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Pedagogy and education

Preparation of pedagogical university students for professional activity in additional education.

Pasholikov Mikhail Sergeevich

Senior Educator; Department of State, Municipal and Social Administration; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

191186, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Chernyakhovsky str., 2

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Abstract: Additional education has long been an integral part of the educational environment. Painting, sports, robotics and other areas make a significant contribution to the development of personality, while teachers play a key role in this process. Education and teaching go hand in hand, which makes it important to invest in the training and professional development of teachers. Today, teachers need various knowledge, skills and abilities to create lesson plans, organize training, work with the administration and interact with parents. Based on the analysis of modern literature and practical experience of the functioning of institutions of children's additional education, the author defines a set of competencies that allow teachers to make a significant contribution to the success of students, and therefore can be taken into account when designing the main professional educational programs of higher education as the results of their development. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of updating the content of teacher training in the context of the interaction of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. The concept of training pedagogical personnel for the education system for the period up to 2030, methodological recommendations for the training of pedagogical personnel for bachelor's degree programs based on unified approaches to their structure and content ("Core of higher pedagogical education"), professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that on the basis of concretization of scientific ideas about the content of professional training of students of pedagogical vocation, a set of requirements for its results is proposed, clarified taking into account the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the system of additional education. The article offers recommendations that allow future teachers to prepare for a career in additional education. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in updating the content of the training of students of pedagogical specialties, compiling textbooks and workshops on the pedagogy of additional education.


additional education of children, professional training of teachers, teacher of additional education, interaction, pedagogical university, key skills, critical thinking, functional literacy, cooperation, professional competence

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In the modern educational space, the role of additional education for children is becoming increasingly important. This is due not only to the expansion of the range of interests of students, but also to the emergence of new needs in society. The interest of schoolchildren in mastering the profession of a teacher is also connected with the development of this sphere of education.

The control figures for admission to pedagogical specialties have increased by 21 percent since 2019 and have remained approximately at the same level for the past three years. Such data were brought to the Ministry of Education of Russia. According to the ministry, the number of applications submitted for pedagogical directions in 2023 increased by 17 percent compared to last year - up to 905 thousand.

There are 33 pedagogical universities, classical type universities (including 54 universities with training of specialists in pedagogical professions), 400 pedagogical colleges and 600,000 students studying in them on the territory of Russia.

According to open sources, 57 programs are being implemented in 87 universities, one way or another related to the training of specialists for the system of children's additional education.  As a rule, these are two-profile bachelor's degree programs: music education and additional education, additional education and educational work, art culture and additional education, social studies and additional education, Russian language and additional education.

A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University implements bachelor's and master's degree educational programs, one way or another focused on training specialists to work in the system of additional education: "Program management in the system of additional education", "Additional education (educational work), "Physics. High-tech technologies (additional education)", "Ethno-cultural education, Additional education of children").

Within the framework of the implemented basic educational programs, separate modules are attached to students for study, subject-thematically reflecting the content of the activities of specialists in the system of additional education:

  • module "Additional education", containing the disciplines "Preparation for the work of a counselor in a children's health camp", "Organization of additional education", "Career guidance work with schoolchildren", "Industrial practice (summer)"
  • the module "System of additional education", containing the disciplines "Modern additional education", "Legal foundations of additional education", "Professional standard of a teacher of additional education", Industrial practice (summer).

The works of many authors are devoted to the problems of personnel training for the children's supplementary system (O. Y. Yelkina [2], O. L., Zhuk [3], N. M. Ichetovkina []4, E.V. Egorova [5], A. P. Panfilov [5], E. A. Moskovtsev [6], V. V. Smolyar [15], E. V.Sokolova []17, K. R. Khachaturova [18], G. A. Esenalieva [19], etc.)

Work in this field requires a teacher to have an appropriate set of competencies to perform a wide range of work functions reflected in the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08.09.2015 No. 613n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 24.09.2015 N 38994).  That is why high-quality training of the future teacher during the period of study at the university is crucial.

Research methodology

The empirical basis of the study was the results of processing the answers to the questionnaires of students and teachers of the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, as well as managers, teachers and methodologists of institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg.

The study was organized and conducted on the basis of the A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University in the period from May to September 2023. The following groups of subjects of the process of professional training of future teachers took part in the study:

· students of the 3rd-4th courses studying in the areas of training 44.03.01 Pedagogical education, who have passed various types of practices or have experience in institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg - 72 people.;

· teachers in the field of training 44.03.01 Pedagogical education – 12 students.;

· heads of institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg - 4 people.

