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Police activity

Nesterov S.V. On the issue of forms of participation in crimes against public safety

Abstract: The problem of forms of criminal participation is one of the most difficult and disputable. One of the main features, helping identify the form of criminal participation, is the level of uniformity of action of accomplices in preparing and committing the crime. The research subject is the set of objective and subjective features of criminal participation, characterizing the simultaneity of actions of accomplices, reflecting the level of uniformity of their actions in preparing and committing the crime and the level of public danger of the crime. The author applies the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition of the socio-legal reality. To formulate the correct conclusions about the forms of participation in crimes against public order, the author develops the proposals about amending the legislation with the required terminology. The author develops the terms of public danger, criminal participation and forms of criminal participation, criminal and terrorist group and a killing organizer as one of the accomplices. The author offers the ways of the legislation improvement which will promote the prevention of crimes against public safety committed in accompliceship. 


criminal group, public safety, criminal law, crime, accompliceship classification, form of participation, criminal participation, terrorist group, legislation adjustment, law and order

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