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Software systems and computational methods

Dobrynin A.S., Koynov R.S., Purgina M.V. The principle of open management in rating systems

Abstract: Achieving the objective conditions of functioning institutions, socio-economic systems it is inextricably linked to improving the efficiency of the work of individual artists. The most important role is occupied by the complex questions of assessment activities, the rational choice of metrics. In other words, any evaluation system must implement a certain paradigm of the process approach - effective management is possible only if quality measurements. Initially, any rating system should provide some degree of freedom, which allows you to quickly adapt to changing operating conditions.The article examines the creation of rating systems based on the principle of an open (agreed) management . Architecture of the system variable, focused on the use of agile software development , in which the major subsystems interact with each other through interfaces . The basic idea is to use a two-stage approval procedures and metrics objects activity in each period of the system. On the one hand, this approach allows you to refine and specify the metric used on the new range planning based on previous experience. On the other hand, in the control loop feedback appears to the actual perpetrators of that form applications centered, tailored to their needs, wishes and preferences. The system evolves with each new stage of its activity, new elements are introduced and the conditions that allow to actualize the past experience, the new range planning. Thus, the artists performed directly involved in the formation of corrective actions.The purpose of using open controls in the rating systems is to create the architecture of changing the system , where the main participants are motivated to make changes. The changes are necessary because the human, social and economic groups are on the move and constantly evolving.


management teams, multi-level system, evaluation, open management principle, the agreed principle of management, the working efficiency, rating system, multiagent organizational systems, active systems, organizational systems

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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