· teachers and methodologists of institutions of additional education in St. Petersburg - 8 people.

Respondents were asked to answer questions related to clarifying the requirements for the results of training future teachers and the formation of competencies that are important for professional activity in additional education.


Research results and their discussion

Within the framework of this study, a comparative analysis of the labor functions described and disclosed in the professional standard and the competencies that should be formed in future teachers as a result of mastering the bachelor's degree program in the field of training "Pedagogical Education" was carried out (the content of competencies is presented in the methodological recommendations for training personnel in pedagogical bachelor's degree programs based on unified approaches to their structurere and content ("The Core of higher pedagogical education"), approved by the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on November 25, 2021) [19] (Table 1)

Table 1

Comparison of the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education" and the competencies reflected in the methodological recommendations for training personnel for pedagogical bachelor's degree programs based on unified approaches to their structure and content ("Core of Higher pedagogical education")


Generalized labor functions















Competencies of the FGOS in















OPK-3 PC-2

OPK-7 PC-2 PC-6

OPK-5 PC-8


















Thus, as a result of the conducted research, qualification deficits were identified within several labor functions for which the relevant competencies are not defined in the methodological recommendations:

·        Analysis of internal and external (environmental) conditions for the development of additional education in an organization engaged in educational activities

· Development of proposals for the development of additional education (direction of additional education) in the organization carrying out educational activities, and their submission to the management of the organization

· Formation of proposals to determine the list, content of additional educational programs, conditions for their implementation, promotion of additional education services, organization based on the study of the market of additional education services for children and adults

·        Coordination and control of the work of teaching staff and student associations in an organization engaged in educational activities

·        Advising students and their parents (legal representatives) on issues of professional orientation and self-determination (for teaching additional pre-professional programs)

·        Planning and organization, together with the methodologist, of methodical work and additional professional education according to advanced training programs for teaching staff of an organization engaged in educational activities

The identification of qualification deficits determines the need to update the content of educational modules, disciplines and practices of educational programs in the field of training "Pedagogical education" and to reflect as the results of training the advising knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the labor functions of a teacher of additional education for children and adults.

Thus, improving the process of professional training of future teachers requires the creation of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The first organizational and pedagogical condition is the updating of the content of pedagogical education in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" and based on the expert assessment of representatives of the professional community. During the analysis of the responses of the study participants, the priority expectations of representatives of UDOD and ODOD regarding the qualification characteristics of future teachers were established (Fig. 1)



Fig.1 expectations of representatives of HOOPOE and ODOD, regarding the qualification characteristics of future teachers


Among the main proposals, the improvement of the level of theoretical training, the expansion of practices and the development of the general culture of students were named. 

In order for students to remain competitive in the changing labor market, they must possess a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities in demand in the 21st century, the formation of which is responsible for the content of education. These skills are designed to help the future teacher keep up with the lightning pace of the modern world. 

Conventionally, all these skills can be divided into three categories:

· learning skills - teach students the mental processes necessary to adapt and improve the modern working environment;

· literacy skills - focus not only on the ability to read and write, but also on the ability to distinguish between facts, manage your finances and health, build communication and use information technology;

· life skills are intangible assets that focus on both personal and professional qualities.

In general, these categories cover all 12 21st century skills that contribute to success in a student's future career (Figure 2).

Fig.2 Skills of the 21st century

Category 1 - learning skills. 4K competencies are by far the most popular skills of the 21st century. These skills are also called learning skills. More and more teachers know about them, because they are universal for building any career. Perhaps critical thinking is the most important skill that allows you to search, analyze, interpret and analyze information. 

Creativity allows students to see the world in a different light, which leads to innovation. Collaboration or collaboration is perhaps the most difficult skill, which means that students must work together, reach compromises and get the best possible results when solving problems together. Finally, communication is the "glue" that unites all skills. It is very important for students to learn how to communicate, effectively expressing and interpreting thoughts.

Category 2 - literacy skills. This group of skills determines a person's ability to solve a wide range of life tasks. Information literacy is a fundamental skill. It helps students understand facts by separating them from fiction. The messages, images, information, and experiences we interact with every day through the media help shape our beliefs, attitudes, and values. Media literacy allows you to decode media messages, evaluate the impact of these messages on thoughts, feelings and behavior, as well as independently create media content.

Technological literacy includes the mastery of using digital devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets) to access the Internet to discover, create, view, evaluate and use information through various digital platforms.

These types of literacy are components of functional literacy, which allows people to function and thrive in modern society. In the course of this study, students were asked to answer questions related to understanding the content of the concept of "functional literacy", to rank its main components, as well as to conduct a self-assessment of readiness to form functional literacy in their future students.

