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NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice

The main directions of the digital economy in the context of administration and public administration

Mal'ginova Yuliya Nikolaevna

Senior Lecturer, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Ural State Economic University; Senior Lecturer and Postgraduate Student of the Department of Legal Support of State Administration and National Security of the Ural Institute of Management - Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation

620144, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta str./narodnaya Volya, 62/45, office 750









Abstract: The article outlines the main directions of development of the digital economy in the context of public administration. The author reveals the essential directions of the digital economy in public administration, based on digitalization and digital transformation of management both in the legislation of the Russian Federation and administrative law. Particular attention is paid in the article to the administrative reform based on improving the efficiency of public authorities and minimizing managerial actions, taking into account digitalization and digital transformation. Further, the author reveals the directions of the digital economy devoted to administration, as the activities of the governing bodies and their officials, related to the implementation of management decisions and the introduction of digital technologies and new products into this activity. One of the well-known directions is the provision of state and municipal services by multifunctional centers, which is a convenient, effective and well-established way of consuming services and communication between the state and the citizen. However, the author notes that this leaves the question open for further study, and also draws attention to the need to ensure a high level of information and technical security and other measures in this area. Summing up, the importance and necessity of implementing the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", which will allow building an information and digital society in Russia, is emphasized.


state administration, administration, digital economy, self-digitalization, digital data, economy administration, automation, public authorities, authorities, economy

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The national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" in our state has become the basis for fundamental changes in the field of public administration and administration, which are taking place in a change of focus, where the key factor is digital data in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030. This program has consolidated the directions of development through separate federal projects on regulatory legal regulation, training for the digital economy, information infrastructure and security, digital technologies, digital public administration, as well as artificial intelligence, the development of human resources for the information technology industry and access to the Internet via satellite communications. It is these projects that have become the message for the digitalization of public administration and the activities of public authorities.

Digitalization and digital transformation of public administration is not only the object of close attention of the legislator, who detailed its directions in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2998-r dated October 22, 2021, but also the subject of discussion in administrative law. Digitalization of the designated sphere is, unconditionally, "the process of introducing digital technologies into the activities of state bodies that allow for qualitative transformations in the implementation of state functions and the provision of public services, to ensure effective interaction between citizens and the state" [3], which will "improve the quality of public administration" [6, pp. 48-53].

Such processes, according to S.M. Zubarev, are a new administrative reform [4, p. 66], which should create an opportunity to automate managerial actions and activities of employees of state bodies. To implement it, it is necessary to use new digitalization products, where information and communication technologies have become part of modern management systems in all sectors of the economy, public administration, national defense, national security, state security and law enforcement. This direction is not exhaustive, within the framework of the permanent state of the reform, administrative products should also be created as a way of making and executing managerial decisions that "... have individual characteristics that can meet the expectations of a particular management entity" [1, p. 17]. The reform allows self-digitalization to develop, which changes all management services in the state and forms the following groups of relations: "G2G (internal interaction of state structures"); G2B (interaction with business); G2C (interaction with citizens)" [7, p. 233].

The legislator, while developing measures to build digital public administration, in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2998-r dated October 22, 2021, outlined measures to create unified platforms whose activities are aimed at automating data collection, processing and analysis, conducting control and supervisory activities, conducting the budget process, providing state and municipal services, forming a working places of an employee and the creation of a single platform for state information systems. The results of the directions brought to a new level the organization of the work of state bodies and the implementation of their functions through the use of an electronic document management system and interdepartmental interaction, accompanied by the use of an electronic digital signature, the formation of registers for individual powers and other digital products. However, the main message of digitalization of public administration is to improve the activities of state bodies and facilitate the service of employees, but there is not always a positive effect. We see the result of the implementation of this by-law of the supreme executive authority of our state and the national program in the activities of state authorities.

A study conducted by the project office for the implementation of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia" and ANO "Digital Economy" shows the positive dynamics of digitalization of public administration by the authorities themselves, where in the first quarter of 2022, an automated workplace of an employee was organized for 2 thousand units, in the second quarter – 10 thousand units, in the third quarter – 15 thousand units and in the fourth quarter – 19 thousand units. These statistics indicate the implementation of projects, their pilot testing, migration of information and other processes of transition to digital platforms. It is interesting to see the trend developing in our state in communication between the state and citizens who prefer communication on federal information systems. It is for this reason that in 2022 a proactive acquisition of maternity capital was carried out, which accounted for 86% of the 900 thousand certificates issued [8].

This approach makes it possible to make the transition from e-government to a digital state, where the basis of its functioning is the adoption of management decisions exclusively in digital format. On the one hand, this "reduces bureaucratic barriers in communication between the state and the citizen" [5, p. 32], and, on the other hand, it provides an opportunity to "monitor the processes of their provision at all stages in offline and online modes" [5, p. 33]. The transition from e-government to a digital state is a set of state information systems that allow a civil servant or an official not to spend official time and attention on systematic repetitive actions to implement the executive and administrative functions of public authorities, but to pay attention exclusively to complex and non-standard issues in the field of socio-economic development.

No less important are the activities carried out within the framework of the digital economy project in relation to administration as the direct implementation of certain functions by public authorities and the provision of state and municipal services.

