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Administrative and municipal law

Kanunnikova N.G. Theoretical aspects of defining the set of elements of an administrative offence

Abstract: The article considers some issues of theoretical views on certain definitions of the set of elements of an administrative offence; demonstrates the characteristic of various approaches of scholars, dealing with the problems of administrative tort law. The topicality of this issue is conditioned by the importance of this legal institution, since it promotes the correct qualification of the deed and the effective application of administrative punishment, improves the legal culture of the population. The research object is social relations, regulating the administrative responsibility institution; the research subject is the theoretical approaches to the definition of the set of elements of an administrative offence as a basis for administrative responsibility. Based on the provisions of the general dialectical method, and using the system, structural-functional, analytical and comparative methods, the author offers her own interpretation of the definition of the set of elements of an administrative offence. The author suggests to understand the set of elements of an administrative offence as the set of legal features, which help characterize the deed, the circumstances, the damage, the person who had committed the offence, and the relation of this person to the committed deed. 


damage, administrative punishment, administrative jurisdiction, legislation, features, legal analysis, notion, composition, administrative law, administrative offence

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