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Loginova E.V., Miretskiy I.Yu., Popov P.V. The role of infrastructure factors in ensuring the economic growth

Abstract: The object of this research is the infrastructure factors, which in their interaction with the resource and institutional factors determine the circumstances and opportunities for the economic growth. The subject of this research is the economic connections emerging in the process of realization of the innovation potential of infrastructure factors that create conditions for economic growth in modern Russia. Based on analysis of the resource, institutional, and infrastructure factors of economic development, the authors give characteristic to their functional in ensuring the economic growth, as well as explain the necessity of the prioritized development of the infrastructure factors, among which special role belongs to the development of logistics infrastructure with high innovation potential. The scientific novelty consist in theoretical substantiation of the mechanism of interaction between the resource, institutional, and infrastructure factors in ensuring the economic growth in modern Russia. Based on the analysis of innovation activity of the branches of local manufacturing and service industries justifies the need for prioritized development of logistics infrastructure, which considering its role in the innovation process, is capable of performing the function of the driver of economic growth. The level of impact of the logistics infrastructure upon the economic growth is also explained by means of realization of the binary approach towards establishment of the model of economic growth of innovation type, which is based on interaction between the innovative and non-innovative elements within the structure of socioeconomic system. The implementation of this model allows forming the forecasting calculation of the economic growth rates, determine the necessary for the economic growth structure of economy, as well as reveal the level of impact of the logistics infrastructure upon the economic growth.


functions of the nfrastructure factors, resulting factors, infrastructure factors, institutional factors, resource factors, economic growth rates, market infrastructure, crisis instability, economic growth, drivers of economic growth

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