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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Organization and methodology of psychological support of servicemen of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature.

Shchedilov Artem Vladimirovich

Graduate Student, Department of Military and Political Work of the National Guard Troops, Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

125047, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 14
Yudin Ivan Vladimirovich

PhD in Pedagogy

Instructor. Department of Military and Political Work of the National Guard Troops. Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

125047, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 14









Abstract: The authors consider the organization and methodology of psychological support of servicemen of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. The complex of psychological support measures is presented, which includes psychological study, in-depth psychological and psychophysiological examination of military personnel, measures to provide them with psychological assistance and psychological support in the process of military professional activity, as well as correction of impaired functional states. In accordance with the results obtained, a set of psychological support measures was developed and carried out with military personnel of a military unit performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature on the basis of one of the military units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation in four directions: 1. Psychological education of military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. 2. Psychohygiena and psychoprophylaxis when working with military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. 3. Psychological correction when working with military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. 4. Psychological counseling when working with military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. The organization of psychological support of servicemen of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, described in the program of psychological support had a constructive impact on the individual typological features of military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, as well as on the features of the spheres of personality, such as: value-semantic, cognitive, emotional-volitional, communicative. The measures carried out made it possible to reduce the level of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the degree of influence of a traumatic event, the consequences of traumatic stress. The number of servicemen who do not experience a traumatic event has increased, thoughts and images do not haunt. Physiological hyperactivation does not manifest itself, according to which, there is no negative impact on social, professional or other significant activity.


serviceman, combat missions, psychological diagnosis, psychological correction, psychological rehabilitation, psychological counseling, psychological education, psychological support, value and meaning sphere, emotional qualities

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The personnel of the units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation should always be ready to carry out effective and expedient professional activities in extreme situations. In this regard, the requirements for professional, service and physical training, as well as psychological support of personnel, are increasing. The specifics of the activity of military personnel of the armed forces consists in serving with weapons, constant readiness to prevent various kinds of emergencies, increased responsibility for the consequences of decisions taken and their implementation. The organization and development of new methods of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature is currently acquiring special importance and is very relevant.

Russian military psychologists A.G. Karayani [7], E.N. Priymak [8], I.V. Syromyatnikov [9] noted that an important part of the psychological support of military personnel is their psychological readiness to perform service and combat tasks, as well as the psychological stability of personnel, which implies constructive indicators in all areas personalities. Psychological support, according to the authors, should include all psychological measures, including in-depth diagnostics, tests on psychophysiology, personality questionnaires. It is necessary to develop and carry out psychological assistance measures: counseling, conversations on an individual basis, as well as apply psychological means of correction. All measures should be developed based on the personal and individual characteristics of military personnel.

N.S. Volkova in her research defines the purpose and objectives of psychological support for servicemen of the National Guard troops. The author notes that the main goal is the formation and further development of the readiness of military personnel to act professionally, competently and harmoniously in any difficult and unforeseen circumstances. The realization of this goal is possible through increasing stress tolerance, as well as through the development of the necessary psychological qualities, skills and abilities that will help a serviceman act in dangerous and difficult conditions [3].

Psychological support in the National Guard troops is organized and implemented both in a group and in an individual form in the directions shown in Figure 1[1].

Figure 1. Directions of psychological support for personnel

troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

To implement these areas, within the framework of regulatory requirements for psychological support in the National Guard troops, the following forms of work are used: psychological diagnostics, psychological education, psychohygiena and psychoprophylaxis, psychological correction, psychological counseling [2].

In order to develop a methodology for psychological support of military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, a study was organized and conducted on the basis of one of the military units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. The sample consisted of 50 military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature.

At the initial stage, an initial diagnosis was carried out to identify the individual typological characteristics of military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature.

First of all, criteria and indicators were identified: to determine the level of PTSD[1], the degree of intensity of combat experience, the degree of influence of a traumatic event and traumatic stress, as well as to determine the individual typological characteristics of military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. After that, methods and techniques for diagnosis were selected. The following research methods were used: observation, interviewing, testing, individual conversation, studying documents.

As a result of the selected criteria, indicators and diagnostic methods, a summary table 1 was compiled.

Table 1.

Criteria, indicators and methods of diagnosis of military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature





The value-semantic sphere

- commitment to humanistic norms;

- social activity / autonomy.

Personality test

R. Kettella.

Emotional and volitional sphere

- emotional stability;

- consistency of interests;

- reactions and behavior in case of failures, when achieving a goal;

- the level of self-control;

- the type of response to stressful situations;

- background and mood stability.

