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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Suetin T.A. Many Faces of Reality

Abstract: The subject of the research is the views on reality from the point of view of human and society. The researcher views the reality not as a constant of the objective surrroundings of human but a reasonable union of the psychic and material layers of the reality. This evokes discussions about the quantum paradigm in humanities as well as possibility to use the quantum paradigm in life of every individual based on the example of the virtual world. Suetin also considers construction of the reality by society and social patterns of the reality and their influence on human world perception. The research of the world views and numerous faces of reality is based on the theoretical philosophical concepts of natural science, philosophy of postmodernism, psychoanalysis and transpersonal psychology. The key moment of the research is the uncertainty of reality as it is and isolated connection between the psychic and material worlds. Noteworthy that the author pays attention to the problems of modern society and explain msot of them as a result of the substitution of the real content with illusions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author interprets the initial reality as the basic of true existence numerous forms of social and anthropological reality are based on. 


quantum paradigm, simulacrum, society, mind, consciousness, vitruality, psychology, reality, integrality, transcendence

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