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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Kuanalieva G.A., Zheksenov D. Some problems of economic crimes according to the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Abstract: The paper is devoted to criminal offences in the economic sphere, stipulated in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors emphasize the fact that economic crimes are considered as an object of criminal law, forensic science and criminal proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Economic relations are the fundamental element of the existence of any state and society, and, consequently, the negative actions against them can influence the established regime of functioning and hamper their further development. The research methodology is based on dialectics, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, deduction, the formal-legal, comparative-legal and statistical methods and the method of intersectoral legal studies. The fact that all the considered crimes are similar in their key principles from the position of the formation of traces, the range and the character of the carriers and the sources of forensic information, is very important for detection and solution of these crimes. This similarity is determined, first of all, by the logical connection of these crimes with economic activity and its fundamental patterns. 


Criminalistics, Financial security, prohibition, Offences, Economic crimes, Criminal, Crime, Criminal Code, Economics, Competition

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1. Komitet po pravovoy statistike i spetsial'nym uchetam General'noy prokuratury Respubliki Kazakhstan /