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Philology: scientific researches

Aristova L.Yu. The Experience in the Written Reproduction of Sloven Literature at its Milestones

Abstract: The master's thesis of a famous Slavic scholar Victor Grigorovich devoted to the literary process of Slavic ethnoses is interesting not only as a masterpiece of the Russian Slavic science but also profound cultural research. The thesis became a subject of intense disputes between Victor Grigorovich and an anonymous reviewer from St. Petersburg who then turned out to be Pyotr Preys. In his review Preys agreed with Grigorovich' philosophical ideas about the role of Slavic nations in the history and importance of Christianity for the destiny of Slavic ethnoses. In her article Aristova analyzes the main stages of their intense polemics, and philosophical, historical and cultural aspects of their polemics as those reflected different views on the essence and overall cultural orientation of the Slavic literary process as they were expressed by two famous Slavic scholars of the 19th century, Victor Grigorovich and Pyotr Preys. Having analyzed the main stages and nature of disputes evolving around Victor Grigorovich' thesis, the author of the article describes the initial period in the development of Russian Slavic studies, as she defines it. Thus, at the dawn of its development, Russian Slavic studies applied culturological but not narrow philological research methods and included comprehensive studies of religion, mentality and culture of Slavic nations. 


slavonica (Slavic literature), cultural reciprocity, Slavic antiquities, ethnography, ethnology, cultural studies, Slavic studies, Preys, Grigorovich

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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