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National Security

Popova L.L. The issues of ensuring regional security in the era of globalization: experience of the Latin American states

Abstract: The subject of this research is the challenges in the sphere of national and regional security that are faced by the Latin American countries in the globalizing world. Among such challenges are the transnational crime, drug trade, and terrorism. The first part of the article analyzes the evolutional process of the doctrines of regional security in Latin America; the second part is dedicated to the issues of counteraction against the transnational security threats, as well as to the international cooperation in the area of security within the Western hemisphere. Special attention is given to the analysis of the causes and consequences of activation of the drug trade in Latin America. Scientific novelty consists in the complex examination of the destabilization factors of the Latin America systems of national security. The author concludes that currently a real threat to the countries of Latin America is the crisis of public safety associated with criminalization and narcotization of the society, and partial occupancy by the criminal communities of the government functions. The author underlines that today the countries of Latin America did not develop a unified effective strategy on counteracting this phenomena.


regional security, transnational crime, terrorism, globalization, integrative security, regional integration, drug trafficking, criminalization, public safety, national security, regional security, national security, transnational crime, terrorism, globalization, integrated security, regional integration, drug trafficking, criminalization, public security

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