Currently, a significant link in the interaction of the state and citizens are multifunctional centers that carry out their activities in accordance with Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010 "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services". The MFC provides services attributed to the powers of federal and regional executive authorities, extra-budgetary funds and local self-government bodies. The unified way of interaction between the state and citizens has formed a solid basis for its recognition as the main way of interaction by 2024. The viability of such a transition is related to the readiness of Russian society for electronic interaction, which is why in 2022 "the number of confirmed accounts on the Public Services portal exceeded 100 million" [8] and "111 federal-level services and 93 regional and municipal-level services are available electronically" [8]. "Multifunctional centers are planned to be turned into a single communication channel between citizens and entrepreneurs with all authorities" [7, p. 245].

Administration, being the activity of a specific person acting on an object, is "... an organically linked triad, the essence of which is the activity of the state administration to implement the tasks and functions of the state: firstly, to serve and satisfy the interests of the individual and civil society institutions; secondly, to implement the managerial functions of public administration, in particularthirdly, for the protection of public order, the fight against crimes and administrative offenses, as well as ensuring the security of the individual, civil society and the state" [2, p. 21]. This type of activity is the commission of actions by authorized persons in certain areas to exercise their powers, for example, in the customs and tax spheres. Administration in the digital economy generates problems related not only to the provision of services and their consumption, but also issues of information and technical security, as well as legal regulation of electronic interaction and its information infrastructure.

The legislator, defining the main directions of the digital economy, pays great attention to the transition period and the development of the results obtained, which should serve as the basis for further improvement and development of processes taking place in the field of public administration and administration. It is quite natural that a set of measures is being developed aimed at creating and maintaining a high level of data protection in digital format.

The main directions of the digital economy, implemented on the basis of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia", are dynamically developing, which makes it possible to implement it effectively. The digital economy is a new step in the development of our state, which contributes to the construction of an information and digital society in modern Russia.

1. Starostina, S.A. (2021). Administrative reform? Moscow: Prospect.
2. Voronov, A.M. (2018) Doctrine of modern administrative law: law enforcement aspect. Actual problems of administrative law and process, 3, 19-23.
3. Zubarev, S. M. (2020) Legal risks of digitalization of public administration. Actual problems of Russian law, 6(115). Retrieved from
4. Zubarev, S.M. (2020) Digitalization of public administration: new administrative reform?. Administrative law and process, 7, 62-66.
5. Kosoroukov, A.A. (2019) Open government and digitalization of public administration in modern Russia. Theories and problems of political research, 8(3A), 23-34.
6. Popova, N.F. (2020) The need for digitalization of public administration in the Russian Federation. Administrative law and process, 2, 48-53.
7. Poshovova, T.P., Titova, E.V., Gromova E.A. (2022) The right of digital environment. Moscow: Prospect.
8. Official website of ANO «Digital Economy». (2022). The White Book of the Digital Economy 2022. Retrieved from

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The subject of the study. In the peer-reviewed article "The main directions of the digital economy in the context of public administration and administration", the subject of research is the main directions of policy in the field of digitalization of public administration and administration, as well as the norms of law governing this area of public relations. Research methodology. When writing the article, such methods as historical, statistical, theoretical and prognostic, formal legal, system-structural and legal modeling were used. The methodological apparatus consists of the following dialectical techniques and methods of scientific cognition: analysis, abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, typology, classification, systematization and generalization. The use of modern methods made it possible to study the established approaches, views on the subject of research, develop an author's position and argue it. The relevance of research. The global digitalization of all human activities has not bypassed the public administration sector. As the author of the reviewed article rightly noted, "digitalization of the designated sphere is, unconditionally, "the process of introducing digital technologies into the activities of state bodies that allow for qualitative transformations in the implementation of state functions and the provision of public services, to ensure effective interaction between citizens and the state," which will "improve the quality of public administration." These circumstances indicate the relevance of doctrinal developments on this topic in order to improve legislation and practice of its application. Scientific novelty. Without questioning the importance of previous scientific research, which served as the theoretical basis for this work, nevertheless, it can be noted that this article for the first time formulated noteworthy provisions, for example: "The transition from e-government to a digital state is a set of state information systems that allow a civil servant or official not to spend official time time and attention to systematic repetitive actions to implement the executive and administrative functions of public authorities, and pay attention exclusively to complex and non-standard issues in the field of socio-economic development." Based on the results of writing the article, the author has made a number of theoretical conclusions and suggestions, which indicates not only the importance of this study for legal science, but also determines its practical significance. Style, structure, content. The content of the article corresponds to its title. The article is written in a scientific style, using special terminology. As a comment, it can be noted that abbreviations, even generally accepted ones (for example, ANO, MFC, etc.), need clarification at the first mention. In general, the material is presented consistently and clearly. The topic is disclosed, but the article lacks a clear position of the author on the differentiation of such categories as "public administration" and "administration". The article is structured. Although, perhaps, the introduction to the article needs to be finalized, since it does not meet the requirements for this part of the scientific article. In addition, in conclusion, it would be necessary to formulate all the main results that the author achieved during the research. Bibliography. The author uses an insufficient number of doctrinal sources. A scientific article must contain at least 10 scientific publications listed in the bibliography. The topic is relevant, there are many publications on this issue, including publications in recent years. References to some of these sources are designed in violation of the requirements of the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. The article presents a scientific discussion, and appeals to opponents are correct. All borrowings are decorated with links to the author and the source of the publication. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "The main directions of the digital economy in the context of public administration and administration" is recommended for publication, because it meets the requirements for scientific publications of this kind and corresponds to the subject of the journal "Administrative Law and Practice of Administration". The article is written on an urgent topic, has practical significance and is characterized by scientific novelty. The comments to the article are disposable. This article may be of interest to a wide readership, primarily specialists in the field of administrative law, information law and digital law, and will also be useful for teachers and students of law schools and faculties.