinement, delicacy, sophistication; charm, style. Venus, Aphrodite, Hebe, Graces, Peri, Uri, Cupid, Apollo†, Hyperion, Adonis†, Antionius†, Narcissus.Peacock, butterfly; garden; flower, rose; decoration; jewel; work of art. Flower, [flowers: list] wild flower; rose, lily, anemone, chrysanthemum, buttercup, geranium, narcissus, tulip, tiger lily, daylily, begonia, marigolds, lily of the valley, rhododendron, anemone. Landscaping; landscaping, gardening [19].

After analyzing the information presented in the ideographic dictionary, it can be concluded that within the framework of this article, the concept of “gardening” is considered more in the key of agriculture.

An appeal to the explanatory dictionaries of the English language [14; 16; 17; 18] allowed us to establish the following composition of the lexeme "gardening":

1. Activities aimed at planning and caring for the garden [17].

2. Activities aimed at gardening, growing plants, etc. [16].

3. Planning and growing a garden [14].

4. Activities aimed at gardening and causing pleasure [18].

Let's turn to the dictionary of synonyms to find out the range of synonyms of the specified nuclear lexeme "gardening". These synonyms are: horticulture, cultivation, tillage, landscaping, landscape gardening, planting, floriculture [20].

Each of the listed synonyms should be clarified in terms of the composition of its meanings. The synonym "horticulture", according to the explanatory dictionaries of the English language, has the following meanings:

Gardening is an activity aimed at growing and studying garden plants [14; 17].

Practical activity or science related to the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables [16; 18].

As for the synonym "cultivation", it has the following meanings in the explanatory dictionaries of the British version of the English language:

Breeding is the process of growing crops or plants [14; 17].

Planting and cultivation of plants and crops [16].

Cultivation (of land) is the preparation and use of soil for growing crops [16; 18].

The deliberate development of certain relationships, qualities or skills [18].

The synonym "tillage" has the following list of meanings in explanatory dictionaries:

Tillage is the process of preparing the land for planting crops [14; 16; 17; 18].

Land used for growing crops [18].

The next synonym for the nuclear lexeme is "landscaping". It has the following meanings in explanatory dictionaries:

Landscape design is an activity aimed at designing or beautifying gardens and territories adjacent to buildings in order to give them an attractive appearance [14].

Landscape design is a process by which a person makes a garden or other piece of land attractive by changing its design, adding new characteristics, planting trees, etc.; features (such as trees, stones) that were added in order to make a piece of land more beautiful [18].

Another synonym for the nuclear lexeme is "landscape gardening", presented in explanatory dictionaries as follows:

Decorative gardening is a profession or art aimed at arranging gardens and parks so that they look aesthetically pleasing and interesting [16].

Decorative gardening is a work related to the development and layout of gardens and parks that attract visitors [18].

Decorative gardening is the art of territory planning, close to natural landscapes [14].

Decorative gardening is a profession or activity aimed at creating a more attractive garden or plot of land by adding trees, plants, etc. [17].

Therefore, this synonym has a dictionary meaning: a job/profession related to planning; aimed at creating an attractive territory in the form of a garden/park for one's own use or for visitors.

The next synonym is the synonym "planting". It has the following list of dictionary meanings:

Planting is the process of planting seeds, crops, etc. in the ground for further cultivation [14].

Planting is the process of planting something; something that has just been planted [18].

So, this synonym has a dictionary meaning: the process of planting plants for the purpose of further cultivation.

The synonym "floriculture" according to the explanatory dictionaries of the English language may have the following meanings:

Floriculture is the cultivation of flowering plants [14].

Thus, the specified synonym expresses the meaning: floriculture, that is, the cultivation of flowers.

As a result of the analysis of the obtained meanings of these synonyms and the nuclear lexeme based on dictionaries, it can be concluded that the conceptual component of the concept under study on the material of the English language can be represented in the form of the following near-nuclear features: plant study; preparation and use of soil for growing plants in the garden; landscape design of a garden or park; arrangement of gardens or parks; decorative gardening; planting plants; floriculture.

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The article presented for consideration "Lexicographic representation of the conceptual component of the concept "gardening", proposed for publication in the journal "Litera", is undoubtedly relevant, due to the author's appeal to the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of the concept "gardening", implicitly solving one of the important tasks of linguoculturology and intercultural communication. The analysis of the lexicographic representation of the concept of "gardening" (gardening) is the subject of research, whereas the object of research is to study the verbalization of the concept of "gardening". Taking into account the interest in studying the theory of the concept as a whole, the work is relevant and is designed to fill in the gaps that exist. The article is innovative, one of the first in Russian linguistics devoted to the study of such issues. The article presents a research methodology, the choice of which is quite adequate to the goals and objectives of the work. The author refers, among other things, to various methods to confirm the hypothesis put forward, namely the comparative historical method, the method of generalization and the method of semantic analysis. The practical material was lexicographic sources, namely: explanatory, ideographic dictionaries of the English language and a dictionary of synonyms were used. Theoretical fabrications are illustrated with language examples, as well as convincing data obtained during the study. This work was done professionally, in compliance with the basic canons of scientific research. The research was carried out in line with modern scientific approaches, the work consists of an introduction containing the formulation of the problem, the main part, traditionally beginning with a review of theoretical sources and scientific directions, a research and a final one, which presents the conclusions obtained by the author. It should be noted that the conclusion requires strengthening, it does not fully reflect the tasks set by the author and does not contain prospects for further research in line with the stated issues. The bibliography of the article includes 20 sources, among which works are presented in both Russian and foreign languages. Unfortunately, the article does not contain references to the fundamental works of Russian researchers, such as monographs, PhD and doctoral dissertations. The comments made are not significant and do not detract from the overall positive impression of the reviewed work. Typos, spelling and syntactic errors, inaccuracies in the text of the work were not found. In general, it should be noted that the article is written in a simple, understandable language for the reader. The work is innovative, representing the author's vision of solving the issue under consideration and may have a logical continuation in further research. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the teaching of university courses in conceptology and lexicography, as well as courses in interdisciplinary research on the relationship between language and society. The article will undoubtedly be useful to a wide range of people, philologists, undergraduates and graduate students of specialized universities. The article "Lexicographic representation of the conceptual component of the concept "gardening" can be recommended for publication in a scientific journal.