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Philology: scientific researches

Bedzir R.V., Alimuradov O.A., Razduev A.V. Modern Professional Police Jargon in the English, Russian and Ukrainian Languages: Structural-Semantic Characterization and Some Interlanguage Correlations

Abstract: The article reveals some structural-semantic peculiarities of the professional jargonisms frequently used by police officers. The analysis is carried out based on the material of the English, Russian and Ukrainian jargonisms extracted by the method of continuous selection from different printed and Internet sources. The thesis is substantiated that the use of professional jargonisms in the Russian legislature is conditioned by different external and internal factors. It is the sphere of juridical communication where the problem of the artificial substitution of terminological units, terminology by slang and jargon especially sharply arises. A complex method of the research has been used during the research, it includes the methods of contextual analysis, component analysis of the morphological structure of jargonisms, reconstruction of word-formative models of the lexical units in question, and quantitative processing of data. Some common and distinctive structural, morphological and word-formative peculiarities of lexical units of this class are singled out as a result of the comparative analysis of the juridical jargon in the English, Russian and Ukrainian languages. It is determined that in terms of their structure one- and two-component juridical jargonisms prevail. A large amount of multicomponent jargon units has some characteristics of phraseological units.


semantic model, translation conformity, translation equivalent, terminological system, term, thematic group, juridical jargon, jargonism, jargon, metaphor

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