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International relations

Bocharnikov I.V. On the Eurasian geopolitical strategy of Russia

Abstract: The article explains the prospects of the Eurasian geopolitical vector of Russian development.It is largely determined, on the one hand, by the traditionally hostile attitude of the leading European countries towards Russia. Over a long historical practice, the Russia's potential had been used to ensure the security of European countries; at the same time, these countries pursued the policy of weakening of Russia, and imposing the maximum damage on it, including its involvement in wars and armed conflicts. A similar kind of policy is carried out in relation to the Russian Federation by the United States and its European (NATO) allies. It demonstrates the futility of efforts to build mutually beneficial relations with European countries and the United States as a result of the reluctance on the part of the latter.The methodological basis of the research is the system, structural and functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.Taking into account that Russia is a Eurasian state, it is necessary the use this circumstance for its effective development.The author of the paper defines the most promising directions of the Eurasian vector of Russian development and the preconditions of its formation, establishment, and practical implementation. 


geopolitics, Russia, world policy, US foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, color revolutions

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