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Special vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work in the stratification aspect

Mezit Anna Eduardovna

ORCID: 0000-0001-5166-6986

PhD in Philology

Associate Professor, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Siberian Federal University

660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, 82a Svobodny Ave., office 3-29

Kattsina Tatyana Anatolevna

Doctor of History

Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Social Work, Siberian Federal University

660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny str., 79










Abstract: The article examines the vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work from the standpoint of stratification terminology, identifies and characterizes the varieties of terminological vocabulary, as well as special names functioning in the lower case of the sublanguage. The object of the study is the sublanguage of social work employees. The subject of the study is the lexical composition of a special sublanguage of social work. The following methods were used in the course of the study: the method of selective receipt of special texts, the sociolinguistic method, the functional-semantic method and the method of linguistic description. The author considers the studied vocabulary from the standpoint of genesis, formal-structural criterion, motivation, on the basis of correlation with logical categories. The results of the study identified stratification categories of special vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work, carried out the classification of special units by genesis, from the standpoint of formal structural criteria, on the basis of motivation and correlation with logical categories. It is revealed that the key functions of the special vocabulary in the studied sublanguage are nominative and cognitive. In the course of the research, the conclusion is made about the "maturity" of the special vocabulary of the sublanguage of social work and its high linguistic informativeness. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time (within the framework of the problems of modern linguistics) a comprehensive analysis of the vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of special work was carried out, stratification categories of professional vocabulary of the sublanguage of social work were identified.


sublanguage, special vocabulary, typology of special vocabulary, categories of special vocabulary, term, professional jargon, eponym, motivation, professional discourse, terminology

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For half a century, linguists have studied the specialized vocabulary of various sublanguages in the context of history, onomasiology, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, field theory and other scientific approaches [3, 12, 15-16, 21].

The study of the vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work is relevant and important. This is due to the fact that this sublanguage contains a number of specific terms and words that are used by professionals in the field of social work to denote concepts, methods and processes related to working with clients and providing social assistance. Studying the lexical composition of the sublanguage of social work makes it possible to understand the peculiarities of communication in this area, as well as to identify specific trends and changes that occur over time. All this is of practical importance for professionals in the field of social work (social worker, teacher, pension service specialist, migration service specialist, juvenile affairs inspector, gerontologist), as it helps them to better understand and use special terminology in their work, as well as contributes to the development and improvement of vocational education and practice in this area.

Social work is an integral part of modern society and plays an important role in supporting and developing social programs aimed at improving the lives of the population. In modern Russia, social work is of high importance, given the difficulties faced by various groups of the population, such as migrants, the homeless, people with disabilities and other vulnerable categories. Social workers perform important functions related to the provision of psychological, material and legal assistance, the elimination of social isolation and support for the social integration of these groups. Social work is also a sought-after profession in the world, especially in developing countries where there are serious social problems such as poverty, violence, child labor exploitation and other forms of social inequality. Social workers from international organizations and non-governmental organizations play a key role in combating these problems by developing and implementing strategies to protect and improve the lives of the most vulnerable groups of the population. They help to promote the development of civil society by providing access to basic services such as education, health and social protection, and contributing to efforts to achieve sustainable development. Giving priority to social competence and empathy, social work has become a necessary component for solving complex social problems in the modern world.

The objectives of this article include the consideration of the special vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work in the stratification aspect, as well as the demonstration of its linguistic informativeness. The special vocabulary of this important branch of society had previously become the object of attention of linguists [1, 4, 10], however, in the stratification aspect, the vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work has not been studied. The subject of the study is the lexical composition of a special sublanguage of social work. Russian Russian sublanguage The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of special work was carried out, the stratification categories of the professional vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work were identified.

The sources of this study are data from dictionaries [5, 13, 17]; GOST standards [6-9]; as well as information obtained as a result of structured interviews with employees of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Department of Social Protection of the Administration of the Kirovsky district of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

To study the lexical features of the sublanguage of social work employees, the following methods were used: selective receipt of special texts, sociolinguistic interviewing; functional-semantic method and the method of linguistic description.

In order to identify the terminological apparatus of the study, we present the definitions of the leading linguists of the terms "professional vocabulary" and "special vocabulary". L. Hoffman argues that "professional vocabulary is the totality of all linguistic means used in a particular professional field" [22, p. 51]. L. N. Lubozheva believes that the use of the term "professional vocabulary" is "more adequate in relation to lexical units characterizing various branches of science, production and labor activity" [14, p. 213]. The dictionary of linguistic terms describes professional vocabulary as "the vocabulary peculiar to a given professional group, used in the speech of people united by a common profession" [19, p. 396].

