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Administrative and municipal law

Veretentseva I.V Theoretical and legal aspects of administrative and jurisdictional activity of customs authorities in relation to the intellectual property right protection

Abstract: The article studies theoretic and legal aspects of administrative and jurisdictional activity of customs authorities of the Russian Federation in the sphere of intellectual property right protection. So far, the administrative law and procedure theory has considered only particular aspects of administrative jurisdiction of customs authorities; administrative and jurisdictional activities of customs authorities in the sphere of intellectual property right protection haven’t been analyzed comprehensively enough. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to define the essence of the concept of administrative and jurisdictional activities of customs authorities in the sphere of intellectual property right protection, its subjects and principles. The research methodology is based on general scientific and specific research methods including the dialectical method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, the system method and the formal-legal method. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the author defines the concept of administrative and jurisdictional activity of customs authorities in the sphere of intellectual property right protection, analyzes the system of its subjects and the principles of activity.


customs authorities, administrative and jurisdictional activity, intellectual property, administrative jurisdiction, intellectual property objects, customs, protection of rights, Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, administrative law, administrative procedure.

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