According to the results of the survey, about 60% of students have some idea of functional literacy, 15% understand very well what it is and 25% are not familiar with such a concept.

Among the most important components of functional literacy identified by students, financial literacy leads with an overwhelming advantage - making informed financial decisions is more important today than ever.  The second place in the rating was taken by media literacy, which allows you to feel free and safe in the vastness of the media. Students considered critical thinking to be another important component, which allows them to search for the necessary information in various sources, analyze and evaluate its reliability, as well as justify and argue their point of view. Business/educational games, quizzes, quests and other interactive technologies were named among the most common useful techniques and ways of working that students have mastered in the learning process. At the same time, some students (about 30%) complained about the lack of focused attention on the methods of forming functional literacy. The students attributed reading literacy and creativity to the most developed components of functional literacy. According to the results of self-assessment on a 10-point scale, more than half of the respondents (57%) rated their own readiness to form functional literacy by 6 points, 5% of respondents by 8 points, and the remaining 38% by 4 points.

Category 3 - life skills. These skills relate primarily to personal life, but they also have an impact on professional activity. Flexibility is an expression of the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Flexibility is crucial for the long-term success of a future educator in his career. Knowing when to change, how to change, and how to respond to changes is a skill that will pay dividends for a lifetime. Leadership is the ability to set goals, the ability to captivate others and lead the team through the necessary steps to achieve results.  For future teachers, it is especially important not only to identify problems, but also to search for opportunities to solve them.  This is initiative, which can be viewed in the context of active actions, and not just thinking about the future. Along with initiative, 21st century skills require students to learn about productivity - the ability to complete work at the appropriate time. The overall goal of any professional - from an entry-level employee to a manager - is to do more in less time.

Knowing what skills and qualities are important for a teacher of additional education allows you to update the content of students' training, bringing it in line with modern requirements.

The second organizational and pedagogical condition is the organization of practice-oriented training and the use of various types of extracurricular activities. Practice-oriented learning involves the interaction of three subjects: a teacher, a student and a specialized organization.  This type of training is focused on specific professional practice, and involves the formation of a specific set of competencies for future teachers in the conditions of close cooperation between the university and institutions of additional education.

One of the models of the organization of practice-oriented training is the model of on-the-job training (Work-based learning (WBL) [4]. This model assumes a set of strategies (apprenticeship, mentoring, service training, practice), which are implemented by employers and universities in order to expand the educational and professional experience of students. Table 2 shows the skills that, according to the study participants, can be formed in future teachers through on-the-job training.

Table 2 Skills formed as part of on-the-job training


Learning outcomes

Collaboration and teamwork

Builds effective collaborative working relationships with colleagues and students; is able to work with different teams, making appropriate contributions; negotiates and manages conflicts; studies and works together with people representing different cultures, ages, genders, religions, lifestyles and points of view; uses technology to support cooperation.


Understands oral, written and visual information and instructions; listens effectively; observes non-verbal communication; clearly and effectively formulates and presents ideas and information both orally and in writing.

Creativity and innovation

Demonstrates originality and ingenuity in work; transmits new ideas to others; and integrates knowledge into various disciplines.

Critical thinking and problem solving

Demonstrates analytical thinking, makes judgments and explains perspectives based on evidence and previous conclusions, uses knowledge, facts and data to solve problems.

Information management

Searches for information, evaluates information on the quality of its content, reliability and relevance.


Takes the initiative and can work independently as needed; seeks means to solve problems; actively seeks new knowledge and skills; controls his own learning needs; learns from his mistakes.

Professionalism and ethics

Effectively manages time; is punctual; takes responsibility, sets priorities, brings tasks and projects to completion, demonstrates honesty and ethical behavior, acts responsibly taking into account the interests of other people.

Use of technology

Selects and uses appropriate technologies to perform tasks; applies technological skills to solve problems;


Practice-oriented training makes it possible for a pedagogical university to take into account the qualification requirements of future teachers imposed by organizations implementing additional education programs.

In addition to the educational process, extracurricular activities occupy an important place in the formation of the personality of the future teacher. Self–government, science, sports, creativity, organization of various events - are crucial in the development of skills necessary to perform work functions.  Figure 3 shows the main advantages that, according to the study participants, extracurricular activities provide students.