The communication sphere

- ease/ complexity / selectivity in

establishing contacts;

- behavior, manners in communication;

- initiation and provocation of conflicts;

- leadership / teamwork / dependence on the group;

Intensity of combat experience

- the degree of influence of objective factors of an extreme situation on the personality of the subject

The scale of assessment of the intensity of combat experience

Diagnosis of post-stress disorders

- the level of PTSD;

- the impact of a traumatic event;

- manifestation of states of avoidance of traumatic events, as well as the presence of maladjustment and stress;

Traumatic Stress Questionnaire

The degree of influence of the traumatic event

- the degree of experiencing a traumatic event;

- reaction to stimuli associated with trauma – general ability to respond;

-the presence of symptoms of increased excitability

Interview using the CAPS methodology (Scale of clinical diagnosis of PTSD)

Let's consider the results obtained by measuring the level of formation of the value-semantic sphere of military personnel performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, which are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Diagram of the level of formation of the value-semantic sphere of military personnel performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature in %

The majority of military personnel have a low level of development of value-semantic components. Values and meanings, to a greater extent, are aimed at satisfying one's own interests and personal well-being. At a time when the values of others are excluded in personal acceptance, which, in turn, leads to conflicts of interest, and, consequently, complicates interpersonal interaction and entails maladaptation, both personal and social. Autonomy, selfishness, selfishness, self-interest are manifested. Such servicemen are prone to violating norms and rules, inability and unwillingness to comply with orders and orders, they find it extremely difficult to tolerate any external restrictions on behavior. Selfish needs and interests prevent the assimilation and implementation of a socially regulated system of knowledge, skills, norms and rules of behavior, communication. It was these indicators that determined the need to include in the program of psychological support activities aimed at making military personnel aware of their goals, as well as motives, ways to solve the problem, and achieve positive results. In addition, a negative point is the low level of commitment to humanistic norms, which negatively affects the implementation of reflection in solving service and combat tasks [10].

According to the results of the analysis of personal factors reflecting the peculiarities of the emotional-volitional sphere, reduced self-control is manifested not only when expressing one's own emotions, but also during volitional processes. It is difficult for such servicemen to restrain their own negative behavior and negative reactions. They cannot cope with the feeling of anxiety, being in constant tension and a state of internal conflict. It is difficult for such servicemen to plan and organize their own activities and time, which leads to incompleteness in the performance of service and combat tasks or difficulties in their performance. In addition, the high level of tension found in the majority of military personnel in the presented sample (see Figure 3) can also negatively affect the performance of service and combat missions.

Figure 3. Diagram of the level of formation of the emotional and volitional sphere of military personnel performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature in %

Military personnel, being in a tense state, cannot concentrate on activities, on performing service and combat tasks, because they are in a state of constant anxiety. The pragmatism of thinking, as a rule, decreases in this state. The state of anxiety, increased excitability and restlessness that occur in a state of tension negatively affect the overall emotional state.

The analysis of the peculiarities of the communicative sphere revealed a low level of development of communicative qualities in the majority of military personnel (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Diagram of the level of formation of the communicative sphere of military personnel performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature in %

Such indicators may indicate that military personnel do not show openness and goodwill in contacts, do not want to unconditionally obey the requirements. It has been established that military personnel can show negative reactions, unpredictability and rebelliousness in response to orders and orders that do not correspond to their internal interests. With a reduced level of goodwill, military personnel may express negative opinions, may refuse to obey, express aggression or protest requests and orders.

The analysis of the results of individual typological characteristics and spheres of personality allowed us to determine that the majority of military personnel performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature have a predominance of personal needs, interests, an orientation towards satisfying selfish values, which leads to conflicts, maladaptation. Many military personnel are unable to build constructive ways of interaction, show empathy and tolerance to others, which disrupts the process of joint activities. In interpersonal contacts, such servicemen are arrogant, ambitious, and sensitive to criticism.

Marginal orientation is expressed in a tendency to obey circumstances and impulsive behavior. Military personnel, having emotional and volitional problems, experience discomfort when installing communications. As a rule, such military personnel are socially passive, their motivation is external, being unconscious and unstable, or generally has a negative orientation. The value sphere is usually violated, such military personnel are focused on personal or selfish interests, neglecting the values of the group. Self-control in such military personnel is reduced, coordination of their own emotions and reactions is often difficult. Violations in self-awareness can lead to inadequate self-esteem and a level of pretension.

Special attention, when considering the result obtained, was paid to the command staff, since negative manifestations on their part can have more destructive consequences not only for themselves, but also for subordinate personnel. At the same time, the fulfillment of tasks requiring initiative and independence from them [5] is put at risk of failure, or is associated with an inadequate solution method.