A.V. Superanskaya believes that "special vocabulary always belongs to some special sphere of human activity" [20, p. 43]. Z. I. Komarova calls special vocabulary the whole set of "lexical means, except for national and general scientific ones, used in special fields of human activity: science, technology, industrial production, agriculture, art, culture, sports, etc." [11, p. 6].

By the special vocabulary of the sublanguage of social work, we mean a set of names of professional concepts and ideas. 

The special vocabulary of the sublanguage of social work is characterized by a great stratification diversity.

The main semiotic units of the upper case of the language for special purposes are terms. Without them, the existence of scientific theories that influence the development of such a field of scientific knowledge as social work is impossible. With the help of terms, scientific concepts are fixed and information is transmitted: a social service worker; social rehabilitation; custody.

Another kind of terminological vocabulary is preterminal or linguistic signs that do not meet one of the main requirements for special nominations – the requirement of brevity and expressive neutrality: independent life for people with disabilities; social service of religious organizations; average life expectancy; individual rehabilitation and habilitation program.

A pretermin that has not been replaced and has been used for a long time to denote a special concept is called a quasi-term.This category of special vocabulary includes the following names: a social rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with mental and physical disabilities; a social assistance institution for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation; a minor in a socially dangerous situation. Quasi-terms are fixed by GOST as codified units [7].

A term that has penetrated into the national language without changing the scope of meaning is called a determinant. In the national language, the determinant denotes only general ideas, not scientific concepts, such words are: refugee; disabled person; social adaptation; unemployed, and many others.

Another group of special vocabulary is formed by eponyms, that is, terms that, on the one hand, contain a proper name in their composition, and on the other hand, denote serial objects that are made in the same image many times: Fordism; social Darwinism; Gini coefficient; Janus effect, etc.

Eponyms are terms that carry not only semantic information, but also have deep historical and cultural roots associated with certain personalities or places. The use of associative eponyms contributes to more effective memorization and understanding of scientific information, causes an emotional reaction among specialists associated with the names of outstanding scientists or places where important scientific discoveries have occurred, helps to assimilate complex concepts and ideas, as well as simplify communication and knowledge exchange between specialists in various scientific fields. For example, the Gutman scale is one of the three main types of scales for measuring attitude, named after the developer N. Gutman [2]; Parkinson's disease is tremulous paralysis, a chronic progressive disease that usually develops between the ages of 45 and 70 years, named after the English physician J. Rarkinson (J.Parkinson), who described the disease in 1817 [18].

The lower case of the sublanguage is formed by informal units that are used in the oral informal speech of industry workers. For example, professionalisms are special names that have a neutral or stylistically colored shade and are most often used by specialists when discussing professional topics:  ipsushka – an individual program for the provision of social services; urgent – urgent social service, household – social service; bepashnik - recipient of social services free of charge; payer – recipient of social services on a paid basis; partial – recipient of social services for a partial fee; federal – categories of citizens, providing them with benefits and social support measures it is carried out on the basis of federal laws; supplier – a provider of social services; employee – a recipient of social services. 

The expressively colored special names of the social work industry include professional jargon:sopovtsy – families who were in a socially dangerous situation; carcass - the territorial department of the Ministry of Social Development.                                            

As part of the professional jargon vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work, interjargonisms have also been identified, which function in a special meaning in two or more group and professional jargons: inter–agency - interdepartmental interaction, addendum – additional agreement to the contract, brick – seal.

The considered stratification categories of the special vocabulary of the branch of social work form two large groups according to their genesis: the original special names of common Slavic, East Slavic and actually Russian origin: guardianship (with others-Russian. pekusya "I care"); vision (from the st.-sl. yaz. prefect. derived from the vision "to watch, to observe"); borrowed from other languages: immigrant (from Latin. immigrant); drug addiction (from Greek. narcomania from Greek. narke – sleep, stupor and mania – passion); dementia (from Latin. dementia).

According to the formal structural criterion, the special vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work is divided into one–word – patronage; shelter; gerontophobia; two–word - physical violence; orphanages; nuclear family; Down syndrome and verbose names - boarding house with nursing care; guardianship and guardianship authorities; social service of religious organizations. Characteristic phenomena in the formal structure of the special vocabulary of the sublanguage under study are the truncation of one–word terms and the abbreviation of multi–word terms: HIA - limited health opportunities; ITU – medical and social expertise; DIPI - boarding houses for the elderly and disabled. Such abbreviations help to save space and time in written and oral communication, speeding up the transfer of information and facilitating communication between specialists in the field of social work.

