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Software systems and computational methods

Menshchikov A.A., Komarova A.V., Gatchin Yu.A., Polev A.V. Development of a system for automatic categorization of web-page

Abstract: This article reviews the problems of automatic processing of web content. Since the speed of obsolescence of information in the global network is very high, the problem of prompt extraction of the necessary data from the Internet becomes more urgent. The research focuses on the web resources that contain text, unadapted to the automated processing. The subject of the research is a set of software and methods. A particular attention is paid to the categorization of ads placed on specialized websites. The authors also review practical aspects of the development of a universal architecture of information-gathering systems. The following methods were used during this study: analytical review of the main principles of development of systems of automated information gathering and analysis of natural languages. For obtaining practice-oriented methods of synthesis and analysis results were used. A special contribution of the authors of the study is in developing an automated system for collecting, processing and classification of the information contained on the web-site. The novelty of the research is to use a new approach to solve this problem by taking into account the semantics and structure characteristic for specific sites. The main conclusions of the study are the applicability and effectiveness of the classification method for solving this problem.


machine learning, web robots, information collection, classification system, web-sites categorization, text analisis, parsing, data processing, crawling, big data

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