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Financial Law and Management

Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Finance Facility for Increasing Competence of the Corporate Staff by Means of Additional Training

Abstract: The subject of the present article is the methodological aspects of the staff competence as well as the structure of the multichannel finance facility for increasing the corporate staff competence. The object of the research is the multichannel finance facility for increasing the competence of the corporate staff as part of the policy aimed at creating and implementing the best available technologies to increase the quality of the higher professional education. To achieve this purpose, the authors have solved the following tasks: - set the task to increase the staff competence by applying the concept of creation and implementation of the best available technologies for increasing the quality of education; - studied the contents and peculiarities of the development and implementation of the strategy of increasing the corporate staff competence; developed the finance facility and analyzes structural elements of the multichannel finance facility for increasing the staff competence. The research methods used by the author of the article include synthesis and analysis, comparative analysis, logical analysis, financial analysis and forecasting, stochastic analysis and financial studies. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors develop the facility for increasing the corporate staff competence, study the goal to increase the staff competence within the framework of the concept of the best available technologies of education and maintenance of a required quality of the staff training and discuss the definition, contents, structure of the strategy for increasing the quality of education as well as study the methodological aspects of the development of the multichannel finance facility of additional training of the corporate staff including the insurance mechanism of such financing of increasing the corporate staff competence. 


employer, quality, education, technology, strategy, competence, mechanism, finances, staff, insurance

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