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Administrative and municipal law

Safonenkov P.N. Of regularities of functioning and development of administrative coercion applied by the customs authorities

Abstract: The subject of this study includes the patterns of functioning and historical development of administrative coercion in the sphere of customs relations. The author notes that the patterns of historical development of administrative coercion, applied by customs authorities, are related to the general trends of development of the law and legislation regulating the use of administrative coercion in general and in the sphere of customs affairs in particular. Among these trends, one of the most important is the legislative priority as a means of effective provision of the state policy in the sphere of a rule-of-law state construction, the protection of individual rights and freedoms.The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition (comparative-historical, formal-logical, analytical, the method of unity of historical and logical, and others.).The author comes to the conclusion that the understanding of logic and patterns of historical development of administrative coercion, applied by customs authorities, is of a great importance for the understanding of the fundamentals and prospects of development of customs administration in this sphere of activity. The development of the institution of administrative coercion by customs authorities is in conjunction with the historical development of customs affairs and other legal institutions.


legislative priority, system, trend, pattern, development, customs authorities, administrative coercion, law, genesis, evolution

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