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Genesis: Historical research

Centralization of the library network in the Penza region (second half of the 1970s - early 1980s)

Grishin Anton Valer'evich

ORCID: 0000-0001-7979-1228

Postgraduate student, Department History and Philosophy, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

440028, Russia, Penza region, Penza, ul. Herman Titov, 28










Abstract: The subject of the study is the process of centralization of the network of state mass libraries in the Penza region. The research was carried out on the basis of analysis and generalization of documents of the State Archive of the Penza region (the Penza Regional Executive Committee Cultural Management Fund) using the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity and consistency. The author gives a brief overview of domestic (Soviet and post-Soviet) and foreign historiography on the problem of research. Special attention is paid to the preparatory work for the centralization of the library system in the region, in particular, familiarization with this practice in other regions; interaction and support of local Soviet-party bodies; the results obtained from the reorganization of the network. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time a study of the formation of centralized library systems in the Penza region has been undertaken. In the second half of the 1970s, state mass libraries in the region began to unite into a single library structure - a centralized library system that functioned on the basis of a single administrative and methodological manual, a common staff, centralization of the processes of formation and circulation of funds, their profiling and the possibility of mutual use. By centralizing libraries, the authorities hoped to strengthen political propaganda through the book's reading, expand the functions of library institutions in the information and reference field of serving citizens and providing them with more diverse services, eliminate parallelism in their activities, improve the management model and use of allocated funds, promote better implementation and optimization of library processes. The effectiveness of the centralization of libraries decreased from the prevailing attitude at that time that it should be carried out without additional financial investments.


USSR, culture, Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, cultural educational institution, librarianship, library, centralization, centralized library system, book fund, Penza region

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In the 1970s, the USSR centralized the network of state mass libraries (the State Interdepartmental Library Commission (GBC) under the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, "Regulation on the Centralization of State Mass Libraries" in 1975), i.e. the unification of previously independent library institutions into a single system with a common book fund and staff, a single administrative and economic management, centralized acquisition and processing of literature, the allocation of central libraries and the reorganization of all others into its branches.

"A new stage of library construction" – the centralization of the network of mass libraries gave impetus to the development of various aspects of centralization, the principles of a unified system of library services for the population, and the rational allocation of library resources [1-8]. In the post-Soviet period, there is a revision of the goals and progress of the centralization of the library network of mass libraries [9-10]. For example, M. N. Glazkov regards this decision as a desire to return to "genuine Leninism" and "revolutionary ideals" through administrative reorganization without increasing funding [11, pp. 117-118].

The development of librarianship in the USSR attracted the interest of foreign researchers. E. Knutsen (USA) believes that Soviet libraries were controlled by the state and obliged to adhere to the principle of partisanship in their work to promote communist ideology [12, p. 716]. British historian S. Lovell and American researcher P. Hollander pointed out the great importance of reading in Soviet society, including as a preferred form of recreation [13; 14, pp. 200-201].

In the Penza region, the key link of the library network was the institutions of the Ministry of Culture. In the mid-1970s, the main attention of the regional department of culture was focused on the implementation of measures related to the implementation of the resolution of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On measures to improve cultural education and the development of folk art" dated June 3, 1974, the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On increasing the role of libraries in the communist education of workers and scientific and technical progress", decisions of the executive committee of the Regional Council No. 610 of December 31, 1974 "On measures to implement the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of November 22, 1974 No. 605 2 ON increasing the role of libraries in Communist education and scientific and technological progress2" [15, l. 203; 16, l. 171].

Since 1974, preparations have begun in the region for the transition of the region's libraries to a centralized service system. A visit to Lipetsk by the head of the methodological department of the M. Y. Lermontov Regional library and the head of Library No. 1 in Kuznetsk was devoted to the study of the experience of the centralized urban-type library system [17, L. 248]. The heads of the Luninskaya and Bedno-Demyanovskaya district libraries were participants in the All-Russian workshop on the organization of centralized services for the rural population on the basis of the Kharabalinsky District Library of the Astrakhan region.

In 1975, the libraries of Kuznetsk, Luninsky and Bedno-Demyanovsky districts were transferred to a centralized service system [18, l. 51]. In this regard, in the information "The Congress is an inspired work (The work of the libraries of the region in 1975 and towards the 25th Congress of the CPSU)", the director of the M. Y. Lermontov Regional library N. M. Poletaeva stressed that "this, undoubtedly, progressive form of serving the population with a book at first needed close attention and support from on the part of the Soviet and party bodies on the ground", it was necessary to strengthen the material base of the main central united libraries – expansion of production areas, technical equipment, etc. However, if in Kuznetsk and Lunino a full understanding was reached with the district committees of the CPSU and district executive committees, then the Bedno-Demyanovsky district executive committee "turned a deaf ear to our requests, although it was The Bedno-Demyanovskaya district library needs help more than others (cramped premises, poor equipment)" [19, l. 41-42]. In the "Certificate on the state of work on communist education in the regional libraries of the Penza region" (1975) it was noted that the streamlining of the library network was not always carried out thoughtfully. In the Issinsky district, for example, the central estates of state farms were left without libraries.

The libraries of the region were transferred to a centralized system systematically. In 1978, the region had 19 centralized systems in 16 districts, including 3 urban ones, which accounted for approximately 63% of the entire system of state libraries. These CS, especially Bedno-Demyanovskaya, Kamenskaya, Luninskaya, Tamalinskaya, Serdobskaya, Kuznetskaya (urban), have accumulated significant experience in organizing work under centralization – organizing management, methodological guidance, creating a single fund, reference apparatus. The most effective was the work of the Bedno-Demyanovskaya Central Committee in the comprehensive promotion of literature in all branches of knowledge, the prompt communication of best practices to the consumer – a rural specialist. The experience of this system has been described and disseminated. The practice of the Serdobskaya Central Bank for the organization of assistance to specialists and agricultural workers in harvesting was also approved by the Board of the Department of Culture in September 1978 and recommended for dissemination [20, L. 4]. In 1979, there were 23 centralized systems in the region – 3 urban and 20 rural, which accounted for 73% of the entire system of state libraries [21, L. 20]. The CBS were under the jurisdiction of local cultural departments.

On December 11-16, 1978, a team of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR left for Penza and the region, consisting of a senior researcher at the M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin M. I. Gubanova, chief librarian of the 50th Anniversary of the Komsomol State Republican Youth Library Yu. V. Isaev, chief librarian of the State Republican Children's Library A.M. Lushelskaya, head of the processing department The State Republican Children's Library of E. P. Devyatova. The certificate on the results of the audit indicated that the plan for the transition to the centralization of state mass libraries, approved by the Board of the Department of Culture, was generally implemented, until 1980 it was supposed to complete the centralization of the remaining 11 districts, joint centralization of mass and children's libraries was introduced in the region, with the exception of the regional center. However, the issue of library services for the children's population needed to be finalized. So, despite the fact that an independent CBS of 8 children's libraries was organized in Penza, serving children, CBS libraries for adults continued to serve 6 thousand children readers, without providing them with specialized services. In the Kuznetsk Central Library of 12 thousand students of grades 1-8 in the neighborhood of two children's libraries (children's department and children's branch no. 2) there were 4 thousand students. As a result, more than 5,000 schoolchildren were readers of branch libraries for adults (in branches No. 4 and No. 5 - more than 1,000 children). But none of the 6 branches that served children had the necessary conditions for this. The reference on the materials of the business trip of the staff of the RSFSR GRDB noted that "the centralization of the library network, undertaken as a progressive form of public service, has not yet produced the desired results" [19, l. 127].

In the resolution of the Board of Culture of the Penza Regional Executive Committee dated April 24, 1979 on the work of centralized library systems of Gorodishchensky and Kolyshleysky districts, shortcomings in their activities were noted, characteristic of other local central banks: the absence of a central consolidated catalog reflecting the fund of all branches, and a thematic and typological recruitment plan, which caused illiterate recruitment of branches of the system; there is no clear distribution Among the negative aspects of the transfer to a centralized library system, the reduction of staff in children's departments in Bedno-Demyanovsky, Luninsky, Gorodishchensky, Kolyshleisky (2 employees each remained in them) and Penza districts (3 employees remained) was also emphasized, and this was clearly not enough "to at a high level to serve readers and provide methodological guidance in relation to rural and school libraries" [19, l. 131-132].

Gradually, the shortcomings were eliminated. In the certificate of the regional Department of Culture for 1979, it was emphasized that, in general, the new centralized service system justified itself. In the Zemetchinskaya, Kamenskaya, Tamalinskaya Central Library, the funds were transferred to a new non-inventory accounting system, which allowed to increase the productivity of employees of the central library. Introduced in order to improve the management of cultural and educational institutions of the region, a deep, comprehensive study of the content of their work and the provision of more specific material and practical assistance from the regional department of Culture, its methodological centers, art institutions, educational institutions of culture, cultural departments, in accordance with the order on the management of culture of the Penza Regional Executive Committee No. 88-and from August 9, 1976, the system of inspection and assistance to district libraries at least twice a year. In order to strengthen the qualitative side of methodological assistance to urban, children's and rural libraries from the methodological centers, Order No. 122 of the Penza Regional Executive Committee dated October 26, 1976 established the methodological day of work of district, adult and children's central city libraries in urban, children's and rural libraries of the region – Thursday. At a meeting of the cultural management asset of the regional executive committee on February 2, 1980, the director of the district centralized library system of the Penza region, L. P. Brovkina, pointed out the advantages of centralization: improving the composition of the book fund, taking into account the economic profile of farms when completing funds, reducing duplication [22, L. 30-31].

In 1980, the centralization of librarianship was almost completed in the region: there were 31 systems: 3 – city, 27 – district, 1 – trade union; in 1981 – 32 systems: 3 – city, 28 – district, 1 – trade union. In some central banks, the Director's Councils and production meetings were successfully functioning. The work of libraries in 1981 was carried out under the motto "Work efficiently and efficiently!". The completed centralization of librarianship contributed to the improvement of public book services. Since January 1980, the libraries of the region began to switch to new forms of accounting for library and bibliographic classification; in 1981-1982, all collections were re-encrypted and catalogues were reclassified, consolidated catalogs were created for the entire collection of libraries in the district. However, they were not provided with the necessary equipment, catalog and shelf divisions, cards for accounting catalogs, etc.

Thus, the centralization of state mass libraries in the second half and early 1980s was carried out in order to improve their organizational and methodological management, optimize staff, and increase the efficiency of their activities. As a result, the formation of a common library fund improved the overall quality of library services provided. In addition, a system of providing scientific and methodological assistance to cultural institutions through central libraries has been established. The concentration of similar processes in the central library through the introduction of specialization in the field freed up time for direct work with readers, made it possible to apply the practice of a differentiated approach more productively.

1. Pashin, A. I. (1976). Activity of libraries at the level of new tasks. Moscow: Soviet Russia.
2. Kartashov, N. S. (1984). Problems of rational allocation and use of library resources in the country: collection of scientific papers. Ed. N. S. Kartashov. Moscow: GBL.
3. Serov, V. V. (1975). A new stage of library construction in the USSR. Moscow: Book.
4. Serov, V. V. (1981). Improving the library system in a developed socialist society: issues of theory and practice. Moscow: Book.
5. Skvortsov, V. V. (Eds.) (1982). Centralization of librarianship: results and prospects: interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Moscow: MGIK.
6. Serov, V. V. (Eds.) (1978). Centralization of the library network: Ways to improve information and bibliographic work in a centralized library system: collection of scientific papers. Moscow: GBL.
7. Gukov, V. G. (Eds.) (1984). Centralization of the library network: results and problems: collection of scientific papers. Moscow: B. I.
8. Serov, V. V. (Eds.) (1973). Centralization of the network of state mass libraries: collection of articles. Moscow: Book.
9. Glazkov, M. N. (2020). State policy of centralization of mass library network in the USSR 1974-1982. Bulletin of MGUKI, 3(95), 172-178. doi:10.24412/1997-0803-2020-10316
10. Mazuritsky, A. M. (2021). To the centenary of the Decree «On centralization of librarianship». In: Library history: current state and prospects of study, N. V. Lopatin (Eds.) (pp. 74-86). Moscow: MGIK.
11. Glazkov, M. N. (2019). Development and the first stage of the implementation of the policy of centralization of mass libraries in the USSR (1964 – April 1974). Bulletin of MGUKI, 4, 116-127. doi:10.24411/1997-0803-2019-10414
12. Knutson, E. (2007). New Realities: Libraries in Post-Soviet Russia. W. B. Rayward and Ch. Jenkins (Eds.). Library trends. Libraries in Times of War, Revolution, and Social Change, 55(3), 716-729.
13. Lovell, S. (2000). The Russian Reading Revolution. Print Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras. L.: St. Martin's press.
14. Hollander, P. (1970). Leisure: unity of entertainment and goals. In: The future of Soviet society. Issue 2. A. Kassof (Eds.) (pp. 192-283). Moscow: Progress.
15. State Archive of the Penza region (SAPR). F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 512.
16. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 738.
17. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 627.
18. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 583.
19. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 600.
20. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 716.
21. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 739.
22. SAPR. F. R-2357. In. 1. Â. 751.

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Today, there is an increased interest in libraries in Russian society, which have turned into truly cultural and leisure centers before our eyes, where readers not only come to buy books, but also participate in various activities. Moreover, there is an active transformation of such internationally recognized libraries as the Russian State Library. At the same time, we note that the Soviet Union was also the most reading country in the world, and therefore it seems important to turn to the historical experience of the formation of the library system of the USSR. These circumstances determine the relevance of the article submitted for review, the subject of which is the centralization of the library network in the Penza region (the second half of the 1970s - early 1980s). The author sets out to analyze the process of preparing for the transition of libraries in the region to a centralized service system, to reveal the shortcomings in the activities of centralized library systems, to determine the results of the transition to centralization of librarianship. The work is based on the principles of analysis and synthesis, reliability, objectivity, the methodological basis of the research is the historical and genetic method, which, according to academician I.D. Kovalchenko, is based on "consistent disclosure of the properties, functions and changes of the studied reality in the process of its historical movement, which allows us to get as close as possible to reproducing the real history of the object", and its distinctive features are concreteness and descriptiveness. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the very formulation of the topic: the author seeks to characterize the process of centralization of the network of state mass libraries on the example of the Penza region. Scientific novelty is also determined by the involvement of archival materials. Considering the bibliographic list of the article as a positive point, its scale and versatility should be noted: in total, the list of references includes over 20 different sources and studies. The source base of the article is primarily represented by documents from the collections of the State Archive of the Penza region. Among the studies used, we will point to the works of A.I. Pashin, A.M. Mazuritsky, M.N. Glazkov, which focus on various aspects of library activities in the Soviet period. Note that the bibliography of the article is important both from a scientific and educational point of view: after reading the text of the article, readers can turn to other materials on its topic. In general, in our opinion, the integrated use of various sources and research contributed to the solution of the tasks facing the author. The style of writing the article can be attributed to a scientific one, at the same time accessible to understanding not only to specialists, but also to a wide readership, to everyone who is interested in both librarianship in general and the process of centralization of the library network in particular. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of the collected information received by the author during the work on the topic of the article. The structure of the work is characterized by a certain logic and consistency, it can be distinguished by an introduction, the main part, and conclusion. At the beginning, the author defines the relevance of the topic, shows that in the 1970s the USSR centralized the network of state mass libraries, "i.e. the unification of previously independent library institutions into a single system with a common book fund and staff, unified administrative and economic management, centralized acquisition and processing of literature, the allocation of central libraries and reorganization all others to its branches." The paper shows that despite the planned transition to the centralization of the library network, there were also disadvantages such as "the lack of a central consolidated catalog reflecting the fund of all branches, and a thematic and typological recruitment plan, which caused illiterate recruitment of branches of the system; there is no clear distribution of responsibilities of employees of the central library." In fact, as the author of the reviewed article notes, in 1980 in the Penza region "the centralization of librarianship was almost completed: 31 systems operated: 3 – city, 27 – district, 1 – trade union." The main conclusion of the article is that "the concentration of the same type of processes in the central library, due to the introduction of specialization in the field, freed up time for direct work with readers, made it possible to apply the practice of a differentiated approach more productively." The article submitted for review is devoted to an urgent topic, will arouse readers' interest, and its materials can be used both in lecture courses on the history of Russia and in various special courses. There are separate comments on the style of the article: for example, in conclusion, the author writes: "the centralization of state mass libraries carried out in the second half – early 1980s in order to improve their organizational and methodological management, optimize staff, and increase the efficiency of their activities." However, in general, in our opinion, the article can be recommended for publication in the journal Genesis: Historical Research.