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Taxes and Taxation

Grundel L.P. Evaluation of Multifactor Impact on the Choice of the Excise Tax System

Abstract: The subject of the study is to assess the impact on the choice of the excise taxation of tobacco products system. The object of the study are the factors that influence the choice of the excise tax system. It is proved that the choice of the excise rate depends on characteristics of the goods: a) the production of goods is carried out by several companies that are relatively easier process control and collection of the state tax; b) the demand for this product is relatively inelastic - tobacco users are addicted to this product, and therefore not susceptible to price changes; c) the product is a commodity of prime necessity, and d) negative externality of consumption goods.In this paper, using econometric and statistical methods studied acting tax administrations of foreign countries' legislation with regard to the excise tax, and it is proved that the specific excise duties entail lower tax burden on the brand premium compared to cheaper brands. Since the specific excise duties do not depend on changes in the price, they provide a steady stream of revenue to the state budget. Ad valorem excise taxes provide the same tax burden for brands in all price categories. Proceeds from the ad valorem excise duties depends on the price and can change over time depending on the behavior of consumers and producers. It is proved that the levels of excise taxes and cigarette prices tend to be higher in countries applying specific or mixed taxation system, which relies largely on the specific component. Prices of cigarettes higher in countries that rely more heavily on specific excise duties. Levels of tax and lower prices by using hybrid systems, based largely on the ad valorem excise duty, and even lower in those countries that use pure ad valorem system. Noteworthy that the lowest level of prices is noted in countries which do not levy excise duties. It is also clarified that country, is charged exclusively specific excise duty on cigarettes or relying more heavily on specific components of the mixed system of taxation, have the highest average taxes and cigarette prices, and those who charge only ad valorem excise or rely more on the ad valorem component of the mixed system of taxation. They have the lowest taxes and prices.


ad valorem excise duty, specific excise duty, excise tax system, fiscal stability, taxation, system of taxation, tobacco products, excise, tax policy, tax administration

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