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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Kulagina N.V. Gender stereotyping and professional segregation as psychological determinants of interpersonal gender conflicts

Abstract: This article raises the issue of interpersonal gender conflict between working men and women. The author voices their understanding that one of the main sources of this conflict is gender stereotyping and gender segregation on the labour market. This work offers an overview of modern research that confirms the relevance of the issue at hand. Basing on literary analysis the author shows the negative effects of gender stereotypes on professional self-realization of both men and women, especially those employed in a non-polytypical professional area. The author uses theoretical methods of research - analysis and systematization of data presented in scientific literature on the topic. The determining role of gender segregation and gender stereotyping in professional areas is shown from the viewpoint of working men and women forming an interpersonal gender conflict. Thus, it is shown that gender stereotypes on professional areas clash with individual gender traits of a person. The author provides several recommendations for correcting gender role conflicts.


feminity, role expectations, polytypical professional area, gender-role differentiation, masculinity, gender stereotypes, gender discrimination, gender segregation, interpersinal gender conflict, gender self-evaluation

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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