Fig. 3 Advantages of students' participation in extracurricular activities


The third organizational and pedagogical condition is the organization of social partnership as an effective mechanism for building interaction between graduating departments and educational organizations implementing additional education programs for children. Social partnership has a positive impact on the development of the educational process and training of personnel. The interaction of the university with the institution of additional education provides significant advantages and has practical significance for both sides [7-12]. Firstly, it gives an opportunity to students-teachers to get the most relevant and applied experience. Within the framework of such cooperation, they can undergo various types of practices in institutions of additional education, which will help them better understand the specifics of work in this field, as well as test the theoretical knowledge they have gained. Secondly, an important aspect is the possibility of constant updating of curricula and teaching methods. A pedagogical university can use the experience of the institution of additional education to improve the content of training courses and programs, making them more relevant and relevant to the requirements of the time. It should also be noted that such interaction contributes to improving the professional skills of teachers. The exchange of experience between the teachers of the university and the institution of additional education allows both parties to improve their skills and knowledge, which ultimately leads to an increase in the quality of education. An important result of such interaction is the introduction of innovations. Within the framework of partnership between pedagogical educational institutions and organizations of additional education, joint projects can be implemented aimed at the development and introduction of new technologies, methods and forms of work.

The fourth organizational and pedagogical condition is the availability of appropriate staffing for the implementation of the educational process. The implementation of this condition involves the involvement of highly qualified teaching staff, as well as representatives of the professional community to carry out professional training of future teachers in the context of the university's interaction with regional organizations of additional education for children.  The success of any education system depends on an effective teaching process, which, in turn, depends on the activities of the teachers themselves.  In order to identify the most significant characteristics of a teacher that ensure the effectiveness of his pedagogical activity, an additional survey was conducted within the framework of the study among students who are studying in the field of "Pedagogical Education". Among the characteristics that are especially appreciated by students were named:

· ability to set goals well: teachers should set goals for themselves and their students, as well as achieve them within a certain time frame (67%);

· clarity of presentation of the material: the ability to break down complex concepts and explain them so that students can understand them requires teachers to develop a high degree of communicative competence (82%);

· be a role model: a good teacher should set an example for his students. Students should see the teacher as a source of inspiration (57%).

· preparedness: teaching requires a lot of preparation. Knowledge of the content of the taught subject, as well as the availability of professional education in the profile of the taught disciplines is a fundamental factor ensuring the quality of the educational process (94%);

· development of curiosity and love of learning: students should not perceive academic tasks with curiosity and consider them opportunities for development; (41%)

· motivation - the teacher should act as a motivational force, creating a learning environment in which students are encouraged to think independently, express their thoughts and make decisions in various situations (53%);

· dedication and commitment to the profession - these two factors play a crucial role in shaping students' vision of the future (41%);

· values and professional ethics - they say that skills are less important in the absence of an appropriate value system (43%). Therefore, teachers should take responsibility for the formation of students' value orientations. 


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of high-quality training of students of pedagogical directions to work in the system of additional education, because they will form the education of the next generation. However, there are certain problems in this area that need to be solved in order to achieve maximum results.

The first thing to take into account is the updating of curricula. To train qualified specialists, it is necessary to use current and modern teaching methods, as well as to include new disciplines in the program that reflect the requirements and trends of the time.

Students of pedagogical directions should be given more opportunities for practical application of the acquired knowledge. This will help them better understand their purpose as future teachers and develop the necessary professional skills.

In addition, it is advisable to intensify extracurricular activities. This will contribute to a deeper understanding of the educational material and the development of independence. It is also important to pay attention to the moral and psychological training of future teachers.

Working with children requires not only knowledge, but also empathy, patience, and the ability to find an approach to each child. Therefore, in the learning process, attention should be focused on the development of appropriate qualities.

Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the system of continuous professional development of teachers. It is impossible to form the competencies of future teachers without continuous self-development and constant study of new techniques and approaches.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the quality of training of students of pedagogical directions is directly reflected at the level of the entire education. Therefore, solving the above problems should be a priority for all stakeholders.

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3. Zhuk, O. L. (2023). Task-based approach in training future teachers in the conditions of university education. Bulletin of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. Series 1. Pedagogy. Psychology, 3(117), 6-13.
4. Ichetovkina, N. M. (2022). Preparation of pedagogical university students for the activities of pedagogical team leaders in the context of the implementation of programs of the Russian schoolchildren movement. Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology, 3, 74-82.
5. Panfilova, A. P. (2023). How to teach learning in a new way: textbook. E. V. Egorova, A. P. Panfilova, M. S. Pasholikov [etc.] (Eds.). Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, Institute of Economics and Management. St. Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen.
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8. Official website of the State Budgetary Institution DO DDT “On the 9th Line”. Retrieved from http://ddtna9line.ru
9. Official website of the GBU DO DDT of the Kirov region of St. Petersburg. Retrieved from http://ddut.futures.ru
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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

