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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Khauer-Tyukarkina O.M. Cultural foreign policies of Federal Republic of Germany as a tool of forming a positive political image of a state

Abstract: The subject of this article is the cultural foreign policy of modern Germany that became a key traditional tool for the forming of a positive image of the state in terms of foreign policy. The author examines the major vectors of German cultural foreign politics, outlines key platforms and strategies that allow to enhance the competitiveness of the actor's political image, defines the aims and goals of modern cultural foreign policy of Germany. The article analyzes the historical development of cultural politics of Germany, describes the key stages of German's Kulturpolitik's evolution that became the basis of German's post World War II political image. The methodology of this work includes historic method, and the method of political analysis. The empirical basis employed by the author includes the data on modern strategies of German Ministry of Foreign Politics in cultural policies. The novelty of this work is the analysis of transformations of cultural policies of Germany, starting at the first decades of the XXth century to the present day. The article provides a survey of the main cultural programs aimed to improve the image of Germany which suffered significant damage after World War II.


foreign policy of the state, image of the State, Federal Republic of Germany, Germany, Soft power, The image of Germany, Image strategy, Cultural policies, cultural diplomacy, image

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