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Rozin V.M. Nuances of the modern robotics

Abstract: This article explores the nuances of the modern robotics, as well as the cause for the current boom in this area. The author determines and characterizes two directions in development of robotics: in one, which leans on the old concept of robotics, the developers attempt to imitate animals or people; in the other – the concept of robotics leans on the programming, environment perceptions, and understanding of modern technology. A discussion is held on why the robotics was created fairly late, as well as the situation (the zone of nearest technological development), in which robotics has been established. The article analyzes the capabilities of modern robotics as well as some issues related to its development. As a result, the author was able to characterize peculiarities of modern robotics and the situation in which it emerged. The author defines and describes two directions of development of robotics: one is oriented towards the anthropological ideals; the other – towards the ideas of programming, modern technology, organization of special environment representing natural formations, life and nuances of which we have yet to fully understand.


Robot, Robotics, Technology, Product, Development, Programming, Environment, Network, System, Autonomy

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