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Software systems and computational methods

Ivanov S.E., Khlopotov M.V., Ivanova L.N. Building the office security system based on Z-Wave network

Abstract: The subject of this study is a comprehensive office security system based on Z-Wave network. The authors design a comprehensive system for office monitoring based on the Z-Wave network with mobile control feature. Office security is based on a comprehensive system of monitoring and controlling equipment, devices, condition sensors, fire alarm. The designed integrated security system includes the management and control of the major office facilities: the status of the fire alarm sensors, state of basic electrical devices and the status of the mechanisms of locks of doors and windows. The authors present JavaScript-based functions for running the control and management of the office security system. A method of managing complex security system through the mobile device with the Android operating system is suggested. The paper contains basic commands to control devices in the Z-Wave network. The designed complex security system significantly increases the level of security and allows to continuously monitor the appropriate device via the mobile app. The authors show technologies and the equipment necessary for the construction of an office complex security system. Low cost of building this security system allows to widely use it in all areas of business.


controllers, mobile app, mobile device, sensors, Android, control, office equipment, Z-Wave radio protocol, security system, Z-Wave network

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