According to the classification feature of motivation, names with a transparent internal form are distinguished in the terminological vocabulary of the studied sublanguage: unemployed; bibliotherapy; self-sufficiency; occupational therapy, etc. Their lexical meaning consists of the meaning of the elements of their structure: disability < not capable of work, many lexical units formed in a semantic way are partially motivated: consumer basket; helpline; third age, etc. The terms aberration; deprivation; subsidiarity, etc. can be called unmotivated.

The terminological vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work is divided into the following groups according to the classification feature of the relationship with logical categories:

1) social service worker: psychosocial therapist; juvenile affairs inspector; gerontologist, etc.;

2) clients of the social service: a refugee; unemployed, neglected, a citizen who has been prosecuted; an elderly citizen, etc.;

3) phenomena: guardianship; homelessness; aging, etc.;

4) processes: psychotherapy; rehabilitation; hippoteration; readaptation, etc.;

5) principles of: social participation; social efficiency; social partnership; state responsibility; connection of legal and ethical regulation, etc.;

6) services: social and legal patronage; financial assistance; psychological counseling; psychodiagnostics and personality examination; psychoprophylactic and psychological work, etc.;

7) qualities: long-term / massive / hidden / technical / partial (unemployment), nuclear / binuclear / multigenerational / incomplete (family), etc.;

8) places: boarding house with nursing care; neuropsychiatric boarding school; gerontological center; social hotel, etc.

Thus, the classification of special vocabulary in the sublanguage under study indicates that the theory and practice of social work are interdisciplinary and anthropologically oriented in nature. The study shows that there are many specialized terms in the field of social work, which vary in style and complexity. This suggests that this area of the language is quite developed. Further study of the dictionary of a specialized language will allow you to learn more about its motivation, conceptualization and categorization of professional knowledge, as well as about the professional language picture of the world.

1. Bolshak, A.V. (2005). Functional and semantic foundations of social work terminology: based on the material of English and Russian languages. Thesis of the Candidate of Philological Sciences. Krasnodar.
2. The Great psychological Encyclopedia. [Digital source]. Retrieved from https://psychology.academic.ru
3. Borkhvaldt, O. V. (2000). Vocabulary of the gold industry in the aspect of historical terminology of the Russian language. Thesis of the Doctor of Philological Sciences. Krasnoyarsk.
4. Bursina, O. A. (2014). Terminology of social work: structure, semantics and functioning: based on the material of English-language literature for social workers. Thesis of the Candidate of Philological Sciences. St. Petersburg.
5Glossary of social work. (2008). Moscow.
6. GOST R 52143 Social service of the population. The main types of social services. [Digital source]. Retrieved from https://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200107237
7. GOST R 52495 Social service of the population. [Digital source]. Retrieved from https://legalacts.ru/doc/gost-r-52495-2005-natsionalnyi-standart-rossiiskoi-federatsii
8. GOST R 52884 Social services of the population. The procedure and conditions for the provision of social services to elderly and disabled citizens. [Digital source]. Retrieved from https://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200061326
9. GOST R 57760 Social services of the population. Communicative rehabilitation services for citizens with disabilities. [Digital source]. Retrieved from https://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200156935
10. Zhigunova, Zh. G. (2003) English terminology of social work in diachrony and synchrony. Thesis of the Candidate of Philological Sciences. Omsk.
11. Komarova, Z. I. (1991) Semantic structure of a special word and its lexicographic description. Sverdlovsk.
12. Korovushkin, V. P. (2005) Fundamentals of contrastive sociolectology. Thesis of the Doctor of Philological Sciences. Pyatigorsk.
13The lexicon of social work. (2001). Vologdà.
14. Lubozheva, L. N. (2008) "Professional" or "terminological" vocabulary. Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. Socio-economic and legal studies, 1, 210-213.
15. Mamaeva, T. V. (2012) Sublanguage of hunting in the XIX – early XX centuries in the light of field theory. Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev, 3, 250-254.
16. Mezit, A. E. (2018). Sublanguage and professional linguistic picture of the world of employees of the hydropower industry (functional and lexicographic aspects). Thesis of the Candidate of Philological Sciences. Krasnoyarsk.
17. Basic terms and concepts in the field of training "Social work". Thesaurus dictionary. (2019). Ìoscow.
18. Psychological Encyclopedia. [Digital source]. Retrieved from https://vocabulary.ru/termin/parkinsona-bolezn.html
19. Rosenthal, D. E., & Telenkova, M. A. (2003). Handbook of the Russian language. Dictionary of linguistic terms. Moscow.
20. Superanskaya, A.V., Podolskaya, N. V., Vasilyeva, N. V. (1989). General terminology: questions of theory. Moscow.
21. Felde, O. V. (2013) Languages for special purposes in the historical and linguistic aspect. Bulletin of the Buryat University, 10, 50-55.
22. Hoffmann, L. (1976). Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache: Eine Einfuhrung. Berlin.

