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Administrative and municipal law

Kanunnikova N.G. The problems of classification of administrative-legal relations

Abstract: The article considers some issues, related to theoretical views on the problems of classification of administrative-legal relations and demonstrates the characteristic of various approaches of scholars, studying the problems of administrative law. The topicality of this issue is determined by the importance of the legal institution under consideration, since the mobility of administrative-legal relations determines their numerical composition, that allows speaking about a more comprehensive study and search for the new scientific approaches to the classification of these relations, developed by the administrative law science, which hasn’t been studied sufficiently enough. The research object is social relations, regulated by the administrative law science; the research subject includes the theoretical approach to the definition of classifications of social-legal relations. Based on the provisions of the general dialectical method of cognition and the system, structural-functional, scientific-analytical methods and comparative analysis, the author offers her own vision of the new classificatory features of administrative and legal relations from the position of the scientific character, analysis, comparison and logic. The author introduces the new type of administrative-legal relations, based on the behavioral factor of a participant of relations (objective and subjective legal relations), conditioned by legal and illegal actions: legal actions include objective legal relations, illegal actions include subjective legal relations. 


subjective legal relations, objective legal relations, illegal behavior, legal behavior, scholars in the field of administrative law, multiplicity, classification, type, administrative-legal relations, administrative law

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