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Culture and Art
Danilova O.V. (2016). Performances of the 'Zingaro' Theatre as the Initiation with the Archaic Origins of Being. Culture and Art, 3, 360–372.
Danilova O.V. Performances of the 'Zingaro' Theatre as the Initiation with the Archaic Origins of BeingAbstract: The main subject of the present research is the human ability to appeal to unconsciousness by means of creating action-plastic stage settings that allow the stage director to evoke necessary associations in the minds of the audience. These images are capable of changing the static character of one's world view of the reality into artistic action and image-bearing associations. According to the author of the article, the spiritual and philosophical basis of the theatricable way of thinking introduced by Clement Marty and his team of actors is a peculiar transformation of the reality of being into the sacral mysteric action. There is no personality in principle there. However, it is not a depersonalization. It is more likely to be a generalized archetypical image expressed intuitively. Unconscious displays of these images are a sublimate integration of the artistic imaginative vision into plastic action revealed in the original theatricable form. The article deals with artistic and aesthetic features of performances staged by the French equestrian theater 'Zingaro' of Bartabas. The author of the present article focuses on the analytical interpretation of the works of theatrical art created by Clement Marty (Bartabas) through the prism of anthropomorphism of the audiovisual, philosophical and psychological perception of the human cultural and historical experience initiated by the most noble animal, the Horse. In the course of her research Danilova has ued the systems approach, analysis and generalization. The new form of the metaphoric active-plastic expression established by the proper background music and lighting allows to convey information at the non-verbal level. This staging technique used at the plastic theatre allows to evoke certain emotion-and-action audiovisualization of unconscious images and fulfill the director's intention in a non-trivial way. Keywords: art, mystery, tempo-rhythmic pattern of the role, symbol-mask, active-plastic philosophy of Being, creative anthropomorphism, clip thinking, artistic action and image-bearing associations, demonstration and performance skills, horse
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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