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Culture and Art

Pron'kina A.V. The Systems Approach to Understanding the Essence of Mass Culture. Part 1

Abstract: The subject of this article is the possibility and objectivity of the systems approach applied to the identification of the ontological essence of the phenomenon of mass culture that is understood by the author primarily as a form of the historical development of fundamental culture, systemic modification of the whole fixing the way to connect its separate structures with each other as well as the coherence of cultural systems depending on their functions and purposes in the movement of culture across space and time taking into account the relationship with other systems (people, society, nature). In this regard, the main scientific and theoretical basis of the article includes cultural and philosophic views of the famous Russian scientist M.S. Kagan expressed in his fundamental work "Philosophy of Culture" (1996). Noteworthy that activity grounds of culture relate to its iconic apperception and all of its space relates to the global semantic structure of subjects, objects, outcomes, processes, institutions that are also in one way or another reflected in a significant number of researches (for example, the interpretation of culture by E.A. Baller, V.P. Vizgin, V.E. Davidovich, Yu.À. Zhdanov, V.J. Kelle, Yu.M. Lotman, M.K. Mamardashvili, E.S. Markarian, A.A. Pilipenko, I.G. Yakovenko, etc.). This creates a syncretical research organum designated not just to identify the fact of culture itself but also to reveal the structural semantic grounds that define its multi-dimensional existences. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that on the basis of the unity of the world of culture, the author attempts her own gnoseological construction and logical analysis, in particular, develops the model of culture, defines algorithms of its actions from the standpoint of the production of cultural values within three components of the system (institutional, procedural, and productive), and describes the specificity of cultural consumption as a way of desobjectivation of cultural "goods" expressed in cultural patterns and artifacts. 


components of culture, cultural consumption, cultural production, theory of culture, culture and cultures, forms of culture, system of culture, systems approach, mass culture, culture

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