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Bazarov S.A., Kolobaev S.A. Acting Technique for Life and Stage in Terms of Developing Spontaneity and Internal Freedom

Abstract: The object of the research is the acting technique. The subject of the research is behavior spontaneity and internal freedom in the process of acting. The researchers touch upon the phenomenon of stereotypic reactions, standard models of action, behavior patterns as adaptive structures and possible effects of extending behavior patterns including flexible spontaneous forms of activity. The author also describes spontaneity-reservedness and internal freedom-restraint mechanisms and relations. The authors offer the best combination of acting and psychotechnic for encouraging spontaneity and internal freedom. In their research the authors have used the theoretical reconstruction methods, comparison, mental experiment, observation over drama students, expert reports of drama teachers, and control over summary and conclusion accuracy. The main conclusions of the research are the provisions relevant to the research topic, in particular, the statement is that acting and drama allow to go beyond the borders of the theatre and make a diverse influence on one's personality. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes particular innovative aspects of acting such accumulation of motional physical experience in acting, extension of behavior patterns and domination of visual images over real images. Thus, acting becomes a behavior regulator providing one's personality with new tools to develop his or her own positions and views. 


communication skills, urban studies, psychophysical training, shyness, motional experience, psychotechnics, internal freedom, spontaneity, stage education, acting

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