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The main issue that is being investigated in the peer–reviewed article is the special vocabulary of the sublanguage of social work. In my opinion, the level assessment of the language system is quite productive and conceptual at the moment. Therefore, the material has a proper novelty, it is relevant and will be of interest to both professionals and those who are just beginning to actively study the variations of the natural sign system. Actually, this is what the author notes at the beginning of his work, "the study of the vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work is relevant and important. This is due to the fact that this sublanguage contains a number of specific terms and words that are used by professionals in the field of social work to denote concepts, methods and processes related to working with clients and providing social assistance. The study of the lexical composition of the sublanguage of social work makes it possible to understand the peculiarities of communication in this area, as well as to identify specific trends and changes that occur over time." A variant methodological approach to the study of specialized vocabulary raises it to the proper level, supports the so-called scientific novelty of the work. The text has a well-formed appearance, the structure tends to be scientific research proper, even without fragmentation into parts, the material is perceived as consistent, logical. The practical orientation of the article is also noteworthy: "all this is of practical importance for professionals in the field of social work (social worker, teacher, pension service specialist, migration service specialist, juvenile affairs inspector, gerontologist), because it helps them better understand and use special terminology in their work, as well as contributes to the development and improvement of professional education and practice in this field." I note that the material can be productively used further, in the expansion mode of the specified problem. The tasks and the subject of the study are stated objectively, accurately, the author thus prepares the reader for a serious dialogue. The style of work is commensurate with the scientific type, the deliberate use of terms, concepts, and necessary categories does not make it difficult to perceive the text in the right direction. The standard of citations introduced into the work is correct: "in order to identify the terminological apparatus of the study, we will give definitions of the leading linguists of the terms "professional vocabulary" and "special vocabulary". L. Hoffman argues that "professional vocabulary is the totality of all linguistic means used in a specific professional field." L.N. Lubozheva believes that the use of the term "professional vocabulary"is more adequate in relation to the lexical units characterizing various branches of science, production and labor activity." The dictionary of linguistic terms describes professional vocabulary as "the vocabulary peculiar to a given professional group, used in the speech of people united by a common profession." The main block of professional terms is frequent (and this is not bad), the focus on social work is maintained in an illustrative mode. The methodology of the stratification type allows the author to assert that "the terminological vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work is divided into the following groups according to the classification feature of the relationship with logical categories: 1) social service worker: psychosocial therapist; juvenile affairs inspector; gerontologist, etc.; 2) social service clients: refugee; unemployed, neglected, citizen prosecuted; elderly citizen, etc.; 3) phenomena: guardianship; homelessness; aging, etc.; 4) processes: psychotherapy rehabilitation; hippoteration; readaptation, etc.; 5) principles of: social participation; social efficiency; social partnership; state responsibility; connection of legal and ethical regulation, etc.; 6) services: social and legal patronage; financial assistance; psychological counseling; psychodiagnostics and personality examination; psychoprophylactic and psychological work, etc.; 7) qualities: long-term / mass / hidden / technical / partial (unemployment), nuclear / binuclear / multigenerational / incomplete (family), etc.; 8) places: boarding house with nursing care; neuropsychiatric boarding school; gerontological center; social hotel, etc.". To complicate and expand this work, it would be possible to introduce a complex review of critical literature, which would allow us to fully assess the importance of such research (if the author succeeds, it will be good). The conclusions of the text are in tune with the main block, and the perspective being drawn, in my opinion, is a reserve for the future: "the classification of special vocabulary in the sublanguage under study indicates that the theory and practice of social work are interdisciplinary and anthropocentric in nature. The study shows that there are many specialized terms in the field of social work, which vary in style and complexity. This suggests that this area of the language is quite developed. Further study of the dictionary of a specialized language will allow you to learn more about its motivation, conceptualization and categorization of professional knowledge, as well as about the professional language picture of the world." The basic requirements of the publication have been met, the list of sources is complete, the research tasks have been solved. I believe that the reviewed article "Special vocabulary of the Russian sublanguage of social work in the stratification aspect" can be recommended for publication in the journal "Litera".