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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Peremolotova L.Yu. Improvement of measures preventing escapes from places of confinement

Abstract: The basis of measures preventing escapes from places of confinement is the continuous and systematic work of all penitentiary units aimed at detection and elimination of the reasons, conditions, and factors encouraging escapes. For the purpose of choosing the optimal measures and methods of treatment of the convicts and defining the strategically important directions of this activity, it is necessary to carry out coordinated activities including analysis, prognostication, planning, organization, and control in the sphere under consideration. To achieve the research objectives the author applies general scientific and specific methods of analysis, synthesis, the structural-logical method, statistical, and other methods of scientific cognition. When implementing the measures preventing escapes from penitentiary institutions, it is necessary to pay special attention to the dynamics of qualitative and quantitative structure of the convicted; to ensuring isolation, supervision and security; to accommodation of the persons in correction facilities, their employment, living conditions and medical maintenance. Only a well-organized cooperation of the staff of all penitentiary units will help to reveal the reasons, conditions, and factors encouraging escapes from places of confinement. 


staff, convicted, places of confinement, the escape, exclusion, measures, prevention, avoidance, profile, crime condition

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