As the subject of the study, as follows from the text of the article, the definition of deficit areas in the preparation of students of a pedagogical university for professional activity in additional education was chosen. The research methodology is presented as a description of the logic of the study, as well as the designation of the theoretical foundations for solving the problem of preparing pedagogical university students. The relevance of the problem under consideration is quite high, because in modern society, the solution of issues of training future generations is quite acute. Indeed, in the modern educational space, the role of additional education for children is becoming increasingly important, which is determined by the emergence of new needs and requests from society for the quality of training of pupils and students. Currently, according to available statistics, there is an increasing demand for teachers who have combined training in general education school subjects and opportunities to carry out pedagogical activities in institutions of additional education or in a situation of conducting general educational additional programs. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the situation of insufficient elaboration of the problems of additional education. In Russia, in recent years, additional education has become the subject of special research. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 26) officially introduced the term "additional education" for the first time, defined tasks, educational programs, institutions, but the Law does not define a ready-made model of the educational environment and pedagogical activity in the system of additional education. That is why one of the priorities has become the task of modernizing the content, forms and methods of teaching, creating a new system of organizational mechanisms for managing children's cognitive activity. The transition to a new learning system will require teaching staff to master active teaching methods that contribute to the development of students' cognitive potential.It is difficult to overestimate the importance of high-quality training of students of pedagogical fields to work in the system of additional education, because they will shape the education of the next generation. One of the directions of the Concept of the development of additional education is the development of the personnel potential of the system of additional education for children, which involves modernizing the requirements for the level of training of teachers in the field of additional education and certification of teaching staff based on a professional standard. However, there are certain problems in this area that need to be solved in order to achieve maximum results. The presented results of the conducted empirical research prove the assumptions made and the tasks set. The analysis of the obtained data is presented in quantitative and qualitative aspects with justification of the connection and significance of the obtained factual material. The style, structure and content of the article meet both the requirements of scientific research and the requirements of presenting factual and empirical material. The bibliography corresponds to the research topic and is a set of sources of various types, which present the content as a practice of additional education. so are the theoretical aspects of the consideration of the issues of the article. The materials proposed in the article are of undoubted interest in the aspect of considering the issues of teacher training in the system of additional education.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The object of research in the manuscript submitted for review is the preparation of students for work in additional education as a pedagogical process, while the subject is actually a set of aspects of the process being studied. The relevance of the topic of complementary education today is beyond doubt due to the active development and dissemination of ideas of lifelong education and individual educational trajectories and routes of personality. From a methodological point of view, the article has a pronounced practical character, the main and in fact the only research method is an experiment, in which the author is actually limited to the diagnostic stage, which, however, is enough to study the level of the article. Note, however, that there is a transition to formative work, so the synthesis method is used to substantiate the author's proposals for improving the described process. There is no theoretical part as such, as will be discussed below, the relevance of the study is formulated from a purely practical standpoint. In the practical part, special attention should be paid to the interpretation of the results and the justification of all the postulates and provisions put forward. The text is written in a language that fully complies with the norms of scientific style, the list of references meets the requirements and is reflected on the pages of the work. The work may be of interest to a very wide readership due to the fact that it actually covers general pedagogical issues with an organizational and methodological bias. All comments on this work are reduced to its only fundamental drawback, namely the lack of a theoretical part in the traditional scientific and analytical understanding of this structural component. All theoretical information boils down to a simple enumeration of authors who have researched similar topics, which is clearly not enough. In a study of this kind, it is expected to review the definitions, points of view, judgments of these authors, compare them with the points of view of the author of the article itself, or at least review the research vectors, the specific contribution of these authors to the study of the problem field. The paper does not disclose, from a theoretical point of view, the essential, substantive and structural characteristics of the process of preparing students for work in pre-school education at the level of demonstrating fundamentally significant and qualitatively new characteristics of this pedagogical process. It should be noted that the title is formulated in such a way that it is not possible to "extract" the subject of research in a scientific sense, indeed, in the work the author covers a very wide range of aspects of the pedagogical process, without concentrating on one. The work would also benefit if the author formulated any contradictions, difficulties, obstacles in the process under study, this would add to the problems of the manuscript. These remarks do not, however, negate the very high quality of the text, however, they distance it from the scientific genre, bringing it closer to the reporting and methodological genre. In general, taking into account the relevance, the general good execution of the text and the presence in modern journal practice of cases of publication of works of a methodological nature, this material can be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.