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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Shchelokov K.S. Human as a Multidimensional System

Abstract: There are two tendencies in today's understanding of human. On one hand, the post-modernist version of 'human death' is still popular. Its followers generally doubt the need of the integral study of human as a living creature with a special place in nature. Post-modernists interpret any community as a display of violence and deception. Thus, they also doubt the unity of human as a multidimensional system. The purpose of the previous philosophical school to create an integral anthropological picture becomes irrelevant. Philosophical anthropology is oriented at perceiving reality with all its unique complexity. This tendency is impossible without meanings related to the integral understanding of human. The author of the present article bases his research on the methods of philosophical anthropological reasoning, techniques of historical and philosophical reconstruction and methodology of notional analysis. The author of the article insists on returning to the traditional goals of philosophical anthropology. Discovery of the historicity of human in various cultural environments allows to return to the analysis of sociobiological concepts. According to the author, human is not only the 'charm of the trivial'. Philosophical understanding of human cannot be limited only to the study of his or her self-awareness, typical emotional states and everyday culture. 


species, perception, historicity, reductionism, integrity, human nature, psychology, empiricism, person, personality

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