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Administrative and municipal law

Zanko T.A. Analysis of changes in the system and structure of federal executive authorities (2004 – 2016)

Abstract: The article covers the transformations of the system and structure of federal executive authorities that occurred during the period of 2004 - 2016; such an analysis provides an opportunity to study the forms, intensity and frequency of the changes and to identify their common characteristics. In general, during this period 53 decrees of the President of the Russian Federation had been adopted, which in different ways modify the system and structure of executive power. Based on this figure, the author concludes that every 90 days the structure of federal executive bodies changes: executive bodies are created, abolished, merged, transformed, renamed, or change their jurisdiction.The study is based on the formal-legal, structural-functional, comparative-legal and historical methods which provide for a comprehensive study of changes of the system and structure of federal executive authorities. The result of the analysis shows that the modern structure of federal bodies of executive power is characterized by a rather high dynamics of changes. The analysis of quantitative changes in the structure of federal executive bodies allows focusing on the improvement of legal support of the most widely used forms of transformations of the structure of federal authorities.


Executive authorities, Government, State committee, Service, Agency, Ministry, Administrative reform, Transformation, Reorganization, Legal regulation

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Zanko T.A. Nesozdannye ministerstva // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2015. № 5(97). S. 61-63.
2. Zanko T.A. Podkhody k klassifikatsii organov ispolnitel'noy vlasti // Pravo i politika. 2015. № 10. S. 1479-1484.
3. Zanko T.A. Formy reorganizatsii v sisteme i strukture federal'nykh organov ispolnitel'noy vlasti // Pravo i politika. 2015. № 9. S. 1239-1244.