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Philology: scientific researches

Lobachevskaya E.T., Khayrutdinov R. Interview of Ruslan Khayrutdinov with the Widow of Valery Zalotukha Elena Lobachevskaya

Abstract: The article tells us about the creative life of a famous Russian author and scriptwriter Valery Zalotukha (1954 - 2015). In his creative writing Valery Zalotukha raised nettlesome social issues. Our newsperson had a meeting with Elena Lobachevskaya in order to discuss the creative life of a famous writer and outline unquestionable achievements of his writings including his novel 'The Candle' and his script for the film 'A Moslem'. 'A Moslem' was an important film at the time of its creation and it still remains important today. The psychological conflict in the film was caused by the fact that a Russian soldier who had been captured by Muslims came back to his home village. The values he adopted were startingly contradictory to the village traditions of excessive drinking and blunt and cruel behavior. In his conversation Khayrutinov used such elements of the genre as an interview. The main ideas of existential philosophy, in particular, Viktor Frankl's views were touched upon by the interlocutors. For the first time in the Russian academic sources the history of writing the novel 'The Candle' is presented. The interlocutors also discussed how the idea of the script 'A Moslem' was created which had a documentary basis. Valery Zolotukha saw the TV news telling about the soldier who became a Muslim coming back home to his mother. The interlocutors also discussed the origin of the documentary film 'The Angel of the Russian Church Versus the Father of All Nations'. The idea of the film is closely connected with the words from Alexander Pushkin's 'Boris Godunov' when the tzar asks a fool for Christ to pray for him and the fool answers 'I can't pray for Herod'. The interlocutors also gave their evaluation of the movie 'The Priests'. Moreover, they touched upon the topics Valery Zalotukha was concerned about but unfortunately had no time to reveal. 


characters, theory of the life meaning, Viktor Frankl, ideology, power, Islam, creativity, cinematography, politics, literature

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Zalotukha V.A. Svechka: v 2 t. T. 1: roman v 4 chastyakh s prilozheniyami i epilogom. M.: Vremya, 2015. 832 s.
2. Zalotukha V.A. Makarov: povesti. M.: Tekst, 2000. 315 s.
3. Zalotukha V.A. Otets moy shakhter. Izbrannoe. M.: Vremya, 2016. 864 s.
4. Zalotukha V.A. Velikiy pokhod za osvobozhdenie Indii: roman. M.: Eksmo, 2006. 288 s.
5. Zalotukha V.A. Svechka: v 2 t. T. 2: roman v 4 chastyakh s prilozheniyami i epilogom. M.: Vremya, 2015. 864 s