Based on the results obtained above, the following were considered: the level of PTSD, the degree of influence of a traumatic event and the consequences of traumatic stress.

According to the results of the CAPS Scale (Scale of Clinical Diagnosis of PTSD), it should be noted that most military personnel have a high degree of post-stress disorders (see table 2).

Table 2.

Results of clinical diagnosis of PTSD

Manifestations of PTSD

Severity level in %




The general level of PTSD




A constantly recurring experience of a traumatic event




Avoiding irritants associated with trauma




Persistent symptoms of increased excitability




Experiences about a traumatic event are constantly repeated, haunted, so the soldier cannot let go of thoughts, tries to avoid stimuli associated with trauma, or blocks thoughts. There are persistent symptoms of increased excitability. More than half of the surveyed military personnel show the degree of influence of a traumatic event. Military personnel who have experienced stress, trauma associated with an event (death, injury), are overcome by a feeling of fear, horror, and, sometimes, helplessness and awareness of their own inferiority. A soldier constantly recalls a traumatic event, which is accompanied by images, thoughts, perceptions, associations, dreams, premonitions. Things, images can remind a serviceman of an experienced event, which causes physiological and psychological reactions, according to which, the serviceman tries in every possible way to avoid such memories, including a defensive reaction, which leads to a decrease in the overall reactivity of the body, to a violation of social, professional or other significant activities. The serviceman has persistent symptoms of physiological hyperactivity (not present before the injury): insomnia, irritability, anger, problems with concentration, etc.

In accordance with the results obtained, a set of psychological support measures was developed and carried out with military personnel of a military unit performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature on the basis of one of the military units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Psychological support activities were conducted in four directions:

1. Psychological education of military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. Psychological education of military personnel was conducted through lectures or group conversations, the purpose of which was to provide information about self-control skills, adaptation under certain conditions. As part of psychological education, information was provided about possible reactions to stress, reactions to traumatic events, which allowed emotional preparation for unexpected situations.

2. Psychohygiena and psychoprophylaxis when working with military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. Within the framework of this direction, classes were held with commanders to teach them visual diagnostic methods and rules of conversation. Information was provided on the signs of maladjustment, anxiety and hypochondriacal states, neuropsychic tension, and stress. A memo on the signs of certain conditions was prepared and distributed. In addition, classes were held with military personnel to teach them self-regulation, self-examination of their own emotional and mental state [12].

3. Psychological correction when working with military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. Trainings of various directions were conducted, such as: on group cohesion, on the development of communicative qualities, on the development of the motivational sphere [4].

4. Psychological counseling when working with military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. According to personal requests and on an individual basis, the following models of counseling were implemented: behavioral, personality-centered, personality-oriented, directive counseling, short-term positive counseling, extreme counseling [11].

As a result of repeated (control) psychological diagnostics of military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, results reflecting positive changes were obtained (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Diagram of changes in the level of formation of personality spheres and manifestations of PTSD in military personnel performing service and combat tasks of an extreme nature in %

There are more military personnel focused on humanistic norms, values are consciously determined by the high-quality performance of service and combat tasks and the achievement of a positive result. Such military personnel are focused on public interests, accept the rules of the group, using reflection, easily adapt to the group, and are focused on compliance with rules, norms, and regulations. The number of military personnel with a high level of emotional stability, an even positive mood background, constancy of interests, formed self-control, balance in case of failures, perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, restraint in non-standard situations has increased. There have also been changes in the communication sphere – the number of military personnel who show openness, ease of communication, kindness, responsiveness, gentleness, empathy has increased. The number of military personnel who do not experience a traumatic event has increased, thoughts and images do not haunt. Physiological hyperactivation does not manifest itself, according to which, there is no negative impact on social, professional or other significant activities.

Thus, the organization and methodology of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, described in the program of psychological support, had a constructive impact on the individual typological characteristics of military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, as well as on the characteristics of personality spheres, such as:semantic, cognitive, emotional-volitional, communicative. It also helped to reduce the level of PTSD, the degree of influence of a traumatic event, and the consequences of traumatic stress.

[1]Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that develops as a result of a powerful traumatic impact of a threatening or catastrophic nature, accompanied by extreme stress, the main clinical manifestations are repeated experiences of elements of a traumatic event in a "here and now" situation in the form of flashbacks, recurring dreams and nightmares, which is accompanied more often by anxiety and panic, but It is also possible by anger, anger, guilt or hopelessness, the desire to avoid internal and external stimuli that resemble or are associated with a stressor.

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2. Akhmetshin, A.R., & Yudin, I.V. (2022). Normative-legal aspects of the organization of the work of officials of the military-political (political) bodies of the military unit (organization) of the Rosgvardia to improve the system of organization of psychological work. In the collection: Actual issues of service and combat activity of the National Guard troops in ensuring state security of the Russian Federation. collection of scientific articles I Interdepartmental scientific-practical conference, 257-263. Novosibirsk.
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5. Denikin, A.V., Yudin, I.V., & Fedak, E.I. (2016). Justification of the levels of autonomy manifestation by officers of internal troops units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in solving service or service and combat tasks. Scientific Research and Education, 21, 71-73.
6. Eremchev, P.A., & Yudin, I.V. (2021). Features of pedagogical design of information-psychological impact materials in social media. In the collection: Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces: prospects of science and technology development. collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. Perm Military Institute of National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation, 134-139. Perm.
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11. Schedilov, A.V., & Yudin, I.V. (2022). Improving the work of the psychologist of the military unit of the Rosgvardia to provide psychological assistance to personnel arriving from the area of special military operation In the collection: Problems of psychological work and professional training of psychologists of power structures in the conditions of digitalization of society. All-Russian scientific-practical conference: collection of scientific papers, 8, 296-300.
12. Yudin, I.V., & Akhmetshin, A.R. (2022). Modern practice of activity of officials of military-political bodies of military unit (organization) of Rosgvardia on improving the system of organization of psychological work. In collection: Actual problems of development of military-political work at the present stage. collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference, 164-169.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The text submitted for review reflects important and necessary work aimed at improving the psychological state of military personnel who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. The attention of various specialists has long been drawn to this topic, since participation in hostilities is naturally accompanied by mental stress of military personnel and long-term consequences of a personal and socially stressful nature. Russian Russians, for example, published the first article on this topic during the Russo-Japanese War, which was called "On the behavior of Russian soldiers on the eve of the battle of Liaoyang." Nevertheless, it is in this article that the relevance of the study is unconvincingly justified. The author simply points out that the organization and development of new methods of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature is currently acquiring special importance and is very relevant. But why is the emphasis on the National Guard? And why is the title focused on service and combat tasks of an extreme nature? When substantiating the relevance, this is only stated. Although service and combat missions are always extreme in their content. It seems that the author combines staff terminology and scientific terminology in the text. These are different things and the material should be presented on the merits of the subject of the study. But there is no formulation of the subject of the study in the text. Therefore, the material is perceived as non-objective and resembles a report on the work done. There is no information about the scientific novelty of this study. Although the analysis of literature data allows us to formulate the concept of scientific novelty. Apparently, this caused difficulty because there is no clarity with the subject of the study. And scientific novelty is directly related to the subject of the study. It is noted that in order to develop a methodology for psychological support of military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, a study was organized and conducted on the basis of one of the military units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. That is, the goal is designated as the development of a methodology. But the text does not contain the methodology developed by the author. Only a set of measures is proposed, which is indirectly related to the methodology of psychological support. The fact is that a considerable number of such events have been proposed before by other authors. So in this article, Figure 1 shows the directions of such work, which, in essence, represent a set of measures. That is, there is a clear lack of understanding of the scientific novelty of this particular study. The style of presentation is reporting. This is how research reports are written. It is necessary to change the style of presentation to scientific-research and critical-analytical in order to reveal the existing shortcomings and propose a methodology to improve the psychological support of military personnel. The structure of the work partially corresponds to the logical requirements that a scientific article should meet. For example, the methodology (theory, concept or principles) on the basis of which the study was carried out is not presented. In this case, the army's approach to presenting the material, when the sequence of work is clearly and clearly stated, is not entirely appropriate. It is quite suitable for a research report, but a scientific article is not a report. The content of the work indicates its two-stage nature, when the psychological conditions of the servicemen were first identified, and then, at the end of the complex of psychological support measures, indicators of the improved psychological state of the examined persons were determined. This is correct from an organizational and methodological point of view. It is only necessary to quantify these indicators before and after and present the criteria for the reliability of differences before and after in the tables. When a method of psychological support is proposed, it is important to show the effectiveness of each of its activities. In this case, psychological support activities were conducted in four directions. Each of these directions is quite appropriate and does not cause any doubts. But these directions were known before. The author called their totality a methodology and this is his right, since the methodology is a set of measures. And one can only agree, but on condition that the author has developed and justified this complex taking into account the effectiveness of each event (psychohygiena, counseling, etc.). In this case, the measures are not developed, but selected. Although the purpose of the study is indicated as the development of activities. Despite the critical nature of the review, it should be noted that the author still received very interesting and useful data. In particular, he found that as a result of the application of this set of measures in practice, there are more military personnel focused on humanistic norms, values are consciously determined by the high-quality performance of service and combat tasks and the achievement of a positive result. Such military personnel began to focus more on public interests, accept the rules of the group, using reflection. It became easier for them to adapt to the group, to focus on compliance with rules, norms and regulations. The number of military personnel with a high level of emotional stability, an even positive mood background, constancy of interests, formed self-control, balance in case of failures, perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, restraint in non-standard situations has increased. There have also been changes in the communication sphere – the number of military personnel who show openness, ease of communication, kindness, responsiveness, gentleness, empathy has increased. The number of military personnel who do not experience a traumatic event has increased, thoughts and images do not haunt. Physiological hyperactivation does not manifest itself, according to which, there is no negative impact on social, professional or other significant activities. The results obtained by the author are very important and they need to be implemented in the practice of psychological support for military personnel who took part in hostilities. This is also noted in the conclusion, with which one can only agree. The bibliographic list consists of literary sources on the research topic. Taking into account the social significance of this article, it can be recommended for publication in a scientific journal, provided that the text is finalized.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The work "Organization and methodology of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The importance of the topic is undeniable. Currently, the requirements are increasing not only for professional, service and physical training, but also for psychological support of personnel. This becomes most important in relation to military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, who perform service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. Therefore, the article highlights the consideration of the organization and methodology of their psychological support as a subject. The research methodology is determined by its relevance, as well as the set goals and objectives. The author pays special attention to the works of Russian military psychologists. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that it is important to ensure the organization and development of new methods of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. The scientific novelty of the research. The conducted research allowed: - to systematize the main approaches of psychological support of personnel who work in extreme conditions; - to identify and describe criteria, indicators and methods of diagnosis of military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature, as well as to conduct a diagnostic examination on a significant sample; - to develop and carry out a set of psychological support measures for this category of respondents. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work can be traced intuitively, the author has not highlighted the main semantic parts. The work begins with a brief introduction, in which the main problem was highlighted. The author notes that it is important to organize and develop new methods of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. Currently, the personnel must be ready to carry out effective and expedient professional activities. However, there is a shortage of theoretical and practical research. The second section provides an analysis of the studies that address the problem raised. The author described the results of the work of I.V. Syromyatnikov, N.S. Volkova, A.G. Karayani, E.N. Priymak and others. The researchers presented the content of psychological support and psychological assistance, the goals and objectives of psychological support for servicemen of the National Guard troops. Special attention is paid to the identification and description of the main directions. The author indicated the following: - research of individual psychological characteristics; - the study of socio-psychological processes and the rating of the management staff; - psychological prevention of destructive behaviors; - the work of a psychologist to ensure combat service; - work on psychological education. The main forms of work within the framework of psychological support in the National Guard troops are: psychological diagnostics, psychological education, psychohygiena and psychoprophylaxis, psychological correction, psychological counseling. The main section contains a description of the research conducted in order to develop a methodology for psychological support of military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation who work in extreme conditions. The respondents were 50 military personnel. The results obtained are presented in the form of figures and tables, as well as their description. The author pays special attention to the level of formation of the value-semantic, emotional-volitional, communicative sphere of military personnel who perform service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. Most of them have a high degree of post-stress disorders. The next section is devoted to the description of the areas of psychological support measures: psychological support, psychohygiena and psychoprophylaxis, psychological correction and psychological counseling. In conclusion, the results are presented, which were obtained after carrying out a set of psychological support measures with military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. The analysis of the data allowed us to note the presence of positive dynamics of the main indicators in accordance with the selected criteria. In conclusion, a brief conclusion is formulated. The author noted the effectiveness of the work carried out, and also specified the phenomenon of "post-traumatic stress disorder". Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 12 domestic sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, the bibliography contains textbooks and methodological recommendations. The sources are designed, in general, not correctly and not uniformly. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - to highlight the scientific novelty and the author's contribution to the solution of the highlighted problem; - to expand the bibliographic list and theoretical analysis by presenting a more complete analysis of modern research; - to describe in more detail the complex of psychological support measures carried out with military personnel of a military unit who performed service and combat tasks of an extreme nature; - it is important to correct the bibliographic list in accordance with with the requirements. Conclusions. The problems of the article are characterized by undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of psychological support for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, who perform service and combat tasks of an extreme